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United our toes
As our blood flows
Ice cream & gummies
Fill our tummies

Sunk in bed
You asked for head
I doved in the covers
Locked lip lovers
Singing house and blues.
In a night for two.

Nothing ever felt better
You moaned
Only together
We make ice cream & gummies
Taste better.
by: myself Kristiany "Kandii".
Please don't steal.
Amanda Fogerty Feb 2013
So I heard once that there’s always
some gnarly looking carrot
in every bag of carrots
and you’re supposed make a wish on it
if you get it.
But I didn’t have a bag of veggies
I had a jar of Gumby and Poki
shaped gummies.

Finally the day came when there
were only two Gumbys left.
One was bent in half and
smashed together
and the other looked as all the rest had.
I pulled out the sad little gummy and
made a wish
like it was some ugly carrot.
I wished my crush would kiss me,
And giddily I walked to a coffee house
because I was hoping he would be there
even though I sternly told myself that
he had no reason to be there.
I found the coffee house closed and knew
my wish wasn’t happening that night.

I talked with a friend about my woes
and she confessed her heartache.
We smiled and laughed and died
just a little on the inside.
We had hoped that in college we wouldn’t
feel like middle school girls
with unrequited crushes.

The next day he dropped off a fish
(and this is no euphemism
or pretty poetry slang,
I opted to fish-sit while
he went home for break).
After he left, and
feeling more than silly
I took out the last Gumby
and pretended.
I pretended that it was every wish
on a boy I had made
since I realized boys weren’t
completely disgusting.
On my way to class
I held the little gummy in my
frozen, clenched fist
and wished
that’d he’d kiss me before he left.
I made it really specific
because every movie I’d ever seen
with genies in it had taught me that
specifics were key to avoiding
mishap and mayhem.

Obviously, it didn’t come true.
And I feel like I’m back in middle school,
wishing on ugly carrots and stars
that look suspiciously like airplanes.
Everyone has crushes,
and still more wishes.
Why I thought
at the age of nineteen
when the glamour of Disney-endings
and romantic-comedy plots
had tarnished to realism,
that a Gumby gummy prayer
would come true,
well I’m not entirely sure.

Maybe it’s no matter how old you are
there are always ugly carrots
and shooting stars
and fast airplanes
and romantic comedies
and gummies in the shape of
kids’ show characters.
Maybe no matter how disappointed I am
there will always be unrequited crushes
and genies for wishes
and God for prayers
and heaven forbid
Cat Luna Feb 2016
I wonder how your lips
would taste?
Would they be sweet
Like how I think
They would be?
Soft like marshmallows?
Firm like a lollipop?
Supple like gummies?
Smooth like chocolate?
But no matter how they taste,
I just hope you like ice cream.
Amanda Shelton Aug 2022
A narcissist is a dummy bear on crack. They have gummies for brains.

Viewing the world with mooching eyes, flirting with greed and gluttony, playing games with the devil.

The narcissist is no friend
of the family.

They are crude and thick with pollution and toxic waste.

The Narcissist brings nothing but
suffering and pain.

If you bump into a narcissist
in the wild, run and don't
look back.

A narcissist wants attention and
they don't like bold and brave people.

They chose victims by kindness,
reputation and intelligence.

The smarter and more popular you
are the more likely a narcissist
will strike at you.

You have to be smarter than they,
set boundaries and strict rules.

Don't allow anyone to break your
security or your self esteem.

A narcissists biggest flaw is ego,
strike them in the ego ***** and
watch them turn blue and fall.

Find their weakness in their
gaslighting, use it to fight back.

They blame everyone but themselves for their actions.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
This is inspired by my personal experiences with a narcissist. I have gone to college to study behavioral health and social science as well. Mental health was my best subject. I have personal experience with mental health as well as studied it for over 20 years. As a passion and necessity to understand my own mind, I researched the deepest parts of mental health. I was seven years old when I started being intrigued by behavioral health. My anxiety and paranoia brought me to a place of intriguing environment's that I wanted to face so I can get through my fear of suffering in silent pain. It was my candle in the darkest.
Coop Lee Jul 2014
in the year 2462 those with nails protruding from their palms
will talk in ancient tongues
& sway the tribes of men to eternal love,
& endless ammunition
of the soul.

kin, galactic
& the golden fire.
throb the saga of man,
into hip ****** illusions and combustive color schematas.
we bury our dead in flower clippings
or skull bits.

        [skateboarding rises as the highest form of intellectual sport]

thrum and plum-*** the sewers of electric babylon.
hive city reaching past gasp and wasteland,
her lips ruinous.
cement slabs and coils of fault with
vast artistic possibilities.
these skate-lords from their heaps, their clans, augmenting
& rattling bone masks
grinding themselves into meat-bit heroics
& death.
their teeth are yellowy awoken.

this is all seen globally,
via tele-cast-com-core-mind-warp-tech.
or video.

dreams impact reality
impact dreams
in such
that the cathode cortex filter, invented circa 2222,
evolves into a demi-god, a solar charged demon of unlimited knowledge.
& it mutates the psychosphere  of our mainstream public mind
with countless projected memories.
        [streamed alternate realities]
fills the belly and the brain,
but all those unhooked are skating.
sweet meat market.
ghost harddrives.

poor leftovers called children of the once-was-men
& their poolside parties.
they leap the rubble of centuries old plastic icons,
their boards, their weapons, their seeds and spit.
they hang chains from their necks
& spew black flame from their sunshaded boot-click
they drink from large bottlesof elixer distilled
on old flowers
& worship archaic cassettes.

cults of cyborg women with gem-tipped-blade-additions
carve wooden planks from
groves of great oaks.
great oaken powers.
their creators chew gummies and bend time
to uphold
a proposed history of perfection.
they master pong from their crystalline towers,
& hire mathematicians to write
conceptual skate-deck algorithms,
solely for fun.
Robin Carretti Feb 2019
What's the use----??
Flower of the Graces
"The Tenth Muse"
"Everyday Use It"
The earth revolves
Around the sun

Minerals Love it
Drink it vitamin C
Mass of energy A-B-C
The gravity every day
We cannot use it_
Became the play money
Copied tainted not the
Bee's honey here's
The everyday economy

One lick of hope the
envelope not much
Everyday- Einsteins
Big profit scope

The brainstorm Reign
All signs detour cabin
Choo Choo train caboose
You nailed it the moose
One footloose
The one-man show

Two women know
The odds to their
Someone is the traitor
Mom is the Tailor
The zigzag lines
Crazy cat felines 

"That's It"  punctuality,
Use your capability
"Technet Technology"
take a walk favorite park
Shiba Inu rollover
The bad ones the
Millionaires homes
flip over the do
or dare

We cannot pay
NYC token fare
Words are our power
For Sale quick sales
Being sold
Too hot whats cold
Those emails trying
to delete

(More casualties
Tombstone mummies
Democracy leading us like
dummies chewing Bear
Valentine gummies)

Like the "Elephant Stampede"
New Orleans parade
Every day please donate
We never know about
our fate too early or late
Every day new Providence

Demon computer virus
Love comes with confidence
Love yourself and Venus
Apples and oranges minus
Use it You have a voice!!!
City clean up cockroaches
Swap your fake Rolex

Watchtower index
Trump tower complex
"Eiffel Tower Use It" to be kissed
Every day we need to cleanse
The "Godly Shower" be blessed
Practical Everday Use It
Magical write poetically
Precisely the right piece puzzle

You are the one
World it's you to dazzle
Every day there is always something lets not complain we were born to earn
Use it you know what to do go for the things that made you who you are today every day you are worth it
Quite an undertaking
to break ground
figuratively, and symbolically linkedin
while able bodied and mindedness
readies cemetery plot within Elysian Fields
although honestly, and truthfully
as an ***** donor,
yours truly opts for cremation
once I, the corporeal constituent essence
that constitutes breadth,
height, length, et cetera
of one garden variety generic guy,
whose introspective consciousness
once exits these lovely bones
subsequently shucks off his ethereal soul.

Probable cause of death
and reasonable rhyme
how he died with his boots on?

Accidental overdose spelt demise of Vitamin ******
with over the counter supplements he did monkey.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
Biotin 10,000 mcg
Brain Support Gummies
Super B Complex with Vitamin C
Calcium 1200 MG plus Vitamin D3
Chewable Vitamin C dietary supplement
Daily De-Stress
Vitamin E 400 IU (180 mg)
Echinacea 400 mg
Fiber Gummies
Flaxseed Oil with OMEGA-3 1300 mg
Garlic 400 mg
Ginger Root 550 mg
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg
Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies
Prebiotic Immune Support 750 mg
with Vitamin D 30 mcg 1200 IU
with Zinc 8.3 mg
Psyllium Husk
Selenium 200 mcg
Turmeric 500 mg
Vitamin A 2400 mcg

Alphabetized list of above
stockpiled synthesized materials
purchased at CVS and Walgreens
courtesy Nations Benefits
and/or United HealthCare flex card
allow, enable, and provide
careful discriminate experimentation
on self - selected as guinea pig
more tolerable versus when being a little boy
and bullied by ruthless nasty
and shortish brutes as scapegoat
of course discriminately
taking a subset of iterated
prescribed macronutrients
each including following specified dose.

A healthy corpse
when the grim reaper calls,
I will gladly bid adieu
bon voyage into the netherworld
and good riddance
to him (a good for nothing)
randy sandy donning tan hat man
Squirreling acorn née joke
hinting courtesy humorous literary arabesques
absent minded handy dandy blue's clue
imploring accomplice Jimmy Neutron,
who willingly frankly (iggy lee)
casually opened, popped, and zapped
license to **** himself softly
while listening to Pathetique adagio cantabile
by Ludwig Van Beethoven
courtesy over the counter supplements,
the Food and Drug Administration doth not eschew.

Mastermind of the universe, I
a skeptic (with flat thinning hair,
yet shrinking paunch)
regarding divine creationism,
nevertheless accepts mortality
as stepping stone
into nothingness that follows,
repurposing random arrangement
of atoms and molecules
that configured one
contemplative, intuitive, operative
and restive **** sapien
(essentially composed of stardust)
reincarnated into another form of matter.

After crafting especially
individualized invitations
répondez s'il vous plaît
as the spirit moves thee.
Matthew Mckeown Apr 2018
I’m eating gummies
by the dumpster,
they taste real good,

cause’ they’ve been
in my pocket all day.
Kelly Zhang Sep 2010
it was right in front of me, the entire time.
it’s the end of the world now. at least before, I didn’t have you.
get ready for the bricks to rain down, we’ll run down the streets
and dodge the falling plaster with shredded eyes.

Some **** weird weather we get around here.

Could I have known you would have been perfect?
I didn’t ******* know.
And now, I’m trapped in your arms,
under this heavy sky.

it’s  a sad thing really, that you think my name is pretty,
that you think it’s cute that I hate ******-doo,
that you care when I cry about spilling soda on the carpet because life is just too hard.
that you like my refrigerator magnets so much.

I can’t do anything anymore, you’ve found my weakness for
sour gummies and tater tots, you ***.
I can’t do anything anymore, except give in.
Haven't written anything I particularly liked in a while. But, here we go, finally. I suppose it's fit for showing. reactions encouraged. :)
My mama’s shoes,
Fit my feet too snug, now,
For me to look cute, still, slippin’ them on.
I’ve no need of her lipstick, nor her raspberry rouge,
To make my face look, more, like hers does.

I’m a big, daddy’s girl, who has known the world,
But, not quite enough to really fit in.


I still heart,
Sunshine and rosies,
And, playin’ with mah toesies -
Eatin’ froot loops and pokin’ at roly poly’s,
Makin’ colourful cupcakes, covered in sweet gummies,
To eat inside forts filled with last winter’s lights,


Eatin’ Caramel Delights, sneakily,
Stolen, in spite - of the weight,
I was fightin’ so easily.



When the adults are all done - playin’ house, for fun,
I’ll bring my cookies from the fort, to the table.
We’ll have coffee and speak of the stats,
For the week and laugh about,
Hart's becoming unstable.

And, I shall wear loafers,
That pinch at my,
Toesies that fidget,
Beneath my seat.
© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
galaxyofentities Apr 2021
they were vitamin gummies before
my mother would be so proud
it turned into something ugly
and I even used to laugh
but now I stare blankly at a wall
feeling nothing and everything all at once
luckily tho
I can't think straight.
Who knows what ill think if im sober?
Nat Feb 2021
Ever densest now,
Now, a humid haze
Scenes and stages
A VHS - the joy of painting
A DVD - it's the one with Ross and Rachel
I know it, I've seen it before
I haven't, but I know

A laugh track thuds against the humming air conditioner
It's sort of melty
Warm gummies
Adhesive on someone's fingers
It tingles - unpleasant
Water is away, and just as warm
The couch doesn't yield
Danielle Jones Mar 2011
when i was young, i loved being alone.
i loved it so much, i used to lie to keep the girls and ghosts
out of my mother's head, like i could erase the
scribble marks on the piece of paper because i never thought
they could be permanent like the bloodline in our
family and the tattoos on your wallpaper skin.
i guess you could say my torso is a furnace, kicking on and off
when the time is right,
like the light of the strongest star circling the earth -
i always wanted to see the shadow against my feet,
we were connected by the needle but the heat just wasn't
enough to keep you occupied by the
lengths my arms could make.
you told me once that i had the body of the circus,
there was always something dangerous but sweet and you
couldn't stand to see one overpower another like
the smell that held onto your teeth
and how my temper could never flare when we were in trouble.
when i was young, i loved being alone
with the dirt underneath my toes as if i could walk cross country,
but really it was just my backyard, i just liked to pretend
that i had somewhere to go with a bookbag filled
with some gummies and my mother's favorite necklace.
i will never forget the quiz my mom had for me once i
got to phoenix and back before the sun hid behind the house:
did you see the alleys filled with bottles of cheap beer and
trash, could you see all the colors of the wind?
well, yeah of course.
even now, i love being alone
since the pollutions can sometimes get to be
too heavy, leaving me with little direction and a
map that read to follow the roles that have long been engraved
in the stones that my garden held so loosely,
so i won't accept an apology when  you never meant for it to be
this way, i want you to read to me
how sorry you could be if you would have known
the acceptance of being alone.
© Danielle Jones 2011

may add more, hit a wall. need to think it out some more.
Ra May 2016
Happy birth-mothersday
Throw ya toast out the window
Feed it to the dog
Kiss me with your laughing eyes
Kiss me kindly with your lips
Touch my cheek with your smooth brown hands
Not one more time
But forever more times please Mum
Let's get ***** growing potatoes
Let's get paint on the carpet
Let's write love notes on the walls
Like all normal people do
Tell me to make you a cuppa tea.
(I'm turning into you mum.)
Sing my songs to me mummy
Tell me about Rindacella again
please tell me how she slopped her dripper on the stairs
Can you hear the morepork Mummy? Listen with me
Did you see that shootin' star?
Are you smelling these trees?
Wrap me up in itchy woollen cardies
Put my odd socks on
Puddle jumpin' in my gummies
In a land called Honalee
I'll climb into bed with you tonight
Lace bedspread catching my toes
Curl up in the nest of the crook of your knees
It's cold, sleep back-to-back
Dance in front of my friends if you like
They all think you're cool
Sorry I didn't tell you.
Teenagers ****.
Tell me I'm amazing
Adventurous and strong
Your courageous daughter
Smart and beautiful
Remind me I can sail ships through storms
That God is always close
Pray over me and praise with me
Read the bible again to me
Come play piano with Isobel
Or computer games if you like
I think I've killed your Farmville farm
Sorry .
Chat with me on Facebook
Ocean's teacher likes Donald Trump
Be outraged with me please
Come with me to the school
I'll hide behind your storm
People aren't afraid of my
Gentle, steady rain
I think I hear my babies stirring
They're amazing Mum
You should see the stuff they do and say
You should see how fierce they are
You should. You should. You should.
Be. Here.
They're creeping round the house now
Making my heart laugh
I better open up my bedroom window
Ready for the toast.
Em Jan 2016
Is your heart made of gummies?
Are your fingernails made of daydreams
and your toenails made of nightmares?
Are your cheeks made of play-doh, perhaps?
Do your eyes leak waterfalls?
Is your nose full of gold?
Can your wingspan measure how much you'll miss me
Or even how long you'll be gone?
Can your mind measure the distance?
Will it remember me at all?
Butch Decatoria May 2016
I can hear the heat in the vegas traffic / I can smell the pool water /
sitting here on the lumps of my mattress / I even can taste the lively
daylight, a confection of life's commotions, sweet gobbstoppers, and sour gummies /
I can feel the tug of the outside / sirens beckoning from earth and sky / inside
I can hear the trees pantomiming existence : the scent of church : gardenias : what sights
waking wide --eyes that love to awe in worship / Life /

and I am sitting Indian style, in my bedroom / coffin  /
peering through a digital window, at the world I want to feel /  
Natgeo in high def...

I am the blue pill consuming a matrix steak of ignorance called bliss /
and the emotion that is strongest, is a bad word known as /
Need... /

please free the caged bird /
see what new songs / what more can be heard / ... / please?!
Pretty Please?


Coocoo bird at noon o'clock
knows why it sings
after every tock and hour knocking
so why not
pretty please ?  / feel free
to notice

if briefly --    how we breathe...
even captive, the caged lung sings
I want such wings
that the air in my breast
is song of nightingales!

be the art form heaven
graciously experiments...

Freedom !  cry the river Nile
Freedom without denial
*(screamed the coffin's dead, ghost the lifeless poet's
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Oh! Come
and walk_ Jill
loves to react
He's the Dr. Love
Where is the
Jack has better
to spell let's not
Her miracle
saucy roue'

Packages in bulk
You could only
see the
shadow of his
Through his talk
Oh! God let me see
some kind of miracle
Old news Monday suits
marine Army miracle

News on the
We all have an alibi
No backup plan
If there is any miracle
Who hired this FBI
Miracle gummies
Computers don't
react well
Click away dummies

My miracle Pill
Just chill fireplace
What it cost you
Memory lane
Got a lost change of face
((Jack the miracle
Iced Frost)) follower
The book
Jack and Jill Monk pill
Getting Up !!! no hill?
Surrender to swallowing
pills more bills nothing
Too Gong **
Santa Claus roundabout

Or squared into hope for
miracles to be practiced
Losing you he has the will
Miracle cleansed shirt
A goldmine of dirt
He nailed it, Rusty
The  fan is blowing_$$$

The time gets
explosive miracle man
His chin bombing reacts
Moves to show you
So ready charming
Like the miracle drug
Repeatedly rejects
How he ripped out
your barber carpet
Stop pulling so ruling

To be pushed
It was lightening

Bolt and the
miracle earth-rush
Changed our love

Aged wine lips
Lotto riches
come and
go to be fallen

But fate pays to
be risen

((Ben Hur))

But Hollywood
rodeo drives me crazy
Plastic surgeons lazy
Traveling all Golfers
So in like Flinn

The supreme baby
where did our
money go if so?
So fit the fortunate
I reckoning?
Who needs the
miracle pill
All bills---$$$ over-charges
My miracle words to be
sprinkled deleted his
To the very
top that's my
Be happy and free_
If there is a miracle this is not on ice like the Queen having a cheap popsicle. It how  we all react to miracles well all I can say we were born to be wild but we all love to go back being a child your the miracle wildflower new responsibilities
Back when i was a kid, i always find happiness between the sound of the scratching plastics whenever my mum will open a pack of gummies allowing me to have some existing on what I've promised to eat on that single day.

As i age a bit, the excitement of having new toys from the store gives me a genuine smile. As i play with my doll, caressing her hair and dressing her as if she's going to places.

Entering teenage years, the smell of brand new books and coffee on the side gives me a different feeling that I'll always crave from, an escape from daily routine of going to school and just aching for the dismissal.

Those are worthwhile
Until you came
And it makes me crave for me
Because just like that;

I wanna see those things with you.
I wanna see how priceless the priceless reaction of our future kids when we allow them to have extra sweets.
I wanna see their glowing eyes as we reward them to buy toys and how will they speak to them as if they're alive

I wanna feel it again, my love
But this time, with you
RobbieG Nov 2021
Thanksgiving is here 
 the mentally unstable 
gather in one place
charmaine Apr 2019
For, five.
the past few months,
I sleep,

The days are short and the night is long.

I’ve ended my relationship with the sun and rely on artificial gummies to replace the nutrients the sun once gave me.

The man in the moon makes frequent stops, i ignore him,
waiting for the sun to rest upon my face,

so it can watch me sleep.
ConnectHook Aug 2022
Fat-*** Ignorance parks her brand new SUV next to Sociopathy, who barely raises a hooded reptilian eyelid as he sells seven Fentanyl tablets to Diversity under a narcotic cloud of monotonous insistent bass beats. Equity is quarreling with Under-representation over Authenticity in fake Wokeness, bellowing and flexing tattooed muscles as the Walmart security staff jiggle their immense wheezing obesity to the scene of the escalating drama. Onlookers are quickly gathering up all the Ukrainian color posters from the parking-posts as they disperse, grabbing as many free samples of THC-infused Delta-8 gummies as they can from the abandoned sales-promotion table on their way out. Uncouth plebeian tremors are undulating over the entire trash-strewn parking lot as filthy seagulls take wing, squawking.

Shut UP **** ain't LIKE THAT! shouts Urban Degeneration at her baby-daddy who spits cannabis-cola all over her threaded beaded extensions. He drops their child, Criminalisha, still strapped into her carrier, onto the pavement and lunges at Urban D.

I'ma hafta ******* UP now, *****, murmurs Poochie tha Kontrolla (aforementioned baby-daddy) and proceeds to tie her hair extensions to the handle of her SUV. He bites her hand until she drops the keys, which he grabs and then he jumps into the driver's seat. The engine roars.

Meanwhile, in the gathered crowd of onlookers,  Miss Cultural-appropriation berates an old man for wearing a rice-paddy shade hat on a cloudy day when he only .05 percent Asiatic. The Walmart security staff have mistakenly sat upon and handcuffed one of their own who screams for his meds and therapy canine. As police sirens are heard approaching, America Corpulenta rolls her fat bloodshot eyes and launches her immense rolls of adipose tissue into orbit towards the international space-station.
My interstellar-*** rocket gone KICK you punk-*** lil' space station you racist-*** bigot, she yells  to no one in particular . . .

And America, although no one there realized it, was indeed GREAT.
Itz a PROSE poem, y'all
Bob Dec 2018
Why would I be concerned with water when I could careless if I die of thirst
Would be like giving a man with a feeding tube hot soup
More senseless then a blind hunter in a deer stand holding a stick waiting to shoot
Your the type that would point to the fence then smack a infield fly
I stay with black circles under my eyes
Always in the dark
I stay in the dark cause I refuse to pay the eletric electricity
I see things clearly
No need for light to be shined
No need for a clock to hang on the wall
Time is irrelevant
Every minute is wasted with pure hate and fakeness
You know the difference between a sinner and a saint
One is a better liar
Hear that kids
The key to life is be a good liar
If nobody wants to hear what you say then your a liar anyway
So the better you are the further up the ladder you will climb
And if their is a heaven and hell, don't worry
It can't be to bad
I heard you can dance with the devil
And to me that's better them praising someone who planted sin then ran when it sprouted
You ask why so much is spent to send man in the sky and so little on deeper dives
It's our eyes
They always show the truth
Mine show me your a slave to your selfish ways
I need a me too moment
Or do I need to wait till I make millions
I'm as broke as the public school system
So I know they could **** me infront of city hall and not one person will care at all
Toothpick barely over a buck
Trying to gain weight
Help boost my plasma pay
I need it
Little Debbie keeps raising her price
Got me hooked pushing her **** for twenty five cents
Now I'm buying 305s to have enough left for one **** oatmeal pie
Sugar at three hundred and sixty nine
Sold my insulin for some gummies
High with the munchies sitting in the dark with just six cigarette butts left
On second thought let me get a sip of that smart water
Wet my lips so I can finish this ****
Quick to call a woman a *****
A gay man a ***
Lesibean a ****
Or atleast the ones who look in the mirror and hate what they see do
No smart man accepts a label
Kiss who you want
Make love to the world
You ask what am I
I'll look you in the eye like I'm the one wanting a reply
It's time to end the show
Pack my things and go
This ain't till next time
This is goodbye
As in goodbye we will never see each other again
Now watch me walk away and slowly disappear into thin air right as you blink your eyes
Feel free to leave any feedback
Foogle Feb 3
i find its as if its all the little things i miss

these new people turn down my gummies with polite 'no thank you's but

i know you would've caught them when they were thrown

and eaten them in one go
I swear I'm not crazy
not totally, but maybe
I like to say things and experience things
not bad things, well not really
but good things, great things most definitely
I hope I don't seem strange to you
hopefully just a tad bit funny
making people laugh makes my world all sunny
though the brightness makes me feel crazy
not really, but maybe, I really don't know
my mind has been kinda muddy
I hope that's okay, please don't take pity
I swear I wasn't always like this
it was that stupid talking bunny
it took my family and even split my identity
there are a gazillion people inside me
well maybe, I don't know in all honesty
I feel strange talking about this
I think it's my tummy, it's getting hungry
where's daddy? where's mommy?
can they give me some gummies?
Created by me on January 9th, 2020
This was written as if a child were writing, so please keep that in mind when reading it.
l o n e l y Dec 2018
frozen heart locked away in a kingdom of ice
if you could come back to my side that'd be quite nice
even though i took every piece of advice
nothing i did was precise

why marianne

with me for so many hours
she liked baths more than showers
she ate her gummies sour
how'd i give her all this power
i miss you
Elizabeth Kelly Dec 2021
It’s been a prolific day
David Berman and I spent it together:

Me on his Wikipedia page,
Wondering at his language
Broken hearted over his final great collection of art,
A self-titled album released under the moniker Purple Mountains;

Him a genius
And dead
Tortured by his inability to change the world
Self loathing and addicted,
The son of a gun and liquor lobbyist who is quoted as saying, “I will miss him more than he was able to realize.”

It’s the ultra absorbent ones who make the best artists
Walking around in a store somewhere and wanting to die for the brutality of it all
Nothing brings the raw desperate animalism out from where it’s buried in the Stone Age like good old fashioned American capitalism.

(Last week I ate a gummy before going Christmas shopping and had a panic attack in a cute little boutique while buying a puzzle for my niece.
My sister-in-law told me I looked like I was seeing things
But it was the loosening of the barriers,
the flood of conflict and dissonance,
every person a song and all the songs playing at once,
tidal wave,
a cacophony of primary and secondary emotions.
This is why I don’t eat gummies).

It isn’t fair
I guess
That the ability to be so penetrated by truth isn’t beautiful
It should be beautiful
Like that shrimp, right? That can see a whole universe of colors unreachable by any other animal in existence.
An elevated understanding of truth should be like that shrimp
-The mantis shrimp, I remember now-
Truth cones like with sight…every texture and flavor of enlightenment.

In David Berman’s case, he piled substances onto the fire of his brain to ***** it out
And haven’t we all lain in a dark room on a sunny day
Haven’t we all found our habits

Instead of lamenting the curse of the truth addicted artist, as I have done most of the day,
I will tell a story
(this is true)
of my 17 year old niece Sophie
Who, when she was 9, demanded to know the Real Truth about Santa Claus.
Her friends were insistent, and she didn’t want to be left behind.

My sister, not one to mince words, told her directly and plainly,
and when Sophie asked, who then? Do you buy all of our Christmas presents every year?
again my sister gave it to her straight.

Sophie’s eyes began to swim, just as my sister suspected they might,
But when she went to comfort her daughter,
to try to convince her that magic isn’t in the elusive but in the every day
She was met with simply,

“Oh, thank you, mommy. Thank you.”
ymmiJ May 2019
baby gummies play
running hiding from mother
sweet cubs find trouble
I profess that we're really hanging upside down
Yearning for the **** of the midnight crystals but -
drawn to the familiar lure ,stability & romance of the Moon
Humanity is a simple , poignant song unheard yet
a poem already read
We could be blissfully aware of our finality instead we walk -              
this earthly miracle consumed by the lost argument of religious totality ...
Yet , we still defend the road of denial -
as the signals keep repeating ..
Popping every cell on the bubble wrap                                              
Eating stale ginger snaps
Tripped traps snap & clap in despair ,
Unstable tables and rickety rocking chairs
A quick smoke in the midnight air
M&M's and cannabis gummies
Tuning 'the six' , rummaging through-
the minds attic , hopefully discerning knowledge from-
static ..
Copyright December 6 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
1: when i was 4 i was a model. my mom starved me for a lot of that time. i quit when i was 5.

2: when i want to cut myself, i make myself read three books.

3: im hyperlexic. ive been reading since i was 3 1/2.

4: i have osdd 1-B but us "I/Me/Myself" for things so people dont get weird about it.

5: i love music

6: my family has 5 generations of teen pregnancy by ****.

7: my bio grandma was shot at 15 after having my mom.

8: ive been stabbed 3 times.

9: my dad fed me **** gummies on accident one time.

10: im using a kindle to write this. yes a kindle. black and white. meant only for books.
fun facts i guess
Ana Habib Sep 2019
I bet some famous woman looking to get her face on something else in the market endorsed this product
She probably doesn't even need to loose any weight
Or spend her lunch hours stabbing into wilted greens and watery sauces
I hope this was worth the money
Birthday presents are suppose to be thoughtful
I know he was thinking of something when he bought me these
But i will admit that i have done other things to loose the same old 10 ten pounds all the unties seem to notice when i step out
Expensive atrocious smelling smoothies are suppose to work but they just made me gag
Fewer calorie bars had caught my moms eye but by the third attempt they started to taste like chocolate and cookie dough tires
The after taste alone will want to make you brush your teeth 4 times a day
Vegan granola sounds exotic for sure but after awhile I just stopped trying
Whey protein turned into honey drizzled pancakes sounds appetizing but i couldn't get past the smell
Yes i have a sensitive nose
So the neighbour enjoyed those instead
Egg whites are great and lentil patties are delicious
Cricket flour and taro ice cream required more time getting used to
Jellies, and gummies happen to be a weakness because I can never stop at the recommended serving size
I eat enough for 3 days instead of one
Apple cider vinegar is great melting away fat but I prefer to use it to clean the house instead
Flax seeds remind me of bird food
Anyone else see what I see?
I can eat acai berries by the pound
But this week I will have to settle for weird looking lollipops that are suppose to curb the appetite
I can finally have candy for lunch!
unknown artist Oct 2021
Add gummy bears to my Fro-Yo
Wear oversized hoodies
Make silly faces under my mask
Ruin perfect snow
Light my s’mores on fire
Not understanding why ripped jeans don’t look good on me
Or girls being really judgy
Or math
Loving sushi
Eat the wafer of the kit kat last
Watch 80’s and 90’s music videos with my dad
Mold and squish gummies
Try to get the light switch perfectly balanced
Doing Kpop dances on my trampoline
Make up fake scenarios
Buy crop tops and never wear them
Avoid making eye contact
Loving fluffy blankets
Sleeping with a stuffed animal moose
Being too self critical
Pick the sprinkles off my cookie before I eat it
Flip the pillow over to the cold side
Collect fake skulls
Write short stories
Talk about my old school way to much
Dance in the pouring rain
Laugh at things that aren’t funny
Talk to much
Complain about my art
Stay up to late
Ana Habib Nov 2020
He is starting at the wall
With the hole in the middle
Dads ******* again
Smelled ripe too
Probably owes somebody money
He wonders what he will have to sell this week to make ends meet
Work at the plant has been pretty slow
His moms stuff has been secretly stowed away
She has been out of the picture for years now
He hasn’t forgotten her
He wont let anyone else forget her either
Only a couple more courses till he gets his GED
After that its bye bye to his **** poor place of a home
His dad just blends in the dirt now
Its everywhere
A smallish apartment in the city
A piece of paper allowing him to work from the bottom up to to open up his own club
People music and food
His formula for a good time
Don’t care much about the girls
With their oversized hoops
Skimpy clothes
And ribs sticking out
Rib everywhere!
Looked more like a place for anorexics then a real club last week
He wouldn’t serve alcohol
Mocktails, ****** drinks and beer the non intoxicating kind
***** gummies maybe?
Dad squanders everything every time hes on a drunken rampage
The suns down
The moons up
It didn’t matter
He takes the bottle to bed now
That’s no replacement for mom
He continues to stare at the wall
With the hole in the middle
No dinner tonight
No breakfast tomorrow
He will have to take out the last of the green stuff

— The End —