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Titanic-Lover Aug 2013
If you didn't know my story,but saw me in a book,
You'd read my name and wonder,then take a second look.
A shadow of my former beauty,I've been ruined by many years,
The things that have happened to me always bring on many tears.
I do not hide my sadness,for it is fresh and always there,
As I wait here so very lonely in my sunless Atlantic lair.
My poor,proud body is rotting away,there is nothing I can do,
Except hope maybe one day,equality will be given me too.
I recall a sadness filled day within my lonely dark,
When a plastic cup came floating down,and on my tomb left a mark.
That was one of many times I would give up and cry,
For human cruelness hurt me so,I got this rather than 'good-bye'.
I do not hardly recognize myself anymore,I say it not to be vain,
I say it with truth and exactness,to my heart welled up with pain.
Some people truly love me,for them I'm truly greatful,
Others regard me as a rusty ship with eyes that bespeak hateful.
I cannot help what happened to me,they just don't understand,
I once had a heart adventurous that would lead a career grand.
My hopeful life was ended in the year of 1912,
And my dreams,visions and pride-filled youth to the bottom delved.
I was told that youth and beauty would get me far in life,
And with these assets I proudly boasted,I knew nonesuch called 'strife'.
Throughout the tumble and crash of waves rode my lean body's length,
I reveled many times over in my satisfying,thrilling strength!
On the evening tide of the 14th,I saw the iceberg  true,
A handsome,glittering,ethreal prince,what was a lonely girl to do?
I rushed as fast as could be allowed to greet this glacier born one,
Eager to introduce myself and rid forlornness akin to a ton.
But when I came up closer,my heart he did stab,
With that glittering,icy spellbinding look,'twas my start of being sad.
He tore into my body,bringing unsurmountable pain,
What was the purpose of such cruelty,what could he possibly gain?
And on the night my life ended,I travelled my beloved sea no longer,
Death so young,in such a way,could life be any wronger?
I hoped so much I would not perish in a life that did just start,
Yet hopes were banished by the truths of a rapidly weakening heart.
I tried to wait as long as I could to save my passengers dear,
But the ending for so many of us was soon becoming near.
I didn't want to say farewell to the things I did love so,
And yet time was running short,and I wanted them to know:

Olympic,my lovely sister,I hope your life is a promise true,
Of many voyeurs across oceans wide,a charmer you are too.
Treasure the sun's bounty that warms the evening's chill,
And know throughout your entire life,my love is with you still.
Enjoy the satisfaction of your beauty and strength even when in dock you sit,
For a day may come anytime,and a single moment end it.
Show the Captain you are bold-bold,lovely and free,
But do not toss caution in the spray thrown off the sea.
I trust you not to be lonely in travels near and far,
For my ghost is always with you,just look up at a star.
When days come to you and a disconsolate thought you may think,
Remember the unconditioning love of a sister who'd "Never Sink".
Remember my love at morning,remember it at night,
Remember it these coming days I will no longer be in your sight.
I love you,Fair Olympic,in wordless,heartfelt ways,
Your memory I shall treasure in my saddened,sunless days.

I rest on a sandy sea bottom,amongst accoutrements of life,
From an unforgettable day when I learned the meaning of strife.
The earth has covered the stab the iceberg in my side did maim,
But despite that all,the hurt in my heart did stain.
I relive in over and over,wishing it were just a dream,
Yet awaken to the truths to know,my broken funnels have no more steam.
The way I landed in this grave,I look like I shall sail ahead,
But,that is all a fantasy,my once-strong body is dead.
It will not go anywhere,today or ever again,
I am helpless to the trash that falls upon me from heartless men.
The ship that sail above me hold people bright and gay,
Who do not know the sorrows that were on a 15th of April day.
They sail on to their destination,thinking nothing of me,
Who haunts the very waves they ride on my beloved Atlantic sea.
They dream of their days ahead,cheerful and free of plight,
Disregarding any notion of a nightmarish Hadean night.
They dance,they revel and throw trash over the side,
Where it floats down eventually onto the Ocean's Queen who has died.
They do not know of an iceberg with a sinister,laughing gaze,
And who pleasured in so knowing he ended my happy days.
They do not know of terror,of the ocean flooding ones' heart,
They do not know suffering for a ship breaking apart.
They do not know the agony of bading goodbye,
To the sunshine and a beloved sister who would never,ever lie.
They stand aboard a breezy bow,above the white waves foam,
Knowing soon,within a few days,they will be going home.
They seem to forget I belonged somewhere once too,
My home wasn't supposed to be an ocean floor,far from the sky's blue.
They do not know I've loved,they do not know I've cared,
They do not know the pain in my heart,that in scrapping,my sister wasn't spared.
They are the people who have this phrase float off their lips:
"Olympic and Titanic ,they are little more than ships!"
You humans claim you hold a bond to those you love so dear,
How different is it for me,I ask,with my sister built so near?
There is so much out there for those to remember me,
But my poor,sweet sister is forgotten,plunged into ocean history.
When you recall me,try to think of her too,
Bring her alive within your heart,I leave it up to you.
Years have passed,times have changed,though down here it's the same,
I am still the great Titanic,though my bow no longer says my name.
Some people who have discovered me have been respecting and kind,
I shall never give up my secrets,but their visits I don't mind.
Then,there are others,who ravage me to know,
They steal my finery,what is rightly mine;how can they hurt me so?
Although I do not mind some visits,I am now accustomed to the dark,
For the lights they shine upon me are so horribly bold and stark.
I am now part of this sea for one-hundred and one years strong,
All stemming from an April night when the most horrible went wrong.
The rust that drapes off me,some people say are like tears,
And,partially they are,my dearest friend,of the sorrows of many years.
The ocean floor is somber,the ocean floor is cold,
All the more unpleasant for a girl who's growing old.
My song it is of truth,to show that life is not a game,
But,treasure it every minute you can,all the very same.
It may be pleasant,it may be sorrow,
But,hold close the day you live in,think not heavily of a 'morrow.
I thought I'd have a tomorrow too,as I sit here in my grave,
I had a tomorrow,yes indeed,but not in a life-filled way.
I rest under these bitter waves,a melancholy heart is mine,
A shadow of my former beauty,a ghost of the White Star Line.
In the Aprils of today,on the dancing surf above,
My soul rises up to haunt the sea I love.
My soul is not marred by tears,fright and rust,
Whole and in perfection,before my death it's just.
At the latitude and longitude of that long ago day,
I have stopped many a vessel,so,remember me that may.
The scrapping of my sister,the sinking of me,
Life ended none too kind for both Queens of the Sea.
Remember us,gay vacationers,as you gaze up at a cloud,
For Titanic and Olympic,death 'twas not proud.....

I rest under these bitter waves,
A melancholy heart is mine,
We are remnants of our former beauty,
We are the ghosts of the
This poem is dedicated to my beloved Royal Mail Steamship 'Titanic',and her more forgotten,yet beautiful sister,Olympic. Never shall the sea be host to two finer ocean liners.
YourNightLight Mar 2019
I am drowning in myself.
I can't escape this torture of simply being.
Restless nights, Everything seems to weigh heavy on me.
My soul is tired & my heart is weak, Everything seems to come & go so fast.

Where do these horrible feelings that sit solid in the pit of my stomach come from?

Does everyone feel this way or is it just me?
I'm starting to think it's just me.

Though I do not wish to die, I'm struggling with the will to live.
Just because I am not suicidal doesn't mean I'm not withering away on the inside..doesn't mean that suffering through each day is any better.

I feel detached from the world & people & myself.
There is a constant aching in me.
I can't escape myself.

Where do I go to feel safe?
I never feel safe.

Where do I go to feel loved?
How can I feel it if I'm detached?

Everyone comes & goes.
Dynamics between people change.
People hurt people all the time.

What can I hold onto or trust that is stable?

What only makes me realize just how alone I really am in all of this is that if I do try & explain how I feel...
I get answers like eat more fruit,
think positive,
everyone feels this way.

I struggle so much to see where I fit in this whole grand scheme of life. What is my point of existence?

Literally no one can help me & that only makes me feel even more alone to deal with this heavy, heavy stone I carry around.

No one can see my pain at all. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.

I don't know why I've always felt so "sensitive" but I've felt this way for a long time.

I can't seem to find peace in myself.

I can't quite obtain my goals as easily as I think which take a unsurmountable amount of stress & uncomforting vibes.

I have to fight so hard for myself...I'm done fighting.
I Don't wanna fight.

I feel...

Nothing seems to help. If only it was that easy but nothing ever is,

I will lie myself down to rest for tonight, gather my broken bones & kiss my forehead. "Go to sleep babygirl, tomorrow will be a new day with new struggles, for now shhhhh, close your eyes."
Zara rain Apr 2017
my words have hit the trash can
rather than decorating
the wall of fame.
My mind is on a constant frown,
deeply obsessed with you.
I wanted your life to be perfect,
not flawed with worries
about tomorrow.
I wanted you to reach the height
of unlimited potential.
But lately, I’ve been the one
delaying your deliverance,
creating treason and misery.
Making you less
than you were before.
Lately... words tainted your soul
with disappointment.
Unmade your dreams
and disrupted the prosperity
of your wants.
Young titan - no longer mine,
Letting you go,
unchaining your heart
making you soar...

unsurmountable  measures of pain...
...and alcohol.

Diary confessions
I let you go, and yet I didn’t, cause hell will freeze over before you and I are done.
My love of poetry is too great
for Philosophy, physics to glue the skin under my toes
to the floor.
A waif, only dandelion fluff,
I tease the turbid puddles
of wearying intellect.
Life is too beautiful
to compartmentalize,
to classify,
to set unsurmountable borders
on the pleasure that only poets and hopeless romantics comprehend.
Disoriented sight/smell/taste/touch/hearing-
backwards rainbows and the upside-down
scent of oatmeal cookies,
the melancholy of a forever-stilled honey bee,
are more golden than yellow metal,
and certain
more knowledge than a heaping pile
of doctors/lawyers/senators/scientists.
reality's only denizens
are Dreamers.
Sean C Johnson Feb 2013
Conjecturing on the intimate remnants of your heart
surmising on the proper way to dissect its parts
delving into the chasm that holds your most private illusions of grandeur
bewildered by the vast expanses, these weathered lips simply stammer
the complexity of the concept left me stifled, mouth failing to make any attempts at offering kind words
as the reverberations of vocal chords became the only sound we heard
ricocheting off the precipices of your heart's unsurmountable walls
useless like hands digging the sands in fruitless attempts to draw
the full force off the ocean from a shallow hole
I stared at the blueprints of your heart's desires failing to find the control
every route on the schematic
seemed as if inner city traffic
flooded with passengers never fulling knowing when they will reach their destination rightfully so, at the center of your attention
as I sketch out the dimensions
factoring in the time it will take to find the route that leads me back to you
I marvel at the resiliency of your heart, then drive straight through
beyond these hallowed walls lies a future I was destined to reach
I shred these maps, light a match and burn all the blueprints of me...
Travis Green Jun 2022
When I see you coming my way
Your flaming playa game has me tamed
So sweetastic and freshtastic
Your sublime gangsta style galvanizes me
You rock me into your heartland
Superabundant in machoness
Straight up unsurmountable flex
Top-quality hotness like Prada
Like Cartier cologne for charming marvels

I feen for your dreaminess
I sink into your seamless splendorous seas
I shoulder your heavenly poetic electricness
In my vessel, in my treasure chest
Heavy with deliciously sweetalicious gayness
Let me exalt in your solidness
Stay down on your crowned pipe
Dribble your marbles on my tongue
Flick your stick on my wet lips
Call me your ardent red-hot bombshell

Push me down on your ****
Get me feeling lit and ****
Feverish and rapturous
I gag on your mad ****** attraction
I lick it like double chocolate brownies
Take you downtown to my town
Let the countdown begin
To when I stretch your limits
And drain your game
Swim in your bright diamond dreams
Breathe in your satisfying masculine scent
As it rises in the air

Make me whipped
Get me lit in your riveting ripped bareness
While I ******* your swollenness
Let you shake it in my face
Make me crave your ****
The way your sling your ****
Get me going, *******
Shoot your shot to my heart
Eject your delectable alfredo sauce
Let it roll down my throat
Travis Green Sep 2022
You are the coolest and smoothest *** appeal
That fuels my mind, body, and soul
Teases me in the most magical ways
That has me feenin’ to spend endless romantic nights
In your prodigious rigid arms
Play with my emotions, make my float
Showcase your assertiveness
Your desirable powerful build
What it takes to be a magnetically
Brilliant, shimmering, and supreme sensation like you

Mister red-hot suave macho man
Tackle my quintessential ebullient dimension
Stimulate my thoughts and feelings
Transubstantiate your game and slang
Into unsurmountable high-powered passion
Make me your gorgeous source of satisfaction
Embrace your expressively elegant
And enchanting handsomeness
Kiss your tasty mesmerizing lips

Your beard, an A-list amorous gateway
To extraordinarily immersing and swirling wonderland
So earthy, mysterious, and peerless
I drink in your aphrodisiac
Feel your machoness ablaze in my inner space
Feel your soft aromatic soothers slither
Against my dreamy sienna skin
Wrap me in your seamless virility
Bewitch me, deep, thrilling Papi
Take me into the deepest declinations of your engagingness
Fill my gayness with intriguing visual dreams
Of your hot carnal wonderment
Travis Green Aug 2022
Shimmery creamy custard yellow flesh
Meatball brown, ball-shaped eyes
So blazingly enchanting and dreamlike
Delicious peach pink lips
Mad flashy swagger
Irresistible eatable machoness

How I long to devour you
Like luscious oreo brownies
Gape at your amorous greatness
Like tasty baked potatoes
Such a mean dream lover
I am mad crushing
On your lustful succulent seductiveness

Flaming unsurmountable enticingness
You are sweet suckin’ sauce
On my soft, moist tongue
Radiant, romantic freshness
Bold smoking equations
Extravagant with relishable fantastical pleasure

Thrilling **** boy
Unchartable radical rocker
Passionate poppin’ prodigy
You are my magical, morning, and digestible coffee
I dive into your spankingly satisfying arrangement
Of peerlessly domineering masculineness
Alex L Apr 2013
They flow like a flooded stream,
like melting snow on a warm winter day.

Too easily, because
they pierce unseeing targets,
victims of a slip
of a thoughtless thought.

To the distracted mind,
they can be rendered obsolete,
but when that is all one
the damage can be unsurmountable.
Karijinbba May 2024
Dearest true love:

It's mother's day dearest darling: My blessed imaginary friend PJC/JPC= rddbba- well not so imaginary but a real true love.
You your blessed deeds remains like the stars above like the many constellations, distant in sight, but never far from mind and heart.

There are so many treasures gone wrong all which fell into enemies hands treasure map and all. Even my offspring went missing. Janehiltonmay
Our dream that did not breath in the face of reality. My heart is shattered glued back together together, Its a stubborn heart of gold does anyone need such a heart? Alone and destitute kept alive by grace of an old memory chip. After all the sacrifices carrying for everyone beloved-
On my own again.
I love you so much and you my precious grown treasures my children, my true love pat= rdd be well my love thank you for thinking of me loving me across the unsurmountable obstacles.
May God keep you blessed safe never ever feeling alone I am just a thought away..loving you understanding you treasuring all of you all that is a part of you.
It looks like I did read between the lines and I need it now that I am older

Much love true love Mom.
Angelinabba. AKA Janehiltonmay.
All rights reserved 41654-10:30AM Mich Mex.
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your splashiness is a matchless savvy galaxy
Bursting with immersive grandeur
Your hotness and machoness is synonymous
With ultra hypnotic chronic wonder
So all-out, knocked out, and thugged out
Such a thundering frontline stunner
Luscious upper-crust seduction
An uttermost eruption of indestructible
Muscle-bound profoundness

Your unsurmountable industrial-strength supremeness
Draws me to your dominant enthralling vault of heaven
Where your arduous ardent body
Of immaculate top-class art astonishes me
I swim in your valorous splendorous seas
Spilling over with unbeatable breathable litness
I marvel at your remarkable upbeat charm
I lose my head over your cool

I exult in your flourishing four-star smoothness
Your succulent plugged-in thugness
Your lush mushrooming freshness
Your essence of heavenly blessedness
Caresses and finesses my velvet stretch of fragrant land
Your cast-iron wings cling to my delightful crashing craft
Let your far-out flawless lips kiss my saucy chocolate lips
Feel your pulchritude fuse to the roof of my mouth

Give me a ceaseless thrilling head rush
Crush me closer in your unutterable lovingness
Fashion masterful ******* passion
That enraptures and hijacks my glorious life force
Escort me into the unlocked sparkling doors
Of astronomically atomic euphoria
Where your mesmerizing mountainous magicalness
Arrests and directs my incandescent vessel
"Born in a brothel, raised in a tavern, rode in a coffin, died in the streets" - Warkos Diméaus (Nhlanhla Moment)

Tellaby Tellaby neater than me
Tellaby telling me her guy I cannot be
She is a girl that all desire
She kindles the day like fire

Tellaby Tellaby she be a queen
Telling me I am not fit and ill-willed
I sought to hold her like the air circles in the wind
I need her like wool and sheep are twins

Tellaby, Tellaby I wish guys could see
This unsurmountable beauty that she shows me
Tellaby tells me I can only wish,
To have her as mine is like sands that have fish.
Not a thing but a telling wish
Tellaby, she has a heart so rich.
For: Don Warkos
aurora kastanias Mar 2018
As February departs with promises
of spring abandoning premature buds
yellow on solitary mimosa trees left
to freeze and shiver under the unwanted

caress of Russian buran, sternly gliding
over mounts rivers and valleys to cross
the unsurmountable Urals, past graves
to the defeat of many warriors, undaunted

by obstacles to reach the Italian peninsula,
covering lands and my garden in white
blankets of thick soft snow, suffocating my roses,
teasing my ficuses and palms, wringing

firewood to the disappointment of my chimney,
never as now so appealing, chameleonicly
camouflaging my hoary stray cat, it has deserted
its usual spot, its hammock imbued

turning to a colourful icy sheet of material,
as I coincidentally prepare for my physics
exam on climate change, I bring
to shelter my bonsais and baobabs.
On snow covering the garden
Kylia Jan 2016
Day 1:
You dance through it, with painted smiles and 
Portrait lenses tinted pink
You don't leave this sand castle you've constructed
Head in the clouds, tripping on thunderbolts

Day 2:
The sun draws shadows down your spine
You're not broken, only scratched 
A second-hand car, gone to get your fix
New paint to hide those scars

Day 6: 
There's no steering you away
By now its a repetition, wrenching sunlight from lemons
Black, white, black white
Black eyes, ripped pockets

Day 57:
Heaven is only for angels,
But you're a wolf in disguise
You flew too close to the sun, wax wings 
Burning, drowning, clawing (your way to the top again) 

Day 100: 
Today's the day. You're gonna do it again. 
Pierce the veil, soar to new heights
Away from those demons you used to know they shout out STOPDON'TDOTHIS
But you can't-FIGHTIT-don't want to wake from this dream

Day 9649: 
You're a blind man waiting for the sun to rise
It's getting hard to breathe in this haze
Then there's a pinprick of white
You surge forward, riding on waves of desperation

Day 335481:
Its an unsurmountable wall
You keep climbing and climbing and climbing and climbing but 
Look down and suddenly there's a hundred 
Miles left 
One word. Drugs. Actually, its three. DON'T DO DRUGS.
Isabela Aragon Feb 2016
there is something eerily and ironically calming about being alone in a room crowded by people who do not know a single thing about you – the unsurmountable flaws you try so hard to claw out, the haunting memories that tug your heartstrings, the wretched moment you first experienced heartbreak, the tiresome problems that incessantly pest you, the undeniable fondness you feel for the one who makes you feel all types of fuzzy on the inside, down to every detail you lock away and consent only those who have broken down your walls to see – and do not bother enough to figure out. we encounter different people day by day, apathetic and oblivious to the tough battles they have faced, and the demons they have dealt with. solace shouldn't be found in selfishness and ignorance. humanity clearly lacks a sense of sincerity, the type that is untarnished by each individual's egotistical ways. i pray that we stop being afraid of feeling and empathizing, because there is nothing more pure and beautiful than genuineness.
Happy Holidays:
Always in my heart
Dear son Shiv
Heart of gold  
Blessed be your days
Unforgettable be
your holidays
I am always with you
Dearest darlings my
grown children
my biological grandkids
Tamally Mask
I am always with you
I love you adore you.

Tamally maak
I am always with you
No matter the trash
that clouds your mind,
Sickens you judgement;
Discard those door mats

Tamally Mask
You are always with me
No jealousy divides us
No malice, nor greed
Today criminal minds,
Impostor wanna be Moms
are sunk and drowned
we are always one.
Lala Sassy Coco
mother loves you.
I am always with you.
Ancient true love,
Be my Knight
Twin soul PC Rk
obstacles have fallen down

You remain in my heart,
Ancient twin soul divine
As you promised
remain imaginary mine
my best friend Joel.

keeping me company
regardless of miles
between creeping in
Joy to poets who
took time to read
to comment
to connect to write
to keep me company
Tamally Maak.
You are always in my heart.
By: Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
The stars call
But we can never answer
We can but look
But never visit

Fuzzy beautiful images
Sent back for study
By machines
With names of great ones
Long since dead

Swirling nebulae
The most beautiful colors imagined
In shapes of horsehead and *****
Butterflies and other fantastic creatures

Stars form connect the dot pages in the sky
Named for Greek myths', and animals
Pleiades, Orion, Pegasus, Andromeda
Ursa major and minor, Cygnus

The deep field picture
Show us the breadth of the universe
Galaxy upon galaxy
Rings, and helix, and discs

Planets we discover, the possibilities
But we just know they are there
Because of a wobble, or a dimming
Of the star they orbit

Light years separate us from our quarry
Unsurmountable distances
With today's technology
Perhaps some day
Life is an ocean...
In which all of us are sailing together...
Somedays the currents will be warm and calmed...
But sometimes the sea can get rough, cold, unpredictable...
With high waves that seem unsurmountable...
And we have no choice but to keep going...
For we are sailing through the ocean of life...
Luckily there are kind people that have enough kindness to fill the 7 seas...
It is easier to sail away through the 7 seas of life when your sailing mate is kind and gentle...
The true purpose of life is loving those who we care about...
I wish my dear reader... or should I say sailor... that you have a smooth sailing everyday...
And when you don't...
Look for the gentle sailors around you...
For life is not meant to be navigated alone...
No matter which your port of call is...
Maikol Ruiz Feb 2019
Poetry is a gigantic blue sky replete of complex light nuances

Poetry is like an eclipse coming to an end after an endless night

Poetry is about brilliant meteor falls that illuminate the dark sunset without rest

Poetry is as important as the beautiful changing phases of the mysterious moon

Poetry is as pointless as trying to replicate the unsurmountable elegance of the clouds

Poetry means everything that has ever existed and everything that will never exist

Poetry is a constellation that changes our point of view until our last breath
hope you like it.
Travis Green Jun 2022
Your stellar psychedelic
Prepossessingness mesmerizes me
Enmeshes me in
Your treasured poetic majesty

I ache to escape
Into your unparalleled
Unsurmountable galaxy
Where I can plunge
Profoundly into your hunkiness
Kevin Jul 2019
the morning sun does not rise
back between the marshes on the bay
where colors remain dividing lines of gravity
where the horizon never seems at hand

on land, at a distance,
i can clearly see your vision
features all your own
the blue of your eyes, the curve of your brow

but it's july and we are at a distance.
nothing unsurmountable
not of lengths saved for olympians
but i fear the phenomenon of a mirage
Travis Green Nov 2022
Nasty splashy majesty
Aromatic eye-catching rarity
You are my thrashing treasure chest
Of seemingly splendiferous dreams
Your extra effervescent exemplariness is
A grabbing gem gleaming
With limitless stupendous interestingness

Your **** sweet heat hits me deeper
Than a high-powered big-game bullet
Than an explosive electric lightning bolt
Super magical Casanova
Your crash-hot fast-moving smoothness
Makes me wanna cruise deep
Into your increasingly rich, sleek, and
Idyllic paradise of the most exalted pulchritude

I pine to be your divine guiding light
Let my peaceful and pleasing love
Blanket your blithe muscle-bound beauty
Rub my rhythmic hands all over
Your saucy macho architecture
****** your lovingly ***** lips
Your stellar silken mustache
Sink into sinfully steamy long nights
Where our wonderfully wild worlds
Travel in time, united in undivided
And unsurmountable love
Travis Green Sep 2022
Tall, stalwart, and extraordinary smash
Sublime five-star droid
Bright blazing beige skin
I drift into your suave award-winning pristineness
Indeterminately deep and ardent astonishingness
Inexorable explorable allure
A sexually arousing and mean dreamy fiend
I covet to touch you all over

Rub your rock-solid showstopping construction
Up and down, kiss you all around
Delight in your out-of-sight strikingness
High-level flexalicious aestheticism
Broad and capacious pecs
Powerful and venerable biceps
Considerably irresistible and A-grade abs
I want to delve into your eye-catching earthly rarity

Mellow electric hot boy
You are a rocking shocking hotness
Streaming in my infinitely succulent heartland
Vibrantly creamy beige Samson
I crave to embrace you for days on end
Drink in the richness of your sweetness
In the rapturous black velvet night
My brilliantly golden and flaming dope boy

Radiant breathtaking city dweller
I lapse into your readable breathable exquisiteness
Lost in your orb-shaped captivating glacial blue eyes
Sumptuous sand pink lips
That feel highly satisfying to kiss
Boundless unsurmountable fieriness
Immersed in unabashed ecstatic rapture
Divine refined brightness
Bound to your measureless psychedelic flex
Travis Green Jul 2022
His fresh fervid firmament
Draws me into his remarkably
Responsive charmingness
The lushness of his thugness
Glistening seamlessly
In the bright, delightful night
His magical mantacular masterpiece
Fastens to me sexually
Makes me caress his hairy golden chest
Flow into his machoness

Slide my hands on his phenomenal solid shoulders
Embrace his unparalleled greatastic enchantment
Taste his poetic pink lips
Swig down his unsurmountable litness
His fresh, delectable honey
Such a spanking hot ******
On the frontline of my jungle
His hunkiness has me punch-drunk
Hungering for him to slam dunk
His monstrously rigid gun in my tunnel

Take me down, devour my fiery divine mounds
Mesmerize my vast flowery playground
Tongue kiss me all over
Take my breath away
***** my thick thunder thighs
And let his crunkness stun my system
Deeply penetrate my inner space
Make my salacious jamming station vibrate
The more you ram his slamming sensations
In my precious treasure chest
Consume me, my irresistible unfuckwithable prodigy
Mr E Jan 2023
To say one is a survivor implies
That they are the remainder
Who lived through unsurmountable odds
Where others did not

Survivor implies the hardship has past

But the survivor's journey does not end
Even when the ashes settle
And the bodies are counted
When the funerals are held
And grave stones are set

The survivor survives

They survive the guilt
The **** within their spirit
That haunts there conscience and steals all comfort

For the Survivor knows
They will bleed to the day they die
Travis Green Aug 2022
The way you move your tall, sparkling, and red-hot body
Makes me rise to the sensation of sliding in
Your untouchable sultry seductiveness
Feel your lewd true-blue hoodness
Suffusing my life and dreams
Rigid slick smash hit

Long throbbing machoness
Low-hanging treasured *******
Flaming virile spice
Impossibly hard and rippling chest
Extraordinary and incomparable abs
So overwhelmingly manlicious and swaggalicious
Smoking ferociousness, dope soul king

I wanna be down with your profound muscle-bound grounds
Gawk at your superbly noteworthy beard
Flavorous maple syrup lips
Dangerous dark chocolate eyes
You make my feminineness moist
Make me want to exalt in your mantastically unraveling passion

Venerate your captivatingly ingratiating foundation
Confiscate and dominate my senses
Skin pressed to skin, mouth to mouth
Mind-changing psychedelic freshness
Raw saucy thoughts rocketing
To astonishing and piping-hot Mars

I need you, chocolate chad splash
Need you to shake up my structure
Manhandle my heavy-breasted velvet headers
Bite and squeeze my turgid, tingling tips
Stuff my guts with your *** lover monster
Take down my gayness
Encase me in your smashing capital attractivity
****** your hot quality headpiece deep in my moist vault

Feel every burgeoning pulse of your bulge
Revamping my rainbow hole
Let me flow into your unsurmountable untamed fieriness
Fall apart in the presence of your humongous hungry gun
How you swirl it in my inner world
Make me obey its every command
Take me to the other side of imaginative, enthusiastic ecstasy
Make my mouth water, ablaze in your formidable frenzied heat
Travis Green Feb 2023
In the dreamiest darkest nights
I feen for his distinguished tremendous magnificence
To feel every inch of his mentionable sensual dimension
Kiss his succulent peach-blossom pink lips
Permeate me with the magical flavor
Of his contagious first-rate captivatingness

Digest his tastefully extravagant alliteration
Let his matchless meritable metaphors
Slide down my throat as I ***** his robust royal shoulders
Allow my fingernails to claw his mantastically massive back
Guide me to the unsurmountable exciting delights
Of phenomenally pleasing paradise

I clasp his attention-grabbing ***
Hold him close to me, console his head
Survey his jade-black eyes
So captivating and penetrating
My fiery dark-haired splash
An unrivaled striking titan

I pine to climb his giant-size mountains
Of magical mouthwatering passion
Navigate his inner space, captivate his straightness
Taste his poetically fantastical majesty
My unforgettable attention-getting bewitcher
I wanna groove to the rhythm of his coolness

Trace my gentle hands across every stimulating sector
Of his sensually supreme masterpiece
My rare compact Daddy, fully equipped
With legit physical attractiveness
I wanna caress his creatively chiseled canvas
With stellar soft strokes of unconditional love

Let my fingers find and hypnotize
His hottest softest spots
Etch my impeccably delectable and treasurable destiny
In the depths of his majesticness
Bring life to his hypnotic body of top-notch art
Travis Green Aug 2022
I am so smitten with your dreamy glistening beauty
So lost in your crashingly gratifying attraction
Lying in your overpoweringly strapping arms
At the center of delightfully striking paradise
I feel so soft, like fresh absorbent cotton
The way you lick your seductive upper lips
Silky beardalicous sweetness

Your deliciousness drives me crazy
Makes me feel so bewitched by your *** appeal
Your killer chillin’ vibe
How you flex your expressive, energetic construction
So blithely high-spirited and a peerless pleasing pleasure
Your majesticness is incredibly arresting

So caressible and flexible
Rippling brick-hard chest
Attention-getting chiseled abs
Brick-solid lickalicious thighs
Your massively cracking galaxy
Has me wrapped around your profoundness
In the brightness of your towering treasured allure

I watch you stroke your chocolate-covered cast-iron pipe
You look at me so lustfully
With your absorbingly dark coffee brown eyes
You lure me into your wildness
Motion for me to get on my knees
You freeze your hands to my head
Push me forward on your hot stuff

Make me feel it at the back of my throat
Make me choke on your fiercely incomparable girth
Work it without reserve
**** it, search about its enticingness
Knead the massive ecstatic *******
Smoke it like an earthy, chocolate, and full-bodied cigar
Make me feel popping sparkling explosions inside my treasure house

Your stellarness carries me away
The way you beard down on my head
Slap my cheeks vigorously
Tell me to **** harder
Trace your long, picturesque, and slithery snake
With my hot sloppy mouth
******* it all around
Bound to its salty throbbing wonderment

I take in the sights of sunshine and lollipops
My entireness excited and zonked-out
So dotty about your naughty saucy hotness
Submerged in your deep glittering sea of sugariness
Melt me in your playful rejuvenating sensationalness
Nuzzle your bouncingly joyous bulge
Sink into your greatest possible wonder

I am so far gone on your flawless engulfing charm
Lionizing your unsurmountable shining invitingness
Your saucy steel weapon is so rock-hard and ruthless
How you moan gets me going
How you look at me with superheated passion
You take me over the edge

Make me float in ineradicably ingrained lust
Such furiously fervent and immersive thugness
******* your large and heavy meat
Monstrous rampant greatness
You let out enthralling crash-hot sounds
Hold my head down on your four-star engorged joystick
As you pour out visible and venerable lava down my throat
Travis Green Aug 2022
Freshalicious shredded heavy-hitter
**** broad-chested machoness
Insanely flamboyant-faced sensation
Young fun-loving hunk
Immersing iceberg blue eyes
Magical spherical gorgeousness
Beaming brighter than ever
Like mesmerizing snow-white mountains
Like burning dancing lamp lights
Dreamy leaf pink lips

I want to ****** your hotness
Holla at your sauciness
Feel your explosively rhythmical
And prodigious muscles
Rebellious vigorous seductiveness
Your lovingness touches my silkily steezy softness
Consumes me with passion
Renders me helpless, enmeshed in static swirling ecstasy

In awe of your marvelous stalwart contours
The radiant engaging detail
Of your salient ingratiating foundation
You evoke sheer spectacular soul
Shimmering like a magical melon orange sunset
Like a destructive blood orange volcano
Mister milky vanilla ripper

Your bewitchingness beckons me
To your aesthetically pleasing scent
Sheathed in your speechless sweet virility
Unsurmountable desires surmounting higher
You homoness opens in full bloom
So over the moon, moonstruck by
A saffron milkshake sauce boss
Travis Green Jun 2022
I love you more
Than I could love anyone else
I love the way you smile
The way your ardent hypnotic eyes
Shine like the huge June sun
Indescribable, desirable, admirable
Delightsome, lissome, and virile man
Bright top-flight iron-man
Unmatchable crash-hot heart-breaker

You add pure electric sweetness
In my chamber of gayness
Youthful, unmovable smoothness
Articulate passionate allure
Solely glorious machoness
The unsurmountable power
Of your swagger enraptures me
Grabs my attention
Cajoles me into your dimension

You give me the deepest
And sweetest feelings
Encompassed by your stunningness
Enveloped in your moist, limber arms
Embracing your unrelenting strength
The way you ***** my neck
You take my breath away
You got me considerably crazy over you
I can’t get enough of your captivation

Boy, you got me swaying
You don’t know how bad I got it for you
Trapped in your majesty
Surpassingly rapt, flabbergasted
Bound to your crowned profound attraction
Travis Green Jul 2022
You are a cosmic, hypnotic, and popular charm
Mega crashing smash, divinely bright, wild, and ****
Juicy, true-blue, and soothing, ****** attraction
In traction, sweet suckable lollipop
Your luscious muscle-bound art makes my heartbeat skyrocket
Bomb *** rock-solid marvel, your invaluable masterful aura
Sparkles in my inner world, imaginative aesthetic delectability
The most tender and resplendent ****, I relish your entire
Unsurmountable universe, your delicate, sensual nature

The way you taste in my mouth, such cosmic charming ardency
Mighty and enticing delight, how I pine to bite
Into your sweetness and feel your virility thrill through
The tunnel of my lungs, revel in your tight thundering thugness
Brutally badass coup, I can eat you up like homemade chicken soup
Groove on your coolness, your ultra-consuming passion
Mad hot mind-boggling showstopper, how I crave to engage
In your contagious captivation, feel my nation escalate
The more I glide my hands over your tough tattooed architecture

Place my mouth on the superb surface of your mantastically
Shredded chest, finesse your flex, arrest your confection
Circle my tongue on your mesmerizing crunkalicious crests
Solace your colossal unstoppable hotness
Charm your swirling fervent immersiveness
While my talentedness travels throughout your galactically
Mantabulous galaxy, enthuse you, move your mood
Infuse your cool with my smooth oozing chocolate homoness
Darien May 2018
The fanatical have now reached
critical level.
It seems to me
the sound of mind have taken
a sabbatical.

Seems to me
that there's a lot going on
more than the eye can see
I can't believe
people actually fall for what
they be saying on the TV.

Thats just insanity.
Don't the public see
that the media only operates
to create conflict
and deceive.

So take in what I'm layin down.
Look up.
See what's goin round.
Open up your eyes
and soak in the pill of truth.
The answer lies
beneath the ruse produced

The news wants us scared.
Instead of giving us the truth,
they'd much rather us live in fear.
Showing nothing but people
getting shot up the block,
and guess what,
the shooter's always cops.

Men in blue are racists,
so dont aspire to be a cop.
Spiking our blood anytime
a police car rolls up.

Police brutality's a thing,
but like with anything,
a rotten apple doesn't spoil
the whole batch babe,

These men live and die
to serve and protect you.
They bleed blue.
Pay respect where it's due.
Don't disparage an entire force
due to the **** poor actions
of the poisoned few.

So take in what I'm layin down.
Look up.
See what's goin round.
Open up your eyes
and soak in the pill of truth.
The answer lies
beneath the ruse produced

I'm seeing women
marching these streets,
trying to maintain
some semblance of dignity.
That I can stand beside,
but Kathy Griffin's joke
against the pres
I can't get behind.

Its asinine.
Now if that's feminism,
then forgive me,
but I resign.
I'd much rather
have peace of mind.

I might not like the pres,
but we got to find
another way
to move past
these difficult times.

So take in what I'm layin down.
Look up.
See what's goin round.
Open up your eyes
and soak in the pill of truth.
The answer lies
beneath the ruse produced

Terrorism isn't just across the seas.
Hell no!
Terrorism's right in front of me,
in our schools,
in our homes,
blatantly happening
right on our streets.

****, it even happened
at a concert
of Jason Aldeans!
This I can't believe.
This I can't unsee.
If we stay on this trajectory,
we face massive catastrophe!

And yet we focus
on staying politically correct.
All diplomatic
while our country's
under duress.

**** politically correct!
Who these leaders
trying to impress?
We need to fix this mess!

I'm not saying
we need to kick everyone out.
what I'm saying
is we need to protect
the one's with us now.

We're so focused
on pleasing everyone
on a global scale
that we forget
about the ones
in our own country
that need our help.

Like Puerto Rico,
and the Us ****** Islands.
Our supposed leaders
turned a blind eye to em!

These are our people,
and our government
left them to die.
**** like this
Wow, it just blows
my mind.

Its a wonder
we don't break
from the
unsurmountable sins
built up
from time.

What the ****'s up
with the world
these days.
We've lost our way.
And the rich
are bathing in green
while they watch
world waste away
And I'm here to say

Take in what I'm layin down.
Look up.
See what's goin round.
Open up your eyes
and soak in the pill of truth.
The answer lies
beneath the ruse produced

This country's now
a bleeding wound.
Raining blood
like a **** monsoon.

A cesspool
of ignorance,
especially now
with the king of hate
as our president.

See now,
people are divided
instead of United
hating and killing
and villianizing
the innocent.

I bet you if the ones
who sacrificed their lives
for a better nation
could see us today.
What would they say?
Not a **** thing,
they'd turn
and hang their heads
they'd be so ashamed.

And we're all to blame.
Pointing fingers
left and right
just to spark a fight.
Hating someone
based on prejudice,
now you know
that just ain't right.

You preach first amendment,
and yet you attack anyone
who you deem ignorant
just cause they don't agree with you.
They'll wreck you
just to spite you.

Force us to pick a side,
and if it ain't left,
you condemn anyone
who chooses right.
Please Keep an Open Mind
Michael John Apr 2021

is my life ridiculous?
(a question we occasionally
an elf

before sundry giant
looking up
past unsurmountable

ancient alliance-
death and worse..
armed only

with magic wand
to hand
mayhap called

a floppy hat
my heart
5 cats
a rat

a sparrow
the spirit of
the wind
a wild flower

by the window!
o diminutive

looking in..
a naked toe
but not hopeful-

how ´s the weather
up there?!
and the law

and twist
a possible

the gloom
a paw

what are you?
a thousand
a month-

kind of-
in some respects
sometimes dull
but always

small but
equal to

a universe
hardly a mouthful

yet markedly
a void
yet elated

yet cursed
and laissez faire..
aware elf

but disinterested..
and thick
but loose

and charming-
(just eat him!)
i hardly recognise

perhaps a
all is possible
wealth never
enthralled but..

Travis Green Aug 2022
Your superlativeness enraptures me
Makes me yearn to trace your salacious
Strawberry lemonade lips
****** the fervent lines and outline
Of the soft ****** surface

Stroke your detailed debonair beard
Be your moving mellifluous muse
Inhale your divine and timeless invitingness
Your gorgeously galvanizing frame
Massively swirling and freshalicious game

Static chad flashiness
Your magicness captures artfulness
Fluidity of movement and smoothness
Heavenly effervescent perfection
I wander away in your fetching crown royal maple eyes
Dark handsome eyelashes
Arched, strong eyebrows

Rad tatted majesty, sink me
In your spinning speechless ecstasy
Further than ever, in your frenzied flickering heat
Disorder my thoughts and feelings
Tease my eager curvy blinkers
With your firm fingers

Travel your teeth over my ebullient succulent ends
Lock your tongue against them
Bite them, finesse them, run your fingernails over them
Make me moan hard
Play with my emotions
Let me worship your moist rock-hard muscles

Peck your thick slick neck
Rub my exuberant cheeks
Against your stately sinewy shoulders
Behold your glowing golden mango composition
Feel your bewitching kitten-soft hair

****** your aromatic earlobe
As you move your hands
All over my youthful touchable body
Smoking seductive supernova
You tug at my heartstrings
Mesmerize my liveliness
Pull me into your unsurmountable powerful desirableness
Make me so boy crazy over you
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your fragrant glamorous captivation
Permeates my essential nature
Makes me crave your unparalleled
Ingratiating sensation, makes me romanticize
About being tantalized by your highly
Hypnotic thugness, aggressive, expressive ruggedness
Enmesh me in your ripped libidinous grip

Bring me flaming unsurmountable bliss
As you kiss my slick spicy lips
You draw me into your meltingly
Compelling manfulness
Make me long to live in your impeccable
Thugacetic wonderland superabundant
With incredible psychedelic rock

You leave me breathless
Enlaced in your contagiousness
Lying naked on my bed
With sheer demure thoughts of you
Wanting every flawless raw part of you
Travis Green Aug 2022
My sensations are shaking within
Inebriated, greatly spacey, under your sway
The way you play with your aggressive and monstrous snake
Dangerous untamed meat, smooth, slithery, and southern
The meanest wicked litness that has me twisted
In its bewitchingly blissful and delicious dreams
Dark chocolate rod, maple brown sugar oatmeal slickness

You taunt my homoness with your dauntless unsurmountable game
Swing your smoking macho yo-yo, make me gasp
And pash for your splashiness
Crash into your indescribable moonlighted flame
Indulge in your lecherously heavenly impeccableness
How you immerse me in your overwhelmingly masculine thunder

Make me want to get crunk and jump
With your young, irresistibly untouched hunkiness
How you slap your marvelously thick sausage
Stretch your astonishingly gaudy ball bag
Flick your flamingo pink tongue
Flash your dark wine brown eyes
How you stand with your ***** manly legs spread out

You stroke over and over again
Make my mouth water, fill me with red-hot unrestrained thoughts
The way your bright, vigorous veins shine
Killer kissable *******, I gawk at your hot rocking charmingness
As you moan wild sublime clouds imbued
With boundless devouring desires
Spout thick, white, and virile delight
How I desire so deeply to swallow your wholeness
Travis Green Jun 2022
I am overpowered
By his hot flaming hunkiness
His luscious loving hands
Dances all over my feverish fragrant flesh
He commands my canvas
He demands my attention

He reels me into his hotness
Where he slays my soul
With his dangerously
Flexing impressiveness
In his unsurmountable
Electrifying domain

I am quivering
Overly blown away
By the way he moves
And soothes my soul
He makes my mouth water
He has me going

He makes me hanker for him
To put fuel in my tank
I want to feel him
In the darkest of night
Streaming in my heart
At lightning speed

Let me revel in
His blazing A-grade sensations
I crave him more and more
I aim to explore his abundant
Exuberant treasures
Taste his smooth, lush truths
Twirl in my mouth
Down the slick railway
Of my throat

I want to choke
On his potency
Feel his machoness
Moving magnificently
In my inner globe
Boy, he is my enchantingly
Mesmerizing king
So keen and serene
So clean and dreamy

He gives me the highest highs ever
He makes me ache
To ride his crashingly
Splashy and matchless waves
Submerge into his stellar
Superbelicious rareness
Travis Green Feb 2023
I gape into the gateway
Of his breathtaking hazel eyes
And hanker for his unrivaled desirable strikingness
Navigate the greatness of his unparalleled imagination
Encased by his inspirational and sensational nation

His radiant elevating takingness
Amazes and stimulates my gayness
Inhale his distinctive masculine smell
Hover high in the endlessly deep
And dreamy sky of his entireness

Drawn to his dark, enthralling charm
His unconquered tallness
Lapse into his matchless fantabulous splashiness
Register the compelling elements
Of his digestible magnetical freshness

Kiss and tease his heavily built physique
Taste his heavenly velvety sweetness
My romantically rugged and succulent lover boy
He melts in my mouth like flavored, intoxicating, and
Homemade milk chocolate cake

I am so soft on his top-quality exotic hotness
His firm mouthwatering splendor
I love how harmonious his charmingness is to me
How he haunts my undersense
The more I stream through his rigid fulgid exquisiteness

He quenches my feminineness
Arouses my curiosity with his grandiosity
I find unsurmountable solace in his bold ambrosial machoness
He guides me on an inviting flight
To the tantalizing delights of flaming bright paradise

— The End —