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You took a book,
Filled the pages with your wages
Of sixteen silver sages--
What does it mean to me?
Fire prints, laundry lints,
The phone call that made me fall.
Walk down that hall where I feel so small.
That tricksy pixie lightened, tightened
The reigns in the rain I fell through a drain
Wish I could go insane.
Our feet in the mud, I watched
Throne of Blood,
The Fallen City of Ludd
Come back to me
Come Back To Me.
I'm a hack a washed up sack
On a beach I feel that leech
Begin to teach me the meaning
Of screaming
Out my emotional, devotional
Love for you.
Please be happy,
My thoughts are sappy.
I lap the sap, feel like crap,
Mazed in a trap,
There's no going back.
My devotion like the ocean ends at the shore
I am a *****.
Difficult rhymes for difficult times
Leaning on a crutch
"The human mind can only stand so much"
I would
Do anything I could
To make it good
For us to be--like the sea--
You wanted.
Kenn Oct 2015
2 o'clock in the morning
I'm still studying and learning,
studying and learning how to love
how to love a girl that is sad and mad

2 o'clock in the morning
I'm still waiting,
waiting you to answer
for my heartbeat gets faster

2 o'clock in the morning
I'm still thinking about you,
for my love is true
that I feel for you

2 o'clock in the morning
I'm still into you,
but I found out that you love someone
someone that broked your heart many times

*but still, I'm here for you..
2 o'f us can be against the world
For every 2 o'clock in the morning
I'm still thinking about you..
until my heartbeat stops.
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
(((TELL ME WHY???)))
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you left me?
Why you ignored me?
With out any means
Without any reasons
Disappeared you why.
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you broke my heart?
With arrow and dart.
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you came in my life?
To give me pains.
To bind my life in chains.
Still i miss you why?
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why showed me blurr dream?
And left me in breme.
Hurt me why
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you loved me?
Why you promised me?
Were you a fake?
Tell me for GOD's sake.
Blocked me why?
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you have stolen my heart?
And now broked it into parts.
Made me cry why..
Why why why.
Tell me why?
Why you made me sad?
I feel now so bad.
Otherwise I was too simple lad.
Made me mad why?
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you are angry?
Why you went off?
From my life.
With some little strife.
Hate me by you why
Why why why
Tell me why?
Why you have gone so far way?
Do you love me please say.
You will realize everything oneday.
Repent and will miss me everyday.
Lost we why
Why why why?
Tell me why?
Why you told me a lie?
We will live together.
Will enjoy our life each other.
And will play with one another.
And finally you told me good bye.
I don't know it why.
Why why why.
Just tell me why?
Why u left me in grief?
And became my heart's theif.
Having inside pain & finding no relief.
You are mine it was my belief.
Untrust me you why.
Why why why.
Tell me please why?
Why you ignored me.?
Why you left me?
Please tell me why?
Julianna Eisner Apr 2014
Rolling in late, Mr. Movie sits on his roll-y chair and is
entranced by the glittering star and butterfly beads
inside the walls of his magical kingdom.
He's having a think.
He's taking a journey, tuning his frequency to the
Centre of the Earth
beep boop boop boop beep
and then stares at me waaaaaaaaaaay far out.
Okay, look, listen to me....
The ground, did it broked and the dinosaur fell into the
shadow like Balrog?

I look at him.
(We discussed the death of Maleficent a while ago)
But Trevor didn't fall into the shadow just like Gandalf.
Uh uh. No, he didn't.
He shakes his head.
That is a good thing, I say.
Yes, okay, now look, listen to me...
He lowers his voice to a whisper.
(They want him to stop talking incessantly about these movies)
But the lava's going to blow and let Trevor out, yes.
He nods at me, waiting for my approval.
I agree.
Okay, and now...
He returns to inside the magical kingdom.
Chattering away, he travels to the Serengeti.
beep boop boop boop beep
He turns to me, worried.
An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. Oops!
Oh no! An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince! Oops!
Oops is right.
Grabby is less impressed.
He's all giggles today but not impressed with me.
Slaps me in the face and pours tea all over my stuff.
Oops is right.
Akshay Ghadge Apr 2018
In the love, i was on the 7th sky,
In my own world, but i never try
To listen you,
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true,
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words
Life be different, we still be together
If i could ever understand her
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words

(1st verse)
Midnight in the snowy winter
I was about to make a joint filter
Her call was in my brain, when no one in the shelter
A swain guy, a one side lover but deep somewhere
mind refusing him, heart tackling to answer
Losted in her thoughts and ensnared...
I wish i could listen you when you were there
Halfway through the session my mind started wander
Her voice was echoing in the ear, asking if i fear for being alone
Have you ever regret for the things you did wrong?
My heart is not ready yet to accept that you are gone
But somehow i managed to move on, sometime i missed you,
Sleepless night trying to figure out how will i forget,
You broked me babe, i dreamed about our duet
But you don't deserve it, i loved you with all my feelings were in the heart
But you divided it and shattered in two parts.

In the love, i was on the 7th sky,
In my own world, but i never try
To listen you,
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true,
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words
Life be different, we still be together
If i could ever understand her
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words

(2nd verse)
What if i hurted you, were you able to forgive me?
I had a nightmare and bad dreaming
I wish i could hurt you back and break you bad
But my ethics don't allow me to do that
Tell me why you make me sad, you loved me, didn't i loved you back?
I had a wish that your are the one with whom i can spend 9month
Yeah, you heard it right, befor you broke me i was pregnant
You never asked me that, you never feel what i feel
Some serious injuries took time me to heal
I was not your business deal, that look for profit
Now you are alone and its not my fault
I choosed to be happy, i am being with it
Hope you listened me carefully now
How can a broked one have a trust again
I moved on dear, and the new life begined

In the love, i was on the 7th sky,
In my own world, but i never try
To listen you,
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true,
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words
Life be different, we still be together
If i could ever understand her
I've been a deaf, forgot to be true
Now only regrets remain for not to heard
Her unspoken words

are you faking smile on happy moments sometimes
But only known you are sad deep inside
Why do you always need a guide to provide
A knowledge about a life, can't you decide the way you gonna try
Why? Always depending on other guy?
I had those mistakes, and she said me bye
Don't you think i didnt try, you need always to be right
Be happy be with whatetver you have, or else to get everything you'll have to fight.

(3rd verse)
Then friends entered in shelter, and destracted,
Her words stucked in mind so Started thinking ahead
Since the day we parted, i feel like i'm discarted,
I'm not live and lively, but i'm alone and lonely
When i look at your pictures, they remind me your smooth texture
Sometime i feel loose in my body, babe, on the fantasies of your body
If you can hear me, come near to me sweetheart
Hold me with your palms, and feel my body parts
They all are numb without your lovable heart
I loved the thing that you made a new start,
I was still stucked but with a regretefull heart
Akta Agarwal Feb 2021
Not only you have broken my trust,
but also you have broked our broken relationship,
not only you have broken my trust,
but also you have broke me,
I know I was at fault to trust you,
but that doesn't mean you have destroy me.
I am the one who never be destroyed,
I broked the trust of my love ones
but am always in there heart,
and bcoz of there love I can never be destroyed by my enemies,
I know I hurt them
And I challenged you I will won all of them back
Yes may be its hard
And I have to work hard
But it's my challenge
I will mend my broken relationship with them
But you will be left alone in the wish of making someone alone.
I will booke my all relationships with you right now,.
You will be left behind with this broken relationship
that can never ever be mended,
And am promising this by taking oath on our broken relationship .
Trust is easy to break but very hard to built
Oh that smile make my heart skip a beat,
It makes me think i can perform any feat.

When im with you i see everything in symphony,
My expression changes in a different harmony.

Your company has given me a sense of serenity,
Yet your absence drives me to literal insanity...

And I've taken a liking to that laughter,
Those parted lips that cant be any softer...

So may i drown in those eyes full of depth?
My soul is quaking it really needs a rest.

I've never intended yet to be found,
Living in my sanctuary free and unbound...

Yet i didn't knew that sanctuary was a prison with no gain,
Where i bounded myself with woven chains...

You broked those chains and setted me free,
You saved me from the falling debris...

And you made me forget all the pain,
You've given me hope to love again...

Yet i cast away these shallow eyes,
so you may not notice these unspoken lies...

And now my despair is giving me away,
You've read this now i wonder what you'll say...

Will you cast me away and call me a creep?
Or dive in my soul and save it from eternal sleep?

Maybe you will shout and say "leave me be".
What can i say, its your choice, I'll just wait and see...
Akash mazumdar Mar 2014
wen i met u...
I beacome a lover,
she became a lover,
had our heart broked i was in I recover,
i became d man she knew could rely on,
somebody's who'll listen her and cry on,
she was geting better,
better she was gettin,
we r now building like some something wrong,
i apolojise i've done any thing wrong...
@ akash mazumdar
Meisiekind Jun 2018
You Broke All Your Promises

You broked me when I was already on the ground
You kick my last hope out of my heart and soul
You knew me better than any other person could
The promises you begged me to promise you
Those were the promises you broke yourself
For you I was a joke fooled with all your 'lied' words
Nothing make sense that you ever talked the truth

I let you in when I was already weak
Yet you had already a plan with how you will treat the weak

You broke my heart and ruined my life 
My heart stopped beating for seconds
That day you couldn't even explain
I  believed in you
I  believed that you love me and
I give you all my love more that you deserve
My life and my everything
What you did hurt me so much that I will never let any one get to attouch
I didn't expected you will ever do that
But "Expect the unexpected"

Someday you'll realize what you had done......
Not now .... But one day....
Gavin Sebake Jul 2017
I collide with my dreams in a dark gloomy night,
All its premises getting wider and darker,
Wearing my sleep and falling to my nuisance,
Wearied my eyes along with my greatest fear,
My brain freezed and fails to interpret its sensations,
I rolled to one side to another,
Yet confusions spoked with its creepy voice,
I listened to the knockings on my windows,
Holding my heart as i call for protection to my Master,
I prayed yet my eyes failed to participate,
They crawled to one corner to the next,
Forming images before my presence,
I cried,
Yet my tears were clouded by fear,
There i was frozen from head to toe,
Lying helplessely on my bed,
My waterfall crawled like a piece of dirt wandering the street,
My senses broked yet the mess is already have been done,
Was i been saved from the hunger of the unraveling thirst of nightmares?
©19 July 2017 - South Africa
My First Fear
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It's not about me and I'm not trying to make it that way
But I can't shake the feeling that I could have saved you but didn't
That I didn't try hard enough to save you from the substances
That you use as a crutch to walk over the eggshells that makeup your life
The broked shards or your glass heart
Transparent and true
And when you come down there is no where to hide
I see you
I see you truthfully and you can't run away from that
I'll be your crutch
Turn away from the bottle
Lean on me
Unlike your product
I'll never let you down
Anine Mar 2018
This felt so real
I held your hand for the first time
You cared for me for the first time
Went to places and knew it

Its the only place where i could touch you
The only  place where i can have you
The only plave i can be with you
The only place where you could talk to me.

As I have had said it
It felt so real
My heart broked knowing
I knew it. This place wouldn't last.

Now its getting dimmer
Darker every minute
Forgetting pieces of the whole scenario
Any second everything will be erased.

No, please don't go.
Don't leave me yet.
Its not too late i think
We could work this out, please.

Time nearing to its end.
Limit seeing you from afar.
'Turn back and change the way.'
I knew I can't- Im just too tired now.

A minute left then.
This dream will be forgotten
Bubbles would become one.
Who was I talking about?
Mind: *** am i talking about
Smiling Queen Aug 2019
You got your lovers and I got them too.
I said "No" to them coz I just love you.
But then too, you doubted my love and broked my heart.
You bought pains for my heart and you teared it apart.

~your smiling queen :)
Heart break story.
I owe everything to everyone in my life.
I owe my life to my parents who gave me chance by giving birth to me.
I owe my life to my teachers who tutor me in school & college.
I owe my life to my siblings who were every time with me when I had no friends.
I owe my life to my friends who were with me in my school and college life.
I owe my life to my colleague's who were with me when I was struggling to build my business.
I owe my life to my girlfriend who never said she loved me.
Im still struggling in my life. Now I'm on my own no ones with me. I don't blame anybody I'm all alone, it was my decision to stand on my own efforts. I still failed. I'm broked, I'm bored. I'm not getting success, thought comes to my  mind to end my life. But one thing stops me from this. I know I don't even my own my life. I have no right to finish my life. Because I already owe my life to everyone in my life. I can't finish it without settling what I owe.
I always remember i owe my life to somebody.
I owe everything to everyone in my life.
I owe my life to my parents who gave me chance by giving birth to me.
I owe my life to my teachers who tutor me in school & college.
I owe my life to my siblings who were every time with me when I had no friends.
I owe my life to my friends who were with me in my school and college life.
I owe my life to my colleague's who were with me when I was struggling to build my business.
I owe my life to my girlfriend who never said she loved me.
Im still struggling in my life. Now I'm on my own no ones with me. I don't blame anybody I'm all alone, it was my decision to stand on my own efforts. I still failed. I'm broked, I'm bored. I'm not getting success, thought comes to my  mind to end my life. But one thing stops me from this. I know I don't even my own my life. I have no right to finish my life. Because I already owe my life to everyone in my life. I can't finish it without settling what I owe.
I always remember i owe my life to somebody.

I was just sitting out on the porch
My life running through my mind
Guess that it's not all over for me yet
More sadnesses than happy I find

Lived my entire life without family
Them more interested in money true
Myself I guess I spent too long alone
Inside their homes I really never knew

Their lives all beat the Jones it seemed
I simply treated all in life the very same
I watching dad live and die heart broked
But always had time to heal others pain

He raised little sister and I almost alone
The older ones before never cared no way
My mother could be the best of the best
And the worst of the very worst on any day

When she was home it was very soon to be
I got belted with anything she could find
As she was home and wanting to leave again
With more good times only on her mind

Dad just kept the peace best he could do
But he was not game to cross her mental way
She knew every guy that made big money then
We grew without a mother mostly dare I say

And I went to school with welts all over me
No authorities were there back then to prevent
The screams as a child the neighbors all heard
Her having whats known now as shitsaphrenia bent

I'd sit out on the porch writing poetry of sorts
To keep myself as one could say somewhat sane
Listening to my dad crying after he tucked us in
Me .... In bed praying for natures music the rain..

terrence michael sutton
copyright ( then 1947 ) 2018
No Name Mar 2019
I know this wont make you whole again. I know this cant complete  you nor compensate to all the hardships you had with me but I would like to say sorry.

I'm sorry for being me. I didnt know any better.
I'm sorry, I was clueless that you like me from the start.
I'm sorry that I shared all my hardships and life and didnt heared yours
I'm sorry that I was sharing how my days went and didnt had the time to listen to you.
Im sorry for always being so sweet and caring. I didnt mean to break your guard.
Im sorry for always talking to you constantly even when I dont have anything to tell you.
Im sorry for always answering your late night calls and talking to you until dawn.
Im sorry for sharing my 1st love and it wasnt you.
Im sorry that I always scream to the world how she meant to me and letting you see it.
Im sorry for telling you I will court her and ask you for advices
Im sorry for having someone as the moon for my tides when I was your moon.
Im sorry for talking to you when she broked my heart.
Im sorry for the days  I was so broken and all I have to talk too is you.
Im sorry for failing to see that you where there all the time I was so down
Im sorry for telling you I wasnt loveable when you have loved me.
Im sorry for going into deppression and pushed you away.
Im sorry I was stupid that I started hurting myself.
Im sorry for not noticing your late night calls.
Im sorry for not answering for chats and text.
Im sorry for not caring for your care.
Im sorry for calling you when I was slowly becoming okay.
Im sorry for being insensitive, I didnt know you were having a hard time.
Im sorry for being okay when your not.
Im sorry for not giving you a chance.
Im sorry for saying thank you, when you said you love me.
Im sorry I cant give the love that you gave me.
Im sorry for making you wait.
Im sorry that you have grown tired.
Im sorry for not making that leap.
Im sorry that I was afraid.
Im sorry for thinking I can make it on my own.
Im sorry for the love I cant repay
Semihten5 May 2024
broken mirrors stayed only my world
who was broked
suddenly real goes to far away
PawanTube May 2019
Be my soul.
cause you're meant to my life
perhaps it's  lord that had written this fate for us in life
ain't no longer love be rotten tonight
we feel fresh in love at first sight,
But sure we gonna feel broked too after last fight
whoever has   seen  love yet upto
that's only one big ,we feel blossom on love.
Invisible love, blurred thoughts
and blunt sight on eyed......
makes furious to feel abound in love.
what does the soulmate means
neither it's spirtual nor it's divine
it just  believing  faith on trust
SunFlower Dec 2017
you know when I looked at your eyes, I saw something that I could fix but now I broked it even more…
ScarletLily May 2020
I've been wanting to tell you
These pieces i've collected
From the day you left me on read

I just wanted to say I'm sorry
Because I found someone else instead
You held me like no one ever did before
But she held me so much more

Thank you for leaving me behind
As I found someone else to call me "mine"
You broked my heart
but now I have my fresh start
As I found someone
Who will never leave me apart.
A Dedicated Poem to the person who broked my heart.
Your bright, mottled skin's tarry, torn & porous, just like a demonic
****** who's hangin' by his broked neck in a swampy Florida forest

— The End —