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Danielle Renee Jul 2012
my heart wants to break
but the muscles won’t allow it
the muscles that i made
with my cells
not that i mean to take credit
but when did my body
start using its secret messages
to betray and withold emotion from me

my heart wants to break
but it can’t
how much longer until
my body’s electricites
travel and tire of this
constant need (want?) to fall
Late Winter 2011.
in the feeble shadow

cast by the cherry tree

the depression of you

still sleeps in the grass

after all these years...

you fell asleep next to me

and i stole glances of your kind face

for the longest time...

i understood the secrets

you tried to withold

beautiful secrets

now they are a part of me


i am haunted by your breathing

your head against my shoulder

in the shadow

cast by the old cherry tree

blossoms caressing the sanctuary

where your body once slept

next to mine

Without you

i am but a shadow
The repetitive sunset strikes again,
Seeking to withold all the power from within.
Striking without pity,
It beholds the truth silently through its benevolent fiery.
Yet alone it will not taunt,
As it requires an army to persuade its almighty flaunt.
One alone may not fight this war,
As the sunset will strike again and dissipate the power from afar.

Exacerbating all its forces upon the person,
Igniting a flame so passionately fortressed.
Vengeance may arise to the unforeseen eye,
Subtlety making its way through barriers once denied.

All throughout the tenacious journey,
One will realize the reality in obscurity.
Elucidating the truth as it becomes prevalently set.
One will wake up and become the sunset that was once a threat.

By: Michael M. De La Fuente
He comes at night
When all is sound asleep and tight
When darkness overcome the light
Its announcing His arrival

At first his shadow can be seen
When you are lost in magic dreams
Its He who"s presence in moonlight gleams
Bringing forth fear in flight

Silently without motion
He calls upon your inner notion
And with a lift of just His finger
Dark thoughts and fear that lingers
Is called upon to life

His main ambition is with submission
And purposely driven
To darken dreams into oblivion
As nightmares  enters your subconscious

He walks away from no man
The excecution of His plan
To silently disturb your slumber
And overcome with fear to numb
Your magic fantasies

His power overwhelms all men
Its He who smite your nights wonder
And whilst He smiles -upon He ponder
How terrified you be

And in your realm of sleep
He locks your dreams to keep
With nightmares you are burdened
Till morning light will creep
And you awake from sleep

Fear is what His nightmares feed
And where faith guards not your own belief
He grows a little stronger
Till when peace withold Him no longer
And Truth become weak
He waits to rule as dark leader
At night when all"s asleep

So say your prayers
Before you close your eyes
And hold hope tight within your heart
So that He will have to skip
Your dreams He then can't keep
With fear and with lies
At night

Before sunrise
If you suffer from lack of dreaming and its been a while since last you had sweet dreams!
Tamurray Apr 2014
I am but a shell
What's inside you cannot tell
I am simply ordinary
Inner beauty quite contrary
To the previous remark
You view me as quote "stark"
In my mind you're bleak and dreary
Still I believe within you deary
Is an acute flicker of light
Just waiting to ignite
A thousand possibilities
Across the endless seven seas
If only you could invision
A world outside the television
A place within yourself
Imagination on the shelf
Dust it off and change perspectives
See how another being lives
Not in your head but in theirs
Though you'll grow tired climbing stairs
Reaching for the tip top of perfection
Praying for some form of protection
Against the vibrance within the soul
Colored red, orange, blue, pink, gold
But see no one out there knows
That inside us all it glows
We want our true colors out
Yet withold them with such doubt
Yes, I am but a shell.
But, tell me...aren't you as well?
Everything touches every other,
Nothing stays safe in itself;
The ghost moans his fate was unchosen,
The captain, his enemy's stealth.

Fate doesn't rewind in the darkness,
Day doesn't withold it's surprise,
Birth doesn't await our 'hello',
Death doesn't hold out for 'goodbye'.

In the mirror, behold your opposite:
The antagonist of all that you do.
His left your right, his day your night;
Whatever you think, he sees through.

On the ground, stretches out your shadow,
Who follows you through thick and thin:
They'll bury you one day, and he'll go away
And not count it as loss or win.
aar505n Dec 2014
Four moons rose tonight.
Each one bad.
A ****** tetrad.

I looked for stars
But Mars look alikes
blocked my search.

And as I watch on,
it dawned on me.
This life, is null and void.
Soon to be destroy,
just look at the four moons.

A prophecy foretold.
Hypocrisy withold.

Fate and Death entwined.
Mankind's breaths abates.

Slowly but surely.

Then nothing.

But I remember,
ex nihilo nihil fit

Not all prophecy,
are destined to come true.
So I questioned everything.
Knowing that nothing can come from nothing.
As I lay in bed I wonder, I lust, I daydream, I love, I try, I fade
It's my little world, the escape from reality
The mere concept of it fascinates me a perfect world
Each of us design one in our heads at a point in our lives
And once we dream of it, we will continue to exalt it

Thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking
We  sometimes withold brilliant ideas, concepts, love, fear, lust
We close some doors without even noticing
And then comes the doubt of what could have been
Copyright Delilah Wine Williams
The open gates tell me I must stay
or be devoured by the lightning ray
The flowers do sprout in the springs of May
only to dwell by the end of the day

Why did you take a different turn
in hopes of getting back?
Headed to the point of no return,
you've bleached the mirthful black

I can't keep up with your speedy pace
that's blinded by beauty, salvaged by grace
There's only so much that I could erase
the only exception is your face

On shallow waters, you've hidden something
whereas every ship mysteriously sank
Spheres will always withold a 'something'
For now I see, it's not as blank.
© Cyrille Octaviano, 2017

The reverse of "Nothing"

With no words in my heart,
You became the cure of my entity.

And how could I,
a man out of nothing,
a man brought out of shame,
of guilt and pride;
How could I, not give you praise?
How I could I withold freedom
For my long lost soul?
Tell me how.

Why I'm so still
in pouring out these tears?
Why can't I go to bring to You
the glory that You deserve?
Why death felt secured
on bringing itself to me?
Please tell me, why?

I am to choose between two lanes
Of black and white,
Of greater Light and lesser Darkness.
And I no longer should linger
On the multi-shades of gray,
The color of my past
That disgusting disguise,
That trail of disobedience,
That habitual sin of impurification.
Yes, I will choose.

I am tired,
Tired of resisting the pull of trigger
To finally hold me to eternity,
Yet eternity would meant darkness
If I'd live in and out of that cell in crypt.
I became tired.

I would never find an ending full of laughters,
But of fraud, lies, despise and insult.
I would never find peace of the true North
For once, I preferred the three confusing routes.
So, never is a beginning.

I am healed.
Healing came in to my life,
My wounds were painted with crystal-clear blots,
Of red as stains, a heartbeat of a child.
I paused for a moment
Until moments were brought to halt.
My injury is pain itself,
Yes, it's painful but eyes were so gentle
To screenshot the emerging revival.
Death is cured.
Keiri Jan 2020
Deep down diving darkness drains the death of the dawn.
Inside its insidious inferno his child chants the chains.
All aware the awoken, head its hell and heart.
For frozen facts have fallen and frail fractures have formed
End the everlasting era of elaborating electronic evolution and withold the wall of woven worlds
Trees and tracks have traced its meaning and tried to trust the truth once more
Hell on earth will withold
No comment (use your imagination)
How can Kindness be given
If i show none on my own
How can Help be lend to me
If i withold Help from someone
How can I be blessed
When i am not blessing someone?

Because God loved me First

And i am not Alone

How can i have Faith
When i dont give Faith away
How can i live
If i deny Life from others
And how can I ask
When i wont give?

Because been Loved means
To love another in return

How can I pray
When i wont kneel down
How can I receive
When my heart fills with doubt
And how can I say
I love You God with my heart

Because Im only me
And God has seen in my Heart
Yes im only me

And God knew it from the start
Dedicated to God Alone
Ive come to face my insecurities
No one will use them again against me
Ive walked the path of selfhate
Ive looked at my once pitifull reflect
And ive grown from them
I have come to accept
No longer will my power
Be taken again from me
By those whom show no sympathy
I was once drenched in regret
I had been confronted by it
Yet now i proclaim
That i need no pity
Nor fake empathy
I have become the very essence
I thought i would never be
Now i hold my cards
I decide what i play and
What i withold
And ive learned to not
Give myself away anymore
The one whom will bare the shame
Wont be me after all
I have been reborn
I have made my peace
These chains once strong
Cannot bind me again
I have heard the call:
Be steadfast and at ease
Do not settle for being defeat
Now you have received
The gift of being set free-
No one nor nothing will get to me
I have embraced with self acceptance
I have welcomed and deflect my
Faults and shortcomings
I have become the victor
Discarded the victim mentality
Revenge is when you do
What youve planned
Despite setbacks
Only i have the power
Over how much i let be
And this is my warrior outcry
I will triumph
Liz Dec 2022
I sit in the crowded lecture hall,
Surrounded by faces, not talking at all.
I try to blend in, to fit the mold,
But inside, I feel so withold.

I came here to learn and grow,
To find my place, to let my soul flow.
But as I listen to the professor speak,
I feel so lost, so weak.

I crave a place where I belong,
Where I can be myself, and sing my own song.
But until then, I'll keep on trying,
Hoping one day, I'll stop denying.

For though I may feel misplaced,
I know I am loved and embraced,
By those who care, and by the stars above,
Guiding me with endless love.
ilo Oct 2018
Where might one stand with themself?
I am not confused.
I just am not sure how to navigate.
Many might say I am anilitical and cold
But to be so should help me now and forever.
Yet I am still trying to evaluate.

I've made one discovery so far:
My life moto: "If I've contemplated something for so long, I may as well commit the contemplated action," is not a good life moto.
This encouranges a fault:
I commit actions I know won't have clean consequences because I've contemplated the actions for a while, yet have not contemplated their results.

Now, I must start fresh and withold from actions and think more.
Yet, I have more fun when life is messy.
Life is generally stress free for me,
Except when I have to live with the consequences of messy actions.
But acting without overthinking makes people LIKE you.
It makes you seem less anilitical and cold
More casual and fun
And acting without overthinking makes people DISLIKE you.
Makes you do and say stupid actions and words
Make you seem too accesible
People want what they can't have,
Not what bombards them with weird thoughts all day long.

So my plan is to start by honing common sense and self control.
New Year, New Me!
Meaby Pom Jul 2018
Despite the facts this is about you and
Despite the way it happened; came to
I promise you im here for you; never
A love for you A round of applause for
Not a single reason to withold my
They label you a mad man if you stare at a can
They label you dumb if your thoughts are numb
To society where it's a incomplete conundrums
Dancing satellites happy people prancing around silently
See there brittle souls slowly unfold and withold
The greatest gift of all it's not love much more above
Than that the have the decency of a sneaking rat
Waiting for the right moment to steal your joy
Energy vampires ******* life out of even the lifeless
Even the corpses are breakin'out of their graves
Bravery is proclaimed by cowardiness
Shame is praised for happiness sun kissed
Sand glistening don't mistake it mother nature is listening
The violent winds are painting the trends violins
A tune that only the most conscious can hear
The ears twitches to the stroke of the rhythm
The waves clashing showing temper and anger
Giving signs of early danger but we are stranger
As all outdoors enjoying life playing a decoy
Technology is the new ology humanities treachery
Love thy neighbor and covet thy wives lives
Are rather thrown at us not by our instrospectives
But by our local government and politicians who are selectors
Molding us into a sinister creation
Parks build but no one is filled or skilled anymore
Kids play games rather than scoup up sand with their cupped hands
And watch it til its very last grain damaging stains
Is this all in my head or from chaos i see daily read
I see a field view of the ponds trying to play King
But we are at checkmate waiting for our freedom bells from liberty to rings
But know our biggest achievements will be when we touch the cemetery
And thats what matters the most because the genius at hand is often the ghost host
Carabella Dec 2022
You have it down to a fine art,
How you can compartmentalize your heart.
But you and I both know the truth,
You are weak, you are insecure, you are terribly confused.
You lack the courage to truly share:
So you withold and hope that I'll forgive.
But you treat others so unfair,
And bear witness to the destruction that you create.
You took the wind right out of my sails
And painted the masterpiece of chaos and doubt.
You were cruel and cowardice, in all of your tales,
I love you, I choose you, I want to be with you....
The Rembrandt, in the art of betrayal.
Mark Nov 2019
My mirror cries, my mirror sighs
But mine are dry, too dry to cry
The glass it seems, has cracking seams
That seep of wine, as red as mine,
But mine withold, and far too cold
To drip and fall, to splash and crawl,
But mirror mine, was never fine.

My mirror speaks, of sorrow's weeps
And weeping by, the seconds die
But silence stills, and lips with pills
Drink both by brine, down sorrows' mine,
Tho' differ we, the same we be
My mirror dies, whilst I in lies:
That mirror mine, is all to fine.

My mirror knows, it barely glows
No light to shed, on who is dead
No breath to breathe, no breath to leave
Yet I do shine, appearing fine,
Yes differ we, but same we be
For none to see, except for me
That I am fine, but mirror mine.
Elias Jan 2020
Terrified of confrontation.
Bad experiences not remarkable.
Yet when you withold all you have is bad experiences.
You would think it better to let it out.
To stand your ground, and make things understood
But rarely do things change.
So you are either forced to accept them,
Taking the back seat... Again.
Or you take the risk, and make yourself heard.

Frustration, that's what I feel.
Your time seems laxidazical.
You have five days a week of freedom.
Yet you sleep. You lay and watch TV, lay and read books.
Leaving responsibility to the last second.
I'm left alone.
Forced to put my self out there.
Hoping for a response, trying to make plans.
Something you rarely do.
I feel like I am the victim,
Suffering a wound to my heart, where the hollowness awaits.

Yet, here I am, taking the backseat again.
To afraid to change.
Tyler Apr 2022




— The End —