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A Tale

“Of Brownyis and of Bogilis full is this Buke.”
                              —Gawin Douglas.

When chapman billies leave the street,
And drouthy neebors neebors meet,
As market-days are wearing late,
An’ folk begin to tak’ the gate;
While we sit bousing at the *****,
An’ getting fou and unco happy,
We think na on the lang Scots miles,
The mosses, waters, slaps, and stiles,
That lie between us and our hame,
Whare sits our sulky, sullen dame,
Gathering her brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.

This truth fand honest Tam o’Shanter,
As he frae Ayr ae night did canter,
(Auld Ayr, wham ne’er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonie lasses).

O Tam! hadst thou but been sae wise,
As ta’en thy ain wife Kate’s advice!
She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum,
A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum,
That frae November till October,
Ae market-day thou was nae sober;
That ilka melder, wi’ the miller,
Thou sat as lang as thou had siller;
That ev’ry naig was ca’d a shoe on,
The smith and thee gat roarin fou on;
That at the Lord’s house, ev’n on Sunday,
Thou drank wi’ Kirkton Jean till Monday.
She prophesied that, late or soon,
Thou would be found deep drowned in Doon;
Or catched wi’ warlocks in the mirk,
By Alloway’s auld haunted kirk.

Ah, gentle dames! it gars me greet,
To think how mony counsels sweet,
How mony lengthened sage advices,
The husband frae the wife despises!

But to our tale: Ae market-night,
Tam had got planted unco right;
Fast by an ingle, bleezing finely,
Wi’ reaming swats, that drank divinely;
And at his elbow, Souter Johnny,
His ancient, trusty, drouthy crony;
Tam lo’ed him like a vera brither;
They had been fou for weeks thegither.
The night drave on wi’ sangs an’ clatter;
And aye the ale was growing better:
The landlady and Tam grew gracious,
Wi’ favours, secret, sweet, and precious:
The Souter tauld his queerest stories;
The landlord’s laugh was ready chorus:
The storm without might rair and rustle,
Tam did na mind the storm a whistle.

Care, mad to see a man sae happy,
E’en drowned himself amang the *****;
As bees flee hame wi’ lades o’ treasure,
The minutes winged their way wi’ pleasure:
Kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious,
O’er a’ the ills o’ life victorious!

But pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flow’r, its bloom is shed;
Or like the snow falls in the river,
A moment white—then melts for ever;
Or like the borealis race,
That flit ere you can point their place;
Or like the rainbow’s lovely form
Evanishing amid the storm.—
Nae man can tether time or tide;
The hour approaches Tam maun ride;
That hour, o’ night’s black arch the key-stane,
That dreary hour he mounts his beast in;
And sic a night he tak’s the road in,
As ne’er poor sinner was abroad in.

The wind blew as ‘twad blawn its last;
The rattling showers rose on the blast;
The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed;
Loud, deep, and lang the thunder bellowed:
That night, a child might understand,
The De’il had business on his hand.

Weel mounted on his grey mare, Meg,
A better never lifted leg,
Tam skelpit on thro’ dub and mire,
Despising wind, and rain, and fire;
Whiles holding fast his gude blue bonnet;
Whiles crooning o’er some auld Scots sonnet;
Whiles glow’rin round wi’ prudent cares,
Lest bogles catch him unawares;
Kirk-Alloway was drawing nigh,
Whare ghaists and houlets nightly cry.

By this time he was cross the ford,
Whare in the snaw the chapman smoored;
And past the birks and meikle stane,
Whare drunken Charlie brak’s neck-bane;
And thro’ the whins, and by the cairn,
Whare hunters fand the murdered bairn;
And near the thorn, aboon the well,
Whare Mungo’s mither hanged hersel’.
Before him Doon pours all his floods;
The doubling storm roars thro’ the woods;
The lightnings flash from pole to pole;
Near and more near the thunders roll;
When, glimmering thro’ the groaning trees,
Kirk-Alloway seemed in a bleeze;
Thro’ ilka bore the beams were glancing;
And loud resounded mirth and dancing.

Inspiring bold John Barleycorn!
What dangers thou canst mak’ us scorn!
Wi’ tippenny, we fear nae evil;
Wi’ usquabae, we’ll face the devil!
The swats sae reamed in Tammie’s noddle,
Fair play, he cared na deils a boddle.
But Maggie stood right sair astonished,
Till, by the heel and hand admonished,
She ventured forward on the light;
And, wow! Tam saw an unco sight!
Warlocks and witches in a dance;
Nae cotillion, brent new frae France,
But hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys, and reels,
Put life and mettle in their heels.
A winnock-bunker in the east,
There sat auld Nick, in shape o’ beast;
A towzie tyke, black, grim, and large,
To gie them music was his charge:
He ******* the pipes and gart them skirl,
Till roof and rafters a’ did dirl.—
Coffins stood round, like open presses,
That shawed the Dead in their last dresses;
And by some devilish cantraip sleight
Each in its cauld hand held a light,
By which heroic Tam was able
To note upon the haly table,
A murderer’s banes in gibbet-airns;
Twa span-lang, wee, unchristened bairns;
A thief, new-cutted frae a ****,
Wi’ his last gasp his gab did gape;
Five tomahawks, wi’ blude red-rusted;
Five scimitars, wi’ ****** crusted;
A garter, which a babe had strangled;
A knife, a father’s throat had mangled,
Whom his ain son o’ life bereft,
The grey hairs yet stack to the heft;
Wi’ mair of horrible and awfu’,
Which even to name *** be unlawfu’.

As Tammie glowered, amazed and curious,
The mirth and fun grew fast and furious:
The Piper loud and louder blew;
The dancers quick and quicker flew;
They reeled, they set, they crossed, they cleekit,
Till ilka carlin swat and reekit,
And coost her duddies to the wark,
And linket at it in her sark!

Now Tam, O Tam! had they been queans,
A’ plump and strapping in their teens;
Their sarks, instead o’ creeshie flainen,
Been snaw-white seventeen hunder linen!—
Thir breeks o’ mine, my only pair,
That ance were plush, o’ gude blue hair,
I *** hae gi’en them off my hurdies,
For ae blink o’ the bonie burdies!

But withered beldams, auld and droll,
Rigwoodie hags *** spean a foal,
Lowping and flinging on a crummock,
I wonder didna turn thy stomach.

But Tam kenned what was what fu’ brawlie:
‘There was ae winsome ***** and waulie’,
That night enlisted in the core
(Lang after kenned on Carrick shore;
For mony a beast to dead she shot,
And perished mony a bonie boat,
And shook baith meikle corn and bear,
And kept the country-side in fear);
Her cutty sark, o’ Paisley harn,
That while a lassie she had worn,
In longitude tho’ sorely scanty,
It was her best, and she was vauntie.
Ah! little kenned thy reverend grannie,
That sark she coft for her wee Nannie,
Wi’ twa pund Scots (’twas a’ her riches),
*** ever graced a dance of witches!

But here my Muse her wing maun cour,
Sic flights are far beyond her power;
To sing how Nannie lap and flang,
(A souple jade she was and strang),
And how Tam stood, like ane bewitched,
And thought his very een enriched;
Even Satan glowered, and fidged fu’ fain,
And hotched and blew wi’ might and main:
Till first ae caper, syne anither,
Tam tint his reason a’ thegither,
And roars out, “Weel done, Cutty-sark!”
And in an instant all was dark:
And scarcely had he Maggie rallied,
When out the hellish legion sallied.

As bees bizz out wi’ angry fyke,
When plundering herds assail their byke;
As open pussie’s mortal foes,
When, pop! she starts before their nose;
As eager runs the market-crowd,
When “Catch the thief!” resounds aloud;
So Maggie runs, the witches follow,
Wi’ mony an eldritch screech and hollow.

Ah, Tam! ah, Tam! thou’ll get thy fairin!
In hell they’ll roast thee like a herrin!
In vain thy Kate awaits thy comin!
Kate soon will be a woefu’ woman!
Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg,
And win the key-stane of the brig;
There at them thou thy tail may toss,
A running stream they dare na cross.
But ere the key-stane she could make,
The fient a tail she had to shake!
For Nannie, far before the rest,
Hard upon noble Maggie prest,
And flew at Tam wi’ furious ettle;
But little wist she Maggie’s mettle—
Ae spring brought off her master hale,
But left behind her ain grey tail:
The carlin claught her by the ****,
And left poor Maggie scarce a stump.

Now, wha this tale o’ truth shall read,
Ilk man and mother’s son, take heed:
Whene’er to drink you are inclined,
Or cutty-sarks run in your mind,
Think, ye may buy the joys o’er dear,
Remember Tam o’Shanter’s mare.
Ananya zootz Jun 2015
The time sways
Forth and back
Through the light
Happiness shines
Smiling bright
Everything that felt fine
Now are crowded in a sack
Closed, taped, not my way
It kills me,little slow deaths
To have them go with
A part of me alive
Why do the cure of emptyness
Has to have an end
Left with that painless ache
That creates a hole deep in pain
A member lost in my chaos
Returned by their ignorance
In the place which thy fitted
Now asks for coverage
It can't even be masked
For they cutted it broad and wide
It kills me,little slow deaths
To have them go
With a part of me alive.
That they never feel
How my elated heart smiled
When their smiles were around
They never cared for what
I gave up in the flick of eyes
Mesmerised by the sunkissed times
All they did was,
Find the ink to my page
And filled me up with their
Promising words
All they did then was
Give up on me
When they found that
I was filled up to brimm
So they took away me from me
With some that belonged there's
And with some that I never cared.
All they did was left me bereft.
I felt devastated for I actually pass the words I say. I have lost the shine of my daylight, life is there with its usual casualties, but those aren't who brightened the night.
Danny Valdez Dec 2011
She could never do anything.
Her parents thought nearly everything
was immoral & blasphemous.
A boy from school had gotten her
a poster for her birthday
of her favorite band Good Charlotte.
It was just harmless pop music
but her parents didnt approve of
all their black clothes, tattoos, spiky hair, and eyeliner
so they were making her tear it down.
It was the only thing
hanging on her walls
that was hers.
Everything else had to do with
Joseph Smith & the Morman Temple.
That's all the two of them ever talked about
but when she actually asked questions
and was critical of the beliefs of the church
they just shut her down
with empty answers & irrelevant metaphors.
"But Mom there isn't anything bad about this band! It's made for kids!"
"That's what worries me Amanda...the media & music companies want to poison your mind. The morals of this country are falling apart, heck they're not even there anymore. and I both know that this band does not follow the teachings of the prophet. You know how we feel, you need to choose the right. Remember?"
With her head down and tears falling, she knew she couldnt win.
"Okay then."
Her Mom said, tearing the poster off the wall.
She held it out to her.
"Come on. Rip it up."
"Rip the poster in half."
"No. No way. If you wanna tear it, then you do it. I'm not gonna destroy a gift from my friend. What is the point of this? Am I not allowed to have anything?!"
Her father stormed into the room.
"Young lady....I am NOT going to stand for such disobedience!"
Her mother stood in the doorway, while her father violently ripped the chords for her phone and t.v. out of the wall.
"Three months grounding. To your room, no phone, no tv, and absolutely no theater activities after school. I don't care what it's for. Now sit on that bed, and get out your book of morman. Dinner will be ready soon, you can come down then."
He slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside. They had a special lock installed.
She paced the room, her thoughts going a mile a minute.
If she didnt do something, she would lose her mind, she decided.
Inside a pile of stuffed animals was a phone.
Her secret phone.
One of those prepays, she kept it on with babysitting money.
She didnt know if it would do any good, but she called the cops. She had to try something.
An hour later
they were eating dinner in silence, when the doorbell rang.
Her father shot her a suspicious look, before getting up to answer.
The girl could hear the officers talking to her father at the door.
They came inside and sat in the den
for a good five minutes, maybe more.
Finally he called her into the room.
"Yes, Dad."
"Did you call the police on me?"
"...yes." She said, looking down.
"Why? I havent hit you. Have I?"
"No. keep me locked up all the time. You wont just let me be a normal kid. You're so into the church, you can't see what it's doing to you. Officers I've spent the past two months locked up in my room. Now they want to ground me three more months. All because I wouldn't tear up a Good Charlotte poster. Just because they're not mormon, doesn't mean that they're bad. Does everything have to be about church? All the time"
The two cops looked at each other, concerned, with wrinkled brows.
They were both young, crew cutted, blond hair, blue eyed, boys in blue.
One spoke up, clearing his throat.
"Amanda...a band like that...doesn't follow or honor the teachings of the one, true, prophet....Joseph Smith."
"Yes, you really must obey your parents. The lord commands it."
The girl shrieked, blood-curdling, up the stairs
to her room.
They were everywhere, there was no escape. Her parents, teachers, neighbors, friends, and even the police.
It was the Mormon Church's town.
She finally embraced the solitude
decided to just ride it out
wait them out
and then get out.
When I finally got a car
I would drive by her house
and she would always be there in the window
waving back at me.
She had two long years of that
before she was finally
granted freedom at eighteen.
My friend in the Tower of Zion
the Morman Rapunzel
Pretty in Pink with her short blond hair.
She had to be free.
Today she lives on a piece of land
with her husband and some dogs.
She made it.
alliyah Dec 2018
Let me walk you through inside a writer's mind.

Aren't you curious?

How can someone write like that?
How can someone have those sick emotions?
How can someone be so dramatic?
How can someone be that suicidal?
How can someone be so sad?

You know what?
Being able to write about those things is a privilege.
If I have no one to talk to,
if I have no one to vent all my sentiments,
poems are going to slap me with a pen and a paper.
And i'm all good.
Once i've let go of that burning pen,
the moment I read what I wrote into that ****** paper.
My diaphragm finally relaxed,
I can finally breathe.

And when a writer doesn't have any inspiration,
that soul must do all thy take to feel everything and anything in order to fill those pages, those ****** pages.

You must value every word you read inside a poem or any kind of literature.

Because you didn't know what emotional ride that living flesh took just to serve you those burning hot raw words.

But aren't you curious?
Don't you want to know what it took?
What it took to serve those emotions to you?

A writer...
Scream, screamed like a mad sicko.

A writer...
Cry, cried like a new born baby.

A writer...
Laugh, laughed like there's no tomorrow.

A writer...
Burn, burned in their own oil.

A writer...
Slit, slitted thy skin and...

A writer...
Cut, cutted thy flesh and...

A writer...
Bleed, bleed until there's no more left.

Bleed until that living soul can write something.

A writer...
Is empty.

A writer...
Is a lost soul who can't find it's way back.

A writer...
Is dead... inside.

Then, viola!

A burning hot literature is served.

And that, my friend, is what inside a writer's mind.
wanna go deeper? nah, you probably shouldn't.
zeineb bouhaouel Sep 2014
blessed from the lord or
cursed by the devil
scared of death or
afraid of punishment
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
obsessed by you or
possessed by the devil
pretend to die or
already dead
what a messy girl i am and what a messy world i’m living in
haunted house or
confused mind
cutted head or
buried alive
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
a sinner or
a saint
pretend to die or
already dead
Irony Aug 2015
you cut me down like an old abandoned tree,
now i shall leave with what is left of me,

I am not the wisest
nor the faintest
but i have seen the hate and felt the love.

you are different
for you hurt me
and now you see

my heart is not easily changed.
because you cut me down
like that old abandoned tree

now is shall leave with what is left of me.
the person i used to be
yes the one who willingly handed the key

has passed and now is utterly free
when the day of love comes
with its sweet smelling sweets

and its pink cutted hearts
i will sit there
on the hill upon a stump

thinking of how you cut me down
cut me down
just like that old abandoned tree.
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
blessed from the lord or
cursed by the devil
scared of death or
afraid of punishment
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
obsessed by you or
possessed by the devil
pretend to die or
already dead
what a messy girl i am and what a messy world i’m living in
haunted house or
confused mind
cutted head or
buried alive
well i don’t know anymore maybe both
a sinner or
a saint
pretend to die or
already dead
Dark Delusion Sep 2016
Needles under my nails.
Spoons behind my eyes.
You notice all the trails.
I wish you wouldn’t realize.

Robe around my neck.
Wild fire burning my skin.
Why did you have to check.
You don't have to win.
My cutted fingers lies everywhere
Blood is flushing out.
Why did you have to care.
“Die your *****” is all they go about.

Now you have to go through the same.
Ripping every hair out.
This is not just a game.
They won’t hear even if you shout.

Now I’m not alone because of you.
Even though you cared.
You can see out of my point of view.
Death is what you dared.

Life is our drug we all share.
While death is our remedies.
We all share the same nightmare.
Now I lie with our Dead Memories.
georje naïf Jun 2015
She who cutted her wrist
And got scars
She who drink
Until she get drunk
She who doesn't care
But with herself
She who hurts anybody
But was so sorry
She who won't listen to anyone
But have regrets
She who feel pain
And hatred
She who seeks attention
And still searching
She who needs Love
Was *No One But I
khan ib Jun 2014
i can't even express my extreme hate for myself properly without crying during the start of it, my words get shaky and stupid, eyes start to sting, that ****** feeling in your throat, and more hatred swarming through my veins and out of my silent screams and as i stare at the ugly tears i shed that have fallen on my pillow, more hatred pierces my toungue and makes my appetite bitter with only satisfaction coming with an empty tummy and a deep cutted wrist.
Akshay Ghadge Feb 2018
At the rooftop bar
In the night I see stars
Love isn’t bad
Neither we are
We fail to express,
We fail to feel so
We Hate the love...

All these lines are about the life,
The one i didn’t decide
Watch out, he’s about to stride
With one insident, feelings has died,
I would have regrets, but i have tried,
Cried, a tearfull eyes,
In the winter we wait for sunrise,
Coz Cold Nights are hard to survive
But survival is a thing you must not deny,
Love hurts making you angery,
Cutted with blades, please take me to dispensary
Went to Flash back, remindes me something dark, which i am afraid of
But i see light in her side, goosebumps for the fight to life
But i was wrong, thought shez strong
I am like japan, shes being nuclear bomb, ready to explode,
She closed the door,i lost the key
I am on the ice with broken ski
Going so far where you cant reach
But remember
Every hiroshima have one nagasaki...

At the rooftop bar
In the night I see stars
Love isn’t bad
Neither we are
We fail to express,
We fail to feel so
We Hate the love...

That was a remembrance, what a feeeling it was,
She and me emprising thoughts,
Some of them cited when i see the  past, away from the world in eachother we lost,
We brought happiness tied in relationship knots...
But i wonder how things can change so fast?
From everything we’re nowhere to be found,
Karma hit rebound, and i am down
Depressed, broken feelings all around
Hate gaining towards love now,
But my love there is life ahead to go
Don’t you mind if i am moving on
Relationship?? no place in my heart
Coz every end is a new start.

At the rooftop bar
In the night I see stars
Love isn’t bad
Neither we are
We fail to express,
We fail to feel so
We Hate the love...

People talk about love and their lovable
They feel em, they need em
But i have something different to tell
Worst, bad and how i fell...
We fight, we love, we laugh, we? No i cried,
Somewhere in my mind i got this line
Are you falling for me?
Like i fall for you?
Or this all are dreams i want to?

You kept coming in my dreams
Those were very hurtfull enough me to scream
But i love the pain, by them i gain
Your memories keep hitting my brain
Like alcohol in my veins, i know that was a too lame,
I just tried to rhyme this in line, why you sad? Dont worry i’m fine
keep answering this to my friend
But let me tell you silence is my strenth, so i started this lyrical game
I’ll tell you in detail who were main
To separated us in two
And made me a swain...
I am empty road in rain
Waiting for you to come in
We’ll steep together...
Mom shouted,
And i woke up alone in my bed....
I've been cutted into pieces,
Pieces I can't find myself
Pieces I can't glue by my own,
I'm falling apart through this
I'm not complete anymore,
Maybe I've never been full
Maybe I need more than glue.
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
The stench from liquid, almost transparent
wallpaper glue
stunk up the room for a long time.
It took half a day to stick merely few
of those soggy and vile rolls.
Though the desire to change the overall
palette of the room to a favorite blue
existed anyway.

However by night, the area around
the window had dried up and peeled off the wall,
holding only around the ceiling
and the floor. The draft from the window was probably
to blame, the old frame even closed
still let the wind through the cracks. The worst
pieces had to be throw away and new
ones were cutted out. Those wallpapers, which were
still more or less holding on, were
put back on a simple office glue. While leaving the
room for re-drying, the most dangerous
sections of the window frame were covered with rags,
the door - with foam rubber and
old clothes.

It took 8 rolls in total.
In the 4 by 2.5 m bedroom, at a height
of about three meters,
one roll covered almost a full
two meters of the perimeter. Therefore,
excluding the window,
but taking into account the gaps to adjust the pattern,
seven rolls were used for the walls. The eighth
remained spare but never came in handy.
Eight rolls cost (roughly)
230 UAH. Also glue for 83 UAH.
Marjh Feb 2019
You were captured by an evil
You were caged without your will
And you were scared, so scared
You never thought of this, you're unprepared
You wanted to escape
But they won't let you
And now they want to eliminate you
Your beautiful wings had been cutted off
You were begging so soft, trying to touch their hearts
But you remembered, they don't have it since from the start
I hope you'll like it.
Cabrena Jackson Jun 2019
I thought if I hide the pain
It would go away,
I thought if I put on a smile
No one would notice,
And they never did.
So... each day continued
Just as it would yesterday,
I get picked on
And called names,
They just stood there
And watched me
get shoved to the ground
Or kicked about,
Day after day.
I watched them turned their backs,
I watched my friends walk away,
No one came to see if I was okay,
I got up every time and ran to the bathroom
To draw my tears,
I would be in there for hours and hours..
And no one would notice that
I was missing,
That was when I knew
I wasn't worth anything,

There were times when I didn't want to go to school,
Times I pretended to be sick,
Times I wanted to run away,
And times I wish that I was never here,
I wished and wished
That I could be someone else,
Someone who wasn't sad all the time,
Someone who was brave and strong
To fight back,
Someone who wasn't afraid of what she saw.....
When facing the mirror,
Someone who didn't want to erase her future,
Someone like Aalyiah...
Or Anna,
Those are the popular girls at school,
They are the ones who make me feel

They would spread lies
About me,
Saying that I have slept with over a hundred different guys,
And how I have contracted some kind of a disease,
"But it isn't true.."
I would tell them,
But who would believe
someone like me??
They stared at me with
hatred and disgust,
So much that I wanted...
I wished I could just.........
Then maybe....
I wouldn't feel this way.

U see...
I never told my mom
Cause I thought she'll only
Make it worse,
I kept it to myself,
I kept it inside,
I didn't want it to be
Anyone else's problem,

It got so bad..
That I resorted to cutting my wrist,
Once a day..
Sometimes even twice,
I did it to distract myself
From the pain within.
This was the only thing..
I had control over..
The only thing that made me feel
A little better...
About myself..
I thought that if it hurt
I wouldn't feel so broken,
But that's not what happened.
Was it??

I began to hate myself even more,
I hated what I had done to me..,
I Destroyed my beauty
Simply by believing in what they had said,
I straightened my hair
I bleached my skin
I cutted my wrist
I starve myself everyday,
With hopes of getting that perfect looking body,
I just wanted to be accepted,
But NO matter what I did,
I was always....
Always turned away....,
No one took the time to notice that I was afraid,
No one saw the pain revealed through my eyes,
No one knew that I wanted tomorrow to be better than today..
That I was just little girl who needed their love and support..
No one knew anything..
Or maybe they just didn't care..

I said my goodbyes
When no one was listening,
I went to my room
Took a knife with me
And began the cutting process,
With every slice I made
I had to do another
I couldn't stop myself,
It was like I was erasing all the pain,
All the hurtful memories,
It was like a being born again,
A blank plate being handed to me,
And whenever I stopped....
It all came back
In one flash;
The pain
The memories
The names
All of it,
I just couldn't handle it
The emotions
The feelings,
They all came back,
And I wasn't ready for that,
So with the knife pressed
Against my wrist,
I pushed down harder than before
And it went in deep...
Too deep.

I laid there in my own blood,
In sorrow
And somewhat comfortable
like I was going home,
Look at what I had done to myself,
Living on their lies and deception,
It was too late to go back in time,
To change everything...

They then came running through my bedroom door..
Screaming my name..
Asking me...
All these questions,
Asking me why?
Telling me to keep my eyes open..
As I slip into my death...
Who knew this would be my last time..
Drawing the knife across my skin...??

I showed you alot of signs
That I needed you...
But you didn't read between the invisible lines..
U never looked up at me..
U Never saw my eyes...
Ted Scheck Nov 2024
The first time I
Didn't saw but
Sawn anyway
A tree in repose
Temporary Re-
For trees
Exist before seeds
Seedle, grow from little
Baby saplings into
What most all granted
Taken for as just
Leafy woody back-
Ground and dead,
Un-zombie-like, yet
Providing stillness
As they slowly give up
Everything to Mother
Earthly ground, un-
Rooted but, to some,
(Like Mees)
Snaky tendrils no longer
Ground under, under...
Dead trees are still
Lively alive, noticable
When you sit on them,
Trip over them, bust your
Toe through balsa-
Crumbles full of
Worms n such

Human hearts do not half
Rings of growth,
Visible only when
Down cutted is their
Wet, firery, drought
Life seen as ringing
Circles consecrated
From an almost
Invisible heart

Only if I fall
Down, repos
-itioned and perhaps
By magic Trees
Placed switches on
Us mortals, roots
for lumbering,
Limbs in actuality,
Fingers branching
Girthy trunks
Hair musical at the
Top of their windy
Down, fallen
Post-human, would they
Read the hidden rings
In my heart?
Chandra 713 Jan 2020
I asled the window
how it was made
The window replied that
it included many Steps
I asked the window how
many steps were there
The window replied that
"The woodcutter carefully cutted wood
Then the carpenter made it look good
After this the polisher
polished it as he should
Then the fitter fitted the window as he could"
These are the steps
which were there
including the process which better
Imaginary but  rhythimic
NellyE Jul 2020
I want to smell the fresh cutted grass.

I want to feel the warmth of a coffee cup under my hands.

I want to watch the sun rise on a sunflower field.

I want to walk in the sand and feel every grain on my feet.

Most of all I want to thank the universe for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

— The End —