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b e mccomb Jul 2016
Empty church chairs
Keep the light on upstairs
You said You had a plan
But here's the moving van
And I wonder why I ever cried
To leave these halls and whitewashed walls
And learn to be.

Woodgrain runs through the patterns of my youth
And I keep running from the truth
Those hundred and eighty eyes were blind
To what they put me through
The truth, the truth
I just keep running from You.

Dewy morning haze
Lazy pajama days
We just need perspective
To find our real objective
And I wonder why I ever tried
To fit myself into that shell
They made of me.

Woodgrain runs through the patterns of my youth
And I keep running from the truth
Those hundred and eighty eyes were blind
To what they put me through
The truth, the truth
I just keep running from You.

I can play the victim well
Walking on the line between Heaven and Hell
We're living in this great divide
Of time and space and sin and pride
To take a stand you will need nerve
So choose today who you will serve.

Woodgrain runs through the patterns of my youth
And I keep running from the truth
Those hundred and eighty eyes were blind
To what they put me through
The truth, the truth
The truth
The truth is that
I can't stop running from You.
Copyright 9/13/14 by B. E. McComb
svdgrl Jan 2015
Chop. Chop. Chop.
The colors of the pepper
scatter on woodgrain.
They sit next to the diced onion
that I cut blind-
with my face turned to the door.
Those are next to the once big trees of broccoli-
now small flowers,
and there's a potent pile of garlic-
ready to be thrown into a shallow pit of heat-
the olive oil is sizzling.
Listen to sound of produce.
Don't let the smoke rise too far-
the noses will come visit
and take your dinner away.
That's okay...
**I wasn't hungry anyway.
Bunhead17 Nov 2013
Set the cheetahs on the loose
There's a thief out on the move
Underneath our legion's view
They have taken Cleopatra
Run run run, come back for my glory
Bring her back to me
Run run run, the crown of our pharaoh
The throne of our queen is empty
We'll run to the future
Shining like diamonds in a rocky world
A rocky, rocky world
Our skin like bronze and our hair like cashmere
As we march to rhythm
On the palace floor
Chandeliers inside the pyramid
Tremble from the force
Cymbals crash inside the pyramid
Voices fill up the halls

The jewel of Africa
What good is a jewel that ain't still precious?
How could you run off on me?
How could you run off on us?
You feel like God inside that gold
I found you laying down with Samson
And his full head of hair
Found my black queen Cleopatra
Bad dreams, Cleopatra
Remove her
Send the cheetahs to the tomb

Our war is over, our queen has met her doom
No more she lives no more serpent in her room
No more it has killed Cleopatra
Big sun coming strong through the motel blinds
Wake up to your girl for now, let's call her Cleopatra
I watch you fix your hair
Then put your ******* on in the mirror, Cleopatra
Then your lipstick, Cleopatra
Then your six-inch heels
Catch her
She's headed to the pyramid

She's working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Working at the pyramid
Working at the pyramid tonight
Pimping in my convos
Bubbles in my champagne
Let it be some jazz playing
Top floor motel suite twisting my cigars
Floor model TV with the VCR
Got rubies in my **** chain
Whip ain't got no gas tank
But it still got woodgrain
Got your girl working for me
Hit the strip and my bills paid
That keep my bills paid
Hit the strip and my bills paid
Keep a ***** bills paid
She's working at the pyramid tonight

You showed up after work I'm bathing your body
Touch you in places only I know
You're wet & you're warm just like our bathwater
Can we make love before you go
The way you say my name makes me feel like
I'm that *****
But I'm still unemployed
You say it's big but you take it
Ride cowgirl
But your love ain't free no more
But your love ain't free no more
Lyrics to "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean pt 1 and pt 2 but i don't no where pt 2 starts so you can YouTube the rest if you want to...I got bored! :D
Isaace Nov 2023
Reaching into the higher worlds
Through the slabs of consciousness.
Peeling apart the astral membrane
Of eternal, transcendental splendour.
The visions!
The slabs of consciousness!
The rotating, interlocking dawn!
I'll see you around, but
                                    not again on this empty floor,

the two of us in blankets, slept on our clothes,
woodgrain just out of reach.

Waiting at the station,
the 5 a.m. trolley home,
hands wrapped around my fare,

There's some memory of a dingy lastnight bar
where we chain-smoked through
the muted stop-motion of late-night,
whiskey breath and fingertips,
tracing the side of a face, the ends of nerves,


in the traffic river crowd footfall,
at some patio latenight coffeehouse,
we were cinematic, mysterious under
the mercury lights that lit the sidewalk, that staged us

full, small, like hands wrapped around a cup with our name on it.
Vivian Sep 2014
phloem in your veins;
your tongue curls around
the syllables of my name
erotically, and I'm
daydreaming about
your tongue curling around
my ******* while you talk circles about
calculus and chemistry.
woodgrain and
blood veins and
gun-splattered gore-brains,
the kitchen counter
saturated in sherbet and
awash in girl-***
while you writhe next to the
fruit bowl, in flagrante delicto.
we conquered the universe with a
steady stream of xenon ions, probing
deep into the velvety wet folds
of the galaxy, *******
to the laws of physics, *******
stretching you out.
The black night’s ebbing tide
erased the only remaining hints,  
the cresting long ocean swells
did not cleanse without a trace.

Adrift and lethargically bobbing
seaweed entangled teakwood box
of water-logged photographs, drowning,
surrendered from the heart of the sea

Like molted wild feathers cast ashore with the tide
to the coarse specks of rasping  sands,
Darwin's dream in an emptied  sea-bubble popped,
dissipated into its own haplessness,
bestrewn about an untrodden seashore  

Washed out snapshots of life’s disregarded minutia  
enchained to an ordinary forgotten Kodachrome moment
left out to the consequences of the ever fickle tides,
abandoned happenstance spilled by chance
upon another undiscovered world

The warped and bloated wooden box encasement,
hoary with swollen furrowed woodgrain s,  
wearied by an enduring measureless moment adrift;

as if an ill-fated message in a misbegotten leaky bottle,
corked with marooned good intentions,
and images of disappearing dreams
flung out shipwrecked in barnacled azure glass
beneath a sky so far away

*someone you used to know
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
I am a torso,
With the heart exposed.
Given a single morsel,
That shrieks and floats.

"This place is dark, "
Says my flying eye.
"Did My head go to the park? "
Responded I.

The woodgrain tables,
Coated in dust.
Homestead cables,
Plagued in rust.

The ghosts are sick,
And cannot move.
The air is thick,
Within each room.

No one lived here for years,
No windows in it's place.
The home sat empty with fear,
As apparitions pace.

Screams echo through the night,
As the front sorry creaks.
The brave cry with fright,
As the walls speak.

The boards rot away,
The clocks all stopped.
The curtains away,
Occasionally a head pops.

I roll into my place of death,
In hopes yo find my skull.
I got myself into this mess,
As I couldn't pay the toll.

Carpet Diem.
Carter Jan 2021
Standing upon the sea shore
I start notice that I see more.

I then begin to ponder
What's down there I wonder?

Planes and boats? relics of war?
Fish and crustaceans? creatures galore!

Perhaps I'll get a boat, something to restore
Yeah, that sounds nice.
With woodgrain décor

and Hopefully I wont crash
N ' end up ashore
Waverly Mar 2012
I want a Monte Carlo
with woodgrain
that drips
like liquid

How sweet is the sound
of droplets
of wetted desire
and my chucks
by the bark
of a melted,

My Alpine's
make bus-drivers nervous,
with their hallways
full of a thousand faces,
staring down
at me
as I crack holes
in the concrete
big enough
for a squadron of buses
to fall into.

My Carlo
should have two things
in bunches,
it should have
the smell of a woman.

The smell of her
stale mouth
that lets loose fumes
in grated vents.

The Carlo's
smell should rattle me
like fences
that jingle when I brush against them.

my Carlo
be serious
and black.

All black.

I want my Carlo to have
opals for headlights
like the smeared *** of a firefly
or the eyes
of a panther.

My Carlo should be so beautiful
that it takes me back to the forest,
to the forge,
to the hotel,
to the hospital,
to the altar,
to a place of peace so loud
that I could take it between my fingertips
only to break it in a purr.
betterdays Mar 2014
ROOM. 148

This morning,
as I showered.
I saw the face of
Genghis Khan
just fleetingly
in the suds,
as the swirled at the drainpipe
he brandished,  a grinning leer
and then was gone.

This morning,
in my coffee,
institution brewed.
There he was Van Gogh,
Vincent,  from when,
he still had an ear.
Today, blue paint,
smudged his nose.

In the carpet, after
the cleaning lady had
Amy Whitehouse
visited n'said,
"Rehab might have been
useful afterall."

They the faces, concerned,
and attached to bodies,
encumbered by white cloth.
Tell me, this is non-classic
pariedolia, a symptom of a larger syndrome.

And  if I wanted, to improve
my state of well being,  
that I should not
have any further....hmm
with the people.

I see in,
the woodgrain of the  
dining  table,
or the man in the
light's moonlike  cover,
or the chap in the door,
of the communal bathroom's
stall wall.

Yet I won't listen,
I don't trust them.

And besides, my buddy Freud
who pops up with the toast.
Told me today,  
"They don't know,
what they are,
talking about.
Not at all, not at all."
In any case,
my muses pariedoliac,
are far better

With them, I have a ball!!!

ROOM 212

Today, I am good!

But some days.

My mind, is a battlefield
and I the maniac,
with the finger.
Hovering over the big red button.
So wanting to:
slam my hand down and end it, all.

On other days,
I barely have the energy within,
to lift my head from the
grey, black sludge,
I am drowning in.
On those days,
breathing is sisyphean task and the world is a *******
Balanced precariously,
on a weary and depressed Atlean hand,
as he drops defeated to the sand.

Then, there are the days I am so up and bright and bubbly
I am appalled and I exhuast myself with my happiness.

But truly, the worst days are,
I am all this and more.
Those are the days,
that my mind becomes,
a feudal state.
Where I am foresaken
to the rage of mutiple realities, engaged in battles for prime position.
I struggle valiantly,
to hold, the bastion of sanity,  painstakenly created and found, in the smallest corner,
of my brainspace,
But they rage and rant
and roil and take,
my precious sanity,
and soil it,
in their mindless games.

And at the end,
of those days.
I am left to pick up
what is left of me
All the tattered pieces
and start all over again.

But the medication helps
smooth me out a lot, it does.

ROOM 179

"Hello, do you have
a word for me?"

"Blatherskite, oh
you beautiful thing"

"Wordscore 21"

We can begin now,
I know I am not normal.
That I think differently to most.
My mind, is a mendicant,
beggarly thing.
Sitting in library corners.
It's arms held up in supplication, palms outstretched
begging alms, of dictation.
And slathering like a dog,
at a feasting table
snatching at syllables
and sentences.

I sit for hours engrossed
in thesuari
and would gleefully
stab your back multiple times
if you  carried a rare dictionare.

I am a wordaholic
words they are my
sorrowing addiction.

My scrabble tiles,
runic of my affliction.

When stressed the
of a spelling bee
is my only solace.

I want to be very clear
I do not see my
as a affliction
but, the
of the
in their
of my
pre occupation
vis a vi,
my life
and functionary
state, therewith.
So my tiles and I,
in this spatial
until my
mind can find
a state
of equilibrium.

And to be brutally honest
with you.
I don't think that will be
soon,sooner, soonest.
poem/s created as an exercise from
three words supplied by poet friend.
the words were
mendicant, feudal &pariedolia;
no other instructions were given.
.....this is a work of fiction.
Daniel Rowe Jan 2013
carving names into the woodgrain in old El Salvador. set the scene in your head: open air cafe, smiles and bad checks, squandering morale. vagrancy helps us hold our grudges. we are the greatest of all time, only we missed our mark and trailed off somewhere into a whisper. they always said our eyes gave us away, but i never really got that until now. it's inevitable that our eyelids will drift back and forth between sleep hemispheres until we accept the dormant fate of three twenty four AM. "you could be the death of me," you said, eyes fixated on the door, burnt out cigarette hanging from your cracked bottom lip.
Vivian Jun 2014
the forest beckons, eddies of
wind rustling leaves, whispering
"welcome, welcome."
(a kilometre away,
there's a lumber yard)
the branches are blown about by
the wind, a come-hither
I am loathe to resist,
and I am struck with memory:
standing shyly at the foot of your bed
one hand upon your
thigh, the other
crooking a solitary
finger, allowing me approach
as you look at the floor, hair
burqaing your face.

I am watching trees
blur by train windows,
and I'm reminded of
the green of your eyes,
and the woodgrain veins just
barely visible on your arms.
b e mccomb Oct 2016
i'm eighteen and
my mind is running away

you're screaming
ranting and raving
but don't know you're
doing it and don't know
that i'm crawling
inside a cave where
nothing can touch me
except wanting to die

you were grumbling after
dinner that i don't talk
to anybody anymore
but you don't know that i'm
not lacking words i'm just
lacking the energy
that it would take to
use any of them

(flashbacks to all the times recently
you've complained i don't love you
anymore. to my whole lifetime of
wondering if you loved me at all)

i'm thirteen and
unaware of my anxiety
associated with existence
usually put in in writing as
"pressure". but you don't think
there's anyone pressuring me

i talk too much to too
many people and have
been hurt before. but
never in that abject
way of it being because
i set myself up for it

(emotions so haywire that i end
up hospitalized over a box of
broken cd cases. now that i
remember it i was rage cleaning
and would unquestionably have
an even worse reaction today)

i'm seven and
having another ocular
migraine even though
i don't know it

(the past as as brittle as the
uncooked spaghetti filched
from the box and wedging
between my crooked teeth)

my memory fails me
whether you steamed
your way through preparing
dinner in the kitchen of faded
herbal wallpaper with words
and woodgrain. if i've been
tuning it out all this time
only to notice recently

("you're just like me" you said today
my seven-year old self thinks that's cool
while my current self is wishing to
deck someone while saying nothing)

today and tonight when intrusive
memories keep coming back is when i
remember that if i don't automatically
see things from your side there will
be a row. despite the fact you have
never investigated my perspective

(you're complaining about how
badly you sleep and how it's my
fault for waking you up at
four a.m. but did you ever stop
to ask why the ******* your
daughter is awake at four a.m.)

"my whole body hurts" you said
having taken some chronic
illnesses for some light grocery
shopping and attend a reception
"so does mine" i said
having taken a dark cloud
with me to work and
a panic attack to the library
"mine hurts worse" you replied
"and how do you know that" i demanded
sweeping my sadness off the kitchen table
"because i just do"

i guess your problem is that you
don't know how to be in pain without
minimizing mine but how hypocritical
when i'm over here minimizing
your pain to justify the fact that
my brain is trying to **** my body

(one of these days i fear what
i don't say will get the best
of me and i will crack clean
in two. start screaming
through doors death threats
ending in quadruple homicide
accompanied by my own
swinging body. it's not that
i hate everyone i just hate
feeling like i hate everyone)

but for now i'm investigating the perspective
so startlingly clear that you never loved me
just did what was required of you and so by that
standard i never would have loved you either
Copyright 10/7/16 by B. E. McComb
Spat out from the maw of carnage
slick with the battle's bile:
a coat of blood, black and foul
for war is hell and
hell the churning
of a beast beyond reproach.

Yes, I was there...
I fought
for you
for your freedom
I fought so you could sin another
I fought so you could curse my
I fought so you could scorn your
and wonder why it is I love,
Tell me:
who is it that suffers greater?

The toil, is heavy
I lumber forward,
scars, like woodgrain, nest my body
I am born of battle
in my chest
my heart does rattle
for there is no room for weakness.

I form pillars of truth and justice
I forge the righteous from
weakness, purpose
and all the
they grow
stronger conviction
in the unyielding dreams
that bolster all men from breaking.

Yet you lob laughter at my prophets
and greed is your only profit.
**** my champions
**** my children: men and women,
with your lust and lustre,
no matter,
for in recompense
for all your thoughtless vengeance,
I pay in kind...
Soon, you will envy,
the blind.
It's so strange when a poem becomes more than what you intended.
Take what you will from this, and a little more.


Derek smith Jul 2014
Another familiar night passes by as I sit by the open window.
My eyes overlooking the window pane, past the open glass.
Deep into the night I stare and ponder, far and wide my eyes scan.
They see only what the moonlight reveals, what will it reveal to me?
I've say and wondered about this life, this night seems stuck on repeat.
As I find myself here constantly, here in this sturdy old and creaky woodgrain chair.
Looking up I close my eyes and pray to any higher deity willing to help.
Quietly I let out my faint whispers, my words travel from mouth to midnight sky.
Hoping my prayers are heard, I sit awaiting for a sign...nothing..just a Howl from the wind.
I should know how it works by now, allow me to rephrase my cry for help.
Please whoever may hear me, I ask not that you do my work, but show me what my work is.
In a bright flash of burning white, as if God himself came into my waking dreams.
There in his words he showed me the entire scheme, " do as you will" he said to me.
This was the night I learned I wasn't worthless, I was meant for so much more.
Not for people to chant my fame or even fear the sounds of my name.
Slowly my core starts to boil, hope and passion rising, coursing through my blood.
I am here to be nothing short of great, and great is what I'll be.
To keep my blood line going, growing, and ever evolving.
Adapting is what I know, instinctive to the core, forever embedded inside of me.
Continuing to grow further more, adapting from mediocre to great.
I shall do what I must to keep pride inside my name.
Just like the indelible words of Poe, I'll never stop growing, "forever more"
For no one will stop me and take what's mine as their claim.
No power can stop the growth and evolution of my blood line.
Even long after I've left this world all will know of my generations to come.
Because just as he late great Bruce Lee said " live a life worth remembering. "
That is exactly what I'm doing "living a life worth remembering"
My legacy will be carried by future blood lines and they will flourish.
So always remember...
Leo Jul 2017
Theres black filth congregating in the crevice of every ninety degree angle in this building

The woodgrain in the floor invites me to melt into its stream down the hallway through the cracks into the grimy kitchen below

There are ghosts cooking there

Ghosts pacing the hallway where their corporeal form bade them farewell

Ghosts outside lifting weights and running calisthenic circuits

As though there were any merit in the shape of their supernatural form

As though the taste of chicken tenders and french fries still satiated their desire for self destruction

As though the world was still waiting for them, hand outstretched to


Pay your bills


This is no life for us ghosts -- we soon-will-have-beens -- we memories-waiting-to-fade -- we destined-to-be-soon-to-be-forgottens -- we clinging-to-what-is-nows

All who will not have ears one day had better listen.
Colm Aug 2021
Give me amber warm
And woodgrain soft as sandstone
To meet with pressure
Over time and many miles
My hands will lead you homeward
Visions and lights (6)
From the slums and crumbs a knuckle head acting dumb
Succumb to the worlds sinister ways and these days
Fools quick to spray words a verbal arsenal take it personal flashin' pistols
Now another funerals laid cops paid
To do the same thing the hood doing to us
Design for us to die fast and in a hurry bury by drains I'm talkin' Curry deep range thoughts circling as swang in my woodgrain
Steering wheel now tell can me can ya feel the Southside the real
-'ist poets ain't made for rest so test if ya want watch the pain come and haunt
Shatterin' your every move y'all don't wanna duel
Still playin' the hearts of madness yo they stay fools
I play a mule nice but come off cruel
Keep it smoother than a jazz solo
Oh no take another puff of the cocoa so...

Adjust my crown at the top far from a slop
Enemies get the casket prop it don't stop
Rhymes drop keep it movin' like it's hot
Too touch flows I crutch choose women like Hutch
Ya know I'm finna clutch
Victory it ain't a mystery so many haters gall after me cuz I **** em easily
Rollin' rillaz and hang with killaz scrappin' for scrillaz
Skipped school to hang with the local dealers feelin' iller
Than the next man knockin' any **** and who can?
Stop the south side for running and gunning
We'll still keep hunting so keep stunting
Alberta stand up we mobbin' up black Caesar style
Problem child since I seen the devil's smile
Problems pile check my style
Killer rhymes like Mike I'll make ta fadeway once the words I say
Is laid to a track
The man in black with that mack attack so all ya hataz sit back
Man what's the deal coming thru shining grill
Mass appeal can you feel a gangsta oh so real
Poppin' thrills verge to **** don't test the souths will
Wrecking shop it don't stop far from a slop
Making bread is my butter spread
Haters utters stutters
Cuz I be smooth peanut butter what uh no other
Can step to the mic gotsta stay tight taking flight
All day all night flows gone bite critics gotta rewrite
Cuz I'm on a mission south side still hissin' ******'
Foes mad cuz they can't break the collision precision
Made by me flossing beats easily can ya see me
Shots like Biggie I'm getting jiggy keep blunts spliffy
Hold up never fold up gotta keep lean in the cup
Sugar daddy the girls call me a clone of F-A-T
P-A-T freestyle we gotta go wild never smile
Problem child see me cruising past a thousand miles
That boy Yosef can't be touched cobra clutch
Give up the real candy coated woodgrain and steel
Feel the Texas rattle snake all the fakes pump brakes
See the rims of the fours poking rims smoking
Mad fire like when I'm blazing cherry marries higher
Than the divine rewind my lines gotta incline
Gotta come through still jamming ***** blues
Don't be on the early news Mayne we done paid our dues
Leaning on a switch can't stand a ***** who glitch
Off the scene we all about making green fiend
For the mic like rakim shake em up like hakeem the highest mountain found the fountain
Wonders of youth treasures spitting over the booth
Ageless man feeling cageless with the lions chest
Heart the rest keep the ak with a moon crest
Manifest o yes I'm flexing the best off the knot
Texas still making it hot flows stirring up the pots
Mayne it don't stop we gotta keep.shining
Blinding for those under-minding end up underlining
Signing ya death certificate sick with it pick it
Easy greasy slipping with so many styles hair do
Swoop right by you then dump you in the bayou
Classic fantastic rhyme fanatic who can master
A disaster to perfection selection still stretching
Nerves curves ya appetite cuz the flows ya can't bite
Ignite dynamite advance make ya eyes dance in a trance
Big as Ivan Drago punching combos **** instinct
Pyro cop those see a gem grow from my mental
Expose fake criminals maxis turn to minimals
Vibrate the set like freight trains or a jet none get next
They can't test us or out Plex us welcome to Southside Texas
We gotta multiple shottaz ranks higher than Shabba
Watch the lightening and thunder gun wonders
Make ya body colder than the tundra
The weather endeavor the witty too **** clever
Keep a bank roll.of mozzarella funky cheddar
Keep a circle of killaz like the Goodfellas
Also gotta girl badder than Shawna freaky as belldonna
Critics mad cuz they can't flex the un- tamable
Intangible suckas edible from the bullets eating
Skins clammy y'all gotta jam me can't spam me
Stay slammin' like Anfernee penny cuz she likes it the hard way
Maynnnee ?
Cassie Dec 2018
And there we sat
Strained against the woodgrain
Eyes, limbs
And I can't remember the words that left your lips
But everything in me wanted to stay forever and never have met you all at once
And I slammed our story shut quicker than I could slam the door to that tiny apartment

I'm sorry we couldn't be what we thought we could be

I'm sorry I refuse to open that door ever again
Spray paint, rhymes the lyrical Vivaldi, smooth as Vlade,
Divac, you in default, tryna touch these golden, lyrics out of the vault,
Never fault, my own will, stay with the woodgrain steel,o so real,
Touch nothing but clutch, Jordan tangible, brace the hannibal,
True animal, beating ya out ya mineral, turned to a serial,
Killer, immigrant filler, hang ya body, in the freezer, cold chiller,
Crazy as a buck, front ya luck, watch chickens get plucked,
The world is yours, scarface vibes with the vanilla swirls,
Powdered nose, thoughts froze, ideas begin to pose,
Low threat, sweat on my tech, so suckas dont get to go next,
Complex text, always lay out the bets, street militant vets,
Got multiple chicks on my pecs, dont disrespect, the peck,
Order smarter, gallons off of four quarters, dollar hoarder,
Invest smart, shoot my darts, guaranteed to break ya starter,
Midday martyr, naw cant play with the nerves of steel,
Titanium, staining em with bats that crack, skull fracs selenium  
Decipher political idioms, with the wind patterns of Saturn's,
Count the wings, see how many chickens fly by, a wise guy,
Split the megahertz, form the soundwaves hovering mega Earth,
Yo, you know my worth, flip to gold from paper currency, feel me,
Keep it on point like Dempsey, seventy five percent accuracy,
Brady, bullets when I split ya mullet, cant out pull it,
Nothing but dead weight, keep my head straight, guard ya gate,
Activate ya ****** state wait, glands sitting in a beat romance,
Glance any chance, I get make war profits, with my war prophets,
Ain't no peace, on the devils lease, see how many souls increase,
Cant escape death, is coming, humming, from the drummin' I'd rather die for something,
Then nothing, meanwhile meditate to the lyrics that's summoned,

— The End —