Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. Become a member
As mother nature's
Punitive measure
Against a society
In maintaining
The statuesque
That doesn't bother,
Our rivers
Had become subject
To a water thirst,
To the extent
Of projecting
Rocky ribs
Terrifyingly protruded out
For easy count!

But now thanks to
The all-out, terrace making
And reafforestation effort
Of each catchment
Farmers have made a point
And also  to the afforestation
Move of the government
Rivers aside from quenching
Their insatiable thirst
Have resumed
To brim over
With floods
Drinking water
To their hearts' content.

Our forests once stripped of
Their wooded cover
Have started, fast, to recover
From afar they are seen
Robed eye-catching green
From a fry-pan sky
Allowing a shelter
Also busy
Carbon to sequester.

Wild animals
That migrated
Have preferred
Back their way to find.

Now farmers don't have
Deep to dig
To sink a water well
Or find a nearby spring.

Birds are heard chirruping
Be it winter, summer or spring,
While Brooks bubbling.

Buzzing and hovering
From this to that flower
Bees are producing
Organic honey by the hour.

Promising a bumper harvest
Farmer's plots have
Fortunately continued
To resuscitate!
Those leaving
Their denuded abode behind
Away, who preferred
To stay
'We will return back
home soon! '
Is what
They  say.

Happily enough
Mother nature
Affords us a second chance
Imbued with
Environment stewardship
If  we are willing to mend
Our wrong 'Feast today
famine tomorrow! ' stance.

To dispel the spectre
Of climate change
And systematically face
The global challenge
True to the adage
'We have either to
swim together
or sink together! '

Hence in fighting the challenge
Or adapting to the change
Back scratching,
We have to be on the same page.

Indeed, irrigation must
Not slip our mind
For erratic rainfall
A  lasting solution
If we must find.//

Once a famous Ethiopian Poet  Pro.Debebe Seifu Who had passed away had  penned down a picturesque poem lamenting the land degradation, deforestation and change of climate the country was suffering.The bad scenario seemed unrecoverable.Now a days Ethiopia is reversing that sad episode.I have therefore to write a poem on this
#change   #trees   #erosion   #climate   #deforestation   #enviroment   #degeradation   #desertification
Once a famous Ethiopian Poet  Pro.Debebe Seifu, Who had passed away, had  penned down a picturesque poem lamenting the land degradation,deforestation and change of climate the country was suffering.The bad scenario seemed unrecoverable then.Now a days Ethiopia is reversing that sad episode.I have therefore to write a poem on this.
Apon are arrival once at times seemed questionable
We were greated by none.
hawaii had spoiled us to all other airport experiences
Were else could a half hunover  yet slighty buzzed  madman
stumble from a plane to encounter a beautiful woman in a grass
and cocunut bra once even now made me thirst for for a pina collada.

But in in canada there was nothing  to greet us there but cold
As we stumbbled around dressed like soon to be doomed criminals awaitting trial.

Cananda its slogan should have been.
Welcome to Cannada  it's really ******* cold.
But we knew where to find warmth in this enviroment.
Or for that matter any enviroment.
For we were drunks or as i liked to think of it consistant drinkers

And on are journey into this land of freezing weather maple syrup
and ice hockey.
We had one true goal.
we had come to drink Cannada dry.

No bar would untouched No bottle would not know are name.
we would hit on many women.
Score with a few and say we had slept with many.

I was a religeous man and i need to get in touch with with the spirts
The spirts of Canadian mist  Jim beam  And my old stand by spirt Gin

It was a bold mission for which we had set forth.
Are livers were alredy beaten to almost a pulp but
we still somehow still walked and functioned in disquise of
semi normal human beings  but nothing was further from the truth

we were writters was ment we were professional crazy people
On a mission to depleet this icey land of its alcohol
an drink canada dry
mikev Sep 2015
My heads pounding
My necks twisted amuck
think I'mma stop giving a ****
Light up a blunt and do what I want -
woah wait -
ain't that the **** that got me
here in the first place?
Worst case I nervously pace
the halls for a day - two or a weekend
Blasting the weeknd
Entire enviroment reeking
shrieking -
Nah -
I'm better than that.
Can't latch onto the past.
That's the trash that got
us there at the start - instead
I prepare it in art
And share from the heart, with you.
And you.
And you and you and you.
Because why not?
It helps forget about that pinebox looming-
Thinking outside the winebox lucid -
I mean Windex, clean em out
And a win decks, stacks paper chips
You can't say this isn't some matrix blips
I am not losing ****
I am manuevering this beautiful thing
up past this ******* Nuva Ring
Cause that's life - you can get beat
or keep it on a leash - jeez
that's sexist. I don't know
where this became an accepted
comparison, its embarrassing
comparing them - to K9's
But we hear it through the grapevine
Turns of phrase we make fine.
WoodsWanderer Jan 2016
"No matter where you live you should be able to turn on the tap and drink safe water"* - David Boyd

Every day I grow
The importance of the preservation of our enviroment becomes more and more predominant.
To grow up drinking from discovered gurgling creeks,
To feel the cool purity revitalize my young soul,
To bask in the clean beauty of our waters,
I took for granted its safety.
To grow up with the river as my guide,  my mentor, my reflector for my inner growth
I learned to listen to the way it laughed and danced
And polished unassuming river stones as it told me of past stories
and taught me humility.
All this time

I took for granted its safety.

It is only now
As my cacoon of security begins to crack
do I realize
This is not every humans relationship to our waters.
Only now do I realize I am blessed to be able to drink from discovered streams, let alone my tap without a second thought
Only now do I realize
Millions of parched souls
have grown with water as an enemy
Wary of the pollutants it carries.
It is treated with caution
Whereas it was once revered.
Water, as a definition is "the basis of the fluids of living organisms"
We are essentially poisening ourselves as well as our earth
with our actions.
It is time to shift as a country, as a nation
To protect our enviroment
to protect our waters
and to protect humanity its self

The right to a healthy enviroment
Is the right to live.
The Blue Dot movement is one that David Suzuki and the David Suzuki Foundation created that is essentially a fight to introduce the right to live in a healthy enviroment to the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms. I was asked to be a part of the youth which spoke to our city council as supporters of the blue dot movement and this poem is what I presented. I strongly believe in this movement not only for Canadians but each and every human being on this planet. Look up "what is the Blue Dot Movement?" if you're interested in knowing more.
Four days into the book tour I came to realize I was on the wrong
one but that Harry Potter tour  is a wild bunch  and i was living the rock n roll lifestyle  but little boys who ride on broomsticks and  resembled Elton John  really wasnt my crowd.

The univesty of South Carolina had many things to offer including just
turning of age  young ladies  who wanted to get wasted and drop there standards amoungst other things.

But who did they want really?
Gonzo  or the mildley attractive  man Gonzo was trapped in?
Who gives a **** man  its like  finding a ounce of  of ****
in your mothers  freezer hey just say no to drugs kids.

The Gonzo had been booked hungover  and  in a semi coma
i felt like the elephant man  the handsome *******.
chics dig the trunk.
Why cant they love you for your mind?

But much like my virginty.
I had lost that at eight  when grandpa Gonzo took me to a brothel.
Ahh what tender moments.
Yes grandpa almost had tears in his eyes
Son I can remember when i met your grandmother
in this very same place   i should say hello to her.

So like a oversexed teenager  I continued my
my madness like a idot trying to run a marathon with his
pants around his ankles.

The room seemed  hostle but i brought protection allthough these
condoms  really didnt seem to be for that purpose.
But God knows where that microphone had been.

They set ready with there pens and  other writing devices
with there big words  and tight sweeters.
But i was armed with a wild turkey buzz and a asortment skittels
better known as pills.

It was a blur of  bizzar questions  spoken in a strange language
I had way to much nyquill  and ***** punch  the night befor.
But Gonzo  was needed  and what more do kids in a frat need more than a keg party and some hot oil  wrestling.

This place was like disneyland on crack.
With its nonstop party enviroment  and bar games
Class what does learning have to do with being in college ?
these young people had tripped and taken to many drugs.

So i bid my new brothers farewell yes I will
think of you one day when  I have a memory.
And so are strange trip  was off once again.

Hey any more of that punch left?
We had acquired dwarf somwhere along the way
he was plesant and  sang Milley Cyruss songs  
while dressed up like Brittney Spears.

Dellusion is a sad thing indeed.
I didnt have the heart to tell him  he was outta key.
Although maybe it was just a side effect from the punch.
Anyways untill we meet again.

Stay crazy Gonzo
dont let your kids eat paint chips  and always say no to drugs and loose
women   and always look booth ways befor crossing the street and never take a ride with a male dwarf dressed like britnney spears  

words of advice well unless there really good drugs  im just saying cheers  hit me baby one more time cheers Gonzo
Brian Carson Dec 2014
starving for air
in this cloudy room
gasping for life
with no intention
of leaving any time soon
another day
another f-cking dollar
I hope one day
instead of getting out of bed
I set fire to my sheets instead
then fall back asleep
with the courage
to put a bag over my head
I am only here because of my parents
two kids with nothing better to do
than to smoke dope and make a kid
in the backseat of the car my father
would eventually die in
if there is a point to all of this
someone please tell me
I am running out of theories
the one who stepped in after him
is about to step out
and I have to deal with the fact
that when he does talk
my name comes out of his mouth
and if he goes before I see him
it will be just another hole I live with
another reason to doubt
to seek freedom through love
but the days pass slow
we used to be ants
and now we are slugs
who has time to work for love
when money exists?
and who has the energy to lift a fist
in an effort to fight against
what seems to protects us
providing laws and entertainment
this is mental containment
and it is time to face it
not embrace it
In order to be succesful you must be a fool…

Thats the worse advise you can get ever..
I am so hurt after i got an advise like that…

Maybe i dont get the message right, help.
Being stupid means letting other people oppress you to get succesful,
I stil dont get it…


The sad part is even after 19years of democratic freedom in South Africa, some people wont change the State of mind about racial oppression it stil exist especially more in work plaće enviroment…

For someone who grew up Free, born Free generation stil put the whites superior and continue worshiping them to be superior than the other fellow nlack brothers grow up…

I am a fighter, i refuse to sell my soul to please fellow White brothers for favours of better treatment because of my dark Colored skin…

Its a sign, with the more knowledge i am equiping My self with for better and my space of democratic freedom and rights, i will succed in life…

For all the previously disadvantaged people they went through some tough time and cruel struggle…
For instance the “72 Hour Clause. A clause in apartheid regulations which controlled the movement of African from one district to another.”

Those people struggled but they fought dor equality. Now that we have equality you stil wanna plaese a fellow White brother with all the previllages you have.

I my self i know that through struggle that i encounter in life i learn more on survival and live to tell a story…

Im dissapointed already about some of the side effect of the past but im not ackwoledging racial discrimination nor even allow it to happen infront of me with a mute sense…

Can’t you see the light!
Its sign…
For all the unprevillaged people the is no succes without a struggle…

From the struggle you learn how to survive and live to tell a story…

Don’t water a thorn tree and expect an apple…
Brow beaten and body bent shoulders tense

With a headache in the midst

Dragging, you push through the day

Your only thought is of a soft bed awaiting your arrival

Awaiting the feel of comfort to wrap its self around you

The prospect of a soak in a hot bubble bath

helps you get through the day

You can picture it, salt beads with candles lit all around

Melting in the water along with your problems soothing your aching body

As your worries disappear with each breathe

Your mind travels back to the troubles of the day

Thanking God that its all over

And you start fresh the next day

Happy to be at home in your safe enviroment

You slip into your most comfortable pj's

And curl yourself up with a good book to wind down

The pressures of the day tucked in for the night

Diverseman2020 Nov 2009
As the rain pours into day
Driving on drench roads
I am alone
Inside this mechanical vehicle
Feelings of warmth and comfort
Away from the impurities
Sheilding the outter atmosphere
As the music soothes me to another time
While the passionate lyrics
Uplift my spirit
A completed stop
I commence to breath air
On Earth's surrounding enviroment
People looking like humanoids
With grimance faces
As I stood like a pawn on a chess board
Being checkmate from the unknown
This terrain
Which is not mine to walk
but to stroll in a proud manner
As I feel no calmity
Peeling my soul
While my skin is frail
To their discomforted
As the sun settles upon the cloudy skies
The raging foes are normal
As I seek to dry land
A touch of wet grass
Endures my feet to a conviction of glory
Linus Rueegger Mar 2014
I am a result
Of not two people
I am a result of advertisements
Of politicians
Of company's
Of ideas drilled into my head, by constant repotion and threats from authority figures
I am a result of headlines that scream the words ****, death, racesim and terror.

I am a result of built up hopes.
The countless movies that show us heros that conqure the impossible, while slowly walking away form an explosion.
The comic books that boldly display abilitys we then dream of.
Expectations we are forced to have that someday we will save the world.
I am the result of reality hitting you full on like a world saving superman punch,
I am the result of relizing, that there is a 99.9999999999% chance I am not the "chosen one"

I am the result of an enviroment where I have to hold my breath to not let the toxins in
The overdose headlines
The children I see inhaling away there future and when I walk by blowing it in my face
I am the result of an overdose that ripped away my uncle
A world filled with misery and we find this the best way to "cure" it.

I am a result filled with images of diffrent family's breaking apart, leaving broken children behind.
A result witnessing the hurt, homeless and heartless walk on the same ground but don't awknoladge it
The veterans thrown to the streets
The gay pride rainbows coverd in the dark clouds of pregiduce this world is shadowed by
The sour taste of racesim lingering on individual tongues trying to break through a wall of common sense
The weaponising of wonderful wise wishful young children around the world to creat a fearful, fierce, fiery killing machine
I am a result of this world, the mistakes we all make, the suffering we all take, the lives these mistakes put at stake, these wounds that ache, the cusses that spin in children's head thanks to drake, these politicians people see as lying snakes, this earth that quakes, that brings us awake
I am a result, in a world of results
Of hope that one day we can push these fears away
I am a result of an army of dreamers
A horde of lovers
And a croud of carers
I am a result of two people who tried hard enough to make a difference
They are my sheild and my sword equipping me to fight this poisend world
We are what's left we are the dreamers the workers and the lovers and once were done fighting away the hurt, evil,terror and pain,
We can look out on this world and call it
Our result
Amber Dec 2015
I influence
one life
only to tear the next down
I reward one part of my body
and dump my problems
on an already filled mind
I am a surgeon
who will cut anything
but itself
I am the theif that stabs
you for a penny.
I am the opposite of good intention
and the opposite of blessed harmony
I could go deeper and pollute
the enviroment
To the world I came as a gift
but to the grave I return as a burden
I never did  care, nor could
care  for anything but myself.
Even in death I spill
poison into earth
I have very few words to utter

Selfishness is destructive…

Selfishness is the core ignition of war…

Example world war….

That selfishness kind of love…


Has a tendecy of Love struck whip…
Leaves the heart with a longer lasting smile
Keep the heart satified till…

Very manipulative indeed
Indigenously it has claimed life of a handfull

Alot sactifised for it
Alot lost their soul to the Gream reaper for it
Alot don’t care about anything except for it…

It’s lovely…
It’s Love after all…
That selfishn kind of love…

It goes deeper and deeper
It leaves you in a galaxy of its own…
Its like the feeling of touching a star…

It gives you the benefit of doubt, that kind of 7 wonders….
It swings around with 6th senses…
It deceives the fortune tellers truth…

The words I love you that I may utter on your ear, especially unexpected in a right mood in a silent enviroment with that ****** expression of I mean it….

Taking your soul to the lost world….

Nothing can come between the two..

Let go, let free “NEVER” says the cheated heart…
Till death do us apart…

You must run as fast as you could if you come across those words “Til death do us apart” its like signing invisible contract that has a small print that says you try to break up you are death…

That selfishn kind of love has alot of clause…
The whole contract has being composed with “I love you” in BOLD the rest small print…

Good luck!

Its your choice…

Love exist…

Same as the selfish kind of love

Its Love…
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
In the year two-thousand and eight
While running for president
Senator John McCain stated
That we need more nuclear energy,
He stated that nuclear energy,
is safe and friendly to the enviroment.
Nuclear energy, he said is clean
because it doesn't pollute the air.
He said that nuclear energy is the
Wave of the future.

Yesterday, One Twenty-nine Ten.  I
read in the newspaper that the state
of Vermont was going to vote on
closing down its nuclear energy plant.
It seems that ever since it began
leaking Tritium (a highly toxic by-product
of nuclear energy) into its drinking
water they've determined a link to
the sudden high rate of cancer.

Tritium has also been found in water
supplies near nuclear plants in
Illinois and New York.  But, those
states have chosen not to react.
I think we should wave goodbye to
nuclear plants before everyone will
have to wave goodbye to their future
wrote a song about it   
Hey Mr. Senator!
Give us a glass of that
Clean, clean tritium  
Cancer's great stuff
We need more of that
Give us clean, clean tritium
Hey all New Yorkers
Illinois and Vermont
Drink up!  Clean, clean tritium  

No, we can't breathe
But, at least we had that
Not, that clean, clean tritium  

How about serving
A bottle to Congress
Drink up!  Clean, clean tritium  

The House is refusing?
What's all the confusing
It's clean, clean tritium  

Mmm it's so tasty
Just like cows from the sixties
Clean, clean tritium  

Death is delicious
Who cares what's nutritious
It's clean, clean tritium  

Hey Mr. President
You drunk a glass yet?
Clean, clean tritium

Everybody die
It's the only way to fly
It's that clean, clean tritium

He promised us health care
All we have is death here
That clean, clean tritium

Clean Clean Tritium
Clean Clean Tritium
Clean Clean Tritium
Ashley Morrissey Jun 2010
Perfection's never something,
You can capture oh so well.
But her beauty burned like gazing,
At the fires that burn in Hell.

And people they would beg of her,
"Let me capture you in photograph."
But with beauty that was so obscure,
She'd always turn and laugh.

She woke up every morning,
But this was a different one.
Called an artist that was yearning,
"We can do this just for fun."

She stained her lips with rose.
Painted her cheeks in the fairest rouge.
Slipped ballet flats upon her toes.
And in her sundress she found refuge.

The amateur had no say,
She had planned the perfect spot.
She whispered, "I'll lead the way."
A small price to pay to get the perfect shot.

Her movements were so delicate,
It's as if they were devised.
She used a subtle hand wave to indicate,
That they had finally arrived.

You would think you'd see a castle,
Or maybe a field of green.
But this enviroment was quite the hassle,
Maybe her sense of taste wasn't keen.

She thrusted weeds away,
Steering clear of twigs and rocks.
The warm wind made her sundress sway,
And softly tousled her gold locks.

Upon a bridge she advanced,
The planks began to creak.
The water below her danced,
And sunset began to peak.

She lifted her legs with elegance,
And supported herself with a beam.
The photographer shuttered in benevolence,
But followed along with this dangerous scheme.

It's as if the camera was under a spell;
As beneath the bridge, waves violentally lashed.
She threw her arms out and willingly fell,
As the light grew bright and flashed.

The tides pulled tight around her.
They made her twirl and spin.
And the camera man swore,
she smiled as they tugged her in.

Perfection's not that fluent.
Not something you can capture oh so well.
But now we have a picture here to prove it,
As the waves dragged her to Hell.
Kara Goss Oct 2012
Pay checks and movie stubs
amongst reciepts and wrappers
buried beneath fields of dust bunnies
and clouds of unused smoke
is that all there is?
Graded approvals and first take judgements
within statement making garments
dependant upon conditions and factors
and one can't forget limits
is that all there is?
Genuinely fake smiles and unpiercing sharp eyes
around the time of no boundaries
next to missed alarm clock rings
and ever so important transit missions
is that all there is?
Talk back and rumor mills
spin webs of classes missing caste systems
yet gaining entry into future endeavours
so clever these days of ours
is that all there is?
Awkward congregations and a sense of forced happiness
paired with seemingly healthy attractions
combine to create an enviroment in which only the parasites can dwell
is that all there is?
Erik Herrera May 2016

In a world so cold

Makes you wonder

If there is any love out there

Haters always trying to knock me down

Jealousy always trying to stop me

No ones perfect in this world

But only God can judge me

Only he knows whats in my heart

Only he knows why I do things

So why do some people in this world wanna judge me?

When they dont even truly know me

So much hatred towards me

So much Jealousy thrown my way

Some would rather see me die then to see me fly

Lord, I beg you

Dont Let the world break me

As they try to everyday

Some backstabbing me everyway

Why is there so much hatred towards me

Maybe because it's their jealousy

There are some things that I dont understand in this world

Like, why are there people starving?

Why is the world's enviroment in such a mess

And people dont do anything to fix it?

Why are people always tripping on me

When they dont even know me

Dont Let the world break me

Even when they try, they wont be able to

Because I am much stronger then they'll ever know

And with you by my side Lord, I am Invincible

So much hatred around the world

So much backstabbing

I'm not trying to act as if I am perfect

I am not the kind of person to judge

But why are so many people always judging me?

He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone

They that truly know me,

Let they be the ones to say anything about me

Although I doubt that they ever will

Its hard to find true friends out there

Because there are so many haters out there

Dont Let the world break me

Stop judging me..

Stop waisting your time on me

There are more things in demand out there

that need attention

Why do you pay your attention on

the starving people out there

Why dont you pay attention

On the World's enviroment

Why dont you pay attention on

Your own family, I bet their in need of it

For those out there who are constantly judging me

take my advice

And look at yourself in the mirror

I bet you'll find yourself to be non-perfect

So who are you to judge me

Who are you to backstab

As they constantly try

Lord, Don't Let the world break me


Erik Herrera
God's Oracle Dec 2019
Am feeling as if Time & Detachment of sensibility to my enviroment people and thoughts are retained and analyzed to comform to my pattern of if I am slightly comforted by a sense of relaxation/laziness that makes time pass in a form of carelessness and desensitization. My body is enormously relaxed and has a natural sense of calmness. Entuned and warped with light ease of mixed emotinal stress & the pressures of life are reduced by this slowed calm and relaxed feelings of peace & it's release of mental frustrations and stress. Time and space seem to be flowing more at ease with a touch of carelessness and relaxed sense of being comfortable in my own skin, enviroment and the people am surronded with. Perhaps I am slightly detached from feelings of anxiety, triggers to use and emotional stress have been diminished. I have finally let go of my obsession to use destructive substances...just for today I am clean & maintaining sober posture.
Peace Of Mind & Temperance.
WendyStarry Eyes Mar 2015
Now I will take ya'll further back in my time
The time when I realized angels were taking care of me
They were always mine
My Daddy was quite different when he came home from Vietnam
My Mother became secondary
His mission in life was to show others God is number one
Don't misunderstand me, I know this is true
Yet I saw it my in mothers eyes at times this made her blue
Daddy stayed in the army but we also opened our home
It became a place of residence for the unwanted
We called it "The Manor"
A place to find Christ and no longer rome
During this time I was a very young child
In my eyes this enviroment felt a bit wild
Everyone rejoicing, singing hymns
Then out of the blue great vibrance would come
Someone would burst out speaking in tongues
Oh, so very much going on
My sister was upstairs jammin to psychedelic rock
Hangin with the hippies who were supposed to be
downstairs at church or the rehab class
Yet they had wandered away
To the psychedelic world that led them astray
I remember once seeing one of the alcoholic homeless men
Sneakin into my Daddy's bathroom
Drinking his aftershave
To satisfy his alcohol crave
Ah, the good Ole' daze
After sometime we moved "The Manor"
To the country, in the sunshine
A place we called "The Farm"
A big ole Victorian home, the stairs to the attic were gone
The stories were that the house was haunted
The scary tales my sisters told me yet still
I never felt any harm
The Cape Fear River flowed thru nearby
I watched the Baptisms as I played on the side
Spiritualism in my heart so very true
It buried deep inside me as I grew
I decided not to let it escape
For in my heart I knew the true cost it intakes
Even then I longed for a simple life
Trouble free, I dreamt, at no price
I sure did get happy when I would see
Grandma and Papa pull up
It meant we were heading to the beach
In Papa's SUV
That is always when true PEACE would arrive
Inside of me
Oliver Miamiz Jul 2016
The salubrious nature
of the climate,
could'nt Conceal the
Sardonic smile of
the Sun.
Scorching heat withered
the Green carpet on
the Visage of the Earth,
Turgid & Rigid plants
Conceated defeat to
the Harsh enviroment
and became Flaccid.
Both live & dead,
micro & macro couldn't
Elude the Vindictive
& Reprisal power of
the Earth,
Destructive habit of man
was Remunerated with
the Sadism nature of
If only Replenishing was
a Custom within our
Catastrophy befalling us
would be a Past-Tense,
Trees & Animals may
seem lesser
but there Impact on our
eco-system is Vital......!!

Anthony Smith Jun 2017
You want me to be me,
but the me you envision.
After all you're always right.
I maintain my own balance with the world,
but again my imperfections are brought to light.
Unsurprisingly I let you down,
Not because I refuse, but because I cannot fight.
I am not allowed to be me.
You expect me to be more. Everything at once.
To take care of my self, others left unattended.
To maintain the enviroment, other aspects let down.
I'm slow, I don't understand, I run out of time. Doesn't matter.
You miss the attention, the dedication, that I used to give.
You want the little things, the gifts, the cuddles, the affection.
I with to provide, but often cannot, the hell if I know why.
I've come to live in fear.
Reluctant to return home from work
Not wanting us left alone.
The easy seperation isn't an option, too many depend on us.
I don't want that. I never would have started if I wanted an end.
But I don't know how to heal. Or if we can.
Always on the negative, never the positive.
Providing motivation out of fear not desire.
Meanwhile I'm dying inside.
I've had to learn to resist depression
and to repress who I am.
I've given up dreams of a future
and am left to see what happens.
So much sacrifice that cannot be undone,
starting to wonder what I gave it up for.
At a rough patch in my marriage I found myself up at 2am to empty my worries into my pen.
RA Feb 2014
You are treading dangerous waters, and I
have been entrusted with your
care. Though I wish to be only
impassive bystander, I must guide you
through this new enviroment, ******
upon you so quickly and without
any warning. Though I wish to harbor
only sympathy towards you, a single look
in your direction renders me completely
empathetic, until I can feel the waves closing
over my own head, remembering vividly
my own drowning, so far away and so long ago.
January 28, 2014
12:28 AM
     edited February 4, 2014
     the second of two versions.
NeverAgain Jan 2018
This is your goverment speaking, please carry on with your life blind to what is around you. Remember to constatly look into millions of cameras so the goverment can better track you. This is for your safety. You are not a beautiful living create in search of spiritual enlightenment and truth. This is not your purpose. You are to work and consume only. Please refrain from distrubing the statis quo. Please remain afraid, remain in constantly fear of everyone and everything around you and do not connect with those around you. The world is not safe and only we can protect you. Please refrain from creative or abstract thinking. this is not a productive use of time. please remain distracted by video games, entertainment, *** drugs and rock stars and allow the goverment to mend the world around you for their liking. the goverment knows best. Remember only goverment accepted drugs are aloud. no drug that expands your mind in any capacity is autherized. if you see anyone caught doing reecrational drugs pelease report them to authorities. This is your goverment speaking; floride is perfect healthy to put in drinking water and does not cause nerve problems. GMO have no definitive evidence that they are unsafe, and that has nothing to do with our laws against studying the subject. Please remain oblivious to the fact that 5G technology and smart meters are connecting us to a system called the "interent of things" were you willing be constantly bombared withcancer causing and nerve damaging radio frequencys. please allow us to amp us this sytem so we cn better track you.
This is your goverment speaking. Remeber; it is your responcibility to proct the enviroment, not ours. so we must tax every apect of your life were you consume, while we dump billions of tones of toxic waste into the oceans, destroy forest, preform constanbt nuclear testing, and continue nt to mainbtained reactors and waste storage facilitys.these are not the cause of enviromental problems, you are.
this is your goverment speaking: please ignore the fact that china is buying up north america and bringing in a strong influence of communism already seen in factory work conditions. please ignore the fact people are quietly being robbed of their private proerty and being force into innerr cities. please follow every law blindly, for the goverment choose what is good and bad. Freedom, liberty, and justice are not perspectives. if you think it is wrong to charge someone with ****** for perfroming a legal aborton, you are wrong. if you thinking disarming a man who broke into your house and is about to **** you is the right thing to do, you are wrong.
DO NOT< i repeat DO NOT reaearch AGENDA 21, the bill signed in 1992 that gives the UN overwhelming powers to SUE our country if we dont follow their orders for the future of our country.

Remember, there are too many people on the planet so when we roll out our eugenics program, please read the list to see if the government thinks your life is worthy of living.

Please continue with your day and remeber, reamin the statis quo. this was today announcement from your supreme leader. thank you.
Sk Abdul Aziz Mar 2016
How sweet is the taste of success when you have constantly failed
How wonderful it is be finally accepted after constant rejections
How refreshing it feels to breathe after being in a suffocated enviroment
How awesome it feels to experience happiness after a season of sadness
How amazing it feels to finally get a chance at life after living death on a daily basis
How incredible it feels to just blank your mind and let go of all your worries
chaouki Jul 2019
what do you see in tunisia's future? we always get asked that in a denial of our present.
i don't like that concept for me not to fill up my mind with more stressful thoughts.
is the present not satisfying enough for us to travel further to the future?
i see myself as a dancer, a guitarist, a pianist, a scenarist, a writer and an active thinking and responsible intellectual.
however these are no good concerning these unsatisfying conditions.
how do i see myself in the future? more precisely in tunisia's future.
i'm certain i'd be exactly one of those mindless spinless creatures guided by money and lust, having those peaceful moments at night when i think twice about what i used to do.
i wouldn't relate to anyone of my future enviroment and no one will look or sound the same in a denial that we are all suffering inside.
unsatisfied we lay down and believe the lies we tell ourselves.
i see those herds of zombies heading to their office, to their jobs, thinking about the tasks they were ordered to do.
creating another generation of dead walkers.
same way we were raised, we'll also raise our kids.
i see trees falling down in the future, animals being deprived of the freedom we had when we were young impeccable and cleanheaded.
with every fallen leaf, we made a decision we regret.
one more reason to grief.
the future is relative, my thoughts are negative.
in the near sorrowful future i already feel neglected, we'll all feel rejected.
from a deadly society, we're headed to a deadlier one.
to the ironic anti-social society.
in the future, inside an estuary of waste, i fix my eyesight up to the industrial foggy sky seeking a tiny glimpse of the stars, praying to escape this monstrocity.
my childish imagination creates this spaceship that lands right infront of my thoughts.
i prepare my answers knowing that these extraterrestrials are gonna quention our existence.
the image blurrs and the aliens fade away, "run" i'd say "leave, don't be a victim of this cruel globe"
i pity whoever joins us humans,
us humans, us tunisians, we'll be known by overlooking the valuable bonds.
friendship love and affection, wouldn't be holy and true anymore. would be just another ficiton written on pages, forgotten through the ages.
at a similar time, in a similar situation, hypocrisy would be contagious, trust would only be a part of our imagination,
thrown away by inhuman archers, i would rather die than to join those emotionaless marchers.
to all my future surrounders, admire, forgive, love, give, for the damaged souls.
enjoy, live, hurt, heal, close the slits cut open by the ruthless life knife, but try not to to relive.
As time goes by the world is in constant change. Such is also seen in the voices of our children and in our lives and affecting our fortunes. Trust in a relationship comes by faith theough love of understanding. Patience is a virtue and neccessity. Kindness and the willingness to adapt to the ever changing tides in the human enviroment. Both heart and soul is lost like a ship at sea without understanding it is tossed by storm after storm. The faithful stay the lines and continue to say-all. Destiny would have it say the wind steers the ship but the captain weathers the storm and guides the ship through the stormy seas. The rain is blown in like cool refreshing water to be sure the captain stays alert to save the crew. A successful relationship is said to be based on trust. However, trust is not found without faith but through faith. Faith for faith as it has now been said begins a successful marriage. Just as the crew must trust the captain, the captain must also trust the crew. Vanity leads to both destruction of captain amd crew. Just as a captain must be skilled, so must the crew also be skilled. The husband is like a captain to where the wife is like the crew because this is where our children first arrive and strive to be. Lessons in life may be tough but just as children deserve second chances so do our relationships like captain and crew setting an example for our children. Who can say love is without envy? Love is the desire of the heart and a captain knows best what is to be desired in the mind. Like salt and pepper so is the inter-twining of love righteously seasoned. Thus the salt from the see and the pepper from the ground keeps captain amd crew informed for the children in families that without it would no longer be. There may be a sun and a moon or even earth and sky but nothing is nothing if love exists not in the eyes of the child. The heart that devours then devours itself. The heart that devours only devours nations upon nations. Love is the timeless gift of life and en-sures a future in a place throughout time and space without it all things would cease to exist. Explore with only love's understanding.
Clear Vision 2020
Xavier C May 2015
4 Black Walls
A streak of silver in the middle
One Man lays here
His Eyes
Stare 100ft ahead of him
His fingers
Twitch Timelessly
As if he's reminscing piano keys
Playing a simple symphony of jazzy tunes
The Room
World immersed in darkness,spotted with headlights of the cosmics
Always conscious of every swift movement
The Beast
Feeds on the intestines of vanity
It never had a dream
It only knows what you know
Birthed in a world full of carnage
Always balancing on deaths margin
Destined to return to the soil
It realizes its worth
In disguise
Still being drowned in its enviroment
It merges
Glare full of Hunger,Hostility,Animosity,Pursuit.
It Immerses itself into oblivion
Bares Fangs at
The Room
Let every headstone spell out infernal doom
Shimmering eyes in the silhouettes
The Room
Filled with innocence,imagination,overflowing spirits,bashful spectars
After souls nectar like morning dews on
Black Petunias
The Ominous is beautiful too
Like how nebulas decorate the universe
Now Welcome
As you enter
**The Room
Part of A Collections Piece(1/5)
phie Sep 2017
sometimes i feel pulled down a road im too scared to go down
its steep and dark, monsters linger in the shadows
i want to go down the lighted path
with fairies and floating candles, a welcoming enviroment
but you cant tell if they're just pretending or not
i long to be friends with the goblins and underdogs
Parker Mar 2021
i stand in the bustling enviroment.
surrounded by people whoes stroies ive never heard,
never will hear.
rolling wheels and harsh voices fill the filtered air.
hushing mothers, and their crying children.
i stand in an airport, surrounded by crowds ive never known.
wishing to hear a simple story, a little tale.
to know the place i stand
Michael John Oct 2021
doctor, it hurts when
i do this
well, don´t do it

a very old joke
but not  

ignoring enviroment
and our duality

if it hurts-desist..


doctor,i have four minutes
to live!-
what can you do
for me!?

(he could boil an egg)
life´s brevity..
man´s faith in


i love her
and yet
she seems
not and that is
no joke..
Jonas Oct 2023
I don't know how to live life

Can't **** myself either

In theroy
I had a perfect enviroment growing up
for happiness

Safe, supported, nourished,
cared for
Yet I've almost always felt
unhappy, miserable
hurt and alone

as long as I can remember

I think there has been a mistake
a defect in manufacturing, perhaps
so please pull me back
this faulty good
will only damage your reputation
Jonas Oct 2023
If the human race is a species
based on community for it's survival,
why are there mechanisms,
that make living together harder?

When mating and reproduction
is my basic,
animalistic task in life,
then why is there a feeling like embarrassment
or shame
that stops me,
freezes me in my tracks?
Preventing me from fufillment

If evolution is adaption to the enviroment
why is the system so inconvenient,
so complex and fragile, unintuitive
why am I so flawed?

Our survival measures can be as dangerous to us
as the threats they protect us from
Survival makes up most of our life
You either build up, maintain, protect or recover.
Happiness is not necessary part of that desgin,
desirable yet not crucial to the construct,
a mean to an end.

Why is there a build in conflict of interest
between my body and mind
me and myself?
What I need versus what I want?

What's the point
to all this complications,
to all this struggle?
My life is designed to end, sure
But then why make it so hard,
so easy to become miserable
and so hard to remain fulfilled?

Society is the logical answer to survivability
against nature.
But it's also feels like poison
Poison to my mind,
polution to my bones.
Jonas Sep 2023
I am a mold,
Clay to be folded, kneaded, hardend, softened and burned,
to be formed by the tides and the wind
Layer by layer added and scraped again
to break and to be fixed

I am what  I consume
My enviroment makes me
shapes my personality
At the time
The movies  watch, the books I read, the characters I envision
become the traits of my everyday demeanor
One, two, three faced
Living under curtains, quick glimpses from under the mask
Gemini personified

If my opinion, my beliefs, and through this my being
are influnecend so easily,
hand crafted, tailored for every stituation and encounter
Is there even such a thing as identity?
At what point do I lose myself through adaptive behaviour?
Who am I without you?
What's a reflection without the mirror?

Who is the true version of me,
the one you see or
the one  that comes out when no one's watching?
Michael John Jan 21
because i have no need
except to eat
and the elements at bay

some human exchange
would be nice

a safe enviroment in which
to be-a nice cup of tea
and a twix o

(habitual me..)
i need nothing
that is suffice..

— The End —