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Steve Page Nov 2016
Holly and Ivy
Walked in the woods
Discussing who was the best
Holly was hoping her rosey complexion
Would maybe outshine all the rest.

But Ivy thought Holly was surely forgetting
The shock of her prickly demeanour
She was convinced for sure
The king would adore
All that was so special about her.

Now Ivy was bit of a hugger
You might say a lot of a clinger
But she was convinced
Her warming embrace
Would win over the king no matter.

And when the time came
For the winter queen crowning
The king of the woods was clear
He chose as his queen the lady he fell for
And it's Holly who now wears his ring.
"The holly and the ivy,
When they are both full grown
Of all the trees that are in the wood
The holly bears the crown."
Prompted by a curious Christmas card featuring 2 ladies in the snow: Holly and Ivy.
Becky Littmann Aug 2014
Boys are really quite amusing & don't even try
They don't realize ALL the entertainment they willingly supply
I swear it could keep me entertained for hours & hours
they bring one girl flowers
she feels so special & can't believe the great guy she has found
but little does she know, he's still messing around
the mystery girl is quite good at her game as well....
since she sees a lot more that goes down, yet she'll never tell
Usually the truth doesn't unfold
...that is... until a friend mentions to her what she is told
SHOCKED & SURPRISED about some of the news her it did majorly confuse
They don't talk like they are happily taken
or even seem like they're smitten
really it's more like how they can't wait to make her purrrrr like a kitten
they tell her how great they will put it down
& how they really wished she didn't live all the way across town
yet, message after message day after day
these boys really can't stay away
She doesn't do anything special or fantastic
buy yet, just like snapping a rubber band, they come flying back, like elastic
she sure isn't one for lying & she doesn't like to brag or boast
it's just what she's noticed the most
When their relationship isn't "going perfect" & there is a little fight
right away who'd they hit up to hang out for a bit that night
maybe it's because they know she's super chill
& their ***** secrets she'll never spill
OR it could be they know she'll most likely say "yes"
& she NEVER becomes a stage 5 clinger or causes them stress
.....BUT the *** has got to be pretty good & rather fun
since they almost always go more rounds than one
You know they wouldn't keep calling if the *** was whack & horrible
because I'm sure they could have called someone else, it's VERY possible
It is her company they can't seem to resist & just need
It is kind of doing a friend a favor, a favor indeed
BUT *** isn't always what happens with them, I hope you know
Sometimes it's simply to just chill, hang out & watch a good show
still nobody will ever believe that, of course, since "everyone" knows two people can't just "hang out" there is ALWAYS someone who will have their doubt
So from an observer, here's my advise: just be wise
DON'T be fooled with what one may say, it can be rather deceiving to blind eyes
What matters more than anything, is ones actions
because they could be really good at causing little distractions
So just be smart & watch cautiously to those around you
since you don't know if they are being fake or real & true
Now, don't get me wrong
they're not all ****** bags
Just watch out for the one who unknowingly brags
the little things will give them away
& they may slip up with words or stories they say
so just be well aware
& handle your heart & feelings with precious care
Guys with girlfriends they claim to love so much & it is all over social media but then they go hitting up other girls on the down low. They thinking that they're slick & that no one will ever know.. oh but we know...yes we do..
triztessa May 2021
i have lost all faculty
words do not say as much
as warmth could never be enough
in the cold weather
all i want is to see your face again
under the covers
all i want is to be surrounded
by your presence
and to feel as much
as i can hold

and we could be strangers again
so i could watch it all unfold
Betuel Apr 2018
Frosty blue eyes
Brighter than the sky
A smile so wide
It makes me feel all right
Freckles on her face
With my fingers id trace
Tatted up like a biker
Maybe thats why i liked her
Octopus on her shoulder
I just wish i could hold her
Also a mermaid, a little ugly she said
I thought it was beautiful it was all in her head
Wooden ship on the other
Mermaid daughter and mother
A light house and a beetle
Shes not afraid of the needle
Jellyfish on her thigh
Mistakes i wish i could rectify
Queen of Hearts on her ring finger
The whole time i was a class 5 clinger
Dont let your dreams be dreams
Tattooed on her chest
Thats why ill let her go
But i wish her the best
Poem about her tattoos
I remember when she would always chase me....
Like the times she would never let me be....
I remember she was a problem an obstacle to fun.....
When she would ask me why she wasnt my number one....
Oh i didnt have time... Ill be right back....
Then she would call crying... What a baby a hack....
I told all my friends  that she was a joke....
Another clinger only good for a poke.....
Then I got no call... To tears beating on phone....
I guess she got tired of being left all alone....
I only  thought that she would always be there....
Even if she left what would i care...
Turns out I pushed her way too far....
Never told her that she was my bright shining star....
My sun.... My world..... The reason I breathe....
Now i get it... A pain I could never concieve...
Just like sand she slipped through my hand....
All she ever wanted was for me to understand...
That she was rare.. A diamond among Stones....
Now i guess its me the one left alone...
She gave me my shot...  My one time chance....
At a love that compares to the greatest romance...
Then  it was too late.... to her house i ran...
But she had the look meant for me... In the arms of another man...
Now I know im not dumb... Im actually very smart...
I can accept that this was never  her fault....
Im to blame... I broke my Heart....
a clinger of wear
the snow bed's snooze
will shampoo a cafeteria in Rome
that program starch as foliage
but to absorb fluids in Ascension
what matters are risen
will further witness these true gyrations
and flatulent is a year younger
and will kick up heavenliness
and flit courageously triumphs
and grease tears her grace
a note on xmas
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2021
i was never a fan of acronyms... it must be an w.a.s.p. "thing"
to have fallen in love with acronyms:
white... anglo-saxon... protestant...
i just imagine...
what it the Swabians or the Pomeranians...
were the chosen tourists...
nomads without a lament score...
oh god someone is oppressing the Saxons...
get to it: sort it out!
of all the Germanic peoples that came to these isles
after the fall of Rome...
my my... how the Saxons hijacked
the Welsh and the Scots for a prize of sending postcards
from the Raj... some remote Pacific Islands...
i live among these people...
morphed by some added French...
i don't like acronyms: i don't like acronym speech...
it's like... the alphabet twice-over...
organised to suit some secret society...
so when i was living out my: soul-osmosis:
psychosis of my 20s...
mid-way through my 30s i stopped taking
the pills i was prescribed:
what waited was a hunger so cycling...
and ingesting electrolytes...
and vitamin B12 supplements...
which translated into 2 cycling sessions a day...
i was going to ask my mother and my father
concerning being irritated
about some...minor bureaucratic doodle
of a vaccine passport...
i could have been riddled with radioactive
juice from 1986... oh yes... the effects of Chernobyl
came around... some of the trees turned
autumnal in the middle of spring:
with streaks of radioactive death...
19 days... pass enough time just emerging as a foetus:
those just might be aeons...
scribble some radioactive juice...
well... a pretty picture...
i'm giggling though... inside and out...
i hate acronym language...
long before the "movement"...
"lifestyle choice"...
i only heard about it then youtube stopped
suggesting me new music to listen to...
apart from the channel harakiri diiat...
i came across videos of political commentary...
later... the... ahem...
    MIG-TOW... MIG-TAO...
Mikoyan... towing...
       or the Mikoyan Tao...
it's a pseudo-take of the fighter jet...
a Russo-Chinese hybrid project...
it's not a fighter-jet...
unless... fighter-jets have a Taoist sensibility
built in them... ha...
it's this "movement" via the acronym MGTOW...
i don't like acronyms...
point being... you don't really need
classical socialism... or their current
pseudo-arguments of inclusivity... blah blah...
best represented blah blah...
you have these... men... in a society...
where... harem quotas are no met...

daseine: da (there) + seine (being) = concern...
dast seine: da- (there) + i-st (is) + seine (being) = potential...
all on conjured up via a blitzkrieg
on a bicycle... mediating heavy traffic...
happens... all the ******* time...
i curse the nerve-wrecks that drive cars...
a woman in mini-cooper: sized so: ||
will require... this much space: |          |
to overtake you...

but a man in a HGV... or a bus... sized so: |          |
will require... this much space: ||
to overtake you...
as an aggressive cyclist...
i can't exactly indicate cycling up a *******
it's sometimes too late coming to a roundabout...
but then again: some indicators of direction
are already painted onto the tarmac...
traffic is not a game for solipsists...
when the former happens
i curse: it would have taken you...
20 more bypassing rounds around
me... doubling down:
when i see a Nissan Micra / a mini cooper
overtake me... while it was taking its time:

WHERE'S... THE... *******... PANZER!

- i'll just draw the sketch in writing...
fiddle with some phonetic cul de sacs..
you draw the bigger picture: the Kandinsky moment...
i don't need socialism to argue my point...
as much as abhor the acronym...
what could possibly undermine capitalism:
not that i want it undermined...
men not coupling with women...
men are not the spenders...

i can attest... one visit in a brothel once every half
a decade will not solve the demand for...
her... make-up chemo-therapy....
i mean... i can swap a good enough amount
of *** for... she's charging me £2 per minute...
perhaps dentists own as much...
perhaps... i spend my money on
bicycle oil... whiskey... ******* flour...
to thicken a curry sauce...

                  capitalism works when...
men are willing to give up their money
for other men to make money from
the women who will spend it...
what if i'm not willing to couple up
with a woman who will spend it on...
the argument is a softened teddy: bear
of a pork **** hammered flat into a schnitzel...
why is my grandmother becoming more
estranged from...
she kept my grandfather's deterioration
a secret... come death: the end...
hardly any argument willing: to be satiated with
any pleasure for the juice of: life...

who needs socialism... to undermine capitalism?
when you can simply have men
detached... divorced... from the spending spree prowess
of women?!
maybe capitalism is just choking everyone into:
abundantly: more! more!
but what if there's no more to spend?
i don't need socialism...
socialism is for Syria... like it was for Poland
when World War II ended...
it's funny... did "my"... "my" people: ever
relish the concern for democracy...
will Poland become the new Vietnam?
sure... send in the black-*****-black-out
with eager future: single-moms...

do i look like someone willing to earn less
than i might spend more on?
the Teutonic Knights had a brothel
in their citadel of Marienburg...
i visit the brothel... once every half a decade...
i imagine she'll be ready to buy
buttons: a bear cub nibbled off my cardigan
at a Danzig zoo...

oh i can see how capitalism can be
undermined... it's already undermined...
the two tiers of spending...
i am prone to advertisement as a joke...
since i don't trust journalism..
but then i'm immune to advertisement
i don't want to spend money...
i'd need a woman for that...
while a woman would eagerly spend:
spend... even if she doesn't have the money...

this one... softness for Islamic economics
hits true: all the time...
to abhor... the become tantamount in abhorring:
usury... this is the only redeeming
quality of Islam..
to hell with their theology...

if i were to... be loaned a pile of rubble...
why should i have to repay you...
a ******* mountain (of rubble)?

not being attached to a spending prowess of
a woman...
stale society: a walking abortion case...
must be designated a psychiatric diagnosis
to function: debilitated...
so much for those freed up lovers
of questionable purpose...
an hour with a ***** will "save" your economy...

the **** of the Sabine women...
too far fetched... for the quake of kings
resurrected for the hindsight of world war I...
the solo project: as each man be his...

dasein(e) morphed -
a bit like with the clinger of Bastille...
marquis de sadé... no... women love to ****...
da (there) ist (is): sein (being)....
lightning stroked me...

i like to "think" of pedestrians when cycling...
as.. pockets iof potential:
this "****" philosophical project
of "concern" is beside me....

dasein units of "potential concern":
versus... dastsein: units of "concerning potential"...
dasein: concern...
   dastsein: potential...
there is... being...
not that: there...not beng...
some germanic oops!

it will not take socialism to undermine
the current schema of capitalism...
it will require the men themselves...
men uncoupled from the spending habits of
of... women....

bad cocktail... bad bad cocktail...
b'ah... the forest needs to breahe...
lend it some fire...
by way of:
i'll suffocate the whole economy with
replicas of moi...
she needs to spend:
but if i'm not coupled to a she:
who'll willing to sped...

who's spending who's tax-for-*******...
Ken Pepiton Mar 2019
all a teacher can do is learn and live,
Situationical, long ago, tradition
Teachers tell stories,

with force. Whacks and such.

The reason, once, one time,
the ruler to the knucks
was to loosen a stuck clutch o'

clingers to the edge, who knew what
could be known,
who were
witnesses,taught to see

perceiving sub til ity plowing furrows

through explosions of new math,
new bombs, new moms,

new wars for no reasons, the edge
clinger fingers

let go, just before

a teacher who
they knew learned,
as he lived,
to hear whos
beyond the bubble's edge.


yet no sense

Filter Heinlein through Vonnegut,
squeeze the dregs,

sort each bubble by whos heard.

--Suess, a gain, point ought ever one,

heare that? That is an echo. A bubble pop echo,
in the halls of all imagined worlds

redeemed by children seeing the meaning

wave form on the GB scale storys are sung to.
Waiting is, on the BE scale

the ceiling leaks in the poet's prison,
but his window faces west,
so he is pleased to watch
the wind he claimed

bring rain. And so it goes.
How long do stories live these days?,

Asked the peacemaker, in the distance.
Fun, peacemeeker fun. And a fine OG kush.
nabilah Jun 2019
it’s okay dear
i never said it was easy loving me as a whole
i’m a bit too much of a clinger
and i pretty much live inside my head,
also i can not seem to stop once i started to talk
and it’s a bit messy inside here
don’t you think?
and how was your sleep?
no, wait, that’s not what i was trying to say,
have you always looked like that?
i remember you with your smiles,
where’s all of that now that you know me better?
i don’t feel really well today but is the coffee okay?
do you know that the sky is beautiful tonight?
wait, i think it was raining.
do you love rain?
do you love me then?
p.s i only became so talkative when i'm with special ones
Nikita Oct 2020
My wrists are limp.
Pearlescent and painful,
Imprints of rope have been
Tattooed into my skin.

I’m not one to let go.
Frantic and hopeless,
I’m a clinger.

To be seen and heard,
It’s what I deserve.

But I don’t notice.
I don’t believe I’m seen.
I don’t believe I’m heard.

So I hold on,
That all while I saw at the rope,
You will mend it back together.

But you’re tired,
I can see that.
I’ve seen it for a while.

I wanted to stop sawing.
I needed to let go.
I’m sorry.

You’ve cut the rope fully.
I can finally fall,
kirk Oct 2023
Have you ever had that feeling, when frustration is let loose?
Or an awkward moment, that has really cooked your goose?
You cannot save my Bacon, if my hands are full of juice
My heart sinks when butting heads, are too close to the noose

When your waiting for your breakfast, and you're driven to the brink
Just because there are those minds, that hardly ever think
Do I have to sit and fester, cos my digits ******* stink
I'm being blocked from running taps, and every ****** sink

There wouldn't be a problem, if there were no kitchen clinger
What the hell there is no chance, when certain parties linger
Never mind my sopping palms, or my little pinky finger
The lavvy's always occupied, and the bathroom's a dead ringer

Greasy paws are not ideal, when all taps are obscured
And my plight to being clean, is simply being ignored
Out of three there seems no way, that one sink is secured
Don't mind me it's just my house, but even that is flawed

Why do you have to dawdle, like a sunken ocean liner?
And use the kitchen like it is, a ****** all night diner
Don't mess with me and I promise, I won't become a whiner
There are some chairs and I can't think, of anything that's finer

It's not as though there is no room, and you're stuck on the ceiling
Why are you standing in the way, like you are Dolly Dealing?
I'm sorry but I don't find, my dripping hands appealing
That's when I abruptly realised, that I had that sinking feeling
This is a true story about a man who just wants to wash his hands but is having difficulty due to obstructions.
newborn Aug 2023
when you figured out i could drive
you took advantage of me real fast—
“i love you’s” and all that fake allegiance.
well, guess what—i will burn the town we found leave it in wreckage
i will be more than who i am around you;
spirit sucker
i hate how you talk to people
all crass and aggressive.
selfish little clinger
i’ll leave these daggers in my flesh
that you placed there for me
after you got mad i didn’t give you everything.
haven’t posted in a minute. why do you use me? over and over. and you never ask me how i feel. you never do…


— The End —