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Rae Harrison Jun 2015
For years I wanted to be like the others
too perfect to go unnoticed
until you looked at me like that.
You said you liked my hair
and I said it wasn't like the others.
You said you liked my eyes
and I said they're only brown,
not green or golden or blue.
You said you liked my laugh
and I laughed at that.
It was only until then that I realized
I don't want to be like the others
because you don't look at them like that
and because My Heart doesn't have to be the one inside me
to be the one that I own.
be free, be you. Someone is going to love you!
Rae Harrison Jun 2015
Don't be sad if your circle gets smaller.
The smaller the circle gets, the closer the sides are.
For those with a small circle of friends or family, the love is still strong. Those still there for you truly love you.
Rae Harrison May 2015
You give me that feeling when a writer finally comes up with the Caldecott award winning novel idea. You give me that feeling when you just find out you just passed a test you thought you failed. You give me that feeling when you have good news to tell your best friend and you can't stop thinking about it, let alone trying to stop talking about it. You give me that feeling of waking up to a bright room in the afternoon because you slept in a little longer today. You give me that feeling of deep hunger when you smell your favorite dish and actually get to take a bite. You give me a feeling i can't quite put in my own words, a feeling that hasn't been yet defined, so I'll just say it like this. You make me feel, and I can't stop feeling because of you.
Rae Harrison May 2015
Day 1: Blithe
(bl-I-the); happy or joyous
"I'm sorry but I'm rather blithe right now. It was nice to meet you."
Day 7: Convivial
(kon-viv-ve-ul); friendly, lively, or enjoyable
"The room spikes from dull to absolutely convivial just from your precence, darling."
Day 15: Pulchritudinous
(puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs); extreme physical beauty
"You look absolutely pulchritudinous tonight."
Day 16: Love
(luhv); an intense feeling of deep affection
"I love you."
Day 30: Veridical
(vuh-rid-i-kuhl); truthful; veracious
"This isn't how it used to be, if i'm being completely veridical"
Day 45: Simulacrum
(sim-yuh-ley-crum); a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness
"You were just a simulacrum for real love!"
Day 49: Lugubrious
(luh-goo-bre-us); full of sorrow or sadness
"Will the lugubrious feelings ever stop?"
Day 50: goodbye
(good-bi); used to express good wishes when parting
Rae Harrison May 2015
I don't need a mirror
to see myself
with you
Warning: this was not intended to be a pun. Does it sound like a pun? yes.
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