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Yenson Sep 2018
So what's it they have, what's it all about
Work for the bossman.
Use your brawn Earn your pittance,
Then eat, Pub, drink, **** and pay the bills
Go footie, shout and scream, at one with your tribe
then  go sit in front of the telly, play at family
Week is done
Till the morrow when you do it all again

How about a soap opera, you direct and act
Gotta a Royal down the road ripe for the taking
Lets go invade, see how the other halves lives
Come, lets all join and become Kingmakers
Under our ***** thumbs he goes, we pull the strings
Entertainment for the masses, beats our mundane cages

For once, we are the bosses and can pull the strings
Knowledge is Power and its all here in Mao's Red Book
Lies, fabrication, distortions and misinformation
Disinformation, half-truths, slander it ain't no matter
Everything he says will be taken down and used against him
This is control at our finger tips, this is power to play with
He's going through the Red mill, drilled and ground into dust

Look we've got him as the puppet, we destroy all his trappings
So gather round and join the fun, this is us like God
Lights, action, now you do this and this and watch us play him
what do you mean puppet ain't moving or re-acting
OK let's do this, you go there and you do this and do this now
Still no action, OK let's try this, if you go there and say ah
You drive here, you stand there, you watch here, you stand
Nothing still, OK you come here, you put this here
Still nothing, This puppet is NUMB, this puppetting is no fun

They had drawn up the master plan, written their ****** script
The puppet looked and laughed, what a bunch of prime morons
No substance, no value system, no morality or basic sense
Infantile, one track minded sociopaths full of flaws and manure
Go back to your drinking and ******* and your mundanity
The united pack of crooks, ****, racists and the vacuous coerced

Go look after the Leading Lady stuck with rehearsals and scripts
The imagined romantic interest paying debts for UK residency
Waiting for the Prince to come running and tomfoolery begins
The bit part actors are still playing, too stupid to realize
The control is on them, their time energy and effort all a sham
Our Directors are directing making it up as they go along
The supporting actress are still hopping and hoping
The new characters are still buying false scripts and playing
Playing with themselves as Puppet stands and watches it all

They wheel out their demented scribes and brain dead peoters
To write dirges, glooms, ******* and negativities galore
Casting their dark fantasies and the rancid spittles of their dregs
Muds from the festered pools of their putrid minds dresses up
Ready to visit nightmares of their making from their darknesses
Areas thankfully unknown to a mind and soul untainted, unsoiled
As is their bitter lives, valueless breeding and hate and prejudices One ignorance and neurotic existence, the depravities of depraves..

Poor, poor imbeciles, they really don't have much in their lives
Illusions and delusions by the bucket loads, anything would do
To remove them from their sad, miserable sorry realities
Hey its Clockwork orange, we are all stars in our *****
Diversions to their mundane, unrewarding and depressing realities
Their frustrations and powerlessness, their insignificance
At last a vent for their frustrated lives, miseries loves company
A release valve for pains of centuries being underdogs and serfs
A safe playground for psychos, control and pain in abundance
Let's call it Revolution and add Republic to make it more palatable

Down at the palace of Attrition, a blameless man sits and muses
Crazed dogs of war at the gates, salivating insanely, bloodthirsty
Watching Controllers tieing chains to masses and jerking them
Into frenzied hysteria, nothing beats permitted wickedness shared
Dropping poisons and acids into hungry jaws, patting heads
Shouting rallying calls, we got the Bastille of the blinds going on
Scientists please take notes, this is Herd mentality and Groupthink
This is how to manipulate the masses and incite Hate unawares
Majority wins here, this is Democracy, this is people power

Do, you are ******, don't, you are ******, Hate abides all.
Puppet sees injustices but better to play dumb and numb
They can't abide a black do well, hate spews from fear
Hate festered by the unique decency of a successful blackman
Who had all they wished for but could never have or be
Riddled with lust and envy they merely went on to steal his
But that wasn't enough, the bullies and cowards had to ruin.
Under the pretext of them and us, blue versus Red they lied
Rabid racists takes another black man down, green bottle falls

Man proposes, God disposes, UK, KKK now play god
Thy will will be done O'Lord, I am but your servant
It's rather flattering being The Real Deal in this production
Confirmation of differences betwixt Gifted and the Depraves
A Travesty full of sound, false images and fury by the loonies
A Red Racist Production by Idiots and psychos for fools and sociopaths.

Lights, camera, action
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” .
Exhale Your Mind Jan 2014
He smiles so bright like he has teeth of gold.
Projecting the reflections of his own inceptions.
I'm done grieving the words that once killed the inner me.
Verbally abusive was the past that didn't last.
He shattered my hope like splintered and shattered glass.

As far as the moon is to the sun is he to me.
I can picture his face but to me he's faceless.
His voice is like the echo of a stranger.
He salts his words with flatter,
it doesn't matter, they are tasteless.

His speech is drenched in hypocritical lyricals.
Transmissions of emphatic subliminals
transformed him into an emotional criminal.
If people would obey the limitations of their naive believes.
Maybe they would know that he calls me once a year...
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Vegas Baby

Eating sushi,
in the center at the top of the pyramid,
this is The Life,
point blank period.

Hamachi Ahi,
uni unagi,
we eat everything,
up to the last big fish in all the seven seas,
seven seas seven sins,
at the table gamblin’,
wash it all down with all green everything,
green dollars green eyes,
green grass green tea,
from poor to rich tables turn lights switch look how the pendulum swings.

Eating sushi,
in the center at the top of the pyramid,
this is The Life,
point blank period.

Built on the backs,
of high hopes and low self esteems,
where every game is fixed,
and sits upon a million broken dreams,
see I’ve seen,
a man lose everything due to his greeds,
in his passionate pursuit to procure his wants,
he lost all of his necessary needs,

this is Vegas Baby,
where bad things seem good,
and good things seem shady,

though luckily,
I’ve mastered the art of the sin,
so I rarely play,
and when I do play I play to win,
loaded dice cards up my sleeve,
I know the dealer and I paid off the magician,
for I am one of those,
who made it to the top of the pyramid,
so now I sit in a penthouse suite with a sweet freak in my sheets at the Luxor,
I told you before this is The Life point blank period.

Eating sushi,
in the center at the top of the pyramid,
this is The Life,
point blank period.

As I soak,
my bruised bones and my blood diamonds,
in a bubble bath of passionfruit and guava,
this is no joke I exude The Good Life without even tryin’,
my karma mixed with my commas brought me to nirvana,
no Kurt Cobain,
just hurt and pain,
mixed up with this money made my a monster,
no Meek Mills,
or weak wills,
just this student from the School of Hard Knocks that graduated with honors,
some how,
so now,
I’m swimmin’ in endorphins with a princess no tiara,
no tomorrow,
no time to borrow,
and I Bet we’re gonna make Love *** Magic no Future or Ciara,

that’s a pop reference,
if you didn’t get it yet,
Future Ciara I Bet,
Love *** Magic trick,

or treat,

there’s tons of puns and subliminal messages,
in almost ever line I write,
sometimes the sublime subliminals are so subtle,
that I don’t even catch them they escape no alibi,
copy cat killers,
can imitate but never copyright,
they’re just imitation fillers,
while my literature stays genuine,
all illegitimate posers attempts at insight,
pale in comparison to my legitimate ledgers of time,

often imitated,
but never duplicated,
the Word of God,
plus what Satan said this,
the balance of extremes,
forearms tattooed with pitchforks,
back tatted with angel wings,
this is what happens,
when fashion meets passion,
this is a combination of everything and everything,
this is it that is all,
I am infinitely everything,

and I meditate on all of this,
right here at this restaurant as they stare,
an American dream living legend,
awake in a never-ending nefarious nightmare.

Eating sushi,
in the center at the top of the pyramid,
I told you this is The Life,
point blank period… ∆

Aaron L∆ Lux

Volume 1 of my new trilogy about Hollywood is now available worldwide.
I’ve decided to donate ALL of the profits of this new trilogy to three charities.
Volume 1 profits will go to a charity that prevents abuse and ****** assault on children.
Please support my new book and by doing so you’ll not only be helping prevent ****** assault, but you’ll also be helping set an important precedent in making a statement to other artist,
saying that we all need to start giving back and helping each other more than we have.
PLUS you’ll also be getting an epic book of poetry from an epic best selling poet.
Let’s make charity cool and change the perception of coolness for the better.
Who cares what car you drive or what clothes you wear anymore?
What matters is what you’re doing to help those with less.
We live in this world together and can all give more.

It took me six months and thousands to create this trilogy in it’s entirety,
all I'm asking for in return is a few bucks and a few minutes of your time.
We made the last book I published #1 worldwide and we can do it again.
Simply purchase a copy now for less than it cost for a cup of coffee,
and/or PLEASE WRITE AN HONEST REVIEW about the book.
I’ve priced the book as low as I possibly could with Amazon.
And honestly If you really don’t have 3 dollars to spend,
at least REPOST this message,
or RESPOND to this message,
or something,

Here is the link for purchasing/reviewing the book:
SøułSurvivør May 2015
Collaboration with
Arcassin B

There's someone
On Capitol Hill
There amongst the
***** and swill
Got your number
On a bill
They've SOLD OUT
For a thrill
Every vice
Martinis chilled
You are just
View to a ****

Someone up there
Someone up there
Just said "Aye"
Someone up there
Told some lies
Someone up there
Has some eyes
Someone up there
In the skies
Someone up there
Wants to pry
Someone up there
Makes you cry
Someone up there
Makes you die..

While the toetag still
Keeps you alive,
All the unfairness
Becomes deprived,
Exposed and identified,
What's the Pentagon up to,
They about to have
New nation full of immigrants,
What are you gonna do,
Plotting the demise,
Subliminals in your eyes,
You wonder how the people
Broke off pride,

Someone up there
Someone up there
In disguise
Someone up there
Serve without pay
Someone up there
Love one's die
Someone up there
Don't act surprised
Someone up there
No time to be shy
Someone up there
Don't want this life.
What IS going on?
MCEO (Middle Class Edged Out)
We are being systematically
Spied on
Lobbied against



It's not your senators and congresspeople
They are usually BRIBED or

etc etc etc ad nauseam

There are only 1%
Running the show
If only 11% of our
Current population went



Stop buying their PRODUCTS


Thanks to Arcassin for working
With me on this project.
He's a wonderful collaborator!

Moonbeam May 2016
There's corruption here and all around the globe
At the hands of demons and a secret robe
A robe that covers the truth of ourselves
It's kept hidden on the Vatican's shelves
They don't want us to know who and what we are
If we did, they wouldn't have gotten so far
Sacred geometry
Free energy
How to manifest our reality
They control us with television and fear
Sending us subliminals hoping to smear
Our subconscious
Our love conscious
Replacing it with hate
They make us insecure while our egos inflate
Ego is hell if it's left unchecked
No one ever does it, that's why our planet is wrecked
Know thyself and you will see
What this planet can truly be
Beautiful and shared by you and me
The birds and the bees
The earth and the trees
It's here for us, to nurture and love
We need to be aware, not defile and shove
Chemicals in the dirt
Chemicals in our food
Can you hear the pain of the cow in the tune she mooed
She misses her baby that was heartlessly taken
She produces milk for humans but we are mistaken
It's not for us, not everything is
We can't smother and steal and make that our biz
We all deserve happiness and freedom to live
We shouldn't always take, we should always give
Our time and our energy to something big
Something that can benefit us all
Something that can make us stand tall
Something that's from our hearts
Not from our ego's survival smarts
We are smart in many other ways
That's why we need to nurture it before the end of days
Erik T Blaze Jan 2021
I am
Casting down imaginations
To the pulling down of., strong-holds
Gearing up for the., long term
But from the outside looking in?
May seem bold
or  quite
( Well )
Just referring to the thoughts
that I have
that are really not that far- off
while dreaming of.,  REVELATION
No fabrication on my part
As I try to separate the Light
from the Dark
with high hopes and
Which is.. a sen-sational sensation of flying high
as I'm being
High on
Or something like a planned
Evo-lu-tion that is so
Staying true to my elevation in 2020
leading into 2020 one
Now seeing  Dou-ble
( Although )
Some might try to fix it?
But I would beg to differ
Cause it would take.. Twice.. the listen
Care to listen?
Just to see things
And at the same time?
Shuning the carnal mind's version
of seeing  Dou-ble
May call it.. Twinning
Which is the true definition
of being  Dou-ble
So to combat this?
I would just never
Mind it ( meaning )
There's no rules or
bars of
For no 20 or Eye is missing
from my
Raised suspicions?
Well., Just hoping that you will
tread.. carefully
And stay
As you enter my center of words
and.. penning
As I write the vision
I'll make it plain and simple
No Subliminals
Or either I'll keep it at minimal
While maintaining the
As usual
As I keep on gaining in
Do not follow your heart follow God
Shemika C Apr 2014
The illusion some protray just to all be the same and want the same

  Subliminals, the media, and soical sites..
No one wants to be the same and treated different from others
So why portray this illusion
Be different, be who you are, display your imagine and inner feelings
Be happy with who you are..
The illusion..that's what they want you to protray!
Tommy Johnson Mar 2014
Come trues
Come through’s
With the same question
Sleeping in the harbor

Thorough affairs
Right beside you
For everyone
Besides you

Ridiculous findings
Of subliminals
In the subconscious

Exhaustion slams on the breaks

Running on fumes
Check gas gauges
Blow past the yellow lights
But there’s not too much distance

Veering into your shoulder
Your’re off your head
Funny interpretations

The prime meridian
And the equator

Follow your fancies
Holding the final sum for ransom

Pudding skins
Melon *****

We’re shivering around two candles
I hate this on street parking curfew
I keep getting up to check
To see if some quota filling officer of the law gave me a bogus ticket
Hao Nguyen Apr 2016
Let these words manifest,
collecting light particles
to form blinding orb pairs:
weightless, mysterious---
unrecognizable to untrained eyes.

Let these condensed suns travel
at their own patience pace
down the desperate path:
unaware, hunting---
aiming to impact with wanderers.

Let this vehicle of literature
resonate earth and air
as they who stand before:
afraid, curious---
awaiting the damage yet inflicted.

Let the impact pass like typhoons,
thrashing warm winds and caressing rains
to sooth the fragile forsaken soul:
trembling, confused---
contemplating the value of their breath.

Let the moment remain frozen,
growing between forever and never,
sending important subliminals to foresight:
love, patience---
reminding the willingly forgetful.
Thandiwe Noki May 2015
In mornings unwoken

A turn toward the sleeper

And presentations to eyes that will not open

Nor see to the chesty howling

Nor a smile shared on skin and other spaces

Tied to the arms moving violations

And subliminals creeping upon you through slats of sunlight and shaking eyelashes.

Dust that’s formed in the folding where the nose shades seep into blood vessels store the dreams nodding at coming days.

Bullet holes admired by tourists, defunct airports admired by tourists and the flashing bulbs which used to carry them away,
Erianna Hill Sep 2014
What do you see when you see me?
****** expression?
Or just a person?

What do you hear when you hear me?
Word choice and placement?
Voice Pitch?
Or does it just go in one ear and out the other?

You only see what I show you.
What you don't see, is the churning of my mind. Constantly thinking, pondering, just trying to slightly fathom this conundrum we call life. You don't see me struggling to gain constant understanding, while my knowledge is constantly expanding, and my inner constantly flying and landing, but my outer is just standing still, like feet caught in wet concrete.

You don't see the daily processing of people, places, things. Like are they the superficial type? Thinking the physical is the best that life brings? Or are they the intellectual type? Figuring out why things are the way they are, and doing their best to make a change because in contrast to popular opinion, sometimes, freedom doesn't always ring.

You only hear what I say.
I know that statement might sound stupid, but it means so much. Like duh, you only hear what I say, but I want you to feel it. You have to get beneath the words. Dig deeper than its literal surface layer meaning, until you get to the bedrock of truth and discovery. Then and only then are you capable of recovery and possibly creating the eighth wonder of the world solely from shrubbery. You don't hear the pain behind the syllables. The valleys between the pinnacles, the undercovers and subliminals. You hear me, but you don't feel me. You see me but **** sure can't read me.

Sometimes you just have to look a little harder and listen a little closer.
BLVNK Feb 2017
From every corner there's borders bringing the order with slaughter forcing these morders to keep white recorded in forces rejoicing subliminals spiritual 4 5ths the only scripture made to keep visions blind.
A solstice the size of heaven infinite infidelity a cosmic orb I described as hell.
in eyes are swelled indulged in gold sentences to provenience of differences so instant missions when that serpents hissed to keep a sin locked inside a vivid mind.
So can we live in abundance problems we face we effect the story told chapters written closer to ends another master prevailed
Bullied in packing weight
For keys respusha size
bundles we hope to rise
in a state rates increased the coffin size.
It was a beautiful day,
Sun is hidden away,
And listen to what nature
Had to say,
My minds at ease,
Nothing to my conscious,
To tease,
Me about I'm just on that
Spiritual route,
Don't **** me vibe,
I'm just tryna survive,
Like the next man,
Or woman,
I'm cooling no time for droolin',
Over negativity,
Embrace longevity,
Envy the biggest enemies
To humanity,
Why can't we,
All just sit back and blaze
And ounce to that,
Old school tracks,
As the vinyl's cracks,
Soul music let the melodies
Walk into ya body,
Illuminati tried to blind me,
But I'm wires differently,
New age baby,
But old school raised me,
Golden principles 80s,
A scholar and wise,
Don't need corporate ties
To get a taste, and realize,
The lies,
Told to me since day one day come,
Daylight some,
But darkness makes the
Most bombs,
Covered with filthiness, I can attest
I say it with my chest,
But back to this herbs that bless,
Slowly caress,
Mary's lips, grab a close hold of
Her hips,
Slowly pull her in,
Yeah the party's jumping,
Got a few sips of gins,
Got a **** looking for a hen,
To put my licks in,
Feel me mayne,
I'm in the fast lane, coastin,
As the fires roastin',
Way pass overdosin',
No drunk drive I'm just scaling
The highs,
Down to the lows, angels in all angels,
Reaching to me,
It's so lovely, .maybe these
Weeds playing minds tricks
On me,
Another day in the Houston daily,
I catch all subliminals,
When I'm high, toward the sky,
So high oh so high,
Byrd's playing the words,
Mellow music bump up the
Soul surround universal pounds,
Up my adrenaline,
Used to be a middle man,
But now I'm chilling with herbs
In hand,
Realeboga M Sep 2020
There's quite a lot that I could put to words.
And to be fair subliminals aren't my forte.
But consider today a different story.
There's just so much I'd want to relay.
But so little ways to convey.
Without getting in trouble that is.

I'm not saying much,
But I'm saying everything all at once.
Can you tell I'm subbing you?
Michael Marchese Feb 2022
Have all these images
Who we’re supposed to be
He and she norms
I romanticize
Lovelessness graves
I’m contained
In her ghosting me
Spirits and vapors
Erase recollection
And she disconnects
Into astral projection
As digital,
Message subliminals
Steal her attention away,
I’m invisible
Can’t be more tangible
Still though untouched
Like a hand-held device
Is more worthy of trust
Though I’ve clutched her frail digits
And kissed her eclipses
I’m still overshadowed
By sideshow exhibits
And live in this
Freak on a leash
Other world
Where no fakes
Can heartbreak
Such a nothing’s real girl
Seth Seaman Nov 2020
Friends think and doubt for me
Blood runs and stains on me
Brain drives our lives blindly
Crimes filmed and shared on t.v.
Money can provide heat, first you got to burn it on the street
Lungs filled with smoke, choke, choking on hope
Eyes guided by pleasures, loyalty is a lie
Billie singing her sweet music about the bad guy
Afflicted, affected, keep your minds protected
Abortion, distortion, women being forced by men
Surgical transformations, medical abominations
Chemical hallucinations, burning down nations
In God we trust, in God we lust, gamble or bust
Pray, prey, say what you may, before you decay
The art is brittle an riddled with holes, guns laws, street brawls, strips malls, free for alls, the ******* walls
Population inflammation, worlds resources fall
Forgive me nots, stomach caught in knots
Grieve she haunts, too much for her thoughts
Heave his weight over edge, life loved to little for his pledge
Demons, heathens, leaders fiercely breathing
Scars and hints on how our minds have been bent
Articles, radicals an subliminals curiously breeding
Are you even getting the point I'm preaching
Life is not whats found but in what your seeking
Not what you've learned, but in your teaching
Not what your given, but what your preseiving
Poison is poison whether giving or receiving
Clean yourself and start the mass healing
Renard Jackson Nov 2021
Sank is to float as rise is to fall
Gift is to prize as celebrate is to ball
Life is a must as to crime is to criminals
Endure is to touch as to questions are subliminals
To be full it's enough as a dream is an epiphany
So trust to be fooled as we surrender to save
Are we moving forward to get back kiss *** to be in front
That's *** backwards¡
Tolerate ignorance to be smarter ones
Acceptance of the small comings and you are being the bigger man
Fly before you stand, be all you can be with no upper hand
Raise is to uplift overseeing is not to understand
Sharing is caring and it's better to give than receive
To have is to own although possession is 9/10 of the law these days
To grasp is just a moment but you have to hold on.. be what they'll say

— The End —