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Once upon a time
There was an island
Of big dicked men
The small dicked men
HATED the big dicked men
Of course
The small dicked men
Were busy inventing things  
And the big dicked men
Well, they didn't invent a lot
Satisfied with what they had
I suppose
The small dicked men
Used their inventions
To subjugate the big dicked men
Because they hated them
Out of jealousy
Which almost always turns evil
The little dicked men
Turned evil
And had to prove
They were better than
Big dicked men
All along
It made small *****
Evolution and Karma
Are great business partners
zebra Aug 2018
the witches
they don't take no ****

feminists with a wand
made from a femur
wrapped in ***** hair,
fingernails, and spit

not good little passive girls
although amused by a good spanking
for laughs that titillate
from a red wicked dicked old man
with slippery fireballs
like a spicy cherry pepper
that slurps filths coves
through a black tongue
and open-mawed bite

******'s queens
oiled torsos and bond fires
drenched ornaments for laughing snakes
that spread like spider webs
while the whips flash licks
hells tender blood kiss

insatiable prayers
******* rituals
mixed like bones in broth
with intricate sigils and saliva red
menstruum her holy sacrament
that shapeshift crones into young girls prancing
and bind water to stones

her spell can crack your skull
like a mules kick
and melt your eyes
like nuclear skies

the witches
they don't take no ****
Is it acceptable to **** anyone and everyone you want,
Be mysteriously exposed in your photographs,
Act carelessly with people and friends drunk and drugged and dicked out of your mind,
Forget the hurtful and blissful past for a reputation,
Exist in a way the girl you were never thought you could be the girl you are,
Because you’re in your 20s?

You remind me of the characters Greta Gerwig plays in some of her films,
But not Gerwig herself,
Although you do look an awful like her Hispanic version if there was one;
I guess that’s you.

I bet when I was placing the edge of the razorblade against my wrist,
You were getting penetrated and plowed by a **** between the legs.

Your innocence was smothered by your lust and
Our history got erased by your fears and flaws.

I just wanted you,
But then again, everyone already had you,
And it was not my fault;
It was your choice.
Hooflip Aug 2014
Picture of girls face: 10 likes
Picture of girls face featuring slightly/**** near totally visible ***** bumps: 5000 likes.
What the **** people, its the SAME GIRL.
Her **** are there in BOTH PICTURES yo.
But due to the difference in likes, there's no doubt as to what the true focal point of the photographs are.
Honestly, I'd much rather see a picture of a ladies face instead of one featuring the awesome breasticles.
Because, while those **** do, without a doubt, totally rock, they should also be respected and like, viewed as something special for only that certain special person to see.
You aren't attracting very respectable fellows by being so flaunty.
People that are into you only for your ****/various other dank body parts you may or may not have, will most definitely end up hurting the beautiful blood pumping anomaly that lies behind said ****.
I mean it's your body, do what you want to do with it, but there are more then enough **** bouncing around the world right now to clog our minds with sexuality and distract us from accomplishing things as it is.
not to mention, some day you're going to find a man or a woman that's going to love you for the super radical person that you are, and to them, your **** will just be like, the most awesome bonus, and by covering up just a bit more for all the numb skulled hard dicked mother ******* this world seems to have an endless supply of, you'll make that special person feel so so so so so so sooooo much more special when THEY get to see them.
You know what i'm saying?
We're in a society where your **** can take you further then your personality can and it's ******* *******.
This is not a poem.
This is a rant about women being way to flashy.
Amy Perry Aug 2016
We are a generation,
Indeed, a nation,
Raised upon foreign warring.
Scapegoat aggravation.
Bushes and *****
Clamoring for horror and hoarding.

Conspiring against a population,
I watch through youthful aging.
With my childlike eyes, I see
The target they're blaming:
Afghan families having more
in common with me,
Working class American,
Than those transparent heirs
With the world's wealth and arrogance,
Ordering for the villagers' obliteration
Through boys from our nation.

We are a generation raised
On media sensation
Of militarized devastation;
Animal exploitation;
Technological manifestations
Providing privacy infiltration.
Material attainments;
Mental frustrations;
Fiat debt enslavement;
A nation entranced by
Senseless parading.

Tempting decadence and
Announcements with no evidence.
The September bounty of edifice
That fell with no hesitance
Still echo its unfounded,
Preemptive pretenses.

This murderous reign;
this senseless parade;
Advertisement cyclical
in their game of charades;
Dog on a chain;
Famine causing no pain.
Permissible opinions
To be solely maintained.

The damage, the waste,
The heinous race and class chase.
Oppression remains thoughtlessly dangerous,
As moral responsibility brings no attainments.
Chowing down on maimed millions
Bellowing from enslavement.

Fortunately, elder,
Rothschild, Rockefeller, or
Those above them whom
Remain blackened, faceless:
Resistance shall come
From all places, all ages.
Such as this generation of mine
Inheriting increasing complications,
With the type of America
You wish to keep in rotation.

I'll carry the flag containing
Your mistakes as a symbol,
To remind those behind me
What not to rekindle.

To the Boomer who stews
In your white collar suit,
Still refusing to shake
Your destructive pursuit,
Still asking me to lick
Off authority's boot:

Growing up in this nation,
With childhood innocence,
I grew increasingly aware
Of the land of such ignorance.
I had such thoughts since
Early adolescence,
I was not blind to larger lessons.
Only since supported by
Actual, factual supported confessions.

To the Boomer tied to his convictions,
Now will you see-
That isn't going to work
For us or for me.
I'll bring to this world
Whatever I please.
Which so happens to be
Truth, justice, and peace.
Sincerely, the Millenials
Yenson Dec 2018
Listen you nice genteel ladies out there
We know you'll adore a charming, intelligent
smart, humourous, caring, loving and sensitive
charismatic man

We know you'll absolutely love a decent, wholesome
capable, balanced, brave, courageous Alpha male
we know you'll really like a versatile, poetic,
gentleman, able to do nearly everything and do it well
Even animals and children love him too

We know you'll just melt for this man who is an amazing lover
Wonderfully equipped, experienced, unselfish, rhythmic
hard yet gentle, graceful motion in hot ocean
Slow hands and arousingly hot touches, a great lover
who just adores women

Well forget it Ladies
We do not like this Elitist, well rounded intelligent lovely man
He is banned, banned, banned banned
How can we rogues, coarse, uncouth, insensitive semi-illiterates
compete with Mr Wonderful, who leaves ladies buckling in
rampant throes of multiple *******
Who makes love to your fine senses as well as your bodies

How can we, under endowed minutemen
with no grace, style or starmina, much less a romantic nuance
compete with our Mr Amazing with the mostest

We are flat bottomed pale skinned, weedy looking lot
we have little manners, we can hardly hold intelligent conversation
we don't do charming and all that *******
We are not keen on personal hygiene, that's for poofs
Forget looking groomed and polished, that's for poofs too
when drunk and we can just about manage to get it up
It's slam, bang, no thank you ma'am, nothing
poor gals left unsatisfied, unappreciated, any wonder most are turning to each other these days
Us loutish men, just reach for another pint, see you later, get your *** out...

We are working-class dumbos and proud of it
we are pirates and Robin Hoods, we take from the Decent Upscales
we fight them and harass and hound them, torment their *****
we destroy their reputation, degrade them
we can't do better, why should they have an easy life
And all the fun of the ****** fair

Look at the toffee nosed Emmanuel Macron in France
Rich background, privileged, he gets into power and start
messing with the working people, we are now dealing with him
That's what they do if you give them room
They diss the ordinary people and tell us its living intelligently
while they wine and dine and make love in Champagne
Well, not anymore, they don't, we've got there numbers now

The same with our charismatic intelligent Mr Wonderful here
We are sorting him out good and proper, we are on his case
So any ladies go near him or seen befriending him
is a class traitor and would be dealt with accordingly
We have put a *** and relationship ban on Mr Amazing
Let him see what doing without means, lets see him suffer
deprivation and hunger and hopelessness, we have been for years

I dare any of you ladies go near him and see what will happen
we will shave all your hair and put you to public shame
like those collaborators ladies in France after the 2nd WW
We will ostracise you like we have Mr Wonderful
we will smear and degrade you and  your life will be made

This is Class war and you Ladies have been WARNED
Can you imagine it, not only rich, privileged, brilliant, capable
confident, self-assured, smooth, suave, charming, articulate,
presentable, wise and balanced, He's also gifted with a big ****,
and from all accounts he really does know how to use it ******* fortunate can an elitist get!

Well you ladies are sure missing a good thing going
but we don't mind cutting off our long noses to spite our faces
Granted some nice girl could found happiness and the most amazing man and both could do a lot of good in the society and bring happiness to others
but we don't think rationally, that's for the elitists

We are mindless yobbos, thugs, hooligans, no-good, immature,little dicked ruffians and malcontents
We are anarchist, tall and proud
We are crazies, sad and pathetic and we do not care

So you ladies stick with your class and make **** sure
it's a No dice to Mr Wonderful  

NO NO NO it's a RESOUNDING NO from all working people
  ESPECIALLY YOU LADIES, just better know that YES from you
and it's the guillotine and not only your hair will be for the chop!

why can't I help always seeing the funny side of life. wake up laughing, go to bed laughing, life really can be so absurd, funny and interesting.
Hands Sep 2012
"I love you."
My fingers froze:
dark eyes on a list
as long nails clacked
on gray keys which
stuck with age and use.
I dreamed of love,
sweet hordes of
doves escorting me
to my desire of
love, love, love.
Such dreaming flags
floated in my mind,
wishing to be a hot ***,
body made of rag,
a delicious mess
of hearty gags.
I wanted promiscuity,
in all its forms,
shed of all its innuendo
and flimsy disguises.
I wanted hard action,
man on man,
cheap rides and
cheaper thrills.
I wanted to be a little
pornographic princess,
a tiny-dicked seductress,
big ***** conductress
of all his passions.
My flag flew up as a
hormonal reaction,
smooth bodied and
tight lipped action
running up and down
my jaded cadaver.
He wanted a **** *****,
a promiscuous witch,
casting love spells and
**** glances to make him
He entered my love nest,
the back seat of a car,
to destroy my frame,
to rid me of my childishness.
My folly melted away
in sexyhot sways
of my hips as
my lips would say
lust filled nothings
that would be filled by
empty sighs and
****** filled
"I love you's."
My fingers froze:
as brown turned to white,
my body turned to snow
and rained down around
his swollen flagpole.
He was incompetent,
inept at the deed
and unable to satisfy,
but it was my ego that needed
this gratification, not my
I laid in the aftermath of the attack,
sad but
ultimately relieved
I am ravaged.
I have soiled my nation
and salted my own fields,
laying waste to my youth,
my innocence.
I wanted to be conquered
and so did I receive,
being taken and
yet somewhat untaken.
I remember his voice,
that dumb accent.
I remember his preconceptions
of what this was supposed to be.
"I love you."
My fingers froze:
as lungs filled with air,
and brain filled with contempt,
my jaded body grew
to desire--
God, I really wish I had a cigarette.
I remember how he thought
I cared,
how he though that
anybody did.
I remember how,
I thought I had, too.
"I love you."**
No, you don't.
a poem written what seems a million years ago. losing my virginity in poetic form.
laura Aug 2018
I'm a table, I'm a bench
I'm an appliance with many uses
I'm a dead girl in the front seat
of your Cadillac

Was hoping to get dicked down
by your Master Sword but
cell connection's kind of spotty
I'll clean it with my pics because I want to eat

spoiling your paradise
tie me down and school me
make me clean your mess
is this what you want?
Yenson Jul 2023
here's a whisper in your ears
you do know
that the fixation, obsession, unhealthy interest
call it what you like, hahaha
in my estwhile love life
is actually quite natural, predictable and foreseen
you see
they are mostly the dicked and dumped
spending their lives where their choices are
from their pool of the dim-wits, half-wits, limp *****,
men-childs, over-grown kids, wimps, chavs,
mummy's boys, buffoons and apologies-for men
Now tell me
what's exciting or interesting about that
a love-life with dregs in a continuous circle
the unwashed for the unwashed
make babies
absent fathers
start again
they like their cheap thrill
and their cheap entertainments
and how else do you pertuate 'the majority'
but they're madder now as the Government's stepped in
they only pay Child Benefits for two kids
you make more you work or steal for it, knicker-droppers
yeah! so its bull for Red rags and coalition of dicked and dumped
Off course! a solid man with glowing qualities aplenty
intelligent, dependable, trustworthy, clever, smart,
charming, caring, sincere, wise and honourable
is going to stand out like a sore thumb, to them
Oh my God
Such a male is going to put bees in their bonnets
get their knickers in a twist and their flabber truely gasted, hahaha
Obsession, fixation, blue ****** most likely
how can we have
a Prince Charming amongst the dicked and dumped
and expect peace
like Chris the thief said
its throwing the cat among the pigeons
talk about how to manipulate the frustrated
so their fixation is understandable
ain't it so
Hahaha....go on, you tell me.....
JC Lucas Mar 2016
The poetry’s gone to **** lately.
Mostly I mean there isn’t much,
but what there is isn’t that good.
Maybe, *******, life’s just
not awful these days.

Maybe my eye for the magic in the monotony’s just gotten

I feel too good to even resent whatever it is
making me limp-dicked.

“coward,” I think.
“******* coward.”

And in a minute,
the coward I am,
I’ll probably set this page down,
walk to the television,
turn it on
and submit
like a coward

like a corpse
under a sky of infinitely small pixels
flashing on
and off
and off.
(love poem for a computer screen)
Sometimes Starr Oct 2019
Can we talk about
funny things

things we put in mason jars
left to rest
on our bedside tables,


never judge a guy by the state of his eyeliner,
he's just getting himself together still,

daydreams about squirrels and prospective film productions,

headsplitting laughter with devil dicked eyes,

we're just devil dicked guys,

my Grandma and I.
when i was about 20 my friend Templeton and I got reeeeeally ****** in my Nissan Altima and he asked if I wanted a snack

back then, our nicknames for eachother were things like, "my sweet *******," dinkleberry," and other such cute pet names.

but that night, Templeton changed all that. He brought out a plate of chewy microwaved cookies and a water bottle filled to the rim with cold milk.

"Grandmaaaaaa's Coooookies," I exclaimed. And the name stuck.

(This may only remain on HP for so long for personal publishing reasons. If i delete it please don't mention that it was every published here prior to that.  Capiche?)
“Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room.   Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America—not on the battlefields of Vietnam.”                              Marshall McLuhan

You understand where I'm coming from,
Reader Rabbit, you twisted ****? Maybe not;
While you and your boy/girlfriend, later your wife/husband,
Were ******* backpacks around Europe,
I was of a less fortunate, less frivolous cohort,
Like the poor, who always miss the fun stuff.
So I stayed home and waited, dreading time,
Treading water in Queens,
Doing the graveyard shift at the Wonder Bread Bakery in Jamaica,
(No, not that Jamaica, mun.)
Building bodies 12 ways, and sweating out the inevitable,
Praying to my lesser god not to hear from my local draft board.
And who was I to disturb the universe?
“It ain’t me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son;
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one, lawd naw.”
(Send  "Fortunate Son" Ringtone to your Cell)  
I was just another cynical working-class hero,
Unlike you, numb nuts, and the rest of your silver surfer friends.
I knew I’d wind up without my teddy bear,
Convinced I’d end up sans security blanket,
With no ****-vacant musical chair,
To plop my sorry non-exempt, 1A **** cheeks
Down into when the music stopped,
When the music’s over, turn out the light--Jim Morrison,
Lizard King--turn out the light.
My horse, my horse . . . no wait . . . **** the horse . . .
My kingdom, my kingdom for a 2-S college deferment!
What kingdom?  
What was it Jesus said?
Not of this earth, anyway.
Colonial Indochina: rich man's war, poor man's fight;
It was such an efficient way to rid trash from poor neighborhoods.

Needless to say, I’ve been having a little trouble adjusting ever since,
Since I got back from that Kafkaesque Disneyland Jungle Cruise,
My personal Cold War thriller,
My Tecumseh Sherman “War is All Hell” war,
My war: 45 years ago next week.
These things take time:
So says the recorded message on the VA’s PTSD Hotline.
45 years ago I packed up my duffle,
Packed for what I thought was going to be my last time in uniform,
Grabbed my Army discharge papers, and
Limp-dicked out the side door of,
The Veterans Hospital in St. Albans, County of Queens.
I’d like to say I never looked back. But I’d be lying.

(cue PSA: VA Reaches Out to Veterans:
The Department of Veterans Affairs will begin,
Contacting nearly 570,000 recent combat veterans May 1,
To ensure they know about VA's medical services and other benefits.)

Today and every day is 11-11, Veterans Day—
What gets me now is that all my time since The Nam,
Is on average two lifetimes,
For all those sent home, bagged and tagged.
Is it survivor’s guilt? I doubt it.

You may not understand this, but I miss that freaky jungle.
I felt safe there.
How quickly I learned to expect the unexpected,
And that meant to expect the worse,
Finding my comfort zone the more uncomfortable, the worse it got.
I miss the wet weight of the air,
The cloying heat and humidity.
Humidity: a plain and simple meteorological miracle,
When you have plenty of time to really think about it,
Which I did: 365 days and a wake-up.
You know that whole gorgeous hydrologic cycle thing?
I miss the rain, the sound of falling rain.
I miss the other sounds, every buzz and click,
All the arcane and dismal things that go screech in the night.
And that relentless insect hum,
The jungle vibrating and intense,
The colors vibrating too, especially that electric green,
A green so vivid, every leaf and vine,
"The world's richest repository of terrestrial biodiversity,” I read in some nature magazine,
Lying naked in bed while my therapist ****** me off the other day.
All those freaky creatures great and small,
Every miraculous living thing that’s really alive and thriving.
And this is why--I think,
Getting obnoxiously philosophical for the moment,
This explains why it got to be so easy to waste what was alive and thriving over there, including and especially our selves.

Death never seemed that permanent, that final over there.
And besides, you couldn’t **** anything for that long,
The critters all looking their wet and slimy same.  
Two minutes in The **** and you were
Killing every ******* gnat and bug,
Every leech and snake, anything &
Anyone that just looked at you sideways.

And the flora? Did I mention the flora?
Soupy Sales: (Smack! Bam!)  “I told you not to mention that.”
The flora:  the plants grew back and they grew back quick.
You chop a path on recon and the next day it’s not there anymore,
So you chop the whole way back to the L-Z.  
Chop, chop, Hop Sing!
You were one smart ****, Hop Sing,
Safe and sound in Lake Tahoe, Nevada-side,
Cooking up Ponderosa pork bellies for,
The Cartwright Clan: Ben, Adam, Hoss & Little Joe.
Meanwhile, I’m not earning any frequent flyer miles,
Aboard a chartered TWA, coffee-tea-or-me,
Royal **** airplane to Saigon,
A place called ** Chi Minh City today.
I remember looking around at the faces on that airplane,
As we landed at Tan Son Nhut,
Those forlorn godforsaken faces,
Black and Chicano and poor white trash boys.
Scared shitless, of course,
But we really were jolly green giants over there,
American conquistadors, Cortez and the Boys,
Seeking gold and glory and, of course,
*******, (
That sweet wet hole we all crave,
Can't go for too long without,
Center of our life's desire,
What gives women the upper hand in almost every situation,
Except when you pay in South Vietnamese piastres,
Your basic exchange rate $3.00 *******.

Yes, we were American conquistadors,
But traveling light this trip,
Our black-robed Jesuit fathers having missed the flight.
That’s right, for us no Ad majorem Dei gloriam this time,
Our mission so simple and so clear:
But mostly, Destroy.

And pretty soon you worked your way up the evolutionary ladder,
From bugs, to fish, to frogs and snakes,
Small varmints and reptiles, birds and rodents;
And by the time you taxonomy out to the runway,
You’re pretty much whacking anything that moves,
Anything you feel like, pretty much any time,
All the time, sometimes just to pass the time,
Just to break up the ******* monotony of it all.
So making the anti-personnel leap got sort of easy:
They all looked the same, didn’t they?
They all wore the same pajamas,
And it was never conducive to grunt longevity,
To nitpick the civilians from the soldiers,
Never a good idea to waste time distinguishing friend from foe.

Good Morning, Vietnam:
We really were nerve-gassed-Adrian Cronauers over there,
G-2 Army oxymoronic intelligence stiffs,
Having a little difficulty finding the enemy,
Having one hell of a time finding a Vietnamese man named "Charlie."
They're all named Nguyen, or Tran, or Thanh or Trong or Bao or Phuc . . .
Oh, ****, I get it now.
I grok the how and why,
Of all the names we’ve used for centuries to dehumanize the enemy:
***** and Nips, Chinks and Slopes,
Huns and Krauts, Redskins and Ivans,
Redcoats and Rebs, Zulus and Mau Maus, *****, Ragheads and Sand ******* . . .
To dehumanize is to be dehumanized.
Nominal dehumanization; linguistic trickery.
It made it easy . . .
Well, easier . . .
To **** you.

What was it Pope Innocent III’s legate advised?
“**** Them All.  Let God sort ‘em out.”

Is it smell of burning flesh that makes me so digress?

Yes, I miss that freaky jungle, my friend.
I miss knowing what to expect and what was to be expected.
And most of all I miss that absolute confidence,
My self-liberating soporific certainty,
That I did not give a **** whether I lived or died,
And no one else did either.
I miss the peaceful place to go,
Coping with fear by letting go,
By writing off my life,
My future "in-country,"
My 12-month tour of duty,
My 365 T.S. Eliot Ash Wednesdays,
Learning to care and not to care,
Cultivating indifference as to,
Whether or not I ever made it Wee, Wee, Wee,
All the way home again.
The answers were right there,
Always there, all the time,
In nursery rhymes, and counting songs,
In psalms and arias, and every blues and rock lyric,
Right there, so right ******* there,
In Kris Kristofferson/Janice Joplin parlance of the times:
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

And life for me since then--

What was that Walter Sobjak in The Big Lebowski said?

“This is not 'Nam.
This is bowling.
There are rules.”
Ziggy Zibrowski May 2010
Like the infertile young debonair of the American Dream,
whiskey dicked, and moaning
over the sweaty heap of calloused flesh,
my "relationships" are brimful of
disappointment. The throngs of love drunk
junkies eager to play, dressed for the
Concert of Apollo and the Muses.
Naked grudges,
threshing and gushing
the way the chicken did;
grandmother with head in hand.
Rhythmic and off beat,
instinctual. Begging; more, more,
more. They're beginning
to wear the same face,
a carnal imprint of
But I know they don't see me,
how could they, lying, eyes
rolling in the back of their
My eyes
I can picture your face here but it'd never do,
issues of a fallacy state.
How could you leave this impression?
Emotional digression.
I've promised myself time
and time again not to fall for the same old ****,
that kiss, that ******
blood-inked kiss.
But the insulin fused memories scream. I
detest the wretchedness I've exposed
to. A period of forgetting
you, but the passage of time
pulling grain from grain, uplifts my disdain.
I finally feel comfortable unveiled,
awaken, lying next to
the humming lips of a
foreign swain.
Copyrighted May 2010.
Andrew Wenson Apr 2011
Small children draw 'pon the sidwalk
Small-dicked men drive ****** trucks
A vagrant sleeps
In a shopping cart

His mobile home
Gives the finger
To social norms.
Ayeshah Apr 2020
I want to know why...

all I keep thinking about is how could you love me
so immensely;
so intensely;
so sensual;
so seductively;
so intimately
and yet all we are is

I want to know how can you touch me
to where my bones shake and my flesh craves you, so much so that I'd be happy to take ya last name!?

Why kiss me and put your soul into everything you do to me?

 Your spirits on a  rampage and it ran through my body like a tornado mixed with a rumbling lustful hurricane!!

My eyes watch you and what your administrations , they see every thing and my silly fickled heart lurches forth as you enter in and out of me - pounding rhythmically like African drums as you make me ******;.  

while you're kissing me; ******* me - touching my very essence with your  fingers amongst other things.

 while you're all over me and yet all we are is friends!?

More than friends with benefits and I never offered that - so how'd we end up thusly hmmmm!?

I never offered to be a FWD
Because I know my heart's  toooo precious and my body and souls toooo delicate to attempt it,

I'd be defeated before we ever got this close & this far
yet here we are
Just the two of us - me and you.

You said let's take our time and see where things go, but as it's going -
it's flowing in a different way  that I've not expected- obviously with me as ya sacrificial lamb; spread out on a mouth watering platter .

Funny thing is I'm saying NO as  I allow you to lead me down your rabbit hole;  flipping me upside down in 69 positions  and then some

My tantric- karama sutra king.

You're causing havoc on my heart and my mind
you're sexually destroying my inner peace because you've got me  "a'****'ed"
yes there's a compromise to be had cuz my addiction for you differs from being

 I'll explain: my body wants you; my heart craves your inner beauty;  my Honeywell desire all that you give, but my mind&soul longs for a commitment!  
Can you understand & see there's a difference?

I'm speaking from my spirit.

You got me caught up, wrapped up in your swirling embrace.
You're suicide
heart break  
I can't get enough & won't let go.

The weight of your body's pressed against me - down on me as your muscles stand tight and taunt leavinf me breathless
And it feels so right like yo. you're home to me but we're just

The ways  you say my name has me delirious  and giddy.
I light up at the sound - everytime you moan it out, shivers go through me.

Ugh see that right there - that smile, don't do it.

I watch  how you touch every part of me, from
licking my toes ,
to kissing my lips,
from ******* on my fingers,
to moving my hips,
from dipping in and out
and out and in.

That's that **** that has me trapped & tripping all over THIS
friendship & myself
and I never want it to end.

Mmman oh man you really don't know, you be making me lose control of my senses& my ******* mind!!!

Tell me how?

Tell me why!?

Why would you do this to me?

Why would you allow yourself to open yourself up as you do and be so vulnerable with me;

beautifully so, I'm sure you know the effects you have on me;
it sends me to my knees .

Babe you're my walking waking dreamlike fantasies!

I'm worried,
even to think of all the possibilities!

Yo you quench all my desires and solidified my dreams.
You've made almost everyone of them come true .

My cups spilling  to overflowing with your loving
Sadly not your

why you holding me so tight
so intimately and we're hugging and held up in ya house
like this!?
it's unrealistic
it'll turn explosive,
my worrying heart
says for me to stop
everything you do is effective & messy
yet fun which tells me maybe
I should run and never look back but didn't I tell you I'm addicted ("a'dicked").

Yo ya got that  charismatic persona,

ya shy-boyish smile drive me wild.

You're skillful I'll give you that, but why you play so hard to get when we already have what we have!?

You stroke the core of me to my spirit with your own,

As you lay deep inside me and love me down in every possible way;  you spoiled me and tamed me while letting me spoil you. Yet we're just friends huh.
So much so that ya ravish my body and you let me wreck havoc in your senses and drink in your essence.

You and I play &  tease, tasting one another but you refuse to open up to me.

I **** myself up every time you're near.
Playing this love making game with our wicked deed.  

Tell me why do you explore me like a new  toy with your mischief curiosity concurring me like a new undiscovered land
hmm & we're just friends huh!?

You have this ability to see right through me to see to the heart of me
the parts I hide and ya say I'm reserved meant only for a specific person must be you huh.

And yet you hold yourself aloft, ya hold yourself off; you keep yourself at a distant where I find myself trying to reel you in; ya not giving too much and I wonder why is that!?

How can I get around that wall,
how can I climb that fence,
how can I penetrate that space-  a place where few others have been

I find it funny- sadistically so, yet  I find it downright obnoxious and wicked- that you do this to me and I have no one else to blame but myself because I can say no at any time and yet when you look at me with those beautiful hazel eyes I get weak;

I melt for you & melt into You!

I fall for you and I stumble-somehow you always catch me!


All I can do is ask you why?

Why do you
do this to me

I'm trying so hard not to put my feelings into it; but every touch;  
every stroke;
every kiss;
every hug;
every bite and evey delicious pounding  
spins me right round back to you.

Ya massive member fills me up and I take it all even when I believe I cannot.

look how good we fit
look how we mesh soul & flesh

I can't help it- this friendship is more than I've expected.

It seems you got me- naw I got me loosing control.

*** I don't know what to think or how to feel.

**** I'm loosing it,
I'm totally confused- is this Love or is this lust!?

All I need to know is Why.

*Why me?
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.®
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Travis Green Jan 2024
He captured and murdered
My pleasure palace with super heavy girth
Held me, derailed me, impaled me
Accelerated the pace, made my heart race
Invaded my guts as I clutched his succulent muscles

Perused my tight, dope bootyhole
Spanked my bare *** cheeks
***** deep inside me
My rich, hot chocolate Romeo
My rock-hard, charming boss daddy

I loved how he stabbed my sweetness
Grabbed me, enraptured me
Felt my fascinating flabbergasters
Rapped with my insides
Made it talk back to him

Made my mouth water
Had me traveling in exhilarating trances
Dicked down on his playing ground
My pleasure spot slaughtered
Feeling his big *** **** in my guts

He was like a game-changing hurricane
That enflamed the **** out of me
Gave me the best infectious strokes
Dug deep inside me, defeated me
Left my velvety man *****
Soaked in his steamy, tasty cream
RMBDUBS Feb 2018
I threw you into the ocean
Watched you flounder
Small and silly.

The ring was barely
Too big
For my little finger
(Probably fit just right on your ****)

I threw it too—
A stony life preserver
For the small-dicked
And emotionally stunted.

I hope you hate yourself,
I hope your time below the surface
Is all
Baking soda and sardines.

You ******* sadboy
You bigot in sheep’s clothing
You needy, whiny little

The ocean was the best
That could have
Happened to you

Remember that
When you

Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
i found that only the mono-phonetic peoples of this earth act like neanderthals did: protectively... implying i had a chance with one of their ****** counterparts... the loss of monotheism in a largely diffused area creates them, they're prone to shouting drunk slogans when watching a football march: with no foreign invasion impeding... to say the basics: that they can't intellectualise drinking is their downfall... drinking is shamanic like eating certain mushroom is: drink is liquidated fungus, it's an implication of all things thriving on the degenerative, to thrive on decomposition... even those championing the psychedelic escape route with the fungus can't see for a miles' worth of **** the potential of liquidating mushrooms / wheat and bottling it... i never expected to say profound things... and even if i did, i wouldn't get a ***** from saying them as those quasis who say profound things and leave me limp-dicked anyway.

a bottle of beer in between glugs of whiskey as they are:
the most refreshing and happy: sunshine down
my throat... and with those words unsaid
but typed: how i too can adopt a sarcasm
for all the woes that un-inebriated
people state, middle-aged and sexually frustrated
from socially-invoked inhibitors concerning image...
sarcasm is all they get back...
it's kinda sad... kinda...
all i'm doing in writing this verse
is an attempt to re-enter the haunting
house of the epic i started
writing two days ago...
    on the principle of ensō i find myself
unable to reenter than narrative,
every time i think about doing so
i think of: inauthentic...
                and it would be,
authenticity and the equivalent of
said once, therefore said properly...
but i wish to: only to erased the (pending)
in the title...
   but then i look at the script and think:
i've moved past this...
    why would i want to turn a river
of yore, into a lake of the now?
then unto man, who unable to coerce the elements
sought a fifth for elemental as too sensory
encapsulation and boundary,
   lightning being the fifth element...
candles v. light-bulbs, right?
       for too long the tetra-said-and-tetra-experienced...
or toward encapsulating man in
     water (creativity)
       and within wind (empty talk)
          as with earth (proverbs)
so too with fire (rhetoric)
                    so too with lightning (genius),
how i wish to have been able to write those
belittling notes down in industrial print
away from what would be considered
mindless sketching: that is why industrialisation
of print has created a medium of uniformity,
but also the Picasso's worth of hand-craftship
in what appeared at Belshazzar's feast in
the invention of late, western origination of graffiti:
******* rebel. can anyone else imagine
saying something like that, instead of asking
us why the flu or the tapeworm exists?
       the re-, the one true unfathomable monstrosity
apart from the logic of moving from point A to
point B... the re-, the one true unfathomable
monstrosity that burdens us all: who are rested...
the repetitive dream when we are instilled into
lying back and unconscious...
   for the blinking of the eye: and what is sight...
     for the first oyster gulped wriggling down
our oesophagus, alive,
    to the second and third, on a date with a lovely
   at Harrods... for all that re- is, without the -s,
it can only be a thing...                        as
thus said: that ancient curse of the vampiric
insatiable thirst to continue: under whatever circumstance,
repeat, replicate... oh the woe of the re-
                         as to be endured, heard, seen, felt, tasted...
with the demagogue all suicides rebel against:
master pro, master pro,
         who ***** his re *****, who ***** his re *****
in all of us: as transcendental genetics might not teach
us... bound to only escape such a formula,
staging ourselves within the groundwork of
the pre formulae; or how i can understand true will,
or the existence of will, as only a suicide might
investigate: to take death into his ***** and say:
for what will continue in me is but mere an apathy
of submission, but if i take death to the dancefloor,
i will truly find death's master: for in old age i will
not find wisdom, but merely the plagiarism of
childhood with less haste: to chase, to hide, to speak...
i find old age as not blessing with that childhood
already was... let me take death to the dancefloor,
on the seabed, in the hands of a hurricane,
         in the sunken sockets of gravity...
       please, here, in the crescendo of what i feel,
rather than in a congregation of mourners who
weep only in the thespian courtesy for others.
suicide? that is what i understand as true will -
              man, bacterium infernum: lost within
a blinking of an eye - within which all fates of things
freeze, undisturbed, as if alive and relentlessly blooming,
for within them an untrodden path and
within them a hand that never endured tilling as
a scythe... of that Edenic hope: to live among
the less mechanised things and in turn be a lessened
replica of that mecha-...           should this be seen
as an encouragement? too long has the asylum been
                    few have ventured to romanticise
the eventuality of Camus' culmination...
of what had to become the *sole
          hence the taboos... people demand to think
that certain cognitive states are akin to viral infections...
   as if all those bound to the unexplained are
pulverising leprosy to the general public...
   a common trait, among neanderthals.
Luna Jay May 2019
Craving attention from the sunshine-
How divine it is
To not be dicked down.
Frowned upon- now that I'm
Of age.
In the dustiest of ways.
Parting ways with
Hazed days
Laced with lust.
Trading them in
For sanity-
The only thing I can trust.
Rusting away
Waiting for someone to
Touch me.
Chalsey Wilder Mar 2016
Funny how you use the amount of ***** you get
And girls who you have follow
To amount up to how attractive you are
Knowing **** good and well ugly people somehow got someone to creep with
You don't need to look pretty to get ***** or dicked down
And just because they follow,
It doesn't make you ****
Especially since, these actions are so senseless
And these actions are a risk that
Makes you love the game
But the game never did anything
The player did
That's why the game is never blamed.
Brujo Alligatore Sep 2015
An old hobo true friend
Came back from the ramble.
He ate our fancy soup
And stayed up with our candles.

My skinny, charming, big dicked buddy
Came to dig my new normal life.
Moved his *** body in my house
And inserted himself in my wife.

I love her free in every way
And I wanted her to be fulfilled.
But her love receptors attached to him
And our square family home was killed.

Did I learn a thing
Or did life find something new?
Just betrayal and stupidity
And I'm back eating bumshack stew.
I actually said
To a man
The words
"You're a good-dicked
And other people
Witnessed this
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Woke ***** as ****
Got on line to find a big dicked buck
Well to my surprise
So got into my truck  
Did not have to drive far
There standing in front of me
The God's sent to me
*** this was an incredible man
Rolled up next to him in the truck
Hey man, what's up
He answered:
"Not much"
He reached in and touched -- ----
Looked me in the eye and ask
Back to your place so we can ****????
He got into my truck
We went back to my place
****** and ****** and ******
And ******
Looked at him, "get dressed it's time to leave"
He looked at me in disbelief and said  
"After what I just received
I don't want to leave"
Ten years later
He is still with me
Just ask, Will you marry me???
This morning

Katie Jul 2019
wrist, lips
hips kiss!
limp dicked
****** kids
Jeffrey Robin Sep 2016

***** Sunset Midnight Morning

Yeah !


In the photo shopped in shadows of fake misery

Waitin for THE MAN to go away


In the broken dream streets

Broken promises make good lovers
For the

Ill informed

Members of the hidden community

Brain washed and weak children follow their parents


where they ******* continuously to the sound

Bongo Drums

As the long dicked boys lick the

Virginal juices of those in the proximity

Of womanhood



tales of heaven fill the spaces once occupied by

The stories of saints and children

Creating in pure hills

We are ready

We are here

In the

***** Sunset Midnight Morning

Or rebirth and it's grace

We are here

You too are here

Here together for the

Marriage Feast

wordvango Aug 2017
chances and throes
of squandering gifts
given us  
by this blue and green orb
with a new and bigger truck
hey have fun
all the same separate
I might idealize
where the fun is destructing
or using or litter
of Six billions of us
on those under
those lower on the rung
getting ****** daily
I am the top have my day
in the sun I believe in the rigged
system because I have
the means
elect another Oligarch
big dicked mouth liar next time
cause in the end
change is good
and the times a gonna change
watch em
Heil Trump!
God bless over the lost souls gangsta rock n rolls
Swoles of bank scrolls scriptures told in bold roles
Of the black legacy running since 1st of the BC
**** JC he ain't never walked out treachery scenery
All painted red footprints misread from bloodshed
See the heads tapped from the feds nothing but led
Read to the back of the real threads of forgotten saids
Speeches spread messages fled over sleeping beds
Cemetery buried with wise guys who saw lies ties
To the occultic pulp fictions sculpt it counterfeit
Life tryna sway away from the strife she got many wives
Husband of agony jealously ****** and armed robbery
See society in three dimensional reality salley
A sweet strawberry still gettin' dicked in the alley
Call up a rally no time for slouching scampis Sampson
Watching out for Delilahs shadow beautiful fiery halos
That's just waiting to re'glow resurface the cold
Once the heat is out watch where ya route ya business
Just giving up the realness all I suggest is kids
Teach 'em real scholars burning collars creflo dollars
Ain't never keep it real pastors just out to steal ****
And destroy they mad at me cuz I found my joy
Huh I move like earth vibrating tectonics supersonic
Blowing super chronic playing Ojays to BarKays
Real music for ya soul to dance to funky instrumentals
Write how I feel **** how you feel if you ain't diggin'
My skills stop chasing the bills of a thrills real steels
Being felt for those being dealt with this mafia ****
Amsterdam don't give a **** all critics get slammed

Boombastic fantastic stretch it like elastic rhymes fanatic
Like MF Doom static cracked it heads I batted tatted
On the mental from the scope I'm dope don't do dope
Got ya eloped to the bars that rope around industry slopes
It's hard to cope all the sane and insanity picnic ants
Crawling like instincts suckas scared to blink sink
Deep into twlight zone battles of Rome dueling chrome
Against my own got **** the war is still on the horizon
Flow cosmic *** my chick til she flies by space corporate
Guardians of the gate relate ******* her state
Hypnosis ****** overdoses stays the closest Moses
Holdin' my rod along with the stips caught wisdoms drips
Reign upon me showered me with a beautiful legacy crazy
This ain't a conspiracy but conned from the reality actuality
Still battling from a locality where many don't wanna see
Brown braids Rasta crusades original predator
No Schwarzenegger to bust out of the flavors tapers
Of Hollywood marginalized the hood off falsehood
See us we been banging before banging **** sanging
Cut off the puppet strings that was dangling paining
All my adversaries I got a picture with ya cemetery
We gotta keep it raw above the law do you see what I see
Warren G? 90s flow vibe feel the thrive all the way live
Coolio cracking ya mental celebrate Nefertiti's embryo
Yo I'm speaking on a certain skin melanin within sins
Got us welded unsung heros hung over the bridging gongs
Master martial arts lyricist cop ears listening to this
Tripping circuits my words hit like a baby symphony
Oooos and ahhhhs gimme the leche out ya bras
Mami's from Miami Texas Virgina and DC see me
Twice on the third **** the birds I chattel the herds
Seven time felon priced rhymes my mind ain't sellin'
T R S Oct 2019
Bleeding in a park bench,
Up you're ***.
Upended fast it the
Wrought-bent, upset,
Tortured-tilted dealing.

Sickened, ******, packed-apart narcissists
had held hate.

And placated nauseous fates.


Dicked apart.

Showed fascism and
hell-soaked ramen noodle dealings.

Really, I don't care.
But I rather have a hope,
than care about improper,
unhopeful, lawyer-made dealings.
Travis Green Dec 2023
I am so enthralled
By his monster sausage
The way he strokes it
And smiles at me
Bite his delicious lips

Make ****** sounds
Move it all around
Make me hanker
To bow down before him
Drown in him

Be bound to him
Dream of him
Take in his manly scent
Lose myself in his robustness
His untouchable succulency
The way he pleasures himself

Bends over, plays with his manhole
Spread his *** cheeks
Make me so ******* weak
Turn around and stroke his meat
Leave me speechless

Ready to eat him up
Make me go crazy
Set me ablaze with the way
He flexes his macho muscles
Stroke his ******* **** for me

Hold onto his colossal nuts
Give me an addictive rush
Indulge in his seductiveness
Worship every inch of him
Gawp at his long, slick meat

The way he plays with it
Jerks it uncontrollably
Makes me wanna control his pole
******* it while he smokes a blunt
Makes me float in and out of parallel dimensions

The more I check out his powerful form
His irresistibly dopalicious exquisiteness

Fresh *** manliness on sight
The sexiest beast with impeccable testicles
That makes me ache for him
In ways that I can’t explain

Go down on him
And never come back up
Make me choke
As I savor his stellar ****
Make me hanker
To be dicked down by him

Take all his thickness
Make me holler like there’s no tomorrow
And as he approaches
A satisfying crescendo
I behold his untamed machoness
As he explodes everywhere
Travis Green Feb 2024
Being with him was something
I didn’t know how magical it could be
But when he gathered me in his arms
Introduced me to his splashiness
Filled me with incalculable passion

Had my mouth watering
The more explored my erogenous region
Dicked me down
Had  me bouncing off the walls
Feeling his thickness deep inside me
Refusing to let go as he controlled me

Long stroked me, showed me
The formidable power of his machoness
I was swept away by his **** gazes
His hands on my bounteous cakes
Had me walking on sunshine

His magic stick steadily swelled inside me
I couldn’t contain myself as he pulverized me
Gave me bomb *** that had me screaming his name
The way he coursed through my core
Filled me with everlasting pure joy

He was so freaking manlicious
And well-muscled to the max
Shocked me round-the-clock
Loaded my ******* up
With his bold, ferocious dopeness
Travis Green Jan 2024
The moment he drove
His monster man muscle
Deep into my guts
I fell in love with the way
He ****** me roughly

Clutched my luscious ****
Smacked and smashed it
Made me feel his flaming hot hurricane
Of dangerously electrifying passion
I was a prisoner of his masculine love
So hung up on his immaculate gangster magic

His hard-hitting thrusts
Were unbelievably seductive as ****
He had me in the throes of his machoness
My man ***** powerless
Devoured by his succulent thugness
Dicked down, drowned in his astounding love

— The End —