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Aaron Brown Jul 2011
The Phoenix rose into the sky
And blazed so bright
The sun turned its eye.
The moon spun in delight
For finally the sun knew the taste of the night.

In fiery fury did that Phoenix fly free.
The taste of heaven its to sample,
The winds calling it to be.
Its joy was ample,
Its song beautiful in flight.

He flew unto the mountains
To taste the morning dew.
Sparkling lights from his plumage in fountains,
Little flames that rose and flew.
And everything was right.

Its indomitable spirit brought joy to the land,
Yet sorrow to the more covetous soul
That couldn't have him on hand,
And death if they could not capture their goal.
The Phoenix learned to fight.

So he faced their persecution and contumely,
Their arrows like a storm,
Their drive all consuming,
Their hate the norm,
And their numbers like a blight.

Their attacks wounded and even brought him to the ground.
But in a fiery blaze he always rose,
Reborn and not a scar to found,
Returning to the wind's currents and flows,
Outshining the daylight.

In icy lands one day he soared
When a songless tune tookwing.
He searched, adventured, the winds they roared
As he sought the owner of this tune to sing;
No one lay in sight.

The winds buffeted
And the Phoenix tossed and tumbled.
Tailspinning as the winds parleyed,
Into a valley he stumbled,
His landing narrow and tight.

In this valley lay the quarry at hand:
An ice elemental of purest blue.
She swayed and she danced and sang across the land,
Her laugh like windchimes and her voice true.
So the Phoenix let his voice alight.

The delighted elemental joined along
And they played and frolicked in joy,
Friendship made in song.
The Phoenix flighty and the elemental coy,
Raging flame temperedby cold's fierce bite.

They journeyed and traveled in wonder.
Where one dare not the other paved the way
Their compliment tore previous limits asunder
And made wonderfull each new day.
Their bond a happy fright.

But nothing lasts forever,
And shadows dwell wherever
The light shines free.
Thus came the darkness inevitably.
It stole the elemental away
Bringing an end to their play.

Then, did the Phoenix know sorrow;
Bitter, painful, dimming the light of tomorrow.
Then, did the Phoenix know anger,
With wrathful thought to linger.
And with determination did the Phoenix fly
Into the realm where darkness lie.

Once was there did battle engage
As torrents of flame flew with righteous rage.
The darkness stabbed and slew, bringing much harm
But the Phoenix rose again and again to face the swarm
And the darkness cloaked him in endless night,
Yet the Phoenix prevailed with blinding sight.

The battle won, hard fought,
As the darkness scattered did he see what he sought.
There lay his elemental fatally struck,
Phyrric victory claiming his luck.
And in the air rose a beautiful song
A sorrowful lament that played ever long.

And those who heard it wept,
Tears spilling from their eyes.
Heartache as they slept,
And sorrow in their cries.
They knew the Phoenix no longer alive,
For life doesn't exist where a broken heart may thrive.
Alpha Wolf Mar 2014
I was told just a bit ago that the woman i love with all my heart said she thinks she loves me and wants to be my wife and wants to start a family with me. she wants to stay single to get her mind clear and i will respect that because i could never imagine my life with anyone else but her. shes the first thing on my mind when i wake she never out of my thoughts ever shes always in my dreams and shes in my nightmares where i loose her and never get her back and then i die alone because if i dont have her i want noone then i wake up and its all a bad dream. all i ever want is her in my life forever. i know in the past i messed up bad but noones perfect and if i ever do get her back and we do work things out i will prove to her that i was the young guy who made mistakes and from them i have become the man who learned the hard way and am willing to do any and everything to prove to her ive changed and will be the man i should have been to her before. (To her) if you ever read this and you will i want you to know i love you and want to be the man i should have been the year we were together and if you can ever find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me for being a blind fool i do love you i do want you to be my wife and i do want you to be the beautiful wonderfull one of a kind mother of our hope to be children. i really do love you. you are my soul mate, my other half, my peace, my one of a kind, beautiful, ****, georgious gift that i so blindly pushed away. please forgive me and hopefully one day i will get down on one knee in a crowded place and and when i ask for your hand in marrage you will say yes and when that day comes i will hold you and never ever ever let you go or repeat my mistakes or make new ones.
For the love of my life every word is true and its how i felt and how i have ever felt. You are the only one who can tame the beast within me, you keep me calm for the most part and when i dont have you with me i dont feel like me. i feel as though im just an empty shell and if you will allow me i will prove to you that i have changed and will be the man i should have been. im so verry sorry for the way i was and will be till the day i finally pass away weather that is with you or alone because if i dont have you i will remain loveless and die alone because i have never clicked with anyone as hard or as much as i have with you. you tame me and a certain someone who you know like noone else has and the both of us just want you and noone else in our lives. you are all we think about.
Scott Salter Jan 2013
As a young man lies diying, fallen victm of mindless gangs
One more stagers the night layden with spirt of an acholic kind
As one more small child has lost thier trust to a sickned guardian
One more has ceased their life from mankind’s ability to starve

As one more women is forced to submit love she has not offered
One more is lost to the domestic hell of enraged beasts, called man
As one brave soldier falls to the sands giving his all for our freedom
One more crawls home to be forgotten, his disabilities seen as weak

I think to my self what a wonderful world
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
ding **** it's christmas time again
hear the laughter  hear the bell
** ** **
on are merry way
as we dance throw the snow.
on this  christmas day
hear bell ding ****  it's christmas
time again.
as dance in this winter wonder land.
ding ****  ding **** it's christmas time again
hear the angel sing .
on this holy day.
as sing  are song
as dance along in the snow on this christmas day.
ding **** santa on his way.
ding **** it's christmas time again.
hear children play on this christmas day.
** ** on are  merry way.
as we  dance in the snow on this christmas day.
ding **** it's christmas time again.
throw ice ,snow
santa on his way .
hear the angel sing
on this holy day
din **** it's christmas time again.
as we dance in snow on this christmas day
** ** on  are merry way.
as the children play.
santa  on his way
ding ****  it's christmas time again
as the angel sing
on this holy holiday.
it's christmas time again.
as dance throw the snow.
on this wonderfull day
ding ****  it's christmas time again.

3 x repeat that song
carriselliott Oct 2014
shooting star is so bright when you are asleep so warm and cosy at night
hear her zoom past you on the night
older they get
on there own
they shoot off to space
in the moonlight they go by
now they are very rare
going off to space
star is our, ours only
take her every where i go
amy is her name
raing stars are wonderful  so very wonderfull indeed!
I wake up on a yogibo. It's comfy,
But I'm in what is now just
My room.
It feels empty.

All the clutter that made it look lived in is in the three empty sock and underwear drawers that used to be
All the pictures of us and half the nerdy posters were removed from the walls.
Half of the games, movies, books, Magic the Gathering cards,
Are all gone so the shelves look bare.
Half the closet is empty.

I walk into the hallway and pass three doors
The first door leads to a bathroom,
The second a closet.
The third is what I now call a "guest bedroom".
The only things in it are an
Empty dresser covered in
Princess stickers...
And a bed frame.
I try not to leave that door open.

I walk down the stairs and grab my coat.
I go out to my car, sink into my seat, turn on the engine and check my phone.
I've got two text messages, and a new tinder match.

I ignore it all and open spotify.
I start playing Watsky's album "All you can do".
I crank the volume to 24 so I can't hear my own thoughts.

I check the first text message.

It's from the
Mutual friend of the nice girl
Who I might date when I'm better.

"Hey don't worry about it, she has a lot going on and is super busy all of the time.
She wanted to meet you to see if she liked you but I think shes not really into you.
She said you were super nice, she just can't be with someone as outgoing as you
I think. She's super shy. I really thought she might like you but I guess not. lol.

I check the second text message.

It's from the
**** buddy in Kennebunk
Who I met on tinder.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"
Sent at 8:33pm yesterday.
I reply: "nothing! wanna hang today? when are you free?"
"I'm free pretty much all day/night. Warning:
I just got my period, so I feel like absolute ****.
I need good feels and comfort(food), if you will. so when?" I send:
"Uhh, I got errands to run... i'll get back to you" In return, I receive a polite:
"Go **** yourself. :) "

I go check the tinder match...
No reason.
I Drive to work.
I belt all of the lyrics and jam to "The one" and "Whoa whoa whoa" and "sloppy seconds".
Shut the car down, clock in, apron up, shout: "Morning, family!"

How am I doing? "I'm awesome! how are you?"
How am I doing? "I'm wonderfull! what brings you to freeport?"
How am I doing? "I'm awesome, peak or dark roast?"

How's my daughter?

"Well actually... I
Broke up with her mom and I
Wasn't the biological father so I don't get to see her anymore,
and my manager said that customers are getting
Uncomfortable around me because I am too open so that's the
Scripted version I have to tell you."

Even though I'd love to tell you that I don't know how she's doing, and it kills me.
How I told her mom that even though she didn't have any
Compassion left for me, and she lied to me,
Tortured me more than any human on this earth and was slowly draining the
Life and sanity out of my body like a leech, that I
Knew what I was signing up for when I started to call myself
That I was leaving her, so we could both get
Better, but I was not leaving that little girl.
And if she would let me
Love her, or
Watch her, or
Buy her birthday presents that I would because she was the best thing to ever happen to me.
And when you ask me how she's doing
All I can think about is how I earned that first "I
love you,
How I made her laugh more times than her
Mother made her
Cry. How I tucked her in and she made me read her
"Oh The Places You'll Go", over and
Over and
Over. Screaming when I said she'd go
On through the hakken kraks howl, and
Giggling when I said she'd move mountains.
I raised her for three years and she called me
But her mother said that because I wasn't the biological father I don't have any right to see her.

"How am I doing? I'm awesome."
"How am I doing? I'm wonderful."
"How am I doing? I'm waking up."
A Poet
Has To Write

A Poetess
Has To Create

Poet = You
You IS ThePoetess

So EpicI

That I Know :)

Epic Sonnets

Jet -lag
And Nooks Mysterious
At The SilkenNoose

Black and Red Ribbons
Around the +++Tulips
Taking Epic Tales
For Granted

Give Me Mythos !!!
My God

Mein Gott
Mio Dio
Mes Dios

( Then )

At Illy's
Leaned On
Leaned on

My little left Elbow
Dreaming Vis a Vis and Elba
About The Harvest Moon
About My Maine ****
About My Golden Mine
About Thy Golden Mine
About The Architecture
of "Solid & Quality"

Where All Started And Why
There At The Starry Lit
Night Sky

Palms Under
This Universal Tiny
Marble Skull

Givin' A
Primal Protection
To Primordial Operations

Sparks And Glitter
With Not Doin' Much
With Myself


To The Symphony
Of Tender Waves
Kissing The Shore's
Sharp Fjordic Surface

Dying With Each
A Bit Further
To The Future

Yearning Away
And Breaths
And Beaches
And Bachus
And Bach
And Us
To Reach

Roerich's Perfection
And Sublimity
At Poets

For Immortal Infinity
For Immortal Infinity

Unveil Some Secret Codes
To Untangle The Solitude Days
To Love This Immence Psychic
To Be Ego
To Be(:

Give This Wings The Will
Let The Spirit Fly
Let Our Souls
On The Right Organic Roads
On The Write ******* Road






Tear Streamers
Self Haters
Dark _Matters

Jolly good Kiddos
Serious Endeavours


Love dwellers
Celestial Movers
Bitter lemons

Juicy Tourers
Turist Poets

Classic Cats
Rhyme Sprouts
Free Verse Trenders
Mixing Blossom Blenders

Heart Poets
And Poets of Heartwarm Writes
Epic Heroes Love Believers
And Belly Vowel Dancers

Phonem Seekers
Cadence Riders
Filthy Reachers
Archaic Attackers
Cosmic Trees


!!! You !!!
At Once
As Others



Do You Do ?
Thank You !

Some Stamina
And Mastery Skills
As A Present Poetry Beacon
Shining Bright For All The Cunning Greenhorn+s

A Cup Is Raised
!!! For All Of You !!!

To Drink Up The Invisible
Potion Of Stunning Inspiration
And Some ****** Genofondic Insight

Insignia is
Ingenius IS

Wonderous Write
Wonderful Writer

To Dig That
L'Art pur l'Art
Isn't there Per se

L'Art is
Ars Poetica


A Marvellous
A Marvellous

Dreamy Touch

Poetic Purrs
And Witty Whiskers
ABonus Poeticus
And A Rattle of Spiral Bones
And A Bottle of Rhyme
At The

Have To
Work Till YoU

Have To
Let The Muse
See You Soulborne
Let me see You -> Naked

Light As An Eagle Feathers
Every Emotional Baggage
Release Rumors And
Rumpaging Rage
Not Only And
Exclusively On
Rare Occasions

You Know What ?!

I'll Inspire Thy Insightfull-Ness
Loch Thy Leisure Lake Luckilly
Clean of Creamy Caleidoscopic


:) A Tribute To All Fellow Writers Here On Hello Poetry !!!!
It Is A Fantastic Poetic Portal (:

!!! Long Live Poetry !!!

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Love & Poetry
These lovely walls so brigth and peacefull like winter snow oh what magnificent features. So soft as a pillow in my white suit I giggle. Morning and night I spend my time thinking within these walls of the time of when I was outside. Such beauty , such glory on everyones eyes. A tip toe here and a tip toe there giving them a smile from ear to ear and it doesn't end there. I share them my love they give me there blood what is that you say that this is not love? on the contrary my friend just look and see , in this generation what is there to be? If people **** each other for ignorant sympathys , Lustful envyies and ungratefull indecencies . why cant i be me? its not a sickness its another way to see how tragedy can be embraced by insanity and how wonderfull a diferent point of view can make a man be judge by lack of humanity. Im not crazy.....i just see the world in diferent points of view....what about you?
Geno Cattouse May 2014
Creole love potion.
Heavenly body
Built for motion.
               Passion fruit.
    A wonderfull construction.

Afrolatin...Fufu and Habanero...
Cassava bread
Red beans and rice.
Dont worry...I know god must have a plan
Countless others,same design. Made to make men lose their minds.
Saal Good.
Geno Cattouse Sep 2014
Him si all
An know.

Him reach out
An hold.
Jah know.

Him mek da rain fall
An quench.
Him mek da snow fall
Wind blow.
Sure as calm follow storm.
Jah see an know.

You walk in sunshine my love.
My only lifeline an so
He made you so fine an so.
Sweet Jah
Him see and
Love can be something beautiful,
Where a friendship is built,
It can be painful,
Hurt you and broke you in peaces.~
But people can turn loneliness into love..
Once and for all.
Because love can chance everything.
Can make people smile, sympathy with all.
Bodies can collapse in one body.
Our hearts is on fire.
Is a constant repetition...
So lets things and make a question what is suppost make with them?
Cuz we can do lots of things with this wonderfull passion.
Élodie BLT Jul 2014
Love is wonderfull.
Love is painfull.
Love is strange.
Love blind you.
Love is rare.
Love is everywhere .
Love makes you forget.
Love makes you forgive.
Love makes you smile and laught
Love makes you cry.
Love is true.
Love is fake.
Love is you.
wish i wrote dark, about deep insecurities,

a struggling childhood, i wish i wrote

like others with words of wonderfull

syllables,  bells ringing,

you know.

wish i wrote long tomes, to bore myself

rigid. to tap the hours away till bedtime,


wonder if i shall write serious,

tell thee all  hard stories that

don't exist. i wonder if i shall stop,

when no one reads.

this is a time to wonder at the

dark hours leaving, waters receding,

black trees slowly turning. wintergreen.

bob peachey Nov 2012
i dident make the first team
i dident win the cup
or pass exams  
or stand for parlement
or be called great
or won medals
i helped raise two wonderfull children
and whatched them grow
i am a proud dad my greatest words to heir  
are i love you DAD
Nazmi Mahamood Sep 2010
I see the darkness fill the street
Yet I see your face shining through the night
And I think to myself what a wonderfull smile
Yeah! I think I’m right

I think it’s better if could stay
You don’t to need pay
But all you need is just to say
That “I wanna be free, and live like you”

Cuz ur a friend, who can see thru me.
Into my heart where I cannot be
But I now can, because of  you.
Thank you for being a friend

i will be the one and only
try to do what u really want
dont care what they say
i will be your best matey
Anjali Nov 2019
He is just a attraction don't make him your distraction...(friends said)
I'm just part of your childishness and fiction..(he said)
Now after eight  year my heart proved he is my love...
Neither a attraction nor a distraction...
Just a  part of   my wonderfull  life and heart with a wonderful  feeling but a one sided destination.....!!!!!!      Copyrights : Anjali
Anaa Alvarez Jun 2010
Sometimess lifee workss in wonderfull wayss..
Or sometimees itt can makee everythinqq be what you fear.
takee riskss and livee Lifee
livee everydayy like itss your lastt..
Do thinqss you miqht not do everdayy.
Iqnoree Your Consiencee
Do whaa your heart tells you..♥
i havent been blogging much ,ive been pretty blank.i got alot of things to say but so many words and subjects swirling around like a twister inside my head,,, just searching and waiting for the right moment .getting ready to go on a trip i think im going to take my notebook and pen and write down everything wonderfull around me.....right now there isnt much im trapped in a circle of negativity and i dont like it .i want to feel positive and be positive but im really sensitive to everything and everyone around me ,,and how they feel and act rubs off on me like charcoal .
ive been losing alot of sleep over alot of peoples problems including my own ..i want to fix everyone and everything but i cant even fix myself
© all rights reserved
the fear of not being enough for you
is crippling and lonely
i'd share but it'd seem like a bid for attention
and it just isn't like that at all
i watch you be kind
and find love for people
living everyday with this lightness
bringing happiness to everyone
who ever has the fortune of
meeting you
wonderful you
and i see myself
struggling to find patience
a fight to keep the illness contained
knowing i can be better
because i have been better
and i've slowly gotten better
but i'm just not who i want to be
i hope you don't see
how hurt
how tired
how lost
how weak i've come to be
but instead
i hope you know
how much better you have made me
just by showing me
there's so much to be grateful for
and that i wont always be the person
that i am today
one day
i hope i'm more like you
wonderful you
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
Our world
A special place
created in time and space
A gift from the universe and life itself
Two souls
Barely touching
so close
our lips
can almost kiss
can our skin meet
and explore
the texture of our flesh
How we long for that
How I will thoroughly
love your neck
Go down lovingly
from your chest
to let my tongue
meet your bare flesh
Savour the taste
and drink
untill your essence
drips down my chin
is my thirst and hunger
I want to devour
every fiber of your wonderfull
Tear down the walls of time
and unwrap
this luscious
present waiting
that is a love filled life with you
with pleasent memories
and lust filled passionate nights
only to slowly
let you drip into my being
untill our soul's
are intertwined
in space and time
as we experience our love
and make love when our Soul's touch
Emilija Feb 2013
I do not want to know how to do It
I do not want to talk about how It is not done properly
I want to pull it out of my chest
I want to float a few meters away from my body while I'm doing it
I want It to not be framed by lies, rules and restrictions
I want It to be my child, to be free and pure
Unlike me,
unlike  us,
unlike you.
I want It to be the most wonderfull thing that someone has seen / heard / touched
I want It to know how to talk to cats and dogs and I want it
to have a name we can not pronounce.
tom krutilla Feb 2014
I struggle now to remember what I was doing
I can't even open this jar, the hands, old and frail
flashbacks of my youth, a wonderfull time
holds the clock back so I can feel another day
the vastness of the universe, has me thinking
Is there another me out there, a clone if you will
wondering the same thing, as I sit in my chair
what would I tell him, that our lives are the same
every minute and hour since birth, we are in sync
or are there many in differant stages of their life
but perhaps they are thinking the same thing
and trying to reach me
dear poetry thank you for being there for me
thank you for permiting me to express myself
thank you for being my pillow of  streangth
thank you for your great wise words
thank you for the endless boring advice i never wanted to hear
thank you for the wonderfull inspiration i needed in my life
thank you for not giving up on me when i was down
thank you for listening to my endless complains about the terrable troubling woes in my life
thank you for catching all the torn apart tears i have cried
thank you for being there everynight in bed
and thank you for being a friend!...
through out my life, through out my troubles & happyness poetry has been the "nagging" mother i needed, the great truthful friend i've always wanted the perfact boyfriend who never cheats & the role model who's listened % inspired me to do better
#thank you poetry
Jenna Mar 2015
The glass should have stayed half full
and everything should have stayed wonderfull
Like a Rainbow
When the sun and rain collide
But the stars are telling me you've lied
You've started kissing me real slow
Tha't's when I started to feel
Slow, I've just started to heal
I've said no expectations, no harm
But I've never heard the alarm

*When the setting sun collides with the sea
I was still searching for the courage to let it be

Stevie Ray Aug 2014
I have already seen that beautifull smile.
That is only meant for me and me alone.
I have already seen that look in your eyes.
That is only meant for me and me alone.
I bet there are a million of other looks and faces.
That are for me and me alone.
Thank you for this wonderfull gift.
This gift that is for me and me alone.
I'll make sure to cherish it.
That is my gift, for you and you alone.
Sirenes Jun 2016
Wonderfull, you're back.
The offer is upgraded this time
Now you're actually trying
To have a real conversation
Before you try to get in to my pants
It's not going to happen
You were so bad
I wanted to regrow a *****
And convert in to a nun.
Let's not revisit that.

Later on...
I sat out with my sister
Watched him check out the goods
You're cute, come here
But then your friend
Started looking
No. No. No.
I wasn't looking at - aaargh.
Oh boo!
Why do the Gods hate me?

Can't date you
You're too old
And my body goes tick tock
Can't date you either
Because regardless
Of your fleeting interest in me
My best friend
Is in love with you.

And you.
I wouldn't date you
*** you're a ****.
My dad always said everything three times because he had three daughters. So here: OUT OUT OUT and NO NO NO.
David J Aug 2019
Wonderfull play, where did you learn it I asked the man
  From the losses of my past he said.

Say my friend, Isn't it simply amazing, this cycle of learning. Since the game was made so very long ago all unto this moment.
   Yes my friend, it is an honor to have had this match.
What an honor indeed to play this game called life. Do not regret mistakes made, be thankful for the knowledge gained
Ken Pepiton Nov 2022
Found and lost at once,
inbetweenity, here, not there
in a way, in the air, expired

whoosh, shush and remember
the wonder lost,
when the boy who wished never
to grow old
with this now to
remain the time of our lives, when
not knowing keeps us safe,
and our guides into ever on go, ever
holding, ever eyewise-touching
the face of God,
big g.

Time and joy, Edwardian Gay Hebrew
repressed as zeitgeist calling for
"lovely, wonderfull thoughts"

infantile omnipotence, 700 million light
geotimed timid old ideas

The author imagines the same vision
one way, plain, unencoded

white wolves in a walnut tree
freud interpretted the unconscious wish source

ah, it was the witnessing of *** enacted, eh?
I think we may have granted Herr Freud
more credence than guesses are often allowed.

Is this not the same social act as when
any knowledge is claimed by faith in the answer

inner being, outer shown, reflective seeing
the world we see, we agree to see,
this is that, you see,
I say, literally living in word alone, a nobody

founding one fair-made tale, of favors owned, shrinking

death in the brothers wish, where the dead man
I recall as always handsome, though I never knew him.

I was such a liar, so ready to say true a not-ever-true

Having no success that makes history,
hold no certain truth that certainly made me
to wish to
be an author of the faith I pour out

clap your hands if you believe
in fair
ways found oddly marked in the peace
found in old

"better to have had less ambition"

Thinking as a child, not as the old man, watching
slight smile
forming the setting for the scene, making much

of being a little boy, once, as a story
sifted from another, seeping into solution.

Yes the spirit of my time has been my friend,
for, most of the ways I wished to learn,
now are in my grasp, well within my reach, mine
and that of my Artistical Intuitive Muse,
ever aiming my morning at the mercy on the edge
of one day alone
with you,

lost in youth's untutored virginity
or something, impatient, yes, I'd wait… perfect moments
are rare,
but do occur, if your aim is close..
Some time ago
JoyAndPain Mar 2021
if i were to define life
i would say

its a bunch of questions
where? when? why? how?

its all those choices
this, that, you, me.

its the breath you breathe.
in, out, in, out

its the thought you give.
love, joy, compasion, symapthy.

it is amazing and wonderfull
dont let it ever let it go. ever.
Delton Peele Aug 2020
Earlier seeking somewhere
I could breath
in secret
An opportunity presented itself
Covering my tracks and slipping
Through the cracks.............    
stealthily .............
took my leave
Sure footidly i ran and scampered
The whole while feeling  a silly anxious childlike urgency like a
Toddler running from daddy
Cause i know he's gonnnnnnnna
Now no time for tomfoolery
This is dead friends peak
As i slowyly lay back on the bare rock its a little
The jutting stone cradles you so perfectly yet
Youre legs dangle 4500 feet above town
Its so far down you cant see it but theres
a coin operated telescope
bets and braggers pay when they finally get
Here all they can say is nope
Needless to say im the only one
That ive ever seen sit here
Just some rocks and a huge fern
A perfect secluded solitude
A wam breeze bringing the smell  
Of sunday food
I lean ever so slightly
To view the carnival lights below me
And i slide .  .        .           .
Fortunately my palms sweaty it stops me
Although slapping the rock that hard
I swear it moved
And my heart murmured
I was a little concerned it wouldn't
Start back up again
I swallowed and took a breath
Both actually hurt.
I closed my eyes and re-positioned
I could smell dirt
Collected my nerves ,
Relax i said
Youre even more alive
But lets never do that again!
Smiling on the outside !

Opening my eyes some how everything looked color enhanced and
Extra wonderfull
Watching the cumulus slowly churn
Above me
Like smouldering smoke
Took me to a better time for a short while
I felt free
I sat peacefully for a bit
In a sorta happy state of quandry
As the shapes in flux ever changing
The thought never occurred to me
It ..............
Was assuming disguises in effort to stall me
Although hinging on the menacing side
Being so far from me somehow seemed charming
A needed respite from the mundane
Now the nimbus turning charcoal grey
On this Melancholy Sunday  afternoon
As the autumn shy line consumes
Precious daylight
a dreary darkness
Like an empty heaviness a low
Pressure depression moves in
And overshadowed me
Within me i feel it
The impending doom
Looming above
has touched down
Groping blindly
Lurking around trying to find me
Gripped in fear and although slow
Im moving
a chilling breeze berefts the leaves from the trees
There icy rustling
Sounds like wind chimes made from bones
Strips me to my soul
Im all but naked and alone
The winds so cold
Pushing past as i exhale
Even the air i breath frozen in fear
From the ghastly thing behind
Looks like a spectere before me

And now im paralized i hear the funeral knell
Ringing for me
the same wind that hit my back now burns my face.
And i know now my time has come
It can smell me
Metaphorically im spinning a caccoon
And in it
Ruminanting within gloomy memories
Impatiently im waiting for in a short while even my soul will leave me
Why would it not everything that
Hasnt been taken has got up and left me
At this point i would be amazed if it didnt
......what im trying to say is this
Take my words exactly as they have been contemplated,
And weighted like stone chosen precisely , arranged ,braided ,
And conveyed in syntax and perfect timing
So when i say time apart from you is hard for me
I know youve only been gone a couple hours shopping
Look at me the house is a mess and im a wreck
Do you see what i mean
I couldnt find the vaccum so i thought id eat
Tried to make a sandwich  all the knifes are *****  left it started cleaning the room
Thought i heard my phone ring .maybey it was you .couldnt find that either then. I found the vacuum thought it wasnt working took it apart ....lost one of those little important pieces down the toilet ....... .......dont ask.... ..please       ......and then ....realized it wasnt pluged in.    ....
And thats when the toilet got broke......and coincidentaly
Where all the wated came from.i forgot that i lost the phone .then i wanted to know if you would pick up some.....  . .... . .  .  ........... .... ...... ......

....... .... ....  ...  ...

— The End —