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Father Jul 2018
Um basically that I'm not crazy that she's being rediculous  and selfish and legit tell me I'm right not dismiss it like oh how about we try and work with her even more then what I just sent u and have her make it even more difficult on me u all think it so easy I get off work at 9 no way I could take him to school and my son will want to see his family at my house not just Legoland everyone always thinking of themselves and **** one day I won't be here and then everyone will see how far I was pushed and how hard. I worked and how hard I tried and when that happens itll be too late because I'll be gone u have ur kids u have ur husband Stephen does everyone has someone I legit am all I have so the only kind of love I get to where I feel like I'm needed is my son he's all I have and what keeps me going but Jesus iv been fighting like a maniac for almost 6 years now to keep him in my life and sacrifice my health my happiness my everything just so I can pay child support and try to get him as much as I'm able outa of pure selfishness no one gets it no one trys to get it everyone is focused on everything else to really see what's going on u have no idea how many times I write my good bye letters to everyone but stop when I get to my son because I legit can't and won't and absolutely refuse to leave him alone with that ***** and that selfish family all he has but Jesus dude I'm not super man I get **** from everyone in every direction and constantly get told and made to feel like I'm hated and everything else when I legit do so much for everyone and care so much about everyone and the one thing I have my happiness is my child my son and I never get to even take him for more than a day and I'm dead tired because I work my *** off to distract myself from my ****** existence and misserey I've been thru hell and back my entire life and I'm stronger because of it but no one understands that my laughter my smiles my jokes my comedy is to distract me and everyone else to the reality that I'm on the verge of death the verge of giving up the verge of loosing hope the verge of saying goodbye to the one thing that deserves so much more than I could give my baby boy my hero my heart my soul my everything my pride and joy how happy I was to find out of his creation and ready I was to bring the beautiful blessing to the world into my life how ready I was to be there and watch the miracle of him every step every laugh every tiny amazing miracle of him growing and learning and I've had all the dreams all the hope  to be there and deserved to be there still deserve to be there and missed so much of his life because of a evil hateful selfish heartless demon that manipulated my mind my actions and my heart and took what strength I had and fed on it with pleasure and sick love for destroying my soul I'm living in hell and the demon that is evil has fed clawed and ****** away my will to the point where I'm just a dim light of what I was born to be and have the potential to be the light is almost out and my little savior my baby boy is left with nothing but a shadow a like a belief that his protector didn't care and wasn't there and the demon will feed him nothing but lies and hate and fill him with nothing but hate and  resentment and confusion and anger until his sweet Innocents vanishes and light starts to dim and left to feel all alone this is as deep as it gets do I share this do I send this questions I am left with do I open up and cry for help scream for help problem is I've been screaming for years and I'm trapped so far into the darkness that no one can see or hear the crys the begging and pleading for it to end save me Help me someone but there's no one just me my miracle and the demon trying to devour what's left of my soul and diminish me from existence and tarnish and manifest itself to become the very image of me and my baby boy will look at me as nothing but the very  demon  that left him without a father as the demon feeds him the darkness I left behind the memory of me will be nothing but a random thought that will be covered up by lies and fear and resentment in my child's eyes because the demon is now me in my child's eyes and that's when the demon wins that's when the demon is finally full not after I'm gone but when the last bit of love or light I leave behind is replaced with itself and my baby boy thinks of me as nothing but the very demon that destroyed me then just maybe then the demon will win cause now the demon is my son's mother the only one there and becomes the hero and I become the demon in his eyes I'm lost I'm afraid I'm alone and begging and pleading for it to change to end to stop in the end if hell is for ever and if I'm in hell and it really is for ever then the only thing I'll be wanting or screaming or hoping is for it to end to stop to cease to exist in the end my enemy is not the demon feeding on my soul it's the never ending pain and suffering the forever the continue the hope the urge to keep going in the end my enemy is time and the only way I can stop time is to take my self out of the equation and the light that is left the life the will to live goes out dies disappears and leaves nothing but a void and darkness like it never existed good bye is close and hope is lost my will is gone nothingness is where I'm headed my little miracle is all that keeps the light inside my soul lit the flame is low and I'm affraid that it won't last or make it
If I could write my thoughts
You may not quite understand
For the words we are stapled with
Seem ridiculously bland

Music flows like colours to beat
Hypnotising my soul, sparking my senses
Controlling my body I'll jump to my feet
Unimportance of visuals like seeing through lenses

If emotionally moved why not be 'fantabulous'
Eyes closed I see clearer and all is so peachy
Bisto relates to Sunday but life is better gravy
Grey Monday's depress but not 'Grey..You get me?

Just separate your instincts of colours and such
Words are just letters You'll see in a bit
Brains installed with viral fake mush
Some never stray from the path of life's Pit

So blasphemy like '*******, **** and ****
Bad letters because swearing is ...wrong?
The four letter 'C' word the worst though admit
Cos **** is just letters made worse for too long

Sue is my name all over the world
Yet Mum can be Mom, Dad, Pa, Pere
If taught **** for Mum wisdom are not pearls
Red is not hot blue is not cold transparent unclear

So simply my mind see's what's gone so wrong
To un -train what's been taught like losing a limb
People are 'Crazy' to not follow and conform!
Don't get the page yet? read on its no sin

Fantabulously individually Humans
My DNA matches no others so why  march to the tip TOP beat
How beautiful we are 'ALL' Races of humans, Us
The recent power crazed gave racism a ******

****, Racism, diets, Religion
War, Rich, Poor, just made up words
Humans empathetic risers to imagine
No hate, selfishness, Malice in Humans that's Absurd!

Do we find Racial abuse amongst Dogs, Cats and such
So many species but a ***** is a ***** regardless of colour
Rabbits in the wild don't live in a hutch
Straying the point lets try to mull over

From born colour coded, numbered and named
Associated colours, Pink Girls, Blue Boys
Lemon and white if scans are waylaid
Colours are just preferences or visual noise

Taught to be the best you can be
Strive to the top, the higher, the best
Already are wedging the You and the Me
Hang on..Oh look.. I come from the 'West'

How hard to be taught to embrace our uniqueness
Respect, Love and cherish the short time we're here
Selflessly love, change this bare rotten bleakness
Humanity release this dark You enslave

No rich or poor just balanced and happy
Heinz not for me still love store brand
Caviare Hallooga Ballooga, Whatever, Really?
If not jisting my drift now... You're not of this land!?...

All I'm saying is we are all unique so live life to the full, embrace love and happiness, help others where you can, be selfless, respect costs nothing as does a smile, no need for fad dieting, embrace your unique self, let's strive to make Humans be the best we can be but embrace the journey together, life is not a competition or a race, beauty can not be visualised or bought, true beauty 'can' be the ugly ducling surrounded by selfish nasty swans.  Feel the love in all Humans globally.  The one's who lead us at the tippedy top have been hypnotised by some othre in-humane greedy, selfish sub species, who I shall name the darkness and unknown fear we only feel, because remember to visualise is irrelevant to our existence , it's through our feelings, fears and thoughts they attack first, causing panic amongst the trustworthy of our so called Governments.  If they all wanted the best for us then by al means pull together as ONE Government, but to diminish the value of money is just a way of controlling us, keeping the rich rich and richer and making the poor the lowest, ,maybe now homeless **** in society we all feel uncomfortable around?  If all houses cost the same, all wages paid the same rate and no unnecessary taxes to park a vehicle, drive the vehicle, toll costs when in the same country and no tax on wages...What they spending that **** on? We already pay tax on the area we live, yes roadworks, police, fire crews, New Homes even, street improvements have to be funded by tax to pay wages... fair enough.  No taxing us on our hard worked, underpaid jobs that we lose blood sweat and tears over and lets face it 3/4 of that goes back into the government with tv licence, overpriced food, tobacco, extortionate fuel companies conning you out ya money with standing charges and charging you more kw for the £ on the ever gracious £5-8 emergency they put on pre payment machines.  Then If your lucky enough to have worked and lived an average life you can buy your own house which you pay of untill your pension years.... god forbid you need residential care if u lose your mind or you can kiss your financial future for your kids cos that care don't come under the good old NHS.... and is soooooo over priced and understaffed by mostly aliens of society that the government take the house and money to pay for their care???? ******* rediculous.  And of course when U die you have to pay a % of the value of that house to the government.....for?? Yea what the **** for? My house? Go **** yourself!...The free bus pass don't cut it, the discount priced fish and chips DON'T cut it!!

You know the thing that grates me the most? TV Advertisements, e.g Washing powder ads.... 10 years ago it removed 'all' stains and made whites whiter than white... now 10 years on and Fantabulously new and improved with colour protection and stain, bomb, bullet proof...Yes you have guessed it, makes whites 'even' whiter! ha.. white is white it don't get whiter.....all scams for money....stick a trusted celebrity in the ad....and you could sell chocolate teapots to the masses...

My Motto..... Eat well, live life, embrace our imperfections cos perfection is unreachable, unachievable and installed into us to get more money, more power, more **** knows?  Don't be ruled by the soldiers and the puppets of society, believe in what you like and respect that others may not always agree with you but we are entitled to our opinion, not everyone is going to agree, that's what makes us different, never seen a war starting over country A likes coffee Country B likes Tea....lets go to war to battle it out....Make war against the law... would solve asylum seekers, ad that god dam racism word, bring back golly Wogs and baa baa black childhood was when thatcher was in reign.... oh how the man 'o' species let 1 woman come into power and claim she ****** it..... anyway straying again...Wake up People Freedom is lost,  lets not let them take our souls too!!
Richard Riddle Dec 2015
I've been asked by our son and the grandchildren, Evan and Emily, "Granddad, what would you like to have Santa bring you for Christmas?" A stock answer with grandparents nearly everywhere is, "Don't get me anything, for I have everything I need or want, so save your money."
Although this is a true answer, I usually give some kind of a rediculous answer like, "A pair of horseshoes would be nice." They smile, laugh, but it wouldn't surprise me if they bought a pair.
When I say, "I have what I want", I mean just that. For you see, my family, our son Russ, daughter-in-law, Mea, Evan and Emily, and my "Guardian Angel", "Brie", are my Christmas gifts, 365 days a year.

I can't ask for more than that!

copyright: richard riddle- 12-21-2015
David Watt Sep 2010
Her honesty is a thing thats rare,
a thing that causes most to stare.
Strangers hear of her akward jokes,
that may be acceptable around only blokes.

The smile that can lighten the dimmest of days,
only surpassed by the music she plays.
She gives and gives till she cries from stress,
which sends me into rediculous distress.

I cannot stand to see you sad!
for without you with me i look mad!
So heres to my friend,
who follows only her own trend!
Kay your great!
and a fantastic mate!
ArturVRivunov Oct 2011
I saw a gentle face looking through my eyes, and they said to me don't think about it twice. . .
Just look back into my eyes and I'll show you a deeper place. . .The life is not a silly place, for in my time I lived within my place. . .Now I'll show you that deep embrace your eyes long for.
Then that gentle face took me to a place where life's but in pace without digrunted haste. Senses guided this gentle face, showed me how to fight it, and I took it willingly, my new strength betrothed from her gentle brace. My gentle face I became to embrace as only fresh breath of air.
I became to know it so, when I glance back what in my time I felt but such a waste, when all it was were just few silly moments, when my heart sank and I couldn't show this feeling with about a face in blanc. But then came a reason for what in life could be my please on, for I was missing this gentle face present in mine. Until funny as to how long ago I wrote this, to only finish in this moment when I have run into this gentle face. Pondering her embrace in this life I feel without her a waste, but I know and feel her daily smile, her tiring heart at times like mine when I feel the world is falling apart.
Her gentle face overrides the feeling grief, for if I was to feel sad, it is always brief.
I only long so much a day for when the time comes, we together, get to play.
Darling, your gentle face in front of me sways me in ways I have only imagined. To say so now how I felt this moment and now this moment I had found it. Your gentle face I saw in time when mine was less profound, it give me a feeling joy so far from how I imagined, for your gentle face I feel it to never wonder from it, into oblivion because from how far I saw it to now how much I love it.
I believe in love and it's how I lived it, but never seeing that there would be another. I never felt to loose my sight for I have felt you, from afar glowing within the night. Adults and others feel lost to love, feeling time in age, to be only put down by something they don't feel in life they can't anymore engage. How could we lovers loose sight of life adventure, ceised by today's life on its venture. Today's affections all but tend to misperfections and everyone seized in mind to love themselves creating such perfections, to only show but never feel.
Oh! How I look into your gentle face and feel for it in every place. To even look into another, it's pointless within my pace. For there is no such face I could find within your embrace. I am your face, for how much I feel we fit in place.
To yours mine always ventures, through clouds of clamour where life is but lost in glamour. No one see's a subtle moment, where time passes between the two, because their always distracted away from two, to always wonder about around them, whome is who, what looks upon our face embraces. And in most cases, they loose their loving laces, that tie together of what you and I do share.
For when I looked into a gentle face, your trully in spirit, since now my heart can clearly hear it. Since our first embrace, together in one place, my heart explode it, this sound so melodious. Yours trully listened and mine just glistened, the sound of perfect. This melody, all I could and only hear, to it to only add in new sound you in me but steer.
The soothing melody of you and me sitting beside each other on our first walk where all the chatter around us but was talk. While I felt in your wonder moment, swamped by your mesmirizing glow.
There was no other place I felt to go but to your heart. The funny thing you told me in moment of rediculous it didn't mean to me a thing of any sort particulous. I only felt to hold your hand and feel your lips with such lovely words. Sitting on that busy metro, my life changed with in large retro, a spect in life I felt to wonder when all for me would be a calm no matter where I felt I stood in warmth, your love swarmed over me by strength, if so this train had hit a wall I would have gathered in my strength to break your fall. . . . .. . .
Matt Jursin Dec 2009
What, you think this earth belongs to you?
Dont act like your **** dont stink. ***-eww.
We sabotaged and stole this land...
Poorly planned.
Tried hard to **** off all the native peeps.
Became the kind of company that misery keeps.
**** of the earth.
We dont need a world-wide police.
Need this new-world-order like we need a new disease.
Watch out, keep eyes peeled.
Catch you slippin, might take away the rest of the freedoms you feel.
Trade MY Rights for YOUR lies?
C'mon, get real, no deal.
Masonic traditions so ritualistic.
Right in front of our eyes!
So sadistic.
No such thing as ugly beauty inside.
No morality.
No empathy.
No unity for human kind.
All pride.
All pompous politicians peddling for bribes.

Question everything.
Humans lie and decieve and try to change your beliefs...
For selfish reasons that you may or may not see or believe...
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
God has given us the earth
To take up refuge
But yet in all staidness
In this home of ours
We human beings
Have been very poor tenants
Take a look around
Scope out the view
Our dying ionosphere
From our constant pollution
Our disengaging ozone layer
Which protects us
From the sun's burning rays
When they someday disappear
From existence
We will all be doomed
Becoming trillions of pieces
Of human bacon
On a global skillet
Take another good view
Of our plants and animals
What all they do for us
And what we lack to do for them
We have killed so many
Many which have met extinction
Our precious plants and animals
Are leaving us one by one
Day after day
Year after year
Soon we will have nothing
Left to our name
Even the water
Is becoming unsafe to ingest
Some places it has been that way
For centuries of time
But why is it hard for us
To remedy
To refresh
To replenish
Our only home
One we can never move from
Why destroy so much life
When we can make it better
Oil is scarce
Natural gas rises from asphalt
Everything is dying
And soon so will we
Change will never come
The damage is done
Oxygenation is so depleted
Soon will be no resources
For us to live off of
Because our dishes aren't clean
Our rooms are so *****
Our floors need vacuuming
Our walls peel valuable paint
Our vents are clogged dramatically
In the air lives dangerous molecules
Speckles of death floating airborne
Also we further the damage
To our already destroyed home
By the chemical warfare
The biological weaponry
Created by the minds
Which are here to help keep up
The exuberance of our home
As does the war of countries
Our rediculous governments
Ensuring war upon us
So called humble housekeepers
Which allow blood and destruction
To overtake our abode
To make our predecessors
Turn in their graves
To make our God *****
A sandstorm of anger and disgrace
We don't deserve to live here
We have not pleased him
We have not pleased each other
We have only inflicted damage
And so much pain
To our home
God deliver us please
Bring us up to par
Or this corrupted home
You gave us to live in
Will be dead and gone forever...

©Michael P. Smith
Santiago Nov 2015
I wont beg, i wont insist
I wont lift a finger, i just wont
Maybe being cold hearted
Finally finish what I started
I feels stupid after searching
And no ones there, no one cares
Im the only one thats actually there
While everyones being happy
Im stuck lost asking some one
Who never cared love was never there
God please help me for get this person

That only thinks about herself
Whos selfish, stubborn, and apathetic
Self centered doesnt consider friends
Let me be the same cold hearted
Numb to the point where i wont feel
Lord help me break free
A woman with no heart
I bet lives and dwells in the dark
Please Lord I feel rediculous
I bet shes permiscuous too
Guide me God i despise woman
Who disregard broken hearts
I hate you.
Angel Groman Apr 2013
i dont know what to do, i feel so lost and nothing i do seems to help me in this struggle, you dont seem to give me the respect and love i deserve,i dont think you understand how much that hurts me, because all i want is all your love and attention and kindness, but you kind of make it seem like im not worth your time, all i do is love you and talk about you,and am super nice to you,i have done so much for you its rediculous, and all i ask in return is that you respect and love me the way i deserve, and i know thats not too much to ask for, especially after all the things i have done for you and bought you, like that really nice and really expensive guitar! i have never once asked you to buy me something, because i dont want your money, all i want is you, and all of your sexyness and perfectness and your love especially, so please take that into consideration next time you want to be rude to me, and think does she really deserve this, because i dont!!! i love you sooo much ok, but i want you to love me too!! <3
this is not a break up note, because like i promised, i will never break up with you, no matter what, i love you sooo much! <3
Josh Koepp Jan 2013
I exist behind my words
I swear I'm trying but the light burns the eyes
Of every coherent thought I devise
So they cower behind my molars
Little men with puffed up shoulders
Shaking from fear, I know its absurd
But bear with me, its rediculous
But hear me out
I swear they're little soldiers
of intelligence but cowardice
Who know not of their own prowess
who only know of tooth brushes
Yes I brush my teeth to rid myself of the shaking
The quaking of stupid little intellectuals
Begging to be let out,
Imagining hypothetical situations of triumph
Only in reality met with silence
Because the unintelligible break the dental barrier
Much more often than comprehensible
Logical witty and thoughtful even attempt tooth warfare
And all that happens is a stutter
Because my little intellectual insurrectionists
Cowering from the light
cannot see the others flying in the air
Not lying in wait
I hope one day I can say something wrong enough to scare them out.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
I'm a rediculous miscreant
Wandering open walks

People ask what color my hair is
How should I know?
The things that concern them are trivial

I'm higher than that
In all senses of the word

Floating above the bobbing crowns
Of the general public

I'm a popped bubble gum
Sugar-sweet, a mouthful and childish

Burbling along
A nerve of bundles

The drowsy doe-eyes
Eyelashes high-kick when I bounce by
Being a stupid teenage girl never felt so good.
N Jan 2015
I guess this is as real as it gets.
I stared at this blank page for a while trying to figure out how I wanted to express myself to you.
The easiest way to get my thoughts flowing was playing that Hedley song you once sang to me while we layed together on the black couch in my living room.
That couch isnt there anymore. Neither are you.
But it's that moment sits in my mind as though someone etched it there permanently and I can time travel back to that moment as soon as I hear the piano playing.
I remember how funny it was that you couldn't sing. But at the same time it was amazing that you remembered every lyric to that song and looked me in the eyes as if you meant every single word.
Ironic isn't it how it had to do with not letting me go.
Ironic that even if it sounded crazy, you were gone 2 months later.
I guess I should of seen your lose grip on my hands as a warning sign that you weren't staying,
I wasn't enough to make you stay and I guess that's why 6 months later I still lay in bed blaming myself.
They say if you love someone let them go and that seems like the most rediculous thing to me because I loved you more than I've ever loved anyone and watching you leave was just as hard as standing unarmed in the middle of a shooting range.
As pathetic as it is, I just want you to know. I want you to know how much I hate you for hurting me the way you did.
I hate you for consuming my thoughts everyday. I hate you for thinking its okay to make me fall so deeply and just leave as though I was nothing; as though we were nothing.
Ending a poem is probably the hardest part. I don't know how I want to leave you feeling.
I'll just say this; if love is what we had, then I want nothing to do with it because someone that loves you shouldn't be able to leave you feeling torn in the middle of the night, they shouldn't leave you wondering what they did wrong in order to not be enough for you. I shouldn't feel like love is something that isn't meant for me, and that's how I feel every ******* day.
Jojo Feb 2014
The way you speak
To me and
About me,
Well, its no wonder
Why I hate myself.
How can one expect
To speak any differently
To one's self
Than those around you?
So lets skip the formalities
While I cut to my vain,
I mean chase;
These double standards are
"Be yourself!"
They scream.
But behind closed doors,
They only whisper that
"Be yourself",
Really means,
"Be me."
"Be who society wants you to be."

But can I blame her?
For that's how she has been raised:
Be quiet
Take up less space
And never
Show cleavage.
Its our fault they stare
We are simply sinful and
Cannot expect men to exhibit
Self Control.
I am so sick of being told how to act, what to wear, and who I should be, simply because I am a woman.
Haydn Swan Sep 2016
I am such a rediculous being
look in the mirror without even seeing,
a decrepid image is all I can see,
is this thing really me ?
chipped away at all the years,
nothing to show but frozen tears,
how dare I think or even be,
sink back into the hollow me.
Brent Kincaid Feb 2017
The church was started years ago.
My brother was a charter member.
But, he’s been a first class ******
Since as long as I can remember.
At first I thought it was hilarious,
And thought not too much of it.
But, I quickly found it nefarious
And told my brother to shove it.

Their services seemed rediculous,
The chants re-written bible stuff,
An attempt to cover up that they
Are doing something iniquitous.
“He that believeth in us shall prosper
Those who revile us shall not.
Go and suffer not the poorer
For heaven is for those who have got.”

My brother quotes this stuff to me
And gets angry when I question.
I have tried hard to make him see.
He takes it as an imposition.
They work to take over Congress
So their church can get paid money.
The plan is to clean up the DC mess
So religion is the richest industry.

I asked him if the church has plans
To share some of that with them.
He laughed and clapped his hands
And said they were going to pay him.
He would be blessed by their deity
For being a righteous servant.
All he had to do was maintain piety
And be Holy Church rules observant.

They were to vote down everyone
Who had another way of seeing
And to vote for their guys who run
Then, claim the rest are not human beings.
By this time I was no longer listening
Because I thought his intelligence gone.
But a close replay of his rambling
I realized it’s all close to going on.

The people in charge really are
Seeming to be saying all of this.
They’re selling us to the guards
Without even that dreaded kiss.
We are close to those wacko creeps
Controlling all of our land of freedoms
And ripping us all off while we sleep
Then even outlawing any kind of wisdom.
SG Holter May 2014
From afar
Seated busdriver
Patting little, old man
-In a rediculous hat
That once wasn't-
On the shoulder.

I lipread
No problem, just take
A seat, ol'-timer

Answered with gratitude
Like a little, old sun
On his little, old face.

Letting him in
Free of charge
As all should be for
Any senior.

Love. Your every
Charms me.
"She just had to say it,
She couldn't keep it to herself,
I knew we were in a rough patch
But this, her ex." I need time to think.
As I sit down on the steps outside
I light, take a drag, and blow

"This can't be my fault, can it?
With all we've been through?
How could she throw this away,
For what, a fling!?" My clouded judgment stews.
The steps become uncomfortable
But I light, take a drag and blow.

"What I should do is bust this door down,
And force her to tell me why.
Why am I not good enough for you?
Why would you throw what we have away!
Tell me why!" And as the stairs began to poke and ****.
I light, take a drag, and blow.

"This is rediculous!" And as I rose from the stoop.
"There's just got to be a reason!
You don't do something like this without a reason!"
Were the words that flooded out of my mouth,
As I pushed our once inviting door open,
And I light, take a drag and blow

"You owe me this, look at me!"
She just continued packing a box
full of our things, our lives, her lies.
So as I flung the box to the ground.
Grabbing her shoulders I screamed "Why!!"
Just light, take a drag, and blow

Her fiery stare was more telling
Than any word that would follow from her lips.
"We haven't been right for years.
You've changed, I've changed."
And I knew there was no more I could do.
Except light, take a drag and blow.

She continued with, "I can't believe you're surprised.
Where do you think I've been going?
You are worse at keeping a wife,
than you are at keeping a job," she sliced.
She was right. I sat down on our former love seat to think
Just light, take a drag and blow.

I helped her pick up the scattered contents,
Of the box I had strewn to the floor.
******* each lie, my ears teary,
I knew this was it. He pulled up at 9.
She left with him at 10, my heart sulked in the corner
I just took a drag and blew.
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Being famous doesn't mean you'll be remembered
It just means your famous
Being remebered doesn't mean your famous
Infact most famous people probably won't be
The world has made it hard to be remembered by the universe
You have to try to take over the world or a planet or discover a cure for cancer or discover a three hearted cyclopes
That's the rediculous standards the universe holds for being infamous
Being remebered?
All you need for that is someone to love you
So which would you rather be?
Famous or remembered?
Katherine Laslie Dec 2015
I love him so completely
That I rely on his strength
Never do I fear of him leaving me
Because he's there for me
He cares for me
Even my rediculous stories, he believes

I love him so deeply
That I need not fear any more
When he is by my side
The storm, that is called my life
Vanishes to clear skies

I love him so truly
That I will never love another
Even when our time is done
My love for him
Will forever live on

I love him unconditionally
That I don't even see
The flaws that he points out
Or when he gets on my nerves
My heart swells and pours out love
The voice May 2013
Some people say that
I cry like a baby
I say that i cry like a human being
they call it something rediculous
I call it reality
They think i cry out of habit but actually
I cry because i am hurt
Its the tears that are making up a feeling
Of regret or sadness or shame
Its a tear that i have led out
To seek a little happiness without me
Couple lines out of my newest poem
Alie Oct 2018
That day will always be my last
My last smile
My last pieice of innosence
My last day with my old name
My last everything
Now i am Alie because that is all i would say when i was 3
The day i was adopted all i said was 'a lie'
So my new parents called me that
i know i have a twin out there my mom told me so
Only i was put up for adopting not her
She probably wasnt abused by her parents
Mine was physical from my dad
Emotional from both
She probably doesnt have a rediculous fear
She is probably perfect unlike me
Casey Rodger Mar 2021
Death.. You mean what is it like to go to sleep and never wake up?
Life.. You mean waking up after never having gone to sleep...

When I look back on my years
My reflection is meticulous.
They say to conquer my fears
But I think that's rediculous.

What scares me in this world
So few to little things,
All that has unfurled
Each memory that sings.

As I lay in bed
My fear is not to blame
Running through my head
The memories that bring shame.

Conquer your criticism
Forgive who you used to be
Ease up on the cynicism
That's how you set yourself free.
Maybe some live their life restraint by fears, maybe fears are the boundaries for some. For me, chains of shame.
Eric Aug 2019
glistening from afar , shining brightly as if held energy of a star . creating a everlasting chain , with reasons to gain , every sense of who we are . let's believe in mountains of soothing greatness. connection born from the feelings that contains us , in the world crashed and torn from all the rediculous strife , while everyones out to look for a wife .  because nothing moves faster then life . we must hunker down and believe in better times . so we can stop repeating the same old lines that happen to rhyme , just to get the point across that I'm not here to waste no-bodies time . hope and believe in the sign , to find a everlasting friendship , now is that a crime ?
KG Oct 2021
Just in case, new sorrows bother me far from seing myself be me again but I'll save face
Painting the door red *** orange sunsets on the flanges locking poor binge watchers lore friend roll dice across the lives dangle on the porches
No sense in portly bored men loose last nights lunch launched upon the confidant smiley subordinate freckles change places with the spittle. Reminds me to riddle you this question riddled rediculous by forethought rampant in its rending the positive outcomes floundering to even sprout. So much doubt now.
What did you think recipe is
Eminem manifest destiny is
I should quit pathetic
I get it.
Like a ***** flick.
******* before
Actors practicing  exiting
Amityville. Damnd if he will.
Say yes to the dress again
Hand at the wheel
Disecting pedestrians
Like genesis
Not scripture.
Talking the saga.
Rather the myth the legendary legolas.
The ring is a curse
Dwarfed when its
next to this
Fear of rejection
Of an obsession
sick. As dimensia medicine
For  Vietnam veterans
Dimensional benefits.
Like **** size in a tetris fit.
Its minus 77 red ink
Red face imbellishment
Period like a 7.7 point deficite.
You faking. Your pregnant
You got a point
But the ketchup smears selling it
Think in heinz sight ill
Invest in it

Interest percentage
Lending attention
To your
The way you handle
Your staff.
Like a 7.7 point deficite
Is inches in industry.
And your **** just invented it.
X y factor equation
Next gen tech there developing
Exposes. Plot holes.
Oh no science returns
To relish this ****
Like *** with ketchup
Mayo take your ***
Away I dont beef so lettuce
Be friends again

Flirting with ***
And eminems ****** instruments.
You know you sound
And frivolous. To all the men
You had casual *** and ****
Like you didn't know
They all had *****
When they hit that ****.
Okay thats actually rediculous

***** who you pretending with
Cut with the sob stories.
Difference in indifference
Is pretending you different
Heed Goliath for what he is
And aim at deliverance
No affidavids
Daily diligence
Or brain games
At millennial
Pass as female satire.
Or be fire and flame
As hot as turbo chrmical accelerant
Wreck it Ralph
And Hectors ******
Hetero deceptive
Secretive intelligence
I got a
Masculine past
Relax your a mannequin
Still **** and
My fashion staying relevant
Your ******* it up.
Cha just kidding  bro your cellibut
Switch up with the rhyme scheme
Like a flow from
The west side of heavens bed

Frame persuasive arguments
Like a painting from karmin
Or my dead aunty Margaret
Clothes and
Marked for bargain basement
Retail prices noone can argue with

Fashion on bark. Talking dog park
Evaluation. **** yeah bag it *****  and walk with it
If you got **** from
My corner store. I got a deal we can spark it quick
Like a moth drawn to a lamp
Or a cigarette **** to the carpet
I'm probably the
Dissatisfied customer.
Returning my product for bargain chip.
Its not defective. Just not selected
By the demographic we marketed
We targeted an audience.
And relentlessly marketed
But the target market.
Wasn't smart enough
To scarf it in.
I guess there not starved.
Like your *******
Heart for him.
******* martyr sin
I just bought my own *******
**** I marketed

For the record
This whole things dumb and ******
Marshall Mathers *****.
And ketchups never good on subs
My fashion isn't relevant.
Mann again.
With plastic mannequins
Chemical  imbalances
Of us

The ring is actually a curse
And tetris never fits.
Its a two dimension  curse.
Goliath was a *****
David put him to the dirt.
And the deficite. Would be less
If you put the period first.
Whats the point. I'm dotting
Eyes. Crossdress tease em with the verse.
*** the beat is never thumping
Less theres living
People in the hurst
Let me be clear my reality is torturous
My delusions
Proof of rediculous ego
To intelligent logic.
Sad deformed
And torn like documents
In storage bins
. That show. Moments
Of my pre collosal morbidness
And internal shore
Of sailors coming home
To get awards for valour
On Normandy shores and ****.

Take awY the course of tomorrow
When my secret is
Clean but born of demons
And ***** that gets me *****
Like of course
Thats all it is.
If I just swallow it.
I have to acknowledge everything
From torment
Positive attraction
Satisfaction and the opposite
The closet kid.
With a tropical climate.
Thats an obstacle.
To any bit of purpose
I'm nervous
Marshall law will be a distraction
From the constant thought
That God is law.
And I'm all thats wrong
With all this holding on
I want whatevers law
To set str8 whats wrong
And quit holding on
And change.
Embrace and face my god
Away from godlessness
Or at least stop me
From talking ****
Or least make me more cautious ****
Ryan Willard Feb 2020
I miss you, love.
Even with all the
Rediculous contradictions.
The misspellings and things we tell ourselves.
Not lies, but maybe closer to stories—

I try to be cute and clever,
Distracting from the fact
That it was given up on.
Confusing thought with expectation,
At what age do you assume you know?

I yearn very hard to be more
Than myself; a trait that’s honestly
So ******* tiring. But
My father, at this age,
Told himself he was in love.

I am maybe three when he
Pulled my mother across the room,
By her hair,
They stayed together for 25 years.
And still even now when

I look at him, not thinking
Of those times and feeling,
With all sincerity, Love
For him.
He is himself.

I hurt you in different ways.
And hurt myself even more.
And so tired, tired of
Spacing each line in some special
Way to say some special feeling.

I want to just feel
With true sincerity the things
That need telling.
No metaphor, or simile,
I miss you imperfectly missing.
You see I saw parents running on
The field saying
Get away from my son
Get away from my son
Get away from my son
I know they are just protecting their kids
But mate this is rediculous
You see this old lady
Who looks like she is scoring
Comes running out
Pushing all the kids away
Get away from my son
Get away from my son
Get away from my son
She needs to just refrain
From doing that
Just say, what kind of people would do that
And I say, nobody in their right mind
Is dumb enough to do that
Big fight begins at the footy game
Totally stupid people
Never should do that yeah
Totally stupid people
Should take the stupid out of them
And not fight

— The End —