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Safira Azizah Aug 2019
Garis-garis senja yang tegas
duduk tenang di depan
rayapan manusia,
mencuri dengar insan-insan
yang menyiangi dosa-dosa mereka
dengan pengakuan-pengakuan suci.

Pengakuan mereka mengepul
bersama asap keretek
yang kemudian membubung,
menggema sampai ke surga.

Matahari tersenyum,
termanggut menyimak khidmat,
hingga rona kemerahan menjelma
gelap seperti lebam.
Pengakuan dosa-dosa yang murni,
lembut dan tak ternoda seperti bayi.

Mereka diampuni
agar insan mendosa lagi.
Noandy Aug 2015
Aku berdosa,
Telingaku bunuh diri.

Sudah baru-baru ini
Aku sepenuhnya tuli
Aku tak tahu lagi  

Apa kata dedaunan
Pada tanah yang terantuk lemas dibawah
Atau ceracau yang diteriakkan
Bunga keparat
Untuk mayat dingin si kumbang.

Bahkan di restoran tua
Yang setiap sela kayunya berdarah dingin,
Tempat rintihan musik bisumu selalu dialunayunkan
Semuanya hanya tertawa hening
lalu mati begitu saja.

Dan meskipun duduk menghadapmu
Aku masih tak dapat mendengar
Suara mengaji jam setengah mati
Yang kerap menceritakan
Dongeng gelap kita
Dari lampau sampai me—
La lala la la
      lala la lala
La la la la la lala
           La la la lalala la la
Pemakaman hati yang mati dipancung
Di pekarangan rumah tiap senja gulana

Yah, baru-baru ini aku tuli
Bisu lagi,
Mampunya cuma mengumpat dalam tulis.

Dan dihadapkan denganmu,
Sesekali dalam terkadang
Aku anehnya dapat mendengar
Serintikan isak tangis yang
Sama sekali tidak kita cucurkan

Lalu ini semua salah siapa,
Kalau aku baru tuli
Lalu kamu sudah bisu?
Apa memang ini dosaku?
Di palangnya tertulis;
Nama: Siapapun yang menangis

Di sela-sela pengakuan dosa
Kematian telinga gila
Dan kelumpuhan bibir hambar
Kita tiba-tiba melongo,

Tuhan tertawa
Sabar lagi bahagia,
Mengisyaratkan untuk
Sudah, ya,
Simpul mati saja senyum satu sama lain.
Writing in my mother tongue once in a while
Noandy Feb 2016
Bagi anda sekalian
Yang meranggas merana
Di pintu sesal, sesegukan,
Saya menjual mawar merah meradang;
Khusus ditanam untuk menebus dosa-dosa.
Hanya dengan seisak air mata dan kepalsuan
Anda bisa mendapatkan:
1. Sekuntum bunga jelita
2. Semaksiat dusta terulang
3. Seampun tangis di ujung mata
Silahkan memilih salah satu yang
Paling ingin di sia-siakan.
Semoga memuaskan.
Klo Sifa Jul 2015
Bahkan kegelapan malam ini tak segelap hatiku.
yang ingin memilikimu.

Sulit bernafas jika kau tak disini.
Tak mau hidup kalau kau tak disisi.

Jika menginginkamu adalah dosa terbesarku, biarkan aku masuk ke neraka jahanam terdalam.
Dengan busungan dada.
Terinspirasi dari lagu Love You To Death oleh Taeyang
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Sekarang aku makin dewasa
Bapak... Mamak... Aku...
Anakmu kini 15 tahun
Ya Allah Terima Kasih atas Rahmat-Mu

Bapak, maaf bila esok ku tak berguna
Mamak, maaf bila esok ku gagal
Ya Allah, ampuni Hamba
Semakin dewasa, semakin ku berdosa

Tak sanggup aku melawan rasa itu
Aku telah bercinta...
Bercinta dengan nya
Ku tahu dia tak pernah di sini
Tuhan... Tuntunlah aku pada-Mu
Aku merasa hina di hadapan-Mu
Aku merasa hina di belakang orang tua ku
Ampuni Hamba Ya Allah...

Ku tahu t'lah berdosa
Oh Tuhan, Aku bercinta dengannya di dalam khayal

Creates by. Aridea .P
Joshua Soesanto Jun 2014
pola pikir bumi tak seiring hasrat pemimpi
saat kala jatuhnya langit dari angkasa
jutaan pasang mata melebur
kadang hidup, seperti kopi rasanya

tegukan pertama serasa tembakan petir terasa
penuh kejutan untuk setiap liur asapnya
cari sudut, panorama inspirasi
jauh hisap nikotin, seruput kepala cangkir

satu perempuan jatuh dalam cangkir
dibayangi riuh ramai cerita cinta orang lain
pelukan, cumbu pasif
biar dada tertusuk duri, nikmati sajalah sendiri

kita masih muda, dosa kecil berbalik sedikit
lentikan jemari memeluk selongsong leher
sedikit kecupan akan lahir matahari kecil dari sana
mungkin esok, lusa atau mungkin cukup hari ini

sekembalinya aku pada sepetir kopi daerah
terasa benar ada yang berlari, memeluk
lalu tersenyum, berkata "kopi ini mimpi"
berkicaulah pisau, tusuk! bunuh!

terbangunlah euphoria meditasi.
KA Poetry Nov 2017
Kutarik secarik kertas putih
Kutumpahkan tinta hitam
Kutulis namamu
Kuceritakan segalanya

Cintaku kepadamu yang terawali layaknya sebuah kepompong
Hingga menjadi sebuah kupu-kupu
Terbang melintas dunia
Berakhir dengan kematian

Tetes demi tetes tinta
Menyusun kata per kata
Membentuk sebuah kalimat yang ramai
Mewakilkan mulutku yang membisu

Untuk siapa kubuat tulisan ini?
Tulisan yang tak lebih melibatkan amarah dan kebencian
Namun ditulis dengan sedikit rasa cinta yang masih melekat
Putih suci ditimpah hitam penuh dosa

Bisik Sang Hati " Lipat dan buang. Sudah cukup sudah. "
Jemari bergerak melipat surat itu
Berbentuk perahu
Perahu kertas.

Raga berjalan ke tepi laut
Seakan jiwa yang menggerakkan
Mulut yang berbisu mengucapkan sebuah doa
Tangan melepaskan surat itu

Perahu kertas,
Bawalah mimpi buruk ini berlayar denganmu
Berlabuhlah di neraka
Agar dosa dan penyesalan ikut terbakar disana.
18/11/2017 | 16.32 | Indonesia
Ketika awan tak lagi biru
dan mawar tak nampak merah
Gemerlap neon di angkasa mengaburkan sisi moral serta logika
sinisme dan dosa duniawi tak lagi terhalau
dan pepohonan kering menyeruak
Angkasa menjadi saksi

Akan ada kesederhanaan
pemikiran kecil akan hidup di metropolis
belenggu takdir,
tangis serta tawa
larut dalam anggur hitam yang akhirnya luruh dalam hasrat memiliki

Menuju masa lalu,
angin pagi pun hilang,
bersama raja angkasa yang padam
langit membelah
turunlah tangga menuju puncak duniawi
merentang seluas tangan,
menggapai mimpi-mimpi sederhana yang hilang terbawa arus kering,
menusuk tanpa arti
Yang Terhormat
Pahlawan Yang Terkubur Derasnya Kapitalisme
Maman Screams Jan 2014
Sebelum nafasku yang terakhir
Ku luar kan kepadamu
Engkaulah yang ku tunggu
Engkaulah bintangku

Dan kamu
Aku masih sayang kepadamu
Biarlah ini satu rahsia buatmu

Adakah ini suatu mimpi
Yang selama ini engkau menyelami
Menghiasi alamku dengan warna cinta pelangi

Engkau ada tetap dihatiku walau ku tiada
Engkau ada tetap dijiwaku walau bisa
Dan ku harap kau maafkanlah segala dosa
Sebelum ku pejamkan mata untuk selama-lamanya

Dan kamu
Aku masih sayang kepadamu
Biarlah ini satu mimpi indah bagiku

Apabila nadiku berhenti
Tamatlah sudah puisiku ini
Tapi ini bukanlah satu erti
Kuharap engkau kan terus bermimpi

Kubina cinta di alam mimpi
Bayanganmu ku kan salji
Selalu berada sentiasa disisi
Selamanya kepadamu
Aku berjanji..

©2014 RevoLusi
©2014 Maman Screams
Taken and re-arrange with consent from my band "RevoLusi".
Lyrics were taken from my band upcoming latest single, "Mimpiku Yang Terakhir".
The whole lyrics have been re-arrange and some phrases are added in for this piece.
This is my first time writing up a song in my mother-tongue language, "Bahasa Melayu".
This is the poetry version for the song.
Noandy Nov 2015
Kala malam tampakkan luka
Terlapis kasih, beringsut malu
Ia terbakar gugur lebur
Dan tidak termaafkan

Sesap tangismu sendiri,
Relung jiwa telah berkeluh
Sembahyang doakan maut
Akan pilu cinta dursilamu

Dengarlah tembang petaka
Perlahan menggoda luhur
Gapai lika-liku serapahnya
Dan kenakan sebagai selambu senja kini

Jika malaikat merasuk pada
Sekuntum bunga di pelupuk mata
Rimba ruak ini tak akan lebih
Besar dibanding seuntai rindu durjana

Maka dengan itu,
Akan kuajak berpesta pora
Sedu-sedan iblismu
Di taman mahakama bersimbah dosa

Lepaskan genggaman tangan itu
Dari lentera di sunyi gulita
Karena sinarnya yang rupawan
Telah meleleh dalam lumrah darah getir

Ikutlah denganku,
Kita kan menari semalam suntuk
Sampai yang tercium dalam hati
Hanya bau anyir perpisahan
Untuk Ngangsu Candra Kidung 2015: Mahakama Rahvana
shireliiy Sep 2015
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Relate Articles:
Aridea P Oct 2011
Meski berlainan tempat
Ku tahu satu hal yang tepat
Pengkhianatan sang Sahabat
Yang rela menjatuhkan laknat

Dunia tak berarti
Piker saja nanti akhirat
Mengumpulkan dosa yang banyak
Begitu pun aku yang tak sempurna

Doa selalu terpanjatkan
Agar surge terasa nikmatnya
Berhiasan hari dan suasana yang indah
Namun neraka tempat yang tepat
I contend that it is not my place to give testimony or
To tell what love is but that I must include love
Here now so that I can get on with my story
Intelligibly with the help of the word itself
Without any other ideas or explanation for it.

Dr. David Dosa, speaking on behalf of Oscar the cat,
Stated that Oscar was never wrong and that Oscar
Seemed to have some innate ability to know when a
Patient at the Steere House Nursing Home was going
To pass - going all the way back to when the cat was a kitten.

Dr. Dosa went on to say that the pernicious, anti-social cat
At the Rhode Island center would only cuddle up to those
Patients who were in their last 2 to 4 hours of life.
The talented Oscar has proven the medical staff wrong on
Several occasions when patients were close to death.

Dr. Rosa – when asked about Oscar’s accuracy stated
That Oscar was right 100% of the time and that to his
Knowledge or to his staff’s knowledge that Oscar had
Never gone in and cuddled up to any person who was
Not near death, something that he had to accept - that
The cat had better instincts than he – a doctor – possessed.

At present, I hope that I have sufficiently captured
The reader’s understanding that there are yet many
Things out there in the real physical world that neither
Science nor religion can understand but I know what
Oscar knows – what he knows is this thing called love.

Now that phrase is not at all to my liking.
For to say a man is fallen in love, -
Or that he is deeply in love, -
Or up to the ears in love and sometimes
Even head over heels in love carries
With it an idiomatic implication that love is

Somehow beneath the man (fallen) – something
Regurgitated in Plato’s opinion which with all his
Divinity ship – I for one hold that the thought of Love
Being beneath a man be damnable and heretical.
While Oscar the cat simply says – let love be what it will.

And possibly, just possibly - gentle reader -
Without any further current explanation, so do I now
Join ranks with Oscar as I write of a love that is
Alive and well – and if I do not come and cuddle
With you it is not because I do not love you.

Tis but my task to find those in greater need and
When I find them near death, afraid or lost
I, like Oscar, I know of their fear and of their
Desperation so with pen in hand
I purr next to them cajoling

Them onto their next great experience.
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Get it, India head
This is no bed of roses
Poses in prime positions
Are sublime repetitions
Of what has gone

Karma comes knocking
Falling flat on your face
Bindis race
First fast then erased
From your forehead
Forever more

Rickshaws run a mockery
Round rubbled ruins
Of modern mishapes
Monarchy's mistakes, perhaps
Perfect pictures of

What everyone tells you
Pre plane departure
Setting one belief in front of another
One foot behind
Is what it does
To your stomach
Shaking heads full of
Heavy sighs

Cares to be taken
Clothes to be carried in case
For climactic changes
Of course
What to withstand
When to be undeterred

When to stand your ground
Back down, barter
Busk your way through town
What to battle over
Where to bathe and how
When to show the colour
Of your mother's money

How to save a dollar
Raise a rupee
Meditate on more that
You could Be
Do the deed
Be caught in times of need
Phone home and find
No-one waiting for your call

All of this and more
You carry on your back
A rucksack full of love and
Missed kisses
But - the greatest part of this is
What no-one tells you -
What it does
To your heart

What you find
When your mind adjusts
And your eyes unwind
And great gusts of understanding blow you free
When you hand over the key
To your list of demands
And give in
To the easy unplanned

Imploring looks
Hook your sympathy
Bait you easily at first
The worst
Are always
The kids
Thing is, how could you deny them?

Soon enough
Is enough
“Look mister, I ain't no fool
And I ain't a millionaire either -
Leave her alone and go home.”
Thing is, how could you feed them all?

You triumph on trains
Blaspheme the buses
The driver's on drugs
Or a suicide trip
You skip rice-based breakfasts
For weeks
Seek out cereals then don't

Chinking chai glasses
Chomping on chocolate
A lot
More than most
Coasting roads
Filled with cows
On a scooter scuffed with sand
And stuffed to bursting point

Dogs with holes in
Infecting imaginations
Over masala dosa
Noses signalling distaste
This taste?
Hmm, tamarind - trees?
Try over there
Between the neem and the new banana circle...

Too many memories to mention
There's always one question
When you return to the beginning
Grinning, they ask
How was it?
But how can you say
It was everything
You've never seen

Get it?
Get it India
But be warned...
You may never
Get her
manju sober Dec 2012
The Train!
It connects me to you..

I board the train.....
Leaving behind,
My family,
My friends,
My town,
My mother tongue
My culture,
My religion,
My familiar places,
My familiar faces,
My familiar tastes,
My possibilities,
My dreams,
My little joys...

I come to you....
In this train...
After each holiday....

For you are my joy...
You are my dream...
You are my familiar face..
You are my family...
You are my friend...
You are my god...
You are my life...
You are my language...
And my delicacy....

But as this train takes me to you...
I see the greenery fading behind me....
I see the geography changing....
I see the colours growing unpleasant...

The wind becomes dry....
The rain fades away....
The air actually stinks...
And my heart begins to sink....

The train....takes me to you....
I see you waiting for me...
You hug our little daughter...
And take the luggage from me....

You say, chicken is in the freezer...
Milk we will have to buy..
The rat ate the rice flour....
And...we will cook the chicken today...

I say,...I missed you !
You say ...oh too....
And I know you really did...
You had to make dosa yourself...

I turn to stare at the Train....
It took me to you...
Its taking a rest...
After delivering me to you...

At home...our day dawns...
I am in the kitchen...
You on bed with the news paper...
Then you watch tv and I cook....

Then you check mail...while I cook
Then we both cook and taste it....
And we say wow...and I cook more...
We watch movies and eat what we cooked

Then I clean kitchen while you sleep...
And I cook more while you watch tv
And you ask me if food is ready....
So that we can watch another movie....

I want to tell you,....
That my birthday was dull without you...
I want to show you all the things I brought...
But yeah...we can wait for the movie to end....

I hear the train passing by...
I hate the commotion it makes....
I hate the people sitting in it....
With foolish dreams packed well....

I come to bed at night...
To see you sleep peacefully...
Just then the night train pass by...
And I hate it....all the more....

It brings me to you.....
It never brings you to me....!
a daydreamer Jan 2018
Diantara bisingnya kerumunan kota,
Aku berdiri sejenak,
Mendengar alunan musik mengendus sajak.

Beberapa pasangan mata menoleh,
Menutur, menyinyir,
Mengikuti bayangan dosa lama
Yang telah tenggelam,
Dilahap oleh manisnya senyum
Dan tawa para badut malam.

Lepuh, rasanya.
Lilin-lilin yang menginduk di kulitku kian meletih
Teriak pedih tak kunjung hari
Terhambur sudah harapan palsu ini.
Penyair itu melangkahi pengemis pincang yang lelap itu.
Kasurnya adalah trotoar dan mimpinya ntah apa.
Jangan bahas mimpi jadi jutawan dengan kemeja dasi rambut klimis.
Mimpi basah saja harus sembunyi sembunyi.
Kan takut toh masturbasi di pinggir kali ?

Soalnya guys,
coli itu pun harus pake tangan kanan
selain soal tekanannya yang konstan ..

Disangka PKI !
Ini perihal dosa Illahi saudara saudari!

Lalu pengemis itu Menatap angannya setinggi bintang di lantai 53 menara menara ibu kota.
Mengelus ngelus perut kurusnya.
Alhamdullilah, hari ini bisa santap sisa paha ayam dari restoran kebarat baratan itu.

Mungkin baginya, Tuhan menjelma dalam bentuk tempat sampah.
Menyediakan pangan sisa sisa umat kesayangan-Nya.
Dan dia, umat yang lupa ia punya.

Pagi datang.
Ia terus berjalan tanpa alas kaki.
Sekelibat melihat lamborgini, berkawal polisi.
Presiden mungkin ah?
Nomor satu, atau duah?

Dia tidak pernah berharap pada Tuhan.
Atau presiden.
Mungkin ia harus tetap berjalan saja.
Atau mungkin ia harus berharap pada ratu adil.
Entah kapan ia munculnya.

Apa ketika jari-jari kakinya lepas.
Hingga tidak bisa melangkah lagi.
Atau lelah menguasai tubuh.
Hingga enggan melangkah lagi.
Atau seluruh kakinya patah
Pun ia tidak peduli lagi?

Apa ratu adil sedang sibuk memasang konde besarnya
Takut takut tidak terlihat cantik saat hadir sebagai pahlawan kesiangan.
Atau ratu adil sedang sibuk
Memutuskan hukuman adil untuk penyair ini yang mempertanyakan kuasa Ilahi dia punya?
Atau mungkin ratu adil berhati dingin.
Seharusnya iya karena mana mungkin beliau yang welas asih membiarkan hambanya pontang panting,
malah sibuk mengurus penyair mengkritik program kerja-Nya tahun ini.

Yah ..

Memperhatikan pengemis itu terpincang-pincang lebih asyik daripada mengurus Tuhan.
Presiden. Atau ratu adil.

Apakah Mas Aristoteles meramalkan distopia pada nusantara?
Pertama kali saya bacakan di Paviliun Puisi, edisi Dys/Utopia pada 6 April 2019.
Kuzhur Wilson Dec 2013
Some place
Some time
There was a tea shop.
Open not just in the mornings,
But at noon and the evenings too.

Mornings, the menu read
Uzhunnuvada, idli,dosa,
Uppuma, vellayappam,idiyappam,
Sambar, payaru curry,kadala
And several chatnis.

Noon, the menu read
And several kinds of buttermilk.

Evenings, the menu read
Sukhiyan, bonda,
Pazhampori, parippu vada, mulaguvada,
Diluted milk, black coffee
And several forms of tea.

There was a cook in that tea shop.
There was an owner for that tea shop.
Both had a son each.
Those boys went to the same school.
They studied in the same class.
They sat on the same bench.

Whenever he was hungry,
One of the boys thought of
The owner of that tea shop.
Eyes widening with admiration for
The great man that he was!
He could eat anything
Whenever he was hungry,
Reaching for it in the container
Or poking his head into the food shelf
Or entering the kitchen itself.
He could take anything,
The boy salivated.

To the query “What do you want to be?”,
He even replied once that
He wanted to be that man.

But, whenever he was hungry,
The other boy thought of
The cook in that tea shop.
He lauded him in awe of
the great man that he was.
He could cook and eat
Anything any time any quantity,
He imagined jealously.

To the query “What do you want to be?”,
He even replied once that
He wanted to be that man.

Wait, don’t leave yet,
Dusting off your bottom
After reading an average poem.
Sighing indepthly
Or grunting lazily
Or belching sourly.

You are free to leave after
Answering a few questions.

Who owns this tea shop actually?
These schoolboys from the tea shop,
Whose sons are they actually?

There is another boy
Besides these two
In this poem!

Who is he?
By Kuzhur Wilson
Trans by Ra Sh
Gaye Sep 2015
I sit and stink,
After cups of tea, conversations and melancholy
The sweat is salty, an armpit attached to sentences-
Ondaatje and the cat, Abramovic and tears,
The hollow room and my single window that ached
The smell and the grey torn shirt never got *****.

I sit and stink,
Desperate to walk, talk and get out of newspapers
Scratch rich names out of the walls and retreat
To untie the curly locks and let them breathe.
A phone thrown at one corner and emails unread
The world- a closed book with no pages.

I sit and stink,
Jeans pulled down to a wet floor
European closet and the yellow sparky lights,
Imagination erupted, there was no room to escape.
I pencilled graphs, penned letters and painted snakes
Self-portrait, Van gogh and a black and white me.

I sit and stink,
A friend, the jack and the brick house
Dosa with ghee served for the jarred tilapias,
They are all memories. Unremembered-
Like running races and the temple music system.
I wrote them down neatly, in a rectangle, they leaked.

I sit and stink,
An unfamiliar face in a place with no power
Glenfarclas, smoke and Ra Ra Rasputin
She danced. He watched. Her collarbones broke.
He dug his nail, dirt at its corner, an unshaven facade
It was grave, full of pain, his face and his eyes.

I sit and stink,
A ****** body inside the same grey shirt
Scratching names next to the European closet
With the old song from the temple music system.
The unfamiliar face evoked all human senses
The body is yet to take a wash.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Auto, bus, walking and sweating dermis,
somehow on time I reach my office.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

breakfast time, toast, butter and tea glass,
hurriedly I eat, unaware it may appear boorish and crass.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

lunch time, dosa containing rice, dal and yeast,
the way I eat can put to shame any wild beast.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

till evening, I am tired, drowsy and dozy
but I skip the plan to go outside to have some tea.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

My head aches, my eye burns
but I continue work amidst yawns.

work needs to be finished on time so I sit in-front of computer.

Just before lo-gout, I work with great pace,
with time I contest, compete and race.

work needs to be finished on time so a computer sits in-front of computer.
Anya Apr 2021
“Then you should have let me die”
My father’s words to my mother in a fit of frustrated rage at something so small I hardly remember it now
Ah, I think the conversation went something like this,

                                                        She gave him his dosa
                                          “Where’s the chutney to dip?” he asked
                                                       “No chutney. The coconut isn’t good for you”.
                                          “Why...don’t you know how hard it is for me? How could you do this?!”

No, that was a different conversation, but they all embody the same thing
My father’s struggle with his tumor        after tumor                          after tumor
And as chemo pelts the tumors like wrecking *****, my father’s spirit is equally as exposed to the onslaught
Like wisps of smoke, fragments of his struggle leak out into our house, our family

My mother carries the weight, coupled with her own baggage
She simply tightens the buckle on herself, almost choking but standing ever more upright, a towering hyperion
While praying
She prays
                  He prays
                                   They pray
Falling back to childhood, to their hope, their trust in God
The hope that keeps them alive through the sheer force of their will
I’ve noticed that “God”

Is like a medium
A medium of belief in yourself and hope for a better, brighter future
A medium I stubbornly refuse to use, calling myself an atheist, the rebellion within I suppose
“Well it’s all the same” mom says

Maybe so
Maybe I will one day rely upon that medium, deeply, simply to retin the hope that someone is there for me, even if that someone is myself masked as an external “God”

“I knew then that the Lord wanted me to help people”
He said, an old man in his 80’s, clearly displaying signs of the vicissitudes of life
Couldn’t walk, cooped up in a room 24/7
Yet here he was, not blaming, nor resentful
But in tears not because of his own struggles, plight
But because the Lord gave him a chance to “help people”
He had an opportunity to improve diabetes treatment
Efficiently collect blood
“help people”
Because the Lord allowed him to get into college late to “help people”
That was his miracle

Even if no one was in time to help him

Like the teachers in Chennai, India we saw while visiting family three summers ago
Forgoing a well paying job at a government school, money and comfort
To teach somewhere where they believed they’d make an impact on young minds

Little children growing up to become scientists like the women promoting mushroom growth
To increase the village’s protein intake and empower women
Easily grown at home, it’s not meat, it’s a mushroom

The man who forged ahead to build a canal for the village, a pioneer starting a movement of innovation

An old woman in her late 80’s helping a single mother  keep her job

No cash at my dad's favorite bagel shop, the owner who allowed me to pay later

Simple little things, it’s the little things that hook you more than any superficial bait
And place you on a cloud of warmth

I belong

People can be so terribly kind
To a stranger, to an acquaintance
                                        to a friend, or even
                       to a foe
Yes, there are wars being fought, people dying every second

But as I look up at the hazy blue clouds drifting lazily along outlined with flecks of gold almost like a halo
The humming breeze caressing my cheek, the scent of dew drifting by
I couldn’t feel more glad to be alive
So, please don’t say you wish you were dead

Just open the window and gaze at the ever changing sky
    Whether temperamentally torrential
Or a lazy, hazy, pink or blue
And relish that single moment you are privileged to be a part of
Shared by countless others around the world

But although the seemingly endless sky may cover everyone
At that moment, at that place, at that time the sky and all its magnificence is
All yours
Amy Childers Jun 2019
" Hello.
I am your waiter today and let me tell you our specials!

1. Pla Sum and Mole
2. Lachanorizo and Dosa
3. Fugu and Gazpacho
4. Escargot and Dim Sum
5. Italian-style salami and a Cheeseburger. "
                                                               ­            The customer:
                                                       ­                 " Can we just throw all of
                                                                ­           that              
                                              ­                             together and see how it
                                                                ­           turns          
                                                                ­           out? "
" Why of course we can!"
Please think about it for a sec.
Pacific Wolf Jan 2018
Like a well oiled engine, my heart whirrs in pleasure at your sight
Found a biker boy and rode into the sunset

I'm a ship honey. Take me from my harbor
A sailor caught my helm and sailed into the horizon

Are you a black hole? Because you **** me in.
The physicist sat me on his lap and we got lost in space

Are you Messi ? Because I'm a Ballon d'or.
Shots were fired. Goals were scored. And they ruled the field together.

I have reached the top tier of Maslow's needs.
After extensive psychoanalysis, we found our counselors in each other.

If you're a rebuttal point, I'll always have you covered.
She and the debater found their grey patch amidst the black and white.

I'll make you a sandwich if you are male, white and a misogynist.
She found love with the racist and waited on him hand and foot.

I'll draw your heart with HB pencils and make an acrylic out of our relationship.
The artist found her bluetiful and incRedible.

I'm a South Indian who loves dosa, an uneducated Bihari, the patanjali promoting Hindu, the Muslim terrorist, the Christian converter, the Russian spy, the fake Chinese, the blond cheerleader, the ladyless female football player, the classy British, the poor illiterate, the fat American, the mannerless slum dweller, the conservative Indian woman, the dumb ****, the unromantic geek, the bald science teacher, the old librarian, the charisma less nerd......
Stereotype found it's soulmate and lived happily ever after.

I fall in love with words. Ink is my blood. Emotions and thoughts are my food.
The poet smirked and said," Haha! Nice try."

~Pacific Wolf
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat senang menari di taman.
Kadang sendiri, kadang bersama kawan.
Suatu hari gadis kecil berpipi bulat bertemu seekor singa.
"Jangan dekati dia! Dia sedang terluka!" Teriak seorang teman.

Gadis kecil berpipi bulat memperhatikan Raja Hutan.
Luka bekas sayatan menganga lebar di dada.
Ia bermandikan darah dan air mata.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat terkesima.

"Tuan Singa, Tuan Singa! Siapa yang melukai anda?" Tanya gadis kecil berpipi bulat penasaran.
Seekor singa dengan bulu kecokelatan lebat sekilas mendongak, lalu kembali tergolek lemas.
Sekilas bola cokelat mengintip dibalik mata sipitnya.

"Tuan Singa, Tuan Singa ! Apa anda kesepian atau ingin mencari mangsa ?"
Tanya gadis kecil berpipi bulat penasaran. Ia terpesona dan ingin mengobati Raja Hutan.
Tapi bisa saja ia disantap sekali lahap.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat tetap tidak beranjak.

                  Semoga gadis kecil berpipi bulat tidak dalam bahaya.

[Jakarta, 17 Juni 2019.]


Gadis kecil berpipi bulat menemani Tuan Singa bercerita.
Seekor betina pernah singgah dan mempermainkan luka.
Tuan Singa pandai bersandiwara!
Sesekali tertawa di selipan duka.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat melihat.

Gadis kecil berpipi bulat menemani Tuan Singa bercerita.
Tuan Singa pernah kesepian dan ketakutan.
Takut menengok ke belakang dan diterkam dosa.
Seekor raja hutan meninggalkan banyak korban, pun selamatkan diri sendiri ia lupa.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat terdiam.

"Semudah itu manusia mati dan semudah itu manusia hidup." Dongeng Tuan Singa.

Si Raja Hutan lelah, dan mulai menyanyikan lagu "Bangunkan Aku ketika September Usai" dari Hari Hijau.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat menikmati senandung minor luka pengantar tidur.

"Tuan Singa, aku mengantuk. Tapi izinkan aku menemani tuan sampai tuan tidak butuh aku lagi, ya.
Selamat tidur dan bermimpi.
Semoga mimpi malam ini indah."
Ucap Gadis kecil berpipi bulat sebelum pulas.

[ Jakarta, 22 Juni 2019 ]


Gadis kecil berpipi bulat sudah terjebak.
Raja hutan mempermainkan teka-tekinya.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat sibuk mengobati hingga lupa ia pun melukai diri sendiri.

“Tuan singa. Tuan singa.
Apa yang tuan inginkan?
Sebuah hati lagi, atau aku beranjak pergi?”

[5 Agustus 2019]


Raja Singa sedang terluka.
Ia gelisah.
Tapi gadis kecil berpipi bulat tidak bisa mengobati.
bukan dia, yang sang raja cari ?

[19 September 2019]


Waktunya telah tiba.
Gadis kecil berpipi bulat harus pergi.
Semoga kamu bisa tidur.

[04 Oktober 2019]
Saya tulis untuk seorang Singa yang pernah saya kenal.
tubuhku milikmu
jiwaku milikmu
mataku tidak bersinar lagi
aku benci
cinta ini asli
1+1 tidak bisa menjadi 1
cinta ini dosa
aku kotor dibuat olehnya
tetapi aku cinta,
bukan dengannya
tetapi dengan perasaan palsu ini.
Oka Mar 2020
Hal terindah yang akan kau kesali
Sakit terperih yang akan kau rindui
Tragedi yang akan kau ulangi
Irama merdu yang akan kau benci
Buku suci yang akan kau nistai
Dosa besar yang akan kau tekuni
Logika yang akan kau tinggali
Emosi yang akan kau hamburi
Gak tau lagi
Forlorn puppies hunt through the trash in search of food
Incessant honking pounds my eardrums
Putrid hints of smoke and diesel followed by the overwhelming stench of rotting trash scorches my nostrils
Uncontrollable spice followed by sour lassi irritate my tastebuds
Dirt rests in the barrier between my feet and the floor

Bejeweled saris radiate from neon lights
Quiet mantras echo off the walls of the yoga studio
Aroma of fresh baked dosa weaves up and down streets
The wetness of one pomegranate kernel refreshes my mouth
Slippery canary yellow kheer oozes out of my fingertips

I want to leave but also to stay
Mohan Jaipuri Dec 2018
Satish Sridhar ,Amy and me
Eating Dosa Yummy Yummy
Satish stopped  nerves hugging hugging
Sridhar scanned my heart looking looking
Amy made my day funny funny
Thank you all you made trip loving loving
Today is time to say goodbye,
For visiting you all again n again
Bengaluru City is  hi tech
With so much to learn n sketch
Thanks Bengaluru
Thanks friends
You are  wonderous
You are  wonderous.
Rocky Abraham Jan 30
Berapa lama ku terjatuh Tuhan
dalam dosa yang sangat besar
merobek sampai didalam hatiMu
Yesus selamatkan jiwaku

aku slalu melihatMu bersedih
atas apa yang telah ku perbuat
rubah hidupku, angkat hatiku
selamatkan jiwaku, Yesus

Betapa besar, Cinta kasihMu Tuhan
mengubah sluruh hidupku dengan sentuhan manisMu, membuatku mengerti
hanya Kau yang mampu.

Dan saat aku tenggelam, dalam semua keresahanku, Dengan pelukanMu, Tenangkan hatiku,  membuatku mengerti, hanya Yesus yang mampu.

— The End —