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1.7k · Jul 2014
Ignite Me
Yasmine Jul 2014
Pouring rain and thunder clouds
Roiling over and shooting lightning
Racing hearts as chaos pounds
Your feel and touch intoxicating
Crackling power and moving lips
Pressing hard and we're pulling closer
Yearning bodies and sliding hips
High off you I'm an overdoser
Electric eyes and wicked grin
You know I can't resist this sin
Our burning skin and heated blood
Power and passion come in floods
Set me to Fire upon your gaze
Live in paradise for all my days
Breathe me to Life with your lips
Heart dancing and doing flips
Turn me to Infinite with your love
To be eternal with worlds above
So kiss me hard while it pouring rains
Just how I like to be
Electric euphoria in my veins
Ignite Me
Inspiration from passion
1.2k · Aug 2014
Worlds Apart
Yasmine Aug 2014
And here we are
Bound by time
            And         beating        hearts
For that single instant
                      we collide
            Like stars and comets
In override
We'll f
                       in love
                       Cra sh
                        bu r n
                     Fiery passion  
R o i l and churn
Fate                    and              destiny
                   Woven dreams
Hope                  and              faith
                 Br e ak in g seams
Now here we are
         Two           beating       hearts
Bound by time


Imagine space, time, and the possibility of infinite
837 · May 2014
City of Glass
Yasmine May 2014
You stood tall and proud
Your voice clear and loud
Withstood the hands of time
With all your winds of Rhyme
And with your winding streets
At which no ends meet
I'm lost in your memory
Found in your discovery
City that's bona fide
Beautiful Alicante
With soaring towers made of glass
Protect the city from those who trespass
But wards were broken
The Unspeakable was spoken
Demons ran rampant through the streets
While fear like rain fell in sheets
After a thousand years
You finally shed your tears
And though you lie crumbled and defeated on the hill
You remain, the Shadowhunter's home still
And I still see your towers that burn
Violet clouds that roil and churn
Fragile, and guards no longer from those who trespass
You remain, my broken
City of glass
I wrote this for English class for the City of Glass book from the Mortal Instruments series. :) hope u like it!
793 · Oct 2014
In All of Us
Yasmine Oct 2014
A villain
In all of us
An evil
In the best of us
A greed
That lurks within
A demon
That commits the sin
An anger
Thrown and hurled
A hatred
Against the world
A monster
Unleashed to fight
A darkness
That drowns out the light
But something, a flicker, a flame
Something, a spark, a name
A light
That outshines the dark
A warrior
Valiant in heart
A love
That we give away
A joy
When we save the day
An angel
Makes the better choice
A saviour  
When we use our voice
A winner
Is the best of us
A hero
In all of us
There's a hero in all of us. Sure we all make mistakes and wrong choices, but there's good in everyone, even if you don't see it in yourself. :)
742 · Aug 2014
Piano Keys
Yasmine Aug 2014
Music notes on a sheet
White and black piano keys
The greatest story I have ever read
A beautiful poem that's still unsaid
We conceive these ideas of brilliance and glory
We weave inspiration when we tell a story
Because beauty is everywhere, even in the air we breathe
It is that which liberates and sets us free
Short n sweet
Like you:)
692 · Sep 2014
This One's For You
Yasmine Sep 2014
This is for the one who feels alone
For the one who feels defeated
This for the one without a home
For the one who feels cheated
This is for the one who's been tossed away
The one forgotten on the sidelines
For the one yet to see the day
To surpass the others and guidelines
This one is for all of you
All the burnouts the failures the depressed
This one is for all the losers
The stupid the hopeless the oppressed.
So what?
You ******* up
So what?
You tried so hard
So what?

And maybe you are alone
Maybe you sit on the sidelines
Maybe you haven't had your chance
Maybe you can't see the guidelines
Maybe you're the bystander
Maybe you're the victim
Maybe you've been lied to
Maybe you've been cheated
Maybe you really Are a loser,

But you are not defeated.
Keep going. Persist and always believe in yourself. If you do, then you can never lose. Succeed is all you do.
566 · Jun 2014
You call that poetry?
Yasmine Jun 2014
You call that poetry?
Writing words down on paper that rhyme but don't make sense
You call that clarity?
Expressing thoughts with a voice so frustrated and tense
You call that love?
Conditional to a point where you lose free expression
You call that art?
Colours and feelings that have faded with the absence of passion
You call that humanity?
Where conformity is the needle and we shoot it up
Is it called insanity?
Where fear of failure is the bottle and we pour the cup
Is it called suicide?
Where we climb and climb so high only to jump from that height
Or maybe it's called Life
Because we draw closer, let go, and take a chance at flight
Just woke up and wrote this :D enjoy!
547 · Aug 2014
Let Me Be
Yasmine Aug 2014
On a blank canvas I find escape
Paint brush in hand my dreams take shape
A getaway from this raging ocean
I create my world with strong emotion
For now my drawings do suffice
Creating my perfect paradise
I am passionate, and I believe
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be

I like to shoot hoops and swish every one
I practice my overhands just for fun
I go on bike rides, my heart pounding
I think jogs refreshing and grounding
I push myself to my limit
Striving to be the one to win it
I have confidence, and I have faith
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be

I like to sing their doubt away
A soaring chorus all through the day
I strum the strings to a happy tune
I know I'll be singing and laughing soon
The lyrics tell me "it's alright"
And with the music I take flight
I am strong, and I achieve
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be

My tattoos and piercings make people stare
But I do what I want, and I don't care
I dye my hair and wear dark clothes
Telling me what to do, but no one knows
Still they judge, and make me a clown
I stare defeat in the eye, refuse to back down
I am strong-willed, and I am proud
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be

Used to wear make-up and attempt perfection
Wore the latest styles as my protection
At first glance you would never guess
Through all my fake friends and flawlessness
Used to not have a single person, all alone in my shell
Now I have friends who care, and who I can tell
I am beautiful, and I am free
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be

In others our dreams we may depend
But we pick up the pieces and learn to mend
Who we are, and what we are
Something truly wonderful
How we move, and how we live
Just completely beautiful
I have a power, I'm one in the world
I am who I want to see
I am me, just let me be
I wrote this from different perspectives of generalized people.
403 · May 2014
What makes us Invincible
Yasmine May 2014
Boundless and Infinite
Spontaneous and Definite
A spark that lights up the room
It dawns on you though it's noon
The start of all Creation
Use your imagination
Small though it can take you worlds away
Flew Man to the moon and outer space
We find things that inspire us
Expression makes us tireless
This one thing that's so invincible
Like shooting Stars it's indestructible
A single thought that's bindless as it takes flight
Sword and Shield in the battlefield we call Life
So Dare Greatly when you step into the arena
Because you can't lock up an Idea
I originally called this poem "You can't lock up an Idea" but decided to change it :p anyways enjoy!

— The End —