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Ve tu ta soch vi ni sakda,
Ki kinna pyaar kardi haa.

Mahiya mere jaan hai tu meri,
Mai sirf haa teri sirf teri.

Teri je na hoyi kade kisi di ni hona,
Tere bina assi el pal vi ni jiyona.

Tu hove jado mere naal hove bahaar,
Tere bin eho ji zindagi vi bekaar

Ankha kholla te tu samne hove,
Tere ch vasdeya mera khuda ve.

Tere naal meri rooh rang di,
Taitho mai tainu hi mangdi.

Chal assi ek sohni duniya vasaiye,
Tu hai meri taaqat mere mahiye.

Jiyona marna hai naal tere,
Teri dadhkan hai saddi saans sajna mere.

Mai rabb nu vekheya nahi aye,
Mere layi khuda tu hi ve.

Mai kinna tenu chauhni mai,
Eh baya mai kar sakdi nai.

Har saah te sajna naam tera,
Jado jud jave tere naal naam mera.

Zindagi da sab tou sohna din ve,
Mainu le jaye doli ch jaan meriye.

Hathha ch mehndi hove tere naam di,
Ghodi leke aaye le jawe sajni aapdi.

Paira ch jhanjhar chan chan chanakdi,
Laal jode ch dulhan ohdi pari lagdi.

Mere sohneya teri jaan tenu yaad kardi,
Meri ankhiyan sirf tehnu labhdi.

Supna banke mil jaunda hai raatan nu,
Ardaas kardi mai khush rawe har vele tu.

Mere hathhan di khushbu tere hathhan ch,
Ja milau os rabb ne sohne lekh injh.

Is zindagi ch jiyone jinne saah sajna,
Tere naal hi leni kardi sajda.

Seene naal laake har lenda har dukh,
Tere hisse ch karde rabb mere har sukh.

Har janam mai tere naam kar deya.
Saaha tou piyareya hai mera mahiya.

Rabb tou pehle tera zikar aunda ve,
Chand naal chandni raat naal taare.

Pta ni lageya tere naal dil laa baithhe,
Sacchiyan mohabbatan assi tere naal karde.

Preeta suchiyan ne,
Tenu har gal dasange.

Tere karke hi haa jiyondi,
Tenu hi har vele os rabb tou mangdi.

Rabb ne milaiya jodiya,
Tere naal hi hasdi teri mahiya.
There was an old person of Hove,
Who frequented the depths of a grove;
Where he studied his books,
With the wrens and the rooks,
That tranquil old person of Hove.

WHEN folk had laughed all at this nice case
Of Absolon and Hendy Nicholas,
Diverse folk diversely they said,
But for the more part they laugh'd and play'd;           *were diverted
And at this tale I saw no man him grieve,
But it were only Osewold the Reeve.
Because he was of carpenteres craft,
A little ire is in his hearte laft
;                               left
He gan to grudge
and blamed it a lite.              murmur *little.
"So the* I,"  quoth he, "full well could I him quite
   thrive match
With blearing
of a proude miller's eye,                    dimming
If that me list to speak of ribaldry.
But I am old; me list not play for age;
Grass time is done, my fodder is now forage.
This white top
writeth mine olde years;                           head
Mine heart is also moulded
as mine hairs;                 grown mouldy
And I do fare as doth an open-erse
;                         medlar
That ilke
fruit is ever longer werse,                             same
Till it be rotten *in mullok or in stre
.    on the ground or in straw
We olde men, I dread, so fare we;
Till we be rotten, can we not be ripe;
We hop* away, while that the world will pipe;                     dance
For in our will there sticketh aye a nail,
To have an hoary head and a green tail,
As hath a leek; for though our might be gone,
Our will desireth folly ever-in-one
:                       continually
For when we may not do, then will we speak,
Yet in our ashes cold does fire reek.
Four gledes
have we, which I shall devise
,         coals * describe
Vaunting, and lying, anger, covetise.                     *covetousness
These foure sparks belongen unto eld.
Our olde limbes well may be unweld
,                           unwieldy
But will shall never fail us, that is sooth.
And yet have I alway a coltes tooth,
As many a year as it is passed and gone
Since that my tap of life began to run;
For sickerly
, when I was born, anon                          certainly
Death drew the tap of life, and let it gon:
And ever since hath so the tap y-run,
Till that almost all empty is the tun.
The stream of life now droppeth on the chimb.
The silly tongue well may ring and chime
Of wretchedness, that passed is full yore
:                        long
With olde folk, save dotage, is no more.

When that our Host had heard this sermoning,
He gan to speak as lordly as a king,
And said; "To what amounteth all this wit?
What? shall we speak all day of holy writ?
The devil made a Reeve for to preach,
As of a souter
a shipman, or a leach.                    cobbler
Say forth thy tale, and tarry not the time:                
Lo here is Deptford, and 'tis half past prime:
Lo Greenwich, where many a shrew is in.
It were high time thy tale to begin."

"Now, sirs," quoth then this Osewold the Reeve,
I pray you all that none of you do grieve,
Though I answer, and somewhat set his hove
,                  hood
For lawful is *force off with force to shove.
           to repel force
This drunken miller hath y-told us here                        by force

How that beguiled was a carpentere,
Paraventure* in scorn, for I am one:                            perhaps
And, by your leave, I shall him quite anon.
Right in his churlish termes will I speak,
I pray to God his necke might to-break.
He can well in mine eye see a stalk,
But in his own he cannot see a balk."

Notes to the Prologue to the Reeves Tale.

1. "With blearing of a proude miller's eye": dimming his eye;
playing off a joke on him.

2. "Me list not play for age": age takes away my zest for

3. The medlar, the fruit of the mespilus tree, is only edible when

4. Yet in our ashes cold does fire reek: "ev'n in our ashes live
their wonted fires."

5. A colt's tooth; a wanton humour, a relish for pleasure.

6. Chimb: The rim of a barrel where the staves project beyond
the head.

7. With olde folk, save dotage, is no more: Dotage is all that is
left them; that is, they can only dwell fondly, dote, on the past.

8. Souter: cobbler; Scottice, "sutor;"' from Latin, "suere," to

9. "Ex sutore medicus"  (a surgeon from a cobbler) and "ex
sutore nauclerus" (a  ****** or pilot from a cobbler) were both
proverbial expressions in the Middle Ages.

10. Half past prime: half-way between prime and tierce; about
half-past seven in the morning.

11. Set his hove; like "set their caps;" as in the description of
the Manciple in the Prologue, who "set their aller cap".  "Hove"
or "houfe," means "hood;" and the phrase signifies to be even
with, outwit.

12. The illustration of the mote and the beam, from Matthew.


At Trompington, not far from Cantebrig,
There goes a brook, and over that a brig,
Upon the whiche brook there stands a mill:
And this is *very sooth
that I you tell.               complete truth
A miller was there dwelling many a day,
As any peacock he was proud and gay:
Pipen he could, and fish, and nettes bete,                     *prepare
And turne cups, and wrestle well, and shete
.                     shoot
Aye by his belt he bare a long pavade
,                         poniard
And of his sword full trenchant was the blade.
A jolly popper
bare he in his pouch;                            dagger
There was no man for peril durst him touch.
A Sheffield whittle
bare he in his hose.                   small knife
Round was his face, and camuse
was his nose.                  flat
As pilled
as an ape's was his skull.                     peeled, bald.
He was a market-beter
at the full.                             brawler
There durste no wight hand upon him legge
,                         lay
That he ne swore anon he should abegge
.             suffer the penalty

A thief he was, for sooth, of corn and meal,
And that a sly, and used well to steal.
His name was *hoten deinous Simekin
        called "Disdainful Simkin"
A wife he hadde, come of noble kin:
The parson of the town her father was.
With her he gave full many a pan of brass,
For that Simkin should in his blood ally.
She was y-foster'd in a nunnery:
For Simkin woulde no wife, as he said,
But she were well y-nourish'd, and a maid,
To saven his estate and yeomanry:
And she was proud, and pert as is a pie.                        magpie
A full fair sight it was to see them two;
On holy days before her would he go
With his tippet* y-bound about his head;                           hood
And she came after in a gite
of red,                          gown
And Simkin hadde hosen of the same.
There durste no wight call her aught but Dame:
None was so hardy, walking by that way,
That with her either durste *rage or play
,                use freedom
But if he would be slain by Simekin                            unless
With pavade, or with knife, or bodekin.
For jealous folk be per'lous evermo':
they would their wives wende so.           unless *so behave
And eke for she was somewhat smutterlich,                        *****
She was as dign* as water in a ditch,                             nasty
And all so full of hoker
, and bismare*.   *ill-nature *abusive speech
Her thoughte that a lady should her spare,        not judge her hardly
What for her kindred, and her nortelrie           *nurturing, education
That she had learned in the nunnery.

One daughter hadde they betwixt them two
Of twenty year, withouten any mo,
Saving a child that was of half year age,
In cradle it lay, and was a proper page.
This wenche thick and well y-growen was,
With camuse
nose, and eyen gray as glass;                         flat
With buttocks broad, and breastes round and high;
But right fair was her hair, I will not lie.
The parson of the town, for she was fair,
In purpose was to make of her his heir
Both of his chattels and his messuage,
And *strange he made it
of her marriage.           he made it a matter
His purpose was for to bestow her high                    of difficulty

Into some worthy blood of ancestry.
For holy Church's good may be dispended                          spent
On holy Church's blood that is descended.
Therefore he would his holy blood honour
Though that he holy Churche should devour.

Great soken* hath this miller, out of doubt,    toll taken for grinding
With wheat and malt, of all the land about;
And namely
there was a great college                        especially
Men call the Soler Hall at Cantebrege,
There was their wheat and eke their malt y-ground.
And on a day it happed in a stound
,                           suddenly
Sick lay the manciple
of a malady,                         steward
Men *weened wisly
that he shoulde die.              thought certainly
For which this miller stole both meal and corn
An hundred times more than beforn.
For theretofore he stole but courteously,
But now he was a thief outrageously.
For which the warden chid and made fare,                          fuss
But thereof set the miller not a tare;           he cared not a rush
He crack'd his boast, and swore it was not so.            talked big

Then were there younge poore scholars two,
That dwelled in the hall of which I say;
Testif* they were, and ***** for to play;                headstrong
And only for their mirth and revelry
Upon the warden busily they cry,
To give them leave for but a *little stound
,               short time
To go to mill, and see their corn y-ground:
And hardily* they durste lay their neck,                         boldly
The miller should not steal them half a peck
Of corn by sleight, nor them by force bereave
                *take away
And at the last the warden give them leave:
John hight the one, and Alein hight the other,
Of one town were they born, that highte Strother,
Far in the North, I cannot tell you where.
This Alein he made ready all his gear,
And on a horse the sack he cast anon:
Forth went Alein the clerk, and also John,
With good sword and with buckler by their side.
John knew the way, him needed not no guide,
And at the mill the sack adown he lay'th.

Alein spake f
Grim Reaper May 2016
Ik kuddi jida naa mohabbat,
Gum hai. Gum hai, gum hai...

Saad muraadi, soni phabbat,
Guum hai.

Suurat ousdi pariyaan vargi
Seerat di o mariam lagdi,
Hasdi hai taa phul jharade ne
Turdi hai taa gazal hai lagdi.
Lamm-salammi, saru(Saro) de kad di
Umar aje hai marke agg di,
Par naina di gal samajhdi.
Ik kuddi jida naa mohabbat,
Gum hai. Gum hai, gum hai...

Goummeyaan janam janam han hoye
Par lagda jyon kal di gal hai.
Yun lagda jyon ajj di gal hai,
Yun lagda jyon *** di gal hai.
Huney taan mere kol khaddi si
Huney taan mere kol nahi hai
Eh ki chhal hai, eh ki phatkan
Soch meri hairan baddi hai.
Nazar meri har aande jaande
Chehre da rang phol rahi hai,
Ous kuddi nu tol rahi hai.

Saanjh dhale baazaaran de jad,
Moddaan te khushbu ugdi hai.
Vehal, thakaavat, bechaini jad,
Chau raaheyaan te aa juddadi hai.
Rauley lippi tanhai vich
Os kuddi di thudd khaandi hai.
Os kuddi di thudd disdi hai.
Har chhin mennu inyon lagda hai,
Har din mennu inyon lagda hai.
Judde jashan ne bheeddaan vichon,
Juddi mahak de jhurmat vichon,
O mennu aawaaz davegi,
Men ohnu pehchaan lavaanga
O mennu pehchaan lavegi.
Par es raule de hadd vichon
Koi mennu aawaaz na denda
Koi vi mere vall na vehnda.

Par khaure kyun tapala lagda,
Par khaure kyun jhaulla painda,
Har din har ik bheedd juddi chon,
But ohda jyun langh ke jaanda.
Par mennu hi nazar na aunda.
Goum gaya maen os kuddi de
Chehre de vich goummeya rehnda,
Os de gham vich ghullda rehnda,
Os de gham vich khurda jaanda!
Os kuddi nu meri saun hai,
Os kuddi nu apni saun hai,

Os kuddi nu sab di saun hai.
Os kuddi nu jag di saun hai,
Os kuddi nu rab di saun hai,
Je kithe paddhdi sundi hove,
Jyundi ya o mar rahi hove
Ik vaari aa ke mil jaave
Vafa meri nu daag na laave
Nahin taan methon jiya na jaanda
Geet koi likheya na janda!

Ik kudi jida naa muhabat.
Goum hai.
Saad muradi sohni phabbat
Goum hai.
Shiv Kumar Batalvi
The black bull bellowed before the sea.
The sea, till that day orderly,
Hove up against Bendylaw.

The queen in the mulberry arbor stared
Stiff as a queen on a playing card.
The king fingered his beard.

A blue sea, four ***** bull-feet,
A bull-snouted sea that wouldn't stay put,
Bucked at the garden gate.

Along box-lined walks in the florid sun
Toward the rowdy bellow and back again
The lords and ladies ran.

The great bronze gate began to crack,
The sea broke in at every crack,
Pellmell, blueblack.

The bull surged up, the bull surged down,
Not to be stayed by a daisy chain
Nor by any learned man.

O the king's tidy acre is under the sea,
And the royal rose in the bull's belly,
And the bull on the king's highway.
God knows how our neighbor managed to breed
His great sow:
Whatever his shrewd secret, he kept it hid

In the same way
He kept the sow--impounded from public stare,
Prize ribbon and pig show.

But one dusk our questions commended us to a tour
Through his lantern-lit
Maze of barns to the lintel of the sunk sty door

To gape at it:
This was no rose-and-larkspurred china suckling
With a penny slot

For thrift children, nor dolt pig ripe for heckling,
About to be
Glorified for prime flesh and golden crackling

In a parsley halo;
Nor even one of the common barnyard sows,
Mire-smirched, blowzy,

Maunching thistle and knotweed on her snout-
Bloat tun of milk
On the move, hedged by a litter of feat-foot ninnies

Shrilling her hulk
To halt for a swig at the pink teats. No. This vast
Brobdingnag bulk

Of a sow lounged belly-bedded on that black
Fat-rutted eyes
Dream-filmed. What a vision of ancient hoghood

Thus wholly engross
The great grandam!--our marvel blazoned a knight,
Helmed, in cuirass,

Unhorsed and shredded in the grove of combat
By a grisly-bristled
Boar, fabulous enough to straddle that sow's heat.

But our farmer whistled,
Then, with a jocular fist thwacked the barrel nape,
And the green-copse-castled

Pig hove, letting legend like dried mud drop,
Slowly, grunt
On grunt, up in the flickering light to shape

A monument
Prodigious in gluttonies as that hog whose want
Made lean Lent

Of kitchen slops and, stomaching no constraint,
Proceeded to swill
The seven troughed seas and every earthquaking
So all day long the noise of battle roll'd
Among the mountains by the winter sea;
Until King Arthur's table, man by man,
Had fallen in Lyonnesse about their Lord,
King Arthur: then, because his wound was deep,
The bold Sir Bedivere uplifted him,
Sir Bedivere, the last of all his knights,
And bore him to a chapel nigh the field,
A broken chancel with a broken cross,
That stood on a dark strait of barren land.
On one side lay the ocean, and on one
Lay a great water, and the moon was full.

      Then spake King Arthur to Sir Bedivere:
"The sequel of to-day unsolders all
The goodliest fellowship of famous knights
Whereof this world holds record. Such a sleep
They sleep--the men I loved. I think that we
Shall never more, at any future time,
Delight our souls with talk of knightly deeds,
Walking about the gardens and the halls
Of Camelot, as in the days that were.
I perish by this people which I made,--
Tho' Merlin sware that I should come again
To rule once more--but let what will be, be,
I am so deeply smitten thro' the helm
That without help I cannot last till morn.
Thou therefore take my brand Excalibur,
Which was my pride: for thou rememberest how
In those old days, one summer noon, an arm
Rose up from out the ***** of the lake,
Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful,
Holding the sword--and how I row'd across
And took it, and have worn it, like a king:
And, wheresoever I am sung or told
In aftertime, this also shall be known:
But now delay not: take Excalibur,
And fling him far into the middle mere:
Watch what thou seest, and lightly bring me word."

      To him replied the bold Sir Bedivere:
"It is not meet, Sir King, to leave thee thus,
Aidless, alone, and smitten thro' the helm.
A little thing may harm a wounded man.
Yet I thy hest will all perform at full,
Watch what I see, and lightly bring thee word."

      So saying, from the ruin'd shrine he stept
And in the moon athwart the place of tombs,
Where lay the mighty bones of ancient men,
Old knights, and over them the sea-wind sang
Shrill, chill, with flakes of foam. He, stepping down
By zigzag paths, and juts of pointed rock,
Came on the shining levels of the lake.

      There drew he forth the brand Excalibur,
And o'er him, drawing it, the winter moon,
Brightening the skirts of a long cloud, ran forth
And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt:
For all the haft twinkled with diamond sparks,
Myriads of topaz-lights, and jacinth work
Of subtlest jewellery. He gazed so long
That both his eyes were dazzled, as he stood,
This way and that dividing the swift mind,
In act to throw: but at the last it seem'd
Better to leave Excalibur conceal'd
There in the many-knotted water-flags,
That whistled stiff and dry about the marge.
So strode he back slow to the wounded King.

      Then spake King Arthur to Sir Bedivere:
"Hast thou perform'd my mission which I gave?
What is it thou hast seen, or what hast heard?"

      And answer made the bold Sir Bedivere:
"I heard the ripple washing in the reeds,
And the wild water lapping on the crag."

      To whom replied King Arthur, faint and pale:
"Thou hast betray'd thy nature and thy name,
Not rendering true answer, as beseem'd
Thy fealty, nor like a noble knight:
For surer sign had follow'd, either hand,
Or voice, or else a motion of the mere.
This is a shameful thing for men to lie.
Yet now, I charge thee, quickly go again
As thou art lief and dear, and do the thing
I bade thee, watch, and lightly bring me word."

      Then went Sir Bedivere the second time
Across the ridge, and paced beside the mere,
Counting the dewy pebbles, fixed in thought;
But when he saw the wonder of the hilt,
How curiously and strangely chased, he smote
His palms together, and he cried aloud,

      "And if indeed I cast the brand away,
Surely a precious thing, one worthy note,
Should thus be lost forever from the earth,
Which might have pleased the eyes of many men.
What good should follow this, if this were done?
What harm, undone? deep harm to disobey,
Seeing obedience is the bond of rule.
Were it well to obey then, if a king demand
An act unprofitable, against himself?
The King is sick, and knows not what he does.
What record, or what relic of my lord
Should be to aftertime, but empty breath
And rumours of a doubt? but were this kept,
Stored in some treasure-house of mighty kings,
Some one might show it at a joust of arms,
Saying, 'King Arthur's sword, Excalibur,
Wrought by the lonely maiden of the Lake;
Nine years she wrought it, sitting in the deeps
Upon the hidden bases of the hills.'
So might some old man speak in the aftertime
To all the people, winning reverence.
But now much honour and much fame were lost."

      So spake he, clouded with his own conceit,
And hid Excalibur the second time,
And so strode back slow to the wounded King.

      Then spoke King Arthur, breathing heavily:
"What is it thou hast seen, or what hast heard?"

      And answer made the bold Sir Bedivere:
"I heard the water lapping on the crag,
And the long ripple washing in the reeds."

      To whom replied King Arthur, much in wrath:
"Ah, miserable and unkind, untrue,
Unknightly, traitor-hearted! Woe is me!
Authority forgets a dying king,
Laid widow'd of the power in his eye
That bow'd the will. I see thee what thou art,
For thou, the latest-left of all my knights,
In whom should meet the offices of all,
Thou wouldst betray me for the precious hilt;
Either from lust of gold, or like a girl
Valuing the giddy pleasure of the eyes.
Yet, for a man may fail in duty twice,
And the third time may prosper, get thee hence:
But, if thou spare to fling Excalibur,
I will arise and slay thee with my hands."

      Then quickly rose Sir Bedivere, and ran,
And, leaping down the ridges lightly, plunged
Among the bulrush-beds, and clutch'd the sword,
And strongly wheel'd and threw it. The great brand
Made lightnings in the splendour of the moon,
And flashing round and round, and whirl'd in an arch,
Shot like a streamer of the northern morn,
Seen where the moving isles of winter shock
By night, with noises of the northern sea.
So flash'd and fell the brand Excalibur:
But ere he dipt the surface, rose an arm
Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful,
And caught him by the hilt, and brandish'd him
Three times, and drew him under in the mere.
And lightly went the other to the King.

      Then spoke King Arthur, drawing thicker breath:
"Now see I by thine eyes that this is done.
Speak out: what is it thou hast heard, or seen?"

      And answer made the bold Sir Bedivere:
"Sir King, I closed mine eyelids, lest the gems
Should blind my purpose, for I never saw,
Nor shall see, here or elsewhere, till I die,
Not tho' I live three lives of mortal men,
So great a miracle as yonder hilt.
Then with both hands I flung him, wheeling him;
But when I look'd again, behold an arm,
Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful,
That caught him by the hilt, and brandish'd him
Three times, and drew him under in the mere."

      And answer made King Arthur, breathing hard:
"My end draws nigh; 't is time that I were gone.
Make broad thy shoulders to receive my weight,
And bear me to the margin; yet I fear
My wound hath taken cold, and I shall die."

      So saying, from the pavement he half rose,
Slowly, with pain, reclining on his arm,
And looking wistfully with wide blue eyes
As in a picture. Him Sir Bedivere
Remorsefully regarded thro' his tears,
And would have spoken, but he found not words,
Then took with care, and kneeling on one knee,
O'er both his shoulders drew the languid hands,
And rising bore him thro' the place of tombs.

      But, as he walk'd, King Arthur panted hard,
Like one that feels a nightmare on his bed
When all the house is mute. So sigh'd the King
Muttering and murmuring at his ear, "Quick, quick!
I fear it is too late, and I shall die."
But the other swiftly strode from ridge to ridge,
Clothed with his breath, and looking, as he walk'd
Larger than human on the frozen hills.
He heard the deep behind him, and a cry
Before. His own thought drove him like a goad.
Dry clash'd his harness in the icy caves
And barren chasms, and all to left and right
The bare black cliff clang'd round him, as he based
His feet on juts of slippery crag that rang
Sharp-smitten with the dint of armed heels--
And on a sudden, lo! the level lake,
And the long glories of the winter moon.

      Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge
Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern,
Beneath them; and descending they were ware
That all the decks were dense with stately forms
Black-stoled, black-hooded, like a dream--by these
Three Queens with crowns of gold--and from them rose
A cry that shiver'd to the tingling stars,
And, as it were one voice, an agony
Of lamentation, like a wind, that shrills
All night in a waste land, where no one comes,
Or hath come, since the making of the world.

      Then murmur'd Arthur, "Place me in the barge,"
And to the barge they came. There those three Queens
Put forth their hands, and took the King, and wept.
But she that rose the tallest of them all
And fairest, laid his head upon her lap,
And loosed the shatter'd casque, and chafed his hands,
And call'd him by his name, complaining loud
And dropping bitter tears against his brow
Striped with dark blood: for all his face was white
And colourless, and like the wither'd moon
Smote by the fresh beam of the springing east;
And all his greaves and cuisses dash'd with drops
Of onset; and the light and lustrous curls--
That made his forehead like a rising sun
High from the dais-throne--were parch'd with dust;
Or, clotted into points and hanging loose,
Mix'd with the knightly growth that fringed his lips.
So like a shatter'd column lay the King;
Not like that Arthur who, with lance in rest,
From spur to plume a star of tournament,
Shot thro' the lists at Camelot, and charged
Before the eyes of ladies and of kings.

      Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere:
"Ah! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go?
Where shall I hide my forehead and my eyes?
For now I see the true old times are dead,
When every morning brought a noble chance,
And every chance brought out a noble knight.
Such times have been not since the light that led
The holy Elders with the gift of myrrh.
But now the whole ROUND TABLE is dissolved
Which was an image of the mighty world;
And I, the last, go forth companionless,
And the days darken round me, and the years,
Among new men, strange faces, other minds."

      And slowly answer'd Arthur from the barge:
"The old order changeth, yielding place to new,
And God fulfils Himself in many ways,
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.
Comfort thyself: what comfort is in me?
I have lived my life, and that which I have done
May He within Himself make pure! but thou,
If thou shouldst never see my face again,
Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer
Than this world dreams of. Wherefore, let thy voice
Rise like a fountain for me night and day.
For what are men better than sheep or goats
That nourish a blind life within the brain,
If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer
Both for themselves and those who call them friend?
For so the whole round earth is every way
Bound by gold chains about the feet of God.
But now farewell. I am going a long way
With these thou seest--if indeed I go--
(For all my mind is clouded with a doubt)
To the island-valley of Avilion;
Where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow,
Nor ever wind blows loudly; but it lies
Deep-meadow'd, happy, fair with orchard-lawns
And bowery hollows crown'd with summer sea,
Where I will heal me of my grievous wound."

      So said he, and the barge with oar and sail
Moved from the brink, like some full-breasted swan
That, fluting a wild carol ere her death,
Ruffles her pure cold plume, and takes the flood
With swarthy webs. Long stood Sir Bedivere
Revolving many memories, till the hull
Look'd one black dot against the verge of dawn,
And on the mere the wailing died away.
r Mar 2014
Water wives live sheltered lives
Amongst the coves where pirates rove

Daily catch is makers match
Where red hot stoves hide fresh baked loaves

Water men are thick and thin
So often strove where shipmates hove

Water child is often wild
The treasure trove where pirates roved

r ~ 19Mar14
All in fun, my village friends.
Tuhade bin sannu sohneya koi hor ni labhna,

Tuhade naal hi saddi rooh nu sukoon milna.

Tussi saddi jaan ** mahiya,

Pyaar kardi haa tuhanu inna saara.

Aawe tuhanu jado hichki,

Tuhadi jaan tuhanu yaad kardi.

Har vele har dua ch tuhanu yaad karde,

Har janam tussi hi milo ohi mangde.

Saat janam ki assi hazaar janam lave,

Bs sadde utte sirf tujhada haq hove.

Warna koi Zindagi na mile sannu jide ch tussi na **,

Tuhado baajo hor nahiyo chahida koi,

Ye mahiya har janam sirf tuhadi layi hoyi.

Saddi har peedh da ilaaj tussi hi ne,

Rooh muskandi saddi jado tussi muskande.

Sadde har nakhde tussi hi jhel sakde,

Har duavan ch sirf tuhanu assi mangde.

Jeho tussi khayal rakhde ** sadda,

Tuhadi rooh da karun mai sajda.

Ankhiyan ch ankhaa paake jado dekhde,

Chand di Chandni hi hi feeki dasde.

Inni khubsurat hai rooh tuhadi,

Dil jeda saaf tey saccha utey mardi.

Sab tou sohna sohneya mileya mainu,

Jachde ** tussi hi jaan Meri sannu.
Tuhade layi je ladna paya mainu taqdeera naal,

Haske mai lad laungi tuhadi khushiyan waal.

Tuhade waal je aaya koi dukhe ve,

Saamne mai khadungi mahiye.

Chhetti chhetti aaja jaane meriye,

Bade cher tou tuhadi yaad aundiye.

Ik pal vi tuhade baajo reha nai jiunda,

Sab tou khushnaseeb haa mai tussi jo mile tohfa rabb da.

Mai tuhadi si, tuhadi haa, tuhadi hi rahangi,

Tuhade saaha naal hi sadde saah chalde jaani.

Saddi har khushi tuhade naal ve,

Tussi meri zindagi ** jaan aye meriye.

Sadde ehsaasa ch vi rooh jiundi,

Bin chue vi mehsoos kr lendi.

Es pagli nu mera paglu hi samjh sakda,

Tuhade bajo ek pal vi dil nahi lagda.

Raatan nu neend ni aundi,

Tuhade khayalan ch mai khoyi rendi.

Tussi aisi nigaahan mainu takeya,

Mere dil,rooh jaan ch bs ohi chehra vaseya.

Sawere uthde vi sab tou pehla tuhada naam mai lendi,

Tuhanu hi har janam mai os rabb kolu mangdi.

Lawan baahan ch samet kaayenaat assi,

Jado lawo sanu aapde seene naal tussi.

Tuahde naal jahan sadda,

Sab tou anmol tukda ** sadde dil da.

Chand naal chandani je,

Taareyan naal raat ve.

Tuhade naal saddi har zindagi ve,

Sacchiyan mohabbbatan tuhade naal la baithe.

Jithe jithe tussi hove,

Tuhade picche picche sanu hi pave.

Tuhade naam assi kr ditta har janam,

Har dadhkan ch tuhadi chahat haigi sanam.

Saada har mukaam tuhadiyan hi raahan ch,

Jeena marna sab tuhadiyan baahan vich.

Bhaagan wali haa mai jo mileya saanu eho jeya mahiya,

Mainu mera sohneya saddi jaan tou vi piyareya.

Gale ch mangalsutra,

Baneya raksha sutra.

Tuhada naam jado sadde naam nu poora kareya,

Tuhade kol mera dil ve sadde pyaar di nishaniya.

Chhetti chhetti aaja mahiya le ja aapdi jaan nu aapda bna ke,

Hatthan ch mehndi, baahan ch chudiyan, matthe tey sindoor aapde naam da bhar ke.
****** silly humans
I love them
(for the most part)
but I wish they could pull their **** together
wrap their heads around the concept
of unity
as a whole
not this silly nation *******
these frivolous little traditions to separate themselves
the ignorance that different is bad
as in skin
methods of teaching and thought
those deplorable emotions of greed and fear
and their brainless
(not to include candy-***)
NEED for a government and religion

The will though
The soul
That's what makes me love a human
Sukh hove, dukh hove, dhupp chahe chhaanh hove,

Tuhade naal tuhadi mahiya humesha rave.

Jithe vi rahange, khush hi rahange,

Tuhade naal assi kide wi neela ambar de thalle.

Tuhanu mere naal hasan di aadat pai ju,

Ankhha cho chaun nahi dena mai hunju.

Pyar ton vi wadh tainu pyar karange,

Es dil de saah tuhade naal hi chalange.

Sadi jaan tuhade ch vasdi,

Tuhanu vekh tuhadi jaan hasdi.

Tuhade chehre di muskaan sannu sukoon dendi,

Mai tuhadi haa tuhadi hi humesha ravangi.

Har haal ch har pal tuhade naal khadange,

Har janam assi fer aapdi kahaani likhange.
AP Staunton Feb 2016
In B and B flop-houses, poems I wrote,
Stuffed into damp pockets, of a Donkey-Jacket coat.
Poems about building-sites and too much beer,
Being far from home, despair and fear.
I read them to comrades, who all nodded their heads,
Then went back to sleep, in one room with eight beds.
I read them to lads, who for the first time,
Sat and listened, to words, their rhythm and rhyme.

Folkestone, Dover, Hastings, Brighton and Hove,
I wrote poems, by the light of a Camping Gaz stove,
Describing MY feelings, MY way of life,
Cut straight to the bone, like a Stanley Craft Knife.
The Channel Tunnel, dumpers and cranes,
Concrete burns, bruises, hangovers. . .shame.
Days without eating, nights full of drinking,
Hours on a Shovel, digging without thinking.

Then along came the books, I started reading at night,
Discovered Jack London, by wind-up torchlight.
I read more and more, captivated by books charms,
As my work-mates pursued , bar-maids down the Kings Arms.

Then one day, McNamara, with his belly full of beer,
Came looking for me, called me a queer.
". . .Reading and writing ??? Its NOT for the likes of us. . ."
I agreed begrudgingly, with this. . .. back-end of a bus.
He helped me gather up, my words and my books,
Into a couple of barrows, like scrap-metal crooks,
And wheeled them over, to where we burned the pallets,
Electric cable(for the copper)and broken slab-laying mallets.
They went on the embers, which began to ignite,
And from my caravan window, I watched them burn through the night.
As they glowed, I felt pity, not anger,
At the ****** ignorance, of this eighteen stone Ganger,
Who believed words were impotent, compared to the fist,
Our lives were mapped out, digging trenches, getting ******.

But the books had given me hope, that life was for living,
Not dying at Sixty, when your body just gives in,
Knees knackered, back broken, knuckles dead with rheumatics,
From working in all weathers, holding hammers, pneumatic.

Days later, on a Porta-Loo, McNamara settled down,
With a copy of ******* and a hard-on to pound.
He never smelled the petrol, mesmerised by *******
And pleasured himself, quickly, across the bottom of his vest.
Sparked up a rollie, relieved and relaxed,
Thinking of Fridays time-sheets to be faxed.


We heard the explosion, looked to the sky,
Saw Doctor Who 's Tardis go flying by.
But it wasn't a Time Lord, just a burning box,
With a melting Eighteen stone Ganger, still holding his ****.
McNamara, was identified by the fillings in his teeth,
And buried, by the Council, just outside Haywards Heath.
If I hadn't continued writing, McNamaras threats, defied
No-one would know about him, or the way that he died.

Books and words are everything, they lift the mind
and they raise the anchor,
And they let me tell your tale, McNamara. . . .
How you lived and died. . .a ******.
Poetry is for everyone, not just a select few.
Sweet Love,— but oh! most dread Desire of Love
Life-thwarted. Linked in gyves I saw them stand,
Love shackled with Vain-longing, hand to hand:
And one was eyed as the blue vault above:
But hope tempestuous like a fire-cloud hove
I’ the other s gaze, even as in his whose wand
Vainly all night with spell-wrought power has spann’d
The unyielding caves of some deep treasure-trove.

Also his lips, two writhen flakes of flame,
Made moan: ‘Alas O Love, thus leashed with me!
Wing-footed thou, wing-shouldered, once born free:
And I, thy cowering self, in chains grown tame,
Bound to thy body and soul, named with thy name,
Life’s iron heart, even Love’s Fatality.’
"Croak, croak, croak,"
Thus the Raven spoke,
Perched on his crooked tree
As hoarse as hoarse could be.
Shun him and fear him,
Lest the Bridegroom hear him;
Scout him and rout him
With his ominous eye about him.

Yet, "Croak, croak, croak,"
Still tolled from the oak;
From that fatal black bird,
Whether heard or unheard:
"O ship upon the high seas,
Freighted with lives and spices,
Sink, O ship," croaked the Raven:
"Let the Bride mount to heaven."

In a far foreign land
Upon the wave-edged sand,
Some friends gaze wistfully
Across the glittering sea.
"If we could clasp our sister,"
Three say, "now we have missed her!"
"If we could kiss our daughter!"
Two sigh across the water.

O, the ship sails fast,
With silken flags at the mast,
And the home-wind blows soft;
But a Raven sits aloft,
Chuckling and choking,
Croaking, croaking, croaking:--
Let the beacon-fire blaze higher;
Bridegroom, watch; the Bride draws nigher.

On a sloped sandy beach,
Which the spring-tide billows reach,
Stand a watchful throng
Who have hoped and waited long:
"Fie on this ship, that tarries
With the priceless freight it carries.
The time seems long and longer:
O languid wind, wax stronger";--

Whilst the Raven perched at ease
Still croaks and does not cease,
One monotonous note
Tolled from his iron throat:
"No father, no mother,
But I have a sable brother:
He sees where ocean flows to,
And he knows what he knows, too."

A day and a night
They kept watch worn and white;
A night and a day
For the swift ship on its way:
For the Bride and her maidens,--
Clear chimes the bridal cadence,--
For the tall ship that never
Hove in sight forever.

On either shore, some
Stand in grief loud or dumb
As the dreadful dread
Grows certain though unsaid.
For laughter there is weeping,
And waking instead of sleeping,
And a desperate sorrow
Morrow after morrow.

O, who knows the truth,
How she perished in her youth,
And like a queen went down
Pale in her royal crown?
How she went up to glory
From the sea-foam chill and hoary,
From the sea-depth black and riven
To the calm that is in Heaven?

They went down, all the crew,
The silks and spices too,
The great ones and the small,
One and all, one and all.
Was it through stress of weather,
Quicksands, rocks, or all together?
Only the Raven knows this,
And he will not disclose this.--

After a day and a year
The bridal bells chime clear;
After a year and a day
The Bridegroom is brave and gay:
Love is sound, faith is rotten;
The old Bride is forgotten:--
Two ominous Ravens only
Remember, black and lonely.
The living shall worship 🛐 thy Lord as the Angels adore Him on the throne. Off their faces with their golden crowns 👑+ bowing down. Their songs is hallelujah, 🙌 glory, giving holiness, admiring the everlasting living being. Who made heaven is holy place of abode. Make audible roaring, let the pillars of heaven tremble, and the waters surrounding the universe from the peak of heaven shallow down the depth of sea bowing🙇 before His presence Every powers and knees worship, 🛐 before his presence, glory, salvation, healing, blessing, devine favor, love, peace, life hove in His presence, sing melodiously shout excellently even with poetry, sing palm unto thy Lord who is worthy, on whose hands lies everythang. Holy, holy spirit, holy is thy Lord Almighty God. Blessing be the name of thy Lord God. Amen! 🙏
Palm Sunday inspiration.
Joseph Valle Aug 2012
I taste like rolled cigarettes and chocolate.
My fingertips are torched
a bittersweet burnt that comes
from a night of music and
thought-plagued action.
Oil and acne plot my hairline
as I stare through the orange
of the streetlamps to the
stars barely visible above,
tapping my feet to
the tune weaving in-and-out
of our arms and toes
as we cool on the autumned stoop.

Black putouts mark the sidewalk
where we wish to tread like
animal trackers, hunting the next
place for us to eat, to belong,
nomads of the land without true bearings.
Clear sight of the skymap eludes our
grasp, with our hands reaching out
against the never-ending heavens,
searching for real, and its contrast
against real.

And then it hits me:
What a ******* fraud I am.
So much so, that I become
vehemently sick to my stomach.
I ***** the remains of our ****
on the concrete table, and watch
as the deer circle us to applaud
our next musical movement
as we dance to their ancient
hove-stomped rhythm.
Shayad mai koi changey karm kitte hone,
Jado mahiya mera mere sang hove.

Har pal sohna jeya lagda,
Mainu maitho oo mangda.

Har janam mai sirf haa tuhadi,
Zindagi chahe kinna vi khelle kabaddi.

Har kadam tere naal chalangi,
Bdi masoom hai tuhadi saadgi.

Tuhanu assi takde rahiye,
Saddi dadhkan te naam tera likhiye.

Har saah ch vasdeya mera sajna,
Teri baahan ch samet kayenaat haa.

Sohne taan loki duniya ch bathere ne,
Sab tou sohna mereya mahiya ve.

Ohdi har awaaz ch inna sukoon haiga,
Har rooh nu pavitra paak kar janda.

Rabb ne vi taar ohna naal jode ne,
Tu soch vi sakda mai kinna tenu chauhndi ve.

Shohrat rutba daulat shaan ameeri te,
Eh kam malak de hor wazir vi kar dende.

Jeda kammal mera sohneya karda,
Oh taan koi vi ni kar sakda.

Ohde warga dost tey humsafar khuda vi ni,
Ohnu daaman ch paaya mai saubhagyawati.

Ohdi dewa ki misaal,
Oh haiga bemisaal.

Vekha tenu nitt subah-o-sham ve,
Tenu vekh har khildi har sawere.

Harry muradda poori hoiya,
Jado mileya mainu mahiya.
Jon Shierling Oct 2014
To say that I expected this,
somewhere deep within
is probably the only answer to be given.

A self-defeating habit,
born somewhere in the dimness
of memories left to rot.

But to have faith in something
created out of nothing
should never feel like a sin.
1)The living shall worship 🛐 thy Lord as the Angels adore Him on the throne.

2)Off their faces with their golden crowns 👑+ bowing down.

3)Their songs is hallelujah, 🙌 glory, giving holiness, admiring the everlasting living being.

4)Who made heaven is holy place of abode.

5)Make audible roaring, let the pillars of heaven tremble, the foundation of the Earth quake.

6)And the waters surrounding the universe from the peak of heaven.

7) Shallow down the depth of sea bowing🙇 before His presence.

8) Every powers and knees worship, 🛐 before his presence.

9) Glory, salvation, healing, blessing, divine favor, love, peace, life hove in His presence.

10) Sing melodiously, gloriously shout excellently even with poetry.

11) Sing palm unto thy Lord who is worthy, on whose hands lies everythang.

12) Holy, holy spirit, holy is thy Lord Almighty God.

13) Blessing be the name of thy Lord God. Amen! 🙏
Inspired by the holification and glorification of God the father.

Mmm life of stress, no rest. Nothang but Struggle, I ponder why it seems
trouble. No one
knows he
struggled, Dadda sa'd tide stays not longer. Weather wiggled unstable'.
Clouds appear awesome and the top of the skies smell so handsome. Top on the
peak of
world. Above adhere golden stones of light. Realistically loyal
to life.
Optimistically humanitarian.
more to life
Destitute, if there's any infrastructural,
love is, spread her wings she learnt to soar.
Human is made, none cultural.
Who did it save?
Transformation does not come without
Power of love create solidarity.
'4gi'e me' f'r my flaws already bow' my head. I wish
more freedom as free as tree (s) fixate hove on
Cloudnine as I'm high.

Mere dil ch vasdeya hai mera sajna,
Mathe tey sindoor ohde naam da sajda.

Shukra hai tera dil tou mere saaiyan,
Je mainu mileya eho jeya mahiya.

Khuda vikheya mainu ohde ch,
Padh lenda oh har vele dilon vich.

Koch kehn di lod ni payi,
Kawan tou pehla akhha padh layi.

Dilon da suroor ohde naal milda,
Baaga ch phul ohdi khushbu naal khilda.

Mere dil di har dadhkan ch ohi samaya,
Ohde siwa mai rabb kolo kuch na mangeya.

Zindagi sohni ve,
Jado oh naal hove.

Ohde siwa mera hor koi ni,
Ohnu juda kar mainu na rol deyi.

Saaha tham jouga jado ohtho dur kitta,
Maula meri zindagi da har pal tu likh ditta.

Rul assi jawange Je tu sadda haath chadheya,
Tere bina saada zindagi ch koi hor ni mileya.

Assi jiunde aasre sirf mahiya de,
Likh dewi ohda saath sadde sanjog ve.

Meri jaan vasdi ohde vich,
Ohda naam hi hove hattha mehandi ch.

Mathhe diya likhhiya ch zor sadda ni chalda,
Par sadda bharosa hai jado tu baah fadda.

Kayenaat badal dewi saddi kahani poori kari,
Mai rabb kolo sirf tainu magdi, tainu mangdi.
Emmanuel Mwape Feb 2019

I dearly did everything for you,
Your days deliciously I made blue;
My monthly money made you new
Then madly made you test beef stew!

You always turned me off!
Despite how hard I would chaff;
On this devilish day you will be my staff,
I will break bones! You will be my beef.

The walls in seduction,
The brain as lost its function,
Building up to an eruption,
Of pure ****** distraction!

I gladly gave you flowers and a dove!
I gladly gave you my love.
On my precious presents you did hove
You I took in my caring car then we drove.

It’s time to payback
Payback time is here! Scratch my back
My back yearns and craves for your back
Your back must mercilessly payback!

Akkha khola te saamne tu hove,
Rabb tou aiyo dua mangdi ve.
Zindagi da koi mol ni tere baigair,
Tere baajo adhuri aa teri heer.

Tere ch mai apda khuda labheya,
Qismat wali aa je tu mera saaya baneya.
Har koi kise di majburi ni samjhda,
Par tu har vele mainu labhda.

Kise shayar tou ohda dard na pucheyo,
Dard nu vi inni khubsurti naal aakhe oo.
Ki sabnu pyaar ** jave,
Tere dil ch thandi chawa ve.

Shukar dateya tera,
Khushi aa ki oo sitara mera.
Aasmaa tou tott ke mere jholi paaya,
Rooh ch meri sirf ohi samaya.

Tuhadi dewa mai ki missal,
Tussi ** hi bemisaal.
Zindagi da har ik panna rangeya tussi,
Tuhadi mukhde te hove har pal khushi.
Down in Brighton
everyone's a light on
waiting for the bomb to explode,
Hove and Shoredene's playing to the drag Queens
everybody's dancing along.
Songs of romance, wishing for a last chance,dashing down the promenade,
but life is hard for the artists
who end up in the back room getting slightly ******,
and down in Brighton everyone's a light on
waiting for the bomb to explode.
Sans maintaining a strict carb on diet
     (for Peat Sake) iz like really coal
man, cuz carnivores consume meat,
     which genetically modified organisms
     engender incredible non edible size foal,
these agribusiness farmed animals shot up
     with synthetic hormones
     spurring heightened development

     accidentally, inadvertently, and unleashing
     King Kong monstrous outrageous gnoll,
whereat each footfall taken
     by scary creature resembling
     a humanoid hyena
results in said frankenfood digging,
     one after another humungous hole
resulting in dirt pile

     cresting, kickstarting, and
     rivaling a mini
     spring mount tin knoll
necessitating massive
     manhunt to cap cha
     lurching, pounding, and thudding
beast whereat entire
     motley crue all harkened

     from places named Lowell,
nonetheless heil lee calf full
     to arm themselves with more'n one
     tranquilized tipped pole
anachronistic cautionary expedition generating
     masterfully baiting monster
     with immense gritty buttered roll,
whose gargantuan ramp

     aging spree across
world wide web
found endangered population
     tuff lee from their
     picturesque enclave i.e. Floss
on the Mill as zee unbridled

     quasi jabberwocky took a selfie gloss
silly attired (trumpeting

     "FAKE" ska don face mask)
     likening pulling up moss
as coiffed "" all the while
     gabbling, instagramming,
     snapchatting, and toss
     sing fearsome Frankenstein
     with especial bent toward
     those sharing surname Voss

in tandem to flagrant
     disregard to paradigm
housing hefty prime
statutes of grammatically
     correct syntactical rhetoric, plus rhyme
ming showcasing a novel
     discovered talent to enrich pantheon
     until the end of time.

since times of auld
where linkedin note able people
     (some long haired others bald)
plaintively, suddenly, and called
urgently to be importantly installed
to brainstorm figuring a solution
     to vanquish, nightmarish,
     and hellish abominable madness!

She's somewhat
freaky and
She's a
gem like
and extra-
and amiable.  

I really
and admire
what she were
made like.
laudable quite

I must confess
what I'm
feeling, wonder
if anyone else
feels what I'm

I been
stuck in
the pool of
baby deliver
me I'm weary.

And obviously
she got me
sinking in
the river of
love, and only
she could
save me, heal
me baby.

Only she
could satisfy
my heart desire.
I love
because I
know she's
going to
make great
babies and
be a  good
lovely mama.

Our love hove
on the peak
of the sky,
so fly,  

She drew
stars around
my scars.
My heart
burst into
flowers, with
her I find  

Our love will
never dies
but eternal.
Loved her
outside of time.
AngLe Mar 2019
Lerscent grimmark, dark & light - glas

Cost em-mark en bisk et ast
heavy holden march of hOVE- entasked watching homers m ark
doe agree ṧick the pervious measure
that measure of good & evil.... (dost thou see)
Tear away, flocking dress in/motion _ heal/SCARS
trainṧit life for light or light for life
Certain that curtail fervent curtain time
- shallow eleven drench that sut surper of STILL
- heal
(huff fin Bach seat driver)...

Aye kin recall when both offspring
     (yay high) as a small child
and now ma deux daughters
     (fledgling young chicks
     though they be),
     flew the coop, sans answering,
     when call of the wild dialed

their biological cell
     phone rang off the hook
as post pubescence metamorphosis
     (into young adulthood),
     they gingerly did brook
arbiters as consensual nymphs
     baited verboten fruit yum zook

thus, freed as private on call designated
     papa chauffeur de jure
yet, a nostalgic feelings
     surface within mine being,

     when many occasions
    witnessed this night owl
     barely awake
     stumbling out the front door

nonetheless diligently
     donning "taxi driver" hat
now, a virtual dust collector
     replaced by near identical head gear

     capped upon me noggin monogramed
     with pet name "hubby" and/or "matt"
thy (well worn) first name,
     despite futile protestation
     simmering into *** for tat

case in point encompasses this poetic blip
     instinctually navigating
     (southeast as the counting crows fly)
     (with ma own embedded

     global positioning satellite micro chip)
from Schwenksville habitue
     to center city Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where,
     nary agitation viz calm, cool,

     and collected demeanor did e-clip,
nor (as prevailed during anxiety fraught youth),
     emotional state would hove done a flip
with clenched steering wheel,

     whar white bar knuckles would grip
but nowadays (courtesy
     of targeted prescription medications)
mien psychological state quite mellow,

     and approaches ferrying human cargo
     via 2009 Hyundai Sonata
     as one shaded eyes, cool cat,
     and (so like...mon) really hip

telling spouse to pipe down and zip her lip
lest she wants the aggravating maneuver
     thru plethora of pedestrians
     (nope, yours truly
     DID NOT run anybody over)!

This mister plied his way
     to 1601 Market Street with nary a hitch
though returning back northwest to our abode
     entailed a bit hove va glitch

when orientation
     found me way off beaten bath,
     (a quarter tank of gas) circling
     the Philadelphia Airport with

     "Welcome to Tinicum Township),"
     some natural wildlife niche,
and of course did NO confession getting lost,
then breathing sigh of relief

     espying urban skyline,
     where Ben Franklin statue
     forever frieze a stitch
in time, and even rumbling
     deafening noise elicits nada flinch!
Yah, ma brew their,
     and American sister golden hair -
     afar and away
book as aye ken ream hem bar,
     yea when yar **** jist a bay
bee, *** me
     verily hoppy goo
     loo key lil boy whar 'r each day

o'r flowed with giddiness oot nar the
     secluded Harris estuary
frolicked amidst muscled shoals
     gnome hatter sky turned
     f'ty shades o' gray
hawk cool when
     **** heat squished sand
     hall lung pristine beach hooray

ah...those memories (hmm...oh...well)
     wii ch war newt mine,
     boot bar rowed fur room Jay
son and  argonauts cave his Oh kay
seance ah waz tip poor
     tuff ford me own may
mar ease, noon thee lass nay
var tha lease, aye fain tis eyes hub boat

     hoof "FAKE" sea
     yuck rat passageway
along tha loon lee coo west
     hove yar hug quay
thee pass sea if 'ick Ou shin sum
     moo with as ray
dee aunt gull lass oon lake now win me
daughter ring auld age aye

wharf heal moss elf ill eagle
     red dee tug *** bye
bye, cuz hive eel
     emotionally frenzied, harried,
     and jangled as if
     o'er dost hay'n reedy to die
on barb bit char writs eye
lichen to a class five

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane,
     methinks oh pen hee van
     thar iz a big oop stares "guy"
     seen 'm once, when we booth said "Hi"
aye **** juiced up t'har - me no lie,
what, a stripling lad,
     (thus jist man hedge gin my
flat hand outstretched wheel nigh

fin gars call loess tug getter try
tou pet yar palm awk
     coo pull hove feet
     fur him tha floor),
     now (NOT FAKE) chalk
wii ch hide id hawk
daring ma prime er skool daze
     didst slip smooth white

     totally tubular woo din
     lock (like) thin small
     round joint long stalk
con vein y'ant lee a'signed
     tuck clap 'race ears oot side den maze
wen axed bite t'eat char, me Noah talk!
You taught me to count and I counted the days, and the days mounted up and still I counted the days and I got old and tired and lost count of the days.
I can start again,
I can number the drops of rain that fall
I can count them all,
taught me that.
you never taught me about time
about how it is wasted in fruitless endeavour
on the dumb and the clever in equal quantity,
a pity really.

It's a disorder to order the order of things
and much easier to see what disorder brings,
chaos or not?

A plot against Kings and those who hold dominion,
those who drag us down and pinion our arms
to tag us with lasers and pull out our eyes.
A plot against the lies that restrain us
are you with me?
chaos or not?

Still counting,
being obsessive possesses me,
a demon ******* me
a succubi for an eye?
or is the sleep that builds up the bridges I see,
ready for me?
I have numbered the pages and each new leaf I've burned,
lost count and returned to count once again,
all drops of rain in the end.

Time and the beads of its abacus feeds on me,
I will count the beads one
by one and one day
fruitless or not
I will have got the
number right.

Between Brighton and Hove and New Cross gate, when all is still and time can wait.

thought it was a magic spell to break the link 'twixt time and Hell but
just three words that make no sense but still,
I tried again but still
the same.

The beads fall into line and like a Rubik's cube, time falls into place,
if I see the face of my creator
if I dance with Marilyn on the moon
if once again
all is all too soon but
if I mention,
mention time after time, then
perhaps I'll be allowed to stand a little longer in the line that gets much shorter and time will wait to see the words which freely flow from me,
if not,
I'll be seeing you all on the other side.
Na likh ska na bol ska ki mai tenu kinna chauhni,

Tuhadi bina adhura haigi tuhadi sajni.

Tuhade naal ek pal vi gaal jado ** jaandi,

Mai saare vele khushi khushi muskandi.

Jado tussi naraaz hunde,

Sannu ta saah vi ne aunde.

Tuhanu tuhade tou mai maang lawa,

Apni dil o jaan tuhanu de dawa.

Tussi jado hasde meri rooh khildi,

Maaf kari menu agar hoyi bhul kadi.

Tuhade baajo ek pal vi jee nahi sakdi,

Tuhanu vekh vekh hi mai mai hasdi.

Tuhani dil mandir ch basaya,

Tuhade naam da sindoor mathe sajaya.

Sansaar mai aapde dohan sa tuhade naina ch vekh leya,

Tuhade baigaar mai khakk di vi nahi mere mahiya.

Saari janama tuhadi, tuhade bina nahi jeona,

Ve main tuhadi je na hoyi hor kise de ni hona.

Sune meri rabb ek chah ve adhura,

Saddi har saah te ohda haqq hove poora.

Ohde baajo koi zindagi nahi chahidi,

Daaman failaye mai ohnu hi mangdi.
If I were Shakespeare
I would say: what hath happened to you mother earth?
Fallen creation! What hast thou done?
Abel’s blood laments from the ground
Innocent streams of blood flow in the swamps
Calling in the deepest seas
Yet creation joys at its screams and groans
Blood and bones spread like a red carpet
Bodies hung like clothes on a washing line
Akeldama! Akeldama! The earth has become!

Brothers butchering each other over stolen money
Babies murdered in the name of abortion
Albinos sacrificed in the quest for wealth and good luck
Oceans are dump sites for human carcases
Pastors servicing their ministries with innocent souls
Alters covered with ***** and blood
Bribery has become the order of the day
Akeldama! Akeldama! The world has become!

Authored outside the garden of Eden
Anger and heartlessness have become a burden
The love for money has made hearts to harden
With personal pockets to fatten
Forgiveness and good virtues are forgotten
Akeldama! Akeldama! The earth has become!

Shattered into pieces my heart bleeds
My soul weeps tears of blood
Tears that are torn and roasted before they reach the ground
Causing my troubled heart hasten to pound
Just like a floating trophy blood shed circulates around
My voice is bubbling within me
I am like an ant under an elephant’s hove
Akeldama! Akeldama! The earth has become!

Judases creeping in the shadows
Like giant monsters
Innocent hearts dripping and drizzling with blood
The guilty jubilantly roaming the streets

The church is silent
A sleeping lion!
A toothless bull dog
Blood stained tithes and offerings
Flesh fuelled businesses crowding the CBD
Deceit and betrayal is a game of hearts
Dead consciences that cannot be resuscitated
Children are fatherless and mothers are childless
The rich are heartless
The heirs are senseless
Crying is useless
They deem Christianity meaningless
Talking about Ubuntu is a sign of weakness
Leaders are foreign to selflessness
Oh Akeldama! Akeldama! The earth has become!

To him who hold the seven stars in his right hand
Who is the first born of all creation?
Turn not a blind eye on our afflictions
For how long will we sing the sour song of Akeldama
A song written by the greedy and blood thirsty
A rhythmless song sung when strings are broken and voices are full of anger
Akeldama! Akeldama! The earth mourns!
Oh Akeldama!

Incognito affairs.
A love, a feeling he could express not, hidden emotion. He can't afford to a preached. A vibes he'd let died in heart's earthen dungeon. Buried on the soiled  mind. A true feeling he live for, dream walking find his heart in hers off flew both hove. Unusual vibes, Soulaiyah captured his mind from what he had seen long ago captivating his soul and he yet scared he dare not reveal how he feels. Incredibly after awhile his cell phone banged and the mystery lass appeared on the phone's screen. Desiring his face to see. A date on an edge but he'd invite her in his little wane. Hidden affection shroud emotion.
Keven May 2018
eye let you go
Left alone each time

— The End —