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Anu Mehta Sep 2019
किसी ने सच कहा है, कोई तो बात है आप मे जो इतनी गहरी हैं कि हर कोई आपको पाना चाहता है, कोई तो बात है, आप मे जो इतनी गहरी हैं कि हर कोई आपके दिल में रहना चाहता है, पर उन लोगो को कौन समझाए ये आपका
दिल है कोई धर्मशाला नहीं……..
जन्मदिन एक विशेष अवसर होता है मैं इस अवसर पर अपनी Mam को ये एहसास दिलाना चाहती हूँ कि
आप मेरी ज़िन्दगी में बहुत ही ख़ास जगह है. ... ये रिश्ता ऐसा रिश्ता है जो भले ही खून का नहीं लेकिन ये खून के रिश्तों से भी बढ़कर है, सबसे पहले आपको जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं……….।
दोस्ती की मिसाल हो आप, ज़िन्दगी जीने की नई आस हो आप, चाहे कितना भी दूर क्यों ना हो, दिल के हमेशा पास हो आप । Happy Birthday to You Mam………………
उन दिनों की बात है जब मैंने Aishwarya Health Care में 07- Aug- 2014 Join किया था, तब मेरे लिए सब नया - नया था । नये-नये लोग, नया माहौल, Over all सब कुछ नया था । नये - नये लोगो की नई -2 बाते, कुछ लोग Mind Game खेलते रहते थे कुछ लोग निचा दिखने में लगे रहते थे कुछ समझ में नहीं आता था किस पे भरोसा करे, किस पे नहीं करे……….।
Company में (Aishwarya Health Care) सारे लोग अजनबी थे, उनमें से एक अजनबी ऐसा था जो मेरे लिए बहुत बड़ी अहमियत रखता था, वो मेरे लिए किसी फरिश्ता से कम नहीं था, उन्होंने मुझे एक नई ताकत और हर रोज एक नई प्रेरणा देता थे । Aishwarya Health Care में एक नया माहौल अनुभव हो रहा है । जब "Office (नौकरी) में मेरा मन नहीं लग रहा था, मेरा धीरे-२ से बोलना, कम बात करना और जब दुनिया मेरा मज़ाक उड़ाती थी, ऐसा मानो मेरी किस्मत मेरे से रूठी थी सबने मुझे ठुकराया था, जब मैं तनहा और उदास थीं! उस पल वो अजनबी मेरे साथ थे तब उस अजनबी ने मुझे गले लगाया था!! वो अजनबी और कोई नहीं वो मेरी Mam है उनका नाम Neha Sunder है वो Account & Finance Department के Sr. Executive है… बल्कि वो उम्र में भी मुझ से बड़े है पर उन्होंने आज तक कभी Sr. होने का Attitude/ Ego नहीं दिखाया । धीरे-धीरे हम दोनों का एक-दूसरे के प्रति लगाव (Attachment) दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ता गया । मुझे उनका बोलने का तरीका और उनकी आदतें बहुत अच्छी लगी । उनके साथ उठना बैठना और कई बार उनका अंदाज ऐसा भी होता है कि प्यारी मुस्कान दिल को छू जाती है । उनकी छोटी-२ चमकदार आंखें और उनके लंबे काले बाल अन्य लोगों की तुलना बहुत ज्यादा सुन्दर  लगते । मै Company में जब पहली बार उनसे मिला थी । तो वो मुझे बहुत अच्छे लगे थे, कभी सोचा नहीं था वो भी मेरे से इतने Attach हो जाएँगे जितना मै उनके साथ Attach हुई हूँ । जब वो मुझे छोटी छोटी बातें समझते थे, मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता था । पर मुझे आज तक एक बात समझ नहीं आई आज के समय कोई इतना अच्छा कैसे हो सकता है । Mam मैं एक बात कहना चाहती हूँ । thank You So much मेरी ज़िन्दगी में आने के लिए और इतने अच्छे Moments देने के लिए, आपके साथ बिताया हर लम्हा बहुत खास है । जब भी मुझे कोई समस्या होती थी तो वो हमेशा मेरा साथ देते थे । जब मेरे में बहुत कमियां  तब उन्होंने मुझे अपनाया था, बहुत कुछ सिखाया था किस से कैसी बात और कितनी बात करनी चाहिए । अच्छे बुरे के बीच में अंतर करना सिखाया था, Over All वो बहुत अच्छे है मेरे पास शब्द भी नहीं उनका धन्यवाद कैसे करूँ ?
धीरे -२ समय बीतता चला गया समय के साथ हमारी दोस्ती भी गहरी होती गए । (Good Luck) एक सबसे अच्छी बात हम दोनों में कभी छोटी मोटी नोक - जोक तक नहीं हुई । समय का पहिया चाहता रहा कितना कुछ बदलता गया (जैसे - उनकी शादी हो गई और शादी के एक साल बाद एक baby boy हुआ) Mam का प्यारा से एक परिवार है । लोग कहते है शादी के बाद इन्सान बदल जाता है या फिर अपने घर परिवार में busy हो जाता है । पर मुझे कभी Feel नहीं हुआ की वो busy है या फिर Change हो गए है । आज भी उनके दिल वही जगह जो मुझे 5 साल पहले दी थी ।  I LOVE YOU MAM
Mam दोस्ती ही तो है एक ऐसा रिश्ता है जो जिंदगी के एक रंग में भी कई रंग दिखाता है ।
वरना बिना दोस्तों के रंगीन जिंदगी भी बेरंग सी नजर आती है ॥
Mam आपकी सच्ची दोस्ती से बढ़कर इस दुनिया में कुछ कहाँ है ।
आप जैसा एक दोस्त सच्चा है आप जैसा तो अपना सारा जहाँ है ॥
आप साथ हो मेरे तो डर किस उड़ती चिड़िया का नाम है ।
मस्त- मस्ती में बस हर दम खिलखिलाने का मेरे काम है ॥
जब हो कोई tension या किसी problem से हों परेशान ।
तब आप के साथ होने से ही हो जाता है सारी समस्या का समाधान ॥
आपकी नजरें ही कह देती हैं चल Anu इसे भी देख लेते हैं ।
और हर भी पल में यूँ ही मुस्कुराने की हिम्मत दे देते हैं ॥
जब होता है आपका साथ तो खुद में ही हिम्मत सी आ जाती है
और चेहरा घोर उदासी में भी खिलखिला कर मुस्कुरा पड़ता है ॥
आप ही तो हैं जो बिना कुछ बोले सब जान लेते हैं ।
और हर expressions को दूर से ही भाँप लेते हैं ॥
आप के साथ मिल कर हर बोझ हल्का हो जाता है ।
आप से मिलकर पल में ही मन को सुकून मिल जाता है ॥
दिन भर शरारत करना और रात भर उन पर खिलखिलाना ।
और पुरानी बातों का ताजा करके यूँ ही पूरा दिन बिताना
अब हो गए है आदत ॥
Mam वो अजब गजब शरारते और कई कारनामों का बबाला ।
वो शरारत की चटनी और शोर शराबे का मसाला ॥
वो code words का खेल और लोगो को चिढाना ।
और लोगो के नये नये नामों का बनाना ॥
सब वो शरारते याद आएगी…………………  
वो Saturday की planing करना और अपने Group का active होना।
वो पेड़ के नीचे खड़े होकर अपने Group में अपनी बातो पे खिलखिलाकर जोर जोर से हसँना…………
Mam मेरी सच्ची दोस्त सिर्फ आप है, सच्चा दोस्त रखने वाला संसार में सबसे धनवान है ।।
सब की ज़िन्दगी मे कोई ना कोई इंसान ऐसा होता है जो सब से खास, सब से प्यारा होता है। चाहे वो मम्मी या पापा, भाई - बहन आदि हो सकते है । ऐसा इंसान जिसकी जगह बहुत खास होती है । क्या आपकी ज़िन्दगी में भी कोई ऐसा इन्सान है तो निचे Comment Box मे उस इन्सान का नाम जरूर लिखे…………
मेरे पास अल्फ़ाज़ नहीं है कि, मैं उनका शुक्रिया कैसे अदा करूं, जिन्होंने मुझे कितना कुछ सिखाया है आप भी सोच रहे कौन है ऐसा जो इतना प्यारा और खास है, चलो आइए मैं भी आपको उस इन्सान से मिलवाती हूँ जो मेरी ज़िन्दगी में बहुत खास और सब से प्यारा है । उनकी आवाज़ में वो जादू है जो मैं इज़हार नहीं कर सकती, वो मेरे लिए उस खुदा की तरह है जिसका दीदार मैं कर नहीं सकती……….।
Nikunj Dec 2012
out from school we came to jmc,
to become what our parents wanted us to be.
with NC we enjoyed harrapan and vedic civilization,
Ashima mam taught us Transition ( paleo to noelithic).
writing 10 sides answer seemed IMPOSSIBLE,
15/25 only left us numb.
coming for hindi at 8:30 was really irritating,
mam's msg of cancelling the class was even m
ore *******.
Tues and wed 8:30 were scolding days,
since frustated JS splited her anger on us.( though i like her lot)
om sai ram and gandhi was KN's department,
though antique, she was another inspiration.
enjoyed Montage for the first time,
Chronicle was the accomplishment for the lifetime.
first year ended so rapidly,
90%ees were satisfied with 60s.
then we met the iron lady of our department (chaddha mam)
she asked questions after every second point.
RS Sharma got replaced by sultans of delhi and Satish Chandra,
every notebook had words like sufi, bhakti and Iqta.
transition frm feudalism to capitalism muddled our heads,
Dobb and Sweezy never left us till the end.( remember jha's ******* :P)
enjoyed boston tea party and civil war in States,
though never understood out of khiljis and tuglaqs- who is great?
****** taught us stress, depression and suicide,
we almost got killed by Bronte's Wuthering Heights!
Orcha trip was another milestone,
Khajurao sculptures turned all of us on :P
pool party with "tinku jiya" was superfun,
each one of us made good connections.
Second year also got over and we entered in our own little world- T9.
everything was new to us,
future tension always bothered us!
Journey to China and Japan with Chakko was great,
though we never grew intellectually and understood decline of Shogunate.
Gazala mam introduced us to napoleon and bismarc,
became our friend. guide and mentor.
Chadda mam took us to royal court of mughals and rajputs,
but Iqta and jagir still confuses us!
Sleeping time came with menon's class,
18th cent and 1857 always bored us. (though i admit she is a great scholar)
we stopped studying and started enjoying life to the fullest,
since history taught us no matter what Peasant is the one who will be suppressed!
Montage 2012 rocked,
DJ Aqeel's ferrari left us in shock!
Postponing and preponing the classes was 3rd year's trait,
petty fights over it were always great.
Since first year we all wanted this day to come,
to wear saree and have FUN.
the Farewell day has passed :(
From now onwards... NO cancelling or preponing classes, no prof to scold us, no NSS hours to complete, no deadlines of tuts, no canteen's samosas and macroni, no diwali mela, no Montage and Chronicle, no Ashok bhaiya, no ******* and commenting and last but not the least NO HISTORY HONS 3rd YEARS (2009-2012)
No one realised how these beautiful 3 years passed away.our eyes are wet but heart is content.
just wanted to tell everyone that i will miss you all. though i may have not interacted much with everyone, but I wish you all the very best for your future...

So superseniors,
leave all grudges behind and enjoy the last week of your college life at JMC to the fullest
From quiet homes and first beginning, Out to the undiscovered ends, There's nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends.
Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953), British author. "Dedicatory Ode," Verses (1910).

Dear Parents

Thank you for deciding after two years of marriage to have a child, me.
Sorry I wasn't the boy that so many of my family desired, sorry I was late, sorry that you missed the "Rumble in the Jungle", if it's any consolation I know who won.
How I came to be is quite beyond me. Father's family disliked mothers and vice versa. Dad a steelworker, Mam a trainee chef, dad flipped a coin with a mate, my mother was the stake.
Four years later sister came along, then another four years the son, that so many yearned for made an appearance.
I saved my sister's life from my grandparent's dog, lost an ear in that battle, a bit like Van Gogh. Plastic surgery at seven, still hate Cocker Spaniels to this day. I tell everyone I saved her from a rabid Doberman (I know parents, there's no Rabies in Great Britain) what did I get for my trouble? A stuffed white cat and a sister that I made sit in a cow pat.
Thank you parents for sending me to a school that made other kids suspicious of me. A welsh medium school, might as well have been Hogwarts, but they taught me well, (I can swear in five languages) and read and spell.
Dad taught me how to head ****, mam you taught me how to make cake.
My sister taught me how to share, my brother taught me how really not to care. Live each day as if it may be your last, I told my brother that often.
Dad, one of 13 kids, mam one of 3, like me. Dad, I hate your sisters that are alive they remind me of the Moirai, or the three witches from Macbeth, I've tried to like them but I'm terrible at lying, and to be honest they are in their late 70's so they must be close to dying.
Mam, your sister is a lesbian, I think her army days gave that away. Your brother like mine a source of consternation a Navy man that never went to sea????
Now, my grandparents are all dead. Apparently, I have inherited my father's mother's temper. She disappeared for 3 days when she thought she'd killed my grandad!
I'm married now, no rug rats thank God, I'm aunty material, selfish and wicked.
Now, this sounds I know a little quaint and odd, but I know we've had our share of bad luck, but, 42 years wed, still in the family home, surrounded by trees, neighbours we've known for years and people we'd like to poison. But,we've laughed so hard mam you have a hernia, dad you are the male equivalent of a ****, you'll be flirting in the OAP home **** yes, sorry parents as one of your three I get to pick the residential home! And, as they say,that is a good life.
Jo **
P.s I didn't mention our family mental illnesses, early 20th century communism, possible adultery, coveting the neighbours Ford Capri, or pet cemetery in the garden. I'll wait til all are dead then spill about the good secrets.
01:43 BST
Wandisa Zwane Oct 2015
Written by

Wandisa Zwane  

April 16, 2015


It's 02:31 am and I find myself laying silently on my bed scrolling through Instagram...Twitter...Tumblr....and Snapchat. I find myself struggling to go to sleep.  I wasn't even able to sleep for an hour or two. It's not normal as its way past my curfew. I receive a text message. I'm confused because it's
still too early for anyone to be texting me, and I know everyone nearby is fast asleep because we have school. So who could be texting me?


HER ( via text )

I'm struggling with the math homework, help ? Are you up ?

ME ( via text )

I am actually. FaceTime, call or text?

20 minutes later my phone starts ringing. She was FaceTiming me. I stare at her name for about 5 seconds trying to put myself together.


Hello, Ellie

I wasn't focused on the math. I was hoping that we could forget about the math and just talk about us and the futility of life. For some stupid reason I really thought you were gonna say something cheesy like I can't get you out of my head but can we just talk until we fall in love? But no it never happened as we had an hour long conversation about math.


The futility in that conversation was cosmic to the point where I began questioning existence. But when the call finally ended I was disappointed.


It's 8am and I'm at sitting in English tired and drained. Still contemplating about the futility of life.


Hey, Tyler thanks for helping me with the math homework.


Uhm Ellie do you want to come over too my apartment over the weekend and chill ?


It's 12am and the apartment is really untidy. I jump out of bed and clean the entire apartment in a record time of 12 minutes and 44 seconds. I'm going crazy over here as I'm trying to remember if I gave her the correct directions. Thank god I gave her the correct directions as I see the uber pulling up in front of the apartment complex. I start sweating and shaking and I'm fearful that I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I start cringing.
I open the door the door and it's her standing directly in front of me. I can't breathe. I'm overwhelmed by an awe of emotions. Literally - she's beautiful


I mumbled - Hey Ellie it's so good to see you ( the hug was very awkward because I was nervous - it was one of those hugs where both people don't know how to hug each which makes things really awkward)




So glad you could make it. How was the drive ( note to self: I should stop making things awkward ) I'm so irritated at myself.


She's sitting on the couch. And I'm sitting right next to her. Okay let's just say there was a 30cm gap between the both of us. I was really nervous. I found myself drinking gallons of water. I forgot to offer her anything. I was nervous to the point where I couldn't even make eye contact. I just stared at her forehead and her lips.


Aren't you exhausted I mean that drive was really long ( she lived like 3 blocks away from me )


Not really , I'm just really stressed about varsity and stuff I guess.

We actually start conversing with one another for 5 hours straight.We smoke about 3 cigarettes and have the most fruitful conversation ever about female energy and the power of the the heart. She's really enlightened - I thought she was really basic. We both can't go to sleep because we're actually  enjoying the presence of one another. It was cathartic and refreshing actually.


Want go up to the roof and look at the universe?


I'd love too.


I brought a blanket up to the roof cause I thought it was cold. It wasn't but we just layed down underneath the open night sky and gazed into the stars. We connected with the universe/ourselves/each other. It was bliss. We ended up falling asleep on top of the roof. To my amazement we were silently wrapped around each other.



( chuckling )
How'd you sleep


( Smiling )
I slept pretty well.


Do you have any plans for today?


YES actually...


The sun is setting and she still hasn't packed her bags.


When are you leaving?

She said she was leaving on Sunday


In 30.


(I tried to not crack in front of her)


About 2 weeks later she surprisingly pitches at my door with her luggage.

I'm moving in with you!

I was excited at the fact that she was moving in with me but I obviously tried acting cool and composed.


As they're sitting there talking to each other about their families, Osho and meditation over a cup of tea.


I was adopted.


WOW - That's a huge plot twist.

She sat there speechless for about 2 minutes trying to fathom the knowledge I just presented to her.


So do you ever think about your real parents?


All the time - they both died in a car accident when I was 3.


I'm so sorry.


It's okay - I mean I know they're somewhere out there in the universe checking up on me. I speak to them when I feel lonely.

Enough about my tragic past..How are your parents?

I've never told any other soul about my parents before. She was the first person I ever told .


I never knew my dad but my mom has been living with a brain tumour for like 2 years now.


Wow. That's must've been so tough for you when you found out about it.


It was. I went through the most vicious cycle of depression for an entire year. But I'm trying to make most of the time I have left with her.


How much time do you have left to see her her and stuff ?


(She starts tearing up)
3 months


I'm still fascinated by the fact that she's into Osho, existentialism, metaphysics and epistemology. But I also felt like our relationship had escalated so quickly. We're we rushing things? The relationship felt like it was moving at the speed of light.


Do you feel like we're moving too fast ?


There's no such thing, if it's meant to be it will be, whether fast or slow as long as it's true, it will last as long as you want it to.

I was momentarily tongue-tied as I was trying to digest the words she just said.



(Still voiceless)

She still had a lot more to say after that

CUES : "rants"

But in that entire rant she said something that echoed within me.



After she said this I felt like fainting. So not only did she make me voiceless I was overwhelmed by an ocean of indescribable emotions- wow


I'd finally recovered from those powerful words she preached to me. So I found myself sitting in the kitchen trying to write a letter to her about how I really felt. I wasn't the best at expressing my emotions through writing but I gave it a shot.


Love is the unforetold explanation for creation. Love is life. It's the merger of minds. The marriage of minds. It transcends through time, it's timeless. It takes you into a dimension filled with possibilities and opportunities. It helps you understand you are that you are not worthless. Every time I am with you I understand we are here for a reason. And every time I stare into your eyes. I realise that you are mine.  

I sealed it an envelope and put it on the kitchen counter.


She opens the letter and starts crying.


I introduce her to some of the guys in the treehouse. They welcomed her to the treehouse with open arms.


So what do you guys do in the treehouse?

PAUL : (one of the guys part of the treehouse)

Well in the treehouse we just try to expand. We write, make music, poetry, nothing much really.


She was to lazy to go home and cook supper she was s bit hypocritical cause she said we should stop buying junk food. So we decided to go to McDonald's. We were down to our last packet of 2 minute noodles anyway.


We went to visit her mother. She introduced me but there was no warmth in the hug we shared. I could feel her shrill body disintegrating. She was really cold. You could see she was dying.


How've you been mom ?


She couldn't even speak properly. It was sad but when she eventually managed to responded to Ellie's question.


I'm still fighting but I don't know if I can do this for much longer.


No mum you can't leave me.


I don't want to make you empty promises my child.

Who's this handsome young man Ellie?


(Smiling heavily)
It's Tyler, my boyfriend

She just called me her boyfriend in front of her mom. She just put a label on our relationship. I thought it was completely platonic.


Afternoon Mam. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

I knew her name ( Stacy )  but in that moment I felt like a child in primary school - so I decided to be respectful and call her mam. I wasn't sure whether or not I should call her "Ellie's mom" or Stacy. It was just a tricky situation. So I opted for mam.


( smiling )
The pleasure is all mine Tyler.

She told me to come closer to her cause she wanted to whisper something into my ear.


Tyler I'm clearly dying as you can see. So I'm leaving with you an important task of ensuring that's my daughter remains happy at all times.Take care of her for me - please


I'll take care of her - she's in safe hands.


That's the spirit Tyler. Can you give us a moment please Tyler.


Just go down to the kiosk and get me a bottle of distilled water. Please.

(Tyler leaves the room)


I remember the first time you wrapped your tiny hand around my index finger , you had my soul laying on 3 cms of palm.

( Ellie interrupts )


Mom don't do this , prolonging life is pure idiocy.

(she smiles as a tear rolls down her cheek )

Die so your soul can have its summer ,don't worry about my pain cause I'm really happy for you, your soul can finally taste true liberation, see my tears as autumn leaves falling from trees , I'm naked and all I can show you is the truest forms of love.


You're so beautiful because you're so true. Our connection has no equation my daughter, as I leave my body just know that my time with you transcends forever.


Mother it's time for you to leave. Take a piece of my happiness, it's futile anyway and I have it in abundance but I shall be lost without you in body, I shall be found when I'm with you in soul.


Clarity comes with the last breath, as hatred and love become nothing, you are nothing and everything all at once, I'm happy for you have given it to me, tomorrow and yesterday no longer matter

(her heart stops beating and her souls goes home - heart rate monitor indicates her mom has just flat lined)

Ellie starts screaming. The nurses and doctors come sprinting in.




(in agonising pain and disbelief that her mother is dead she starts screaming)



Nurse get her out of here.

She's kicking and shoving the other nurses as she is being escorted out the room.


Don't worry the doctors are doing all they can to save her.

Tyler comes back from the kiosk with the distilled water to find Ellie on the floor crying.


What's wrong?


( Her face goes pale )
She's gone ....


Ellie has locked herself in my/our room. We haven't spoken to each other for like 2 weeks.

She finally decides to come out of the room.


(Breaks down, again  )
It's her birthday today.

I've never seen her so broken and disfigured before. She's in pieces - distorted.


Death is the door between two lives; one is left behind, one is waiting ahead. Death is the ultimate experience of this life - Osho

“Birth leads to death, death precedes birth. So if you want to see life as it really is, it is rounded on both the sides by death. Death is the beginning and death is again the end, and life is just the illusion in between. You feel alive between two deaths; the passage joining one death to another you call life. Buddha says this is not life. This life is dukkha – misery. This life is death"



She put up this facade as if nothing ever happened. She didn't allow herself to mourn the death of her mother. She was apathetic for the next 2 weeks.

This  was a tricky phase because she either woke up angry or sad. She just rampaged through the house, didn't attend lectures - she just left a trail of destruction wherever she went. I even have the scars to prove it.


She gained about 5 kilograms in that entire period. She just kept on stuffing her face with ice cream and chocolates


Tyler thanks for being there in my moment of absolute depression.


I thought you were never going to be able to get yourself out of that dark abyss you were trapped in.


The sun is setting and the couple is walking along the sand enjoying each other's company.


I've got something for you Ellie

( I hope she likes it )




Close your eyes

(Takes out a heart shaped pediment from back pocket  and places it around her neck )

You can open your eyes now.


It's lovely, thank you


(Smiling back)
I'm giving you my heart but not my soul.




(In my head)
I'm giving her my heart she better not break it.

Have you ever had that feeling before in a relationship where you think you love the other person more than they love you. To the point where you'd even get their names tattooed onto your chest. Cause that's how I feel right now.


I'm driving Ellie to the airport. OR Tambo in fact. I'm playing some Jamie ** but I quickly change it and play my favourite song Female Energy.



You excited?


Yes I'm really really excited for this.


I'm really gonna miss you


Me too.

Ellie was completing her mothers bucket list - so she had had to travel all the way to Tibet and learn Buddhism. Nothing much really she was leaving  for 2 months.

But little did Tyler know that this was going to be the last time he sees Ellie because her plane never landed in Tibet - the plane crashed and it sunk with no no one  surviving.


Ellie hands Tyler a letter


Tyler please don't open this until you get home.


I'll try my best.

Car parks at drop and go zone at the airport. Tyler takes out Ellie's bag from the boot.

They hug and kiss

Ellie cries.


Tyler opens the letter.


It's funny how for someone who has been so used to being lonely, the second I grip onto something that seems real, my biggest fear is losing that grip - even though for the longest time ever I've become immune to the feeling of loneliness. The same way people become dependent on other beings, people can become dependent on loneliness too - you become immune to self reassurance, your insecurities, your vulnerability and after a while it seems ideal and okay, but only because it's all you've got. You allow yourself to be consumed by this self indulgent energy making you think you don't need anybody because how else do you get by when you know that you have nobody. So when someone comes creeping in through the front door, with nothing but good intentions - you shut them out because you've lost sight of the difference in the realness of someone coming through the front door and the fakeness of someone coming through the backdoor. I struggle to fathom your presence because I didn't see you coming, through any door, you were just always there in plain sight. I don't know how to describe what I feel when I'm around you because I have never felt anything like it. All I know is that it leaves me in a place
An incomplete screenplay.
punk rock hippy Jul 2014
The taste of my teeth is repulsive
All my fingers are jammed.

Blood should not be leaking in his head.

That red headed, freckled face kid was only doing the work of his god.

That broken nosed saint laying in his hospital bed.

I wonder if he wonders where his god went.
Donall Dempsey May 2018
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Chloe London Dec 2012
It all started when I was a baby,when I was nothing but a skeleton waiting to be filled with knowledge,love and care.  And that's when I met you, you were the first person I set my tiny blue eyes onto. The most amazing person I will ever meet, and the first. Now that I'm almost filled with that knowledge,love and care I've came to realise that you're not only a mother but a friend, a best friend, someone I can always turn to when I am worried or lost in a problem. Or even if I just want a hug or someone to tell my they love me. You're there, you're my number 1. I love the fact that no matter how hard your day has been you always have time to listen, you always have time to be a mother - and a pretty good one at best.
I love the way you're always jolly and even on the occasion that you're not, you still have that happy expression and put all of your worries behind you to show that you're okay and it's amazing that you can wear a mask and throw all of your worries and fears behind it, to put on a brave face for me. Without you I would be miserable, without a mother I would be lost, without someone like you I don't know where I'd be now. I know we've had our bumps in the road but what's a mother-daughter relationship if we don't, right?:)
...without those bumps we wouldn't be where we are now, especially you, without that baby bump I wouldn't be here.
I just wanted you to know that no matter what happens I will always love you and there is nobody else I'd rather have to be my mother, even if I could choose, something would drive me to you. You're an amazing woman and I just wanted to let you know how incredible you are. You amaze me,seriously, you're the greatest role model in the world:) you're so beautiful and smart and wise and I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my life. Once again, I love you and I hope you forgive me for all the bad things I've did to damage the trust,bond and love between us, because there is nothing worse than a broken trust and a broken mother-daughter relationship. I don't know what I'd do without you. By the way, you're stunning and I never want you to change, stay smiley mam:3 you're the best!

Chloe x
Not much of a poem, more of a write up for a loved one
Donall Dempsey Dec 2023
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.


It was the moment I grew up...seeing her not just as me Mam but as another human being with her own fear and worries...she became a person in her own right. I was so disgusted with myself for causing that fear and after that I tried to look after her as much as I could. seeing the world not just with my eyes but with her eyes. I became in a way her mother. Me mothering my mother.
Floor Sep 2019
Lieve mama,

Je hebt mijn grafrede geschreven. Vol overtuiging heb je de pen op het papier gezet en de woorden laten vloeien.
Zonder enige twijfel kon jij zo je speech schrijven. Je deed het in het ziekenhuis, terwijl ik nietsvermoedend naast je zat. Je liet het me niet lezen, ik heb zelf je boekje gepakt. Nadat jij zo vaak mijn pijn op het papier heb kunnen lezen, leek het me niet meer dan eerlijk om te zien waar jij al zo lang mee zat. Uit je woorden kon ik opmaken dat je al een lange tijd aan het rouwen bent. Ik ben nog niet dood, maar je weet dat het eraan zit te komen. De constante schaduw van de suïcidale aanvallen hebben de monsters in je hoofd als een wild vuur aangewakkerd. Je gelooft niet meer in mijn leven. Het is een droom die ieder moment kan stoppen. Je weet dat je daarna nooit meer zult dromen en klampt je krampachtig vast aan de laatste beelden die je voor je **** halen. We hebben de laatste tijd niet meer dan ruzie gehad. We voelen de dood beide zo hard in ons nek hijgen dat we elkaar nauwelijks aan kunnen kijken. Het komt door mij. Wat zou het nu nog uitmaken of ik dood ga of niet. Ik heb je al zoveel pijn en verdriet gekost, dit kan zo niet verder mam. Ik wil je geen pijn meer doen. Je hebt mijn grafrede geschreven, verdomme mam. Je hebt het voor mij definitief gemaakt. Ik dacht dat ik er niet mee zou zitten, ik dacht dat ik mijn gevoel weer weg kon stoppen, maar mam je hebt het definitief gemaakt. Ik geef je nergens de schuld van. Ik had nooit dat boekje moeten pakken, maar mam je bent zo afgesloten. Ik wil weer met je zijn, samen kunnen lachen en huilen. Tegenwoordig kunnen we elkaar niet uitstaan. Ik voel de band niet meer. Ik begin mezelf weer langzaam terug te trekken en als het eenmaal zo ver is, zal het weer fout gaan. Het is voor mij, net als voor jou, een tikkende tijdbom. Ik sta op springen mam, ik kan niet meer. Ik vocht voor jou, maar jij hebt me al opgegeven. Jij bent al aan het rouwen voor een kind dat nog niet dood is.
Molly Aug 2013
“Does this mean we can be friends-with-benefits again?”

Well, we are friends, and we were *******, like before.
It seemed like a reasonable question to ask.

“I don’t know, I have to figure some things out.”

You had always been so sure of yourself,
‘til now - there was a sadness in your voice
I had never heard before.

All I could do was turn over, breathe your smell
and hope you were
okay because

I didn’t have the right to ask you what was wrong.
Donall Dempsey Jan 2019
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Tom Leveille Sep 2016
okay so i’m beginning to believe i was born asleep and still haven’t woken up, or caught in a day dream where my name is the answer to all your security questions. okay. a thousand years of wondering and all i can come up with is that you fell in love with me at a picnic in my imagination. the lemonade we always talk about swimming in sugar and tiny handmade sandwiches from my kitchen, your favorite, extra pickle. don’t forget about the pickles. of course the clouds march in stomping out the sunshine, of course. it was dark and there was lightning so much lightning. don’t be scared just now darling don’t be scared. in the middle of the night we only talk about your version of the story. how i’d ask you to stay, asking you to tell me what’s real asking you with my hands asking you with maps, a country called please listen to me, you should know by now that it is an island too far to sail to according to you. i know i know, who dared name an ocean lonely when all the ships are sinking. we can go back we can turn around where the sky is the gentlest shade lavender, we can go back and have a conversation that has never happened before. when everything is the color of day old bruises i won’t let you down. i promise when i get home i will count every freckle every one. when i get home can we open one of those mason jars full of fresh air because i can’t breathe. i remember that day, although i pretend it was more recent than it was. you were there in a swell of green grass in a dress that makes me blush, and there i was blushing. i’m not sure how i made it out alive, skipping the part in the song where you, long gone come busting through a doorway, through the well air conditioned living room and and across the kitchen tile, to the refrigerator where just like in elementary school, my fourth grade heart wrote all your favorite things on flash cards in the blackest magic marker so i could memorize the things that made you happiest. and you turning around in slow motion to see my face, or where my face should be, the only expression i can make anymore, realizing that you realized that i only ever wanted to be something that made you happy. suddenly you’re tired, and i’m tired too, goodnight goodnight, i’m falling asleep because it’s the only thing that doesn’t burn. i’m falling asleep to go back again. everything glitches and i’m underneath your perfect teeth. you say “i would never hurt you” and i say “just like that?” and the layer starts over again, always back to the moment i asked you in my bravest of voices if i could hold your hand. you probably don’t remember that moment, or maybe you do but don’t particularly share the same sentiment over its importance. you see, i’m always fine until the part where i have to say it out loud, and then time stops. i have always wanted to tell you that something happened inside me that night and now i’m not the same me as i was before. so if you ever cross a bridge. if you ever get my voicemail, if you need me, i’ll be sketching up the dramatic parts in my head and they’ll happen just the way i imagined just you wait you wait. the last scene the very last one, the bottom layer, knee deep in mud knee deep in i told you so, you say “i would never hurt you” and instead of saying “just like that” i reach up to kiss you and the room evaporates. so if you want lemonade and bedtime stories, if i can make a believer out of you, if you want bucketfuls of november if you want grace if you want the courage it takes to ask for grace, you’re over the train tracks you’re almost home you’re almost there. what else can you say besides “okay pumpkin okay sweetheart, in my head everything was beautiful" the doorway now filled with people who send you birthday cards saying welcome back welcome home we’ve missed you, hello. hello. the time spent waiting, chorus of rain, i only invited you over so we could make perfect sense. i only gave my hands away because you didn’t want them anymore. and days later a man with a shark tooth necklace asked if i was okay and i lost it i just lost it. all the little red bricks with their little names carved into them, how they don’t feel comfortable under your feet, how there were hundreds of flowers but somehow we took a picture of the same one the very same one, and how we can’t talk about things like that anymore, how i was sitting on a bench and i didn’t hear you call my name, shaking hands on accident with your parents hello sir hello mam, your daughter is my favorite ghost.
my book "down with the ship" is availible for purchase at /
Shannon Apr 2014
upon the elephant rode a boy prince,
his royal command, he was there to evince.
dark with grace and dripping with youth.
bringing his men, his crown and his couth.
town after town he strode fierce through the gates.
and any detractors were left to cruel fates.
and on one windy day, as they strode into town.
the faces where tenfold and a hush passed around
the grey of the creature with knowing black eyes
swayed left towards the crowd as if to capsize.
and the mass gasped in horror; bairns seized by their mam.
men flung at young ladies, babes pulled from the pram.
the bewildered and flustered
tired elephant sat.
in the center of all on the bald pastors hat.
the old pastor looked stunned to see such a disgrace.
until he remembered, and composed his face.
'your highness' he bowed. his manners restored.
but the poor prince was toppled his mighty seat floored.
they gasped for the prince, just really a child
dressed in fine silks on this elephant wild.
pastor said, 'here now' extending an arm
hand wrinkled and gnarled from the land that he farmed.
then the guards sprung to life as if sudden awake
guns point to the man of whose life they would take.
and just as they squinted their eye for the aim
a boy sang out sweetly, 'sire he's not to blame!'
and the prince from street where he lay in pool
held up his hand and recovered his rule.
he looked at the crowd and he said 'boy now speak'
the boy said, 'prince it is the prayers that you seek.
the prayers that you'd visit. the prayers that you'd stay.
lord must of heard them and granted this way.'
his eyes wide with truth and the love of his church
the prince laughed a beautiful belly filled lurch.
the carriage was called as the prince shared a feast.
and even some water was splashed on the beast.
such a good time as he danced and he spun
till the horses arrived in the dust of a run.
to thank the town and the lovely haired boy
the young prince gave up his own precious toy.
the beast stays quite put in the center of town...
but prayers said no the prince won't fall down.

*with love, for kales, jess & jt* (otherwise entitled "watch what you pray for, for you just might get it"
Donall Dempsey Feb 2024
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.


It was the moment I grew up...seeing her not just as me Mam but as another human being with her own fear and worries...she became a person in her own right. I was so disgusted with myself for causing that fear and after that I tried to look after her as much as I could. seeing the world not just with my eyes but with her eyes. I became in a way her mother. Me mothering my mother.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2020
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2024
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.


It was the moment I grew up...seeing her not just as me Mam but as another human being with her own fear and worries...she became a person in her own right. I was so disgusted with myself for causing that fear and after that I tried to look after her as much as I could. seeing the world not just with my eyes but with her eyes. I became in a way her mother. Me mothering my mother.
Donall Dempsey Jan 2018
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Tina ford Feb 2014
She spat, she swore she fumed on me,
This little old lady of seventy three,
She called me bad and ugly as sin,
She said all this with a comfortable grin,
Her contempt for me was clear as day,
I asked her why she felt this way,
She tore my top and scratched my cheek,
Pulled my hair and cried “you freak”,
I took all this with no attitude,
Her language so vile and manner so rude,
I could do nothing but offer love,
That was rebuked with a cold shove,
Her eyes they burned into my face,
As I enveloped her with a warm embrace,
She yelled she kicked and punched my chest,
I tried to calm her, I did my best,
I had to call for the nurse at the end,
But a broken heart she could not mend,
She helped my mam back into bed,
And gave her pills to sooth her head,
After a while I recognised again,
The mother I love, in no more pain,
My father arrived with the moon,
They danced together across the room,
They didn’t notice me in the chair,
But to tell you the truth I didn’t care,
I was at ease with their meeting again,
I sighed and whispered no more pain,
Alzheimer’s is a wicked disease,
It’s brought our family to its knees,
We watched our mam slipping away,
Forgetting her life’s worth every day,
It’s only the love that keeps you strong,
And the memories of where we belong,
Heartbroken now but I feel at rest,
Coz I love you mam you are the best.

Christina Ford
Molly Mar 2013
My body aches, shakes with cold
I await the return of my parents.
Head pounds like a kick drum
stomach acid burns, burns, burns.
I love you Mam,
I love you Dad.
But I'm bad. Evil and mad.

Depression comes in two forms;
Extremes. I loved but could not have
and now. Nothingness.
An Arctic sea envelops me.
I love you Mam,
I love you Dad.
But I am bad. Evil and mad.

Alcohol could never save me.
They all love me, then they leave me
take my body and abuse me.
Use me, use me, use me.
Help me Mam.
Help me Dad.
I'm sick. I'm mad, mad, mad.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2019
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Alyssa Nena Jul 2015
Waiting for the 217 metro bus
Sunny side of la
My head bowed
Staring at small crack
Lying beneath my feet
With intricate detail
Leaving me
How has this come
To be
This crack lying
Beneath my feet..
Head still down
Looking under my feet
I seeped my way through
This intricate detail
Of what was
Under the soles of my feet.
In a new space
In a new time
I am
Time warped
I hit a new place
I entered a new realm
Something between
What I remember as a
lost town
A town filled with souls
After all but one thing
A town filled with souls just a group of lost human beings
Trying new drugs
Experimenting new things
A town
Lost with several human beings
The souls there latch
Imprint on pure things
Take the soul and turn it into something
Never seen
They transform this soul
From pure to
To well tainted
They say welcome
Here is a gift from the lost souls of our town
The souls forgotten but somehow found
We have imprinted on you….
You now can have access
to anything saved
yes yes yes yes and…..
We give you the key to that gate
Yes, look a little harder
It’s a bit chromatic
because you see
We live in this town of lost souls
And few human beings

Yes I know its all so…
We have no guide
We live not with food
Just an insurmountable
Supply of whatever drug you must use
Right over there is the green goddess
Now give a wave and show your gratitude to what
She provides us with here everyday
Because you see
If she stops growing
We are faced with this thing
This thing …
lost souls don’t ever want to see
This thing this lost town has no recelection
in some millions of years.
Now listen closely as I tell you what it may be
We are all scared of corporeality
Something we never want to be
Now that you understand the entity
of lost souls
Come with me
We embrace you with open arms
We give you the title
The crown
Of our new majesty
Our queen
You are the queen of this lost
Malefic town
So come take step with me
Walk through this door with me
I have imprinted on you
No that means
YOU my queen
That means me +you

So try leaving these lost souls
Try leaving this lost town
Try reaching heaven now
Try looking up into the clouds
And thinking back to when you entered
Entered this lost town
Seeped through
To our town
Entered our world
You did just one thing
You left your voice at the door
You left your values on the floor
Now Johnny over there
Johnny hey Johnny
Did you find what she left at the door?

Ok great and one more thing
Did you pick up what she forgot on the floor?
Ok great
Because now heaven only exists for you my queen in some foggy grey cloud.
Between heaven and this lost town
And so it is written
Once again
Welcome to our lost town
Weve named it
And called it
There is a seat saved for you
Right there next to…
Guess who.

Why thank you kind sir for showing me
This town
This awfully forsaken forgotten lost town
I bring a warm gift
From a place found deep in my heart
A gift you will take
A gift you will pick apart
And examine
Might never figure out the meaning
Oh my very lost soul
My forgotten human being
This lost town is a town I have entered
But as I bid you farewell
Remember that  my body and soul
Belongs to this beautiful place
Not found behind a door
With no objects lying on the floor
A  place a lost soul
May never find.
Has not found..
As I walked through the door
Ground passing beneath my sole
I picked up saved items
And returned with
my soul
and with Every fiber
My whole
Takes root
Back to time
“Mam hey mam
Are you waiting for the 217?
Its here”
Before standing up
My eyes hit this crack
They stared at this dark ominous
Intricately placed crack
Now understanding
The  true meaning for its  being
I wrote this on my journey through life in LA..
inggo Sep 2015
Kapatid mo ba si Nathaniel?
Para ka kasing isang Anghel
Pag kasama kita parang wala na ang Hell
Kaya lang naglaho kang bigla parang bula ng Ariel

Ako'y isang pakete ng sigarilyo
Full of HOPEs na magkikita pa ulit tayo
Kakausapin ko si mam Charo Santos mamaya
Maitanong kung maalala mo kaya?

Para akong isang sanggol na basa ang baru baruan
Hindi mapatahan simula ng iyong iniwan
Kasalanan ko ba na ako'y umiiyak
Kasi naman yung sibuyas ko ay walang awa **** biniyak
I stood on the peak at Mam Tor
Back to the Ancient stones
Facing the setting Sun
Toes touched the very edge
I had no fear no vertigo
There was a path of red gold
To the shining Golden portal
I felt if I stepped on that path
In that burning light
I would not fall
Spirit surged ahead across
To the gold and red planet
Then I turned away
A walker below tiny mote
Exerting to share that moment
Or perhaps to catch me as I fell
Too late
Paths crossed on my descent
Donall Dempsey Dec 2022
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Donall Dempsey Jan 2020
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Donall Dempsey May 2020
(in memory of my mother Ita)

“If you fall
off that wall

& break both
your legs

...don’t come
running to me! ”

Could never understand
my Mam’s mind

& how it

One moment
she 'had half a mind

to come up there
&' get me off that wall.

Then she 'was in two minds
about' whether to tell me to stop.

“Go ahead...go ahead
& **** yourself

...see if I care! ”

“I’m warning you child
if you fall off that wall

& ****

I’ll personally
come up there

& **** ya myself
so I will! ”

I used to watch the words
climbing out of her mouth

& fly around the room

looking for a place to land
in my mind.

Never cared
whether she gave out.

I just loved
everything she said

the music of her
& how

she made the words

I came down
and kissed her

kissed her worry away.

'I'm sorry Mam'
I told her.

And she cried.
Crushing Love Dec 2014
"911 what's your emergency?"

"I can't breath"

"We are sending help right away mam."

"No...I just can't breath"

"Can you explain why mam?"

"Because he left"

beep, beep, beep, beep

Babe, please don't ever leave me I don't know what I would do with out you.
Elena Ramos Apr 2015
Elena Ramos

Aquí todo en mi mente da vueltas, nada es estable, no hay un objeto al cual pueda ver directo y guiarme para no caer. Para mí no sirve el simple hecho de tenerlo todo para ser feliz, ni el dinero, ni una familia reconocida en todo Miami y el resto del país. Me llamo Gimena Rodríguez, mis papas son de Honduras pero emigraron a los Estados Unidos cuando mi hermano mayor Roberto tenía apenas diez años en ese entonces yo tenía ocho horribles y apestosos años, era muy fea, mi mama siempre me ponía dos ganchitos en la frente para quitarme el pelo de la cara; bote todas las fotos que dejaban evidencia de ese abuso hacia el estilo y la dignidad de una niña pequeña.  

He buscado en la internet el significado de mi nombre, porque ni yo sé que soy. Hay unos sitios bien raros que dicen que soy de las que necesita ser apoyada por los demás, algo que no es cierto, pero he topado con un sitio que dice que soy de pensamiento firme, ágil y con capacidad analítica. Y por cierto mi número de la suerte dice ser el número cuatro, puede tener algo de sentido ya que el 4 de noviembre es mi cumpleaños, o que casualmente mis papas estén de aniversario el mismo día. Suelo ser de esas chicas que todo el mundo conoce o dice saber conocerme, por el simple hecho de tener una familia la cual, toda América conoce. Mi papa heredo el negocio de mi abuelo, (por lo general el abuelo o como yo lo llamaba Yeyo, era el único que me entendía hasta llegue a prometerle que seguiría los pasos de la familia y seguir el negocio) una empresa que distribuye muebles, ya sean sofás como camas y cosas así. La compañía se llama DecoArte, había empezado en 1934 con mi bisabuelo Arturo, que luego paso a ser mi mi Yeyo y ahora de mi padre (solo espero que Roberto pelee por su lugar en la compañía y decida quedarse todo para él, así no tendría que seguir en este negocio, porque realmente no me gusta). He decidido que quiero ir a Los Angeles y estudiar Fashion Management & Marketing, en la Universidad de Argosy. He aplicado a varias universidades y aun espero respuesta, seria decepcionante no ser aceptada en ninguna y entonces tendría que trabajar en DecoArte toda mi vida. Todos los días son decepcionantes, siempre es lo mismo, mi casa parece un lugar solitario. Roberto tiene su propio apartamento, todos los días sube fotos a su cuenta de Instagram haciendo fiestas, las cuales son mencionadas como las mejores. Fraternidades de muchas universidades terminan ahí, los vagabundos igual, y así todo Miami. Sería bueno si por lo menos me invitara a una de sus “reuniones”, como el las suele llamar cuando estamos frente a nuestros padres. No me veo pequeña, tengo diez y siete años y el próximo año me graduare de Miami Beach High School. Muchos me preguntan si realmente tengo la edad que les digo tener, nadie me cree, muchos dicen que me veo mucho mayor, algo que para mí no está mal. En mi cuenta de twitter me he fijado que Roberto dará una fiesta, tal vez pueda decir que voy a ver una película y me voy un rato a su casa, solo espero que mi propio hermano no me eche de la casa. En mi tiempo libre, después de clases, suelo agarra mi computadora portátil y abrir Word, y escribir todo el día. Hace poco subí gratis un libro de poemas de dicados a la gente que no sabe qué hacer con su vida. He tenido buenas respuestas, inclusive en mi blog recibo visitas y buenos comentarios a montones. Existen dos mundos parami, la realidad y el mundo que creo con los libros y la escritura. Cada libro que leo me envuelve en un sentimiento que hace que imagine estar en el libro. Al escribir siento que mis ideas fluyen y que soy yo honestamente, sin censura, sin miedo a expresarme. En este momento estoy escribiendo una historia ficticia de esta joven que desea encontrar el amor, ya que casi lo encontraba pero el murió. Por su falta de confianza no es capaz de hablar con ningún muchacho. Esta es la introducción del libro:
               Para amar hay un tiempo límite, o por lo menos para mí sí. Si tienes una enfermedad terminal, es muy probable que ese amor nunca llegue. Desearía tener por lo menos un romance que dure poco o hasta cuando yo siga viva. Mi vida se complica cada vez más, el único hombre que veo seguido es mi médico el doctor Collins, está casado y tiene una hermosa hija. En el hospital veo morir a diario personas de las cuales me hice amiga. Aun no olvido su rostro, su pálida cara, que me reía aun a pesar de tener peores condiciones de vida que yo. Se llamaba Mark, tenía doce años cuando lo conocí, y diez y siete cuando lo vi por última vez. Cada año lo volvía diferente, siempre había un problema más o algo en su cuerpo había cambiado por  completo. Lo conocí cuando yo tenía once años, llegue a emergencias esa noche, mi mente giraba, era más verde como la pared que trigueña. Gracias a dios detectaron mi cáncer con tiempo. Pero esa noche ahí estaba el, sentado en una camilla, me pareció muy guapo desde el primer instante en que nuestros ojos se cruzaron. Mientras mi mama hablaba con la enfermera afuera, yo estuve acostada, mirándolo y luego mirando el techo. No sabía que sucedía conmigo, solo sabía que  me sentía a morir. No llore porque él estaba ahí, a dos camillas de la mía. Sabía que me observaba aunque lo disimulaba muy bien. Entraron mi mama y varias enfermeras y un doctor,  después de un rato sacaron mi camilla y me llevaban a otro lugar. Deje a ese muchacho solo en ese espantoso cuarto, solo, y seguramente con dolor en alguna parte. Desperté el día siguiente en un cuarto, había dos camas más  pero al parecer solo yo ocupaba y llenaba aquella gran habitación. Me di cuenta que mi mama y mi papa estaban dormidos, me sorprendió ver a papa faltar al trabajo. No estoy muy segura, pero anoche tuve uno de los mejores sueños más reales que he tenido en mi vida. Soñé con el muchacho de la sala de emergencia. Vi su hermoso pelo, dorado que caía sobre sus orejas, sus perfectos ojos, que no se distinguían si eran grises o verdes. Tenía una camiseta roja, parecía el tipo de adolescente que se intoxica con algo y termina aquí. Definitivamente desearía poder volverlo a ver por lo menos un instante, para poder recordar mejor esa mirada y su hermosa sonrisa.  No hice ruido y me levante buscando un baño, estaba bien, solo algo cansada, y molesta por esa horrenda bata que llevaba puesta, ya que no tenía nada abajo. Hice ruido al levantarme ya que presione uno de los botones que levanta la camilla. Mi padre Augusto, se levantó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos del sofá donde dormía para ir en mi auxilio. –Papa estoy bien-,-No te creo, a dónde vas?-,-solo busco un baño, necesito ir ahorita-. La cara de papa estaba muy diferente, hoy no tenía esa mirada de las mañanas que me decían que todo estaba bien, que la economía estaba por las nubes, o que sasha mi perrita no le causaba alergia cuando todos sabíamos que sí. Me detuve a observarlo, sabía que algo le ocurría,  tal vez fue despedido, o tuvo una seria pelea con mi madre, algo que creo lógico, ya que Paty se pone muy insolente cuando tiene discusiones con papa. –qué ocurre?- le pregunte, tocándole la cara muy delicadamente, tratando de leer su mente o entenderlo-cariño, hay cosas de las cuales tenemos que hablar- al decir esto mi padre, supe que no era nada bueno, porque en ese mismo instante se puso a llorar, por un motivo yo hice lo mismo con él. Mi madre se despertó por el ruido.-Mary, el cáncer no te va a matar, te juro que te van a curar, te lo prometo hija pero por favor no llores-. Mi padre la observo fijamente a los ojos. Fue un golpe muy duro el que recibí, darme cuenta que tenía cáncer y de esta manera. Simplemente, busque la puerta y Salí corriendo, lo más rápido posible, segundos después me di la vuelta y vi que ya no sabía en qué parte del hospital me encontraba. –Mary!-se escuchaba en el fondo. Era mi mama que locamente me buscaba. Me imagino lo mal que se ha de sentir en este momento, pero no lo puedo creer aun, pero tengo cáncer…logre salir de esa situación, ya no estaba corriendo por los pasillos, estaba en un cuarto. –Hola- me di la vuelta y lo vi a él, creí no volver a ver esos ojos, pero si.-hola-creo que nunca estuve tan nerviosa en mi vida. Busque la forma en que la camilla cubriera mi bata, estaba descalza y muy despeinada, pero aun ocupaba ir a un baño. Al fondo vi una puerta, había un baño,-Perdón, pero me puedes prestar tu baño-, él se rio enseguida-si no hay problema, además no es mío es del hospital-. Fui caminando muy rápido, y me encerré, luego, me lave las manos, me enjuague la boca, lave mi cara, y Salí.-me llamo Mary- extendí mi mano hacia la suya.-un gusto Mary, soy Gabriel-. Nombre perfecto para un ángel, el cual él se parecía mucho. Sentía mi corazón palpitando mucho, en un instante sentía que me desmayaba y era enserio, no era por las mariposas ni nada por el estilo, realmente me sentía mal. Gabriel tomo mi mano, me ayudo a sentarme y enseguida llamo a una enfermera. Al rato todos estaban en la habitación, incluso mis papas. –Mary!!—mama estoy enfermera me acostó en la camilla de Gabriel, y me tomo la presión, al segundo llego otra enfermera a sacarme sangre. Papa me tomo de la cintura, y me guiaban para ir a mi habitación. Estoy en este momento entrando en un túnel donde sentía que nunca llegaría a casa, pensaba en todas las cosas que hice antes por diversión, pero ahora vivo una pesadilla, que espero que sea simplemente eso, y despertar termine con ella. No pude decirle adiós a Gabriel, pero ya sabia que su numero era treinta y seis, y la mia era la sesenta y dos. Había un brillo que trataba de iluminar mi vida, mi cerebro, había tanta oscuridad, tanta tristeza oculta, cuando la gente que yo amo se de cuente de lo que tengo y en lo que me convertiré tendre miedo de su miedo. He visto tantas películas de esas en las que alguien tiene cáncer o una enfermedad terminal, tengo miedo de no querer luchar por mi vida, miedo a no querer salir de esa comodidad en mi mente y querer rendirme. Tengo solo pocos momentos en mi vida, que valen la pena ser contados. Qué tal si no lleguen mas momentos asi y muera sin haber vivido mi vida. He viajado mucho para que termine asi. Mi mente viaja por lugares muy profundos de mi alma, siento eterna la llegada  a mi habitación. Solo escucho bulla de afuera, tanta que no se en cual enfocarme. Mis papas respetan mi silencio, saben que quiero aclarar mejor las cosas pero que tal si no quiero saberlo y seguir así, viajando por la vida solo por viajar sin rumbo, porque la verdad asi me siento. –mary quieres desayunar, el doctor dice que no tienes dieta-. –Si mam, -dije para romper el silencio de aquella blanca habitación. Tengo una terraza, con hermosas flores, no tengo nada que perder ni ganar ahora, solo disfrutar de su belleza y el canto de los pájaros, es hermosa; la única que no me altera, la única que no se siente como bulla. –pero, creo que todos necesitamos una ducha—si, papa, pero no tengo ropa-.Mama ira a la casa y yo a comprar el desayuno, y tu te quedaras aqui con la enfermera mientra te terminan de revisar-. No  soportaba la idea de que tuvieran que sacarme sangre o que alguien estuviera tan cerca de mi, como esta enfermera. Mis papas salieron de la habitacion, y tuve el descaro de preguntarle en el oído a una de las enfermeras, de quien era Gabriel.-te gusta verdad?-,-no!, simplemente tengo curiosidad-.y ahí empezó la historia mas fasinante e interesante que había escuchacho antes.- Se llama Gabriel Cole y tiene doce años, su mama, no sabemos nada de ella. Vino hace seis meses y desde entonces vive aquí, su papa es Señor Cole,no pudo soportar verlo enfermo entonces pago para que viviera aquí, y se fue. Viene a visitarlo una vez a la semana pero tiene dos semanas sin un buen muchacho, no le vendría mal una amiga, ahora que no tiene a  puedo creer que su familia lo haya abandonado. No me imagino vivir sin mi mama o sin mi papa, seria horrible.-Bueno he terminado contigo, el doctor Collins vendrá en un rato, descansa-. Salieron por la puerta dejándome sola.
AJ Jun 2013
Lying in the grass at two in the morning,
Smoking some Marlboro 27s,
With a bottle of Sobieski by my side.
I'm staring into the completely blank sky,
And the clouds have gypped me again.
My stomach feels warm,
My head feels heavy.
The clouds where too ominous.
I should have remembered foreshadowing from my childhood.
The one vocab used every ******* year ,
From ages 10 to 18.
I knew it was going to rain.
By this point I don't have enough sobriety stored up to care.
Or to leave.
If the rain wants to get in my hair, and my mouth, and my clothes, and my soul,
It'll be closer than I want anyone else to be at this moment.
Anu Mehta May 2021
दिलों में बस जाए तो मोहब्बत है वो,
कभी पत्नी-धर्म तो कभी बहू का कर्तव्य निभाती है वो,
कभी बहिन तो कभी ममता की मूरत है वो,
उनके आँचल में हैं से चाँद सितारे,
कभी सहेली बन कर हर दर्द -ग़म को छुपा लेते सीने में,
सब्र की मिसाल, हर रिश्ते की ताकत है वो,
कौन कहता है कि वो कमज़ोर है।

आज भी उनके हाथ में अपने घर को चलाने की डोर होती है।
वो तो दफ्तर भी जाते हैं, और अपने घर परिवार को भी संभालते हैं।
हौंसले और हिम्मत की पहचान है वो,
अपने हौसले से तक़दीर को बदलने की ताकत रखती है वो,
वो और कोई नहीं मेरी प्यारी Neha Mam है वो
हम उम्मीद करते हैं कि आपको यह “कविता पसंद आई होगी, इन्हें आगे शेयर जरूर करें। आपको यह कैसी लगी, हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं।
Read Also
freakysmind Sep 2018
the biggest part of my heart has been taken away from me,
its left a space so vast and scarily empty,
left my father so emotionally drained,
he's just lost his wife and oldest friend, we will make it because you showed us how to stay strong even in the roughest days,
i want my mam back is what I'm trying to say.
i love you, you made me who i am today,
you now reside in paradise,
but save me a place when its my time stay,
mam.... i think about you everyday.
Everybody Oct 2013
Oh mam,
I wish I could talk
Like you

At least you'd know
What to say
What to do

I just watch here
Helplessly as they
Pop up, one by one

And I can do nothing
But stare
anu Feb 2015
Majestic look she had
Adorable character,it add
Mind blowing personality as a third
                         which makes me mad.

Even In your absence
Within me, I could fell your presence,MAM,

Your absence
put me in silence.

Your memories
Forces me to hear melodies.

Your word
sounds  even when i'm unheard.

Your care
Initiates me to share.

Your perfection
Leads to have you as my inspiration.

Your teaching
Informs me that it is preaching.

Your  everything
Forces me to tell that you are my everything..

Wrote this once...And today I MISS HER A LOT..
I Can't write now...All my agony will disturb my writing...
so this is for her..LOVE U MAM..HAPPY TEACHERS DAY MAM..

This year to I miss you. Knows well am third person to you. Still my heart longs for you. Happy teacher's day
Obadiah Grey Jun 2010
Mi fatha

Mi fatha wer a miner,
a big owd man wer ee,
wi  an eart so bold it wer solid gold
en that wer plain te see,
al si thee yung un he wud sey
as off te pit eed trot,
mi mam ed never know if eed be
cumin bak or not.

**** denaby pit e wud gu
a dank en dusky hole,
twer not much gud fer a man like im
ee wer’nt a ****** mole!,

bak brekin werk wer hewin coyel
en freekinin dark en all,
en colliers werst neetmare
wer wen th roof ed fall,
trapt **** pits n’ha way tu dee
en that ah’m tellin thee,
tis gud advice tu stop up top
ah’l tell thee that fer free,

ah’l allus remember copper  
e cem a knocking
mi mam she fear’d werst
wen ah’la sudden
a flooda tears did berst,

n’ha th pit ed got mi fatha
ee wer’nt cumin om at all
twer th coliers werst neetmare
th roof.. ed ad.. a fall.

Alan nettleton.

translation for non yorkie's

My father was a miner
a great big man was he,
with a heart so bold
it was solid gold
and that was plain to see,
I’ll see you young one he would say
as off to the pit he’d trot,
my mother never knew
if he was coming back or not,
down denaby pit he would go
a dank and dusky hole,
it wasn’t much good for a man like him
he wasn’t a ****** mole,
back breaking work was hewing coal
and frightening dark and all,
the colliers worst nightmare
was when the roof would fall,
trapped down the pit is no way to die
and that I’m telling thee,
it’s good advice to stop up top
I’ll tell you that for free,
I’ll always remember the policeman
came a knocking,
my mother she feared the worst ,
when all of a sudden
a flood of tears did burst,
now the pit had got my father
he wasn’t coming home at all,
it was the colliers worst nightmare
the roof it had .....a fall.

Alan nettleton
Cold salad and ham and mam said, that's for tea,
wanted chips and peas with curry sauce
but we ate what we got
because in our house we only got what was there
and it was salad and ham as mam had said,so
we scoffled it down with brown bread and butter.

In the eating of this memory, full of tea and tears of what used to be
I want to eat salads and ham for eternity
with mam and dad
and tea,
the family
happily ever
Happened to see a poetsite
happened to see this worldwide
in fact that's all I need
yet it does not give much speed
to me, to go on or to stop
am afraid it would be a flop
my alter ego does not react
why must my thoughts always be a fact?
now that I have got a friend or two
first I'll begin with How do you do?
then how many poems have you gathered
are they all filled with your lives battered
no mam, I have rather a happy childhood
no not that kind, mam, knock on wood
tell me, what is it then, how and what age?
wait mam, I'll be honest
was like a bird in a golden cage....

© Sylvia Frances Chan
My second poem on HP
Ryan Seth Cole Mar 2022
I aint no *****. I aint no tinker; like a tinker would think. Im just an old cow poke with no leather to sink my teeth. Been riding for days aint came across the first drop to drink.

Sure is nice of you mam to let me in by the smell of my stink.

You see; I lost my cattle about a few miles back. We got seperated by a sand storm. Boy this coffee is about as thick a pinewood sap. Mam, please dont take offense; I sure do appreciate the gesture. I suppose a cool glass a water might do the trick.

Now as I was saying, I was on my way up from Wyoming to drive a herd for a bargain. Well I guess I would say I got started early this morning.

I got me a ranch out in Laramie. Well actually a buddy of mine does. We started up and then it began storming. I haven’t seen him since. Mam could you do me a favor if he does. If he shows up; could you tell him I have gone to gather up them horses.

Could you ask if he could stick around, what matters is that we’re safe and that’s important. We can regroup in a couple of hours. Head on back on up the trek, make up for lost time and try to save our appointment. If that ain’t no burden to you misses?

I have a soft spot for westerns.This is a love letter to a classic western I used to enjoy

— The End —