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Sarah Michelle Mar 2015
Stuck to the wall
with a pirate cringe, positivity illegal as sin
good vibes that almost hurt
like a wife-beater's undershirt
Tough to clean, hard to keep
even when the ground is getting steep
going up

They say it doesn't slam, gives you chance
it lays the land ahead
But I find the blue skies like to turn scarlet
and slip faithless from my wake
It's all me, all me
driving a stake through every chance I get

At regaining decorum--
which is hard to keep, tough to clean
after a massacre, a true disaster
The lawful bickers
of a girl curling in disgust because...

Because positivity feels counter-productive
Not to mention a little too...


These words are brought to you by a petty fit,
not a frolick, nor even
a moment of in-betweenness--
A ******-darling particulate fire
going up

I'm a lost soul, fingers cold
Stuck to the wall and let out a pirate cringe--
why don't you--
satisfy me with positivity legal as sin
Give me those good vibes, make them hurt
like a lover's wife's lacy undershirt
Nice and clean, hard to keep
especially when you're in. Too. Deep.
But you're only going up.
From. Here.
[Dedicated to Horace Sheridan-Bickers]

A vision of flushed faces, shining limbs,
The madness of the music that entrances
All life in its delirium of dances!
The white world glitters in the void, and swims
Through the infinite seas of transcendental trances.
Yea! all the hoarded seed of all my fancies
Bursts in a shower of suns! The wine-cup brims
And bubbles over; I drink deep hymns
Of sorceries, of spells, of necromancies;
And all my spirit shudders; dew bedims
My sight -these girls and their alluring glances!
Their eyes that burn like dawn's lascivious lances
Walking all earth to love -to love! Life skims
The cream of joy. If God could see what man sees,
(Intoxicating Nellies, Mauds and Nances!)
I see Him leave the sapphrine expanses,
The choir serene and the celestial air
To swoon into their sacramental hair!
Apollonian Oct 2012
As the white computer screen flickers
my tired and white mind bickers.
I know there exists a wonderful land
where things and events are not so bland.
Sometimes I wish I were a li'l planned
and play in my life, a merry, chill band.

Now that being said, which reminds my sorry dud head,
I'm all outta blood, and before I fall down with a thud
I need to go and hit my soft bed
seriously, I shouldn't see red

Moment of truth, where hast thou been?
Make time for me, I ain't no more Bean.
Let's cut to the chase, I could do with some sheen
Be fair and quick, just don't be mean.

There comes a time when you want to turn back the clock
Let's say I'm thine; my ship's at the dock!
I need some morphine; save me, my Doc,
Oh, am astray! pray, take me back to thy flock

Moment of truth, 'fore you I kneel
my layers are done like an open onion peel
this pain so intense, that's how I feel
this moment of truth, I'm ready to heal.
Mel Holmes Feb 2014
Apocalypse Dreams

Pt. I

a handful of unknown faces--familiar strangers--mixed
with recent visitors of my flat
(like the faerie friend with the voice of a man, the proud & queer
Ms. Bobo-Dancy herself, who taught me how
to glitter everyone in the dance hall)
come together to swim.

we tread water in canals, naked along
the European street whose frames are
pastel towers, elaborate easter-egg homes.
untouched elation sits in our chests,
a rare, extraordinary *****.

our legs tango in cyclic waves,
we do the dead fish float in the rising water.
when we relax our eyelids, our bodies are carried
right to a high school gymnasium.

the dance continues, takes our legs
down the stairs, we duck against
descending ceilings, to reach the blue mats in the basement
where we stretch our limbs fully, infinitely--
(until gravity bickers).

the blonde lady in front instructs the flow--
Sirens shriek in routine breaths
(the alarm we prepared to disregard in school drills
presents itself).

***** smoke rushes down the stairs to play tag,
my eyes dash, but no doors,
all the fibers in my thighs work together to perform the sprint,
across the tiled floor, up the crowded stairs

but flames rule the spiral staircase
i **** in air, hold it, as i rush against the cloud of grey, the block.
fellow stretchers surround me, but i reach the door right in time,

I look back. I am Lot’s wife.
Against my will, I look back.
I watch the orange killer strike--
In one motion, he absorbs the school
The girls behind me on the stairs
become walking bodies of fire.

Pt. 2

Tonight we are at the ocean,
the boy from Budapest, my father, & I.

We stand with toes on the shore
as waves gently turn in with the aid of the Moon.

It is winter, yet the ocean is bathwater
under Midnight’s sky, under the rickety boardwalk,
We push off into the deep water.

The boy points at the scarlet seahorse latched on my arm like a tattoo,
Through the clear water, a stingray sways, spots my legs, &
chases me back to the sand,
my heartbeat runs faster than my feet.

Back on the sand that starts to growl,
quiver, faster, and
the Earth hiccups, an awkward sonic thunder,
then it vomits up seawater, with much vigor,
--an epic volcanic belch--
only over the ocean,
I am untouched.

But the boardwalk,
It acts like a sewer
The water rushes through its pipes
I see one man on the walk,
a tall, dark-haired stranger with a top hat, suitcase, & a story
The water sweeps him up
and he drops straight down,
his bottom plops onto the shore
and his arms fall right off like a plastic doll with removable parts.

A smile strikes his face,
Is it the satisfaction of a future in disability funds?
The humor in being knocked down by random burps of the Earth?
The random vomits that take us with it.

His suitcase is out of sight, and
I am being transported to another new home,
with purple walls and a **** green carpet.

I am yawning at the apocalypse.

Pt. 3
August 1992, Miami

Off the highway ramp to Miami,
Clusters of cars perched as birds in the treetops

Like baby robins, some shimmied back and forth—preparing to fly
Telephone poles and oak trees did the tango ‘til they dropped

Like unwanted *****, they dispersed among the grass and streets
The twin palm trees from Carol’s backyard spilled into the in-ground pool

Her once-favorite spot—they will forever be swimming. The sun, the only
light in town, radiated in waves, darkness to light to darkness; the stench from

lack of running water permeated the air. Carol had phoned the bank earlier; her untouched safe deposit box was the reason for her trip. She parks her Buick

in the spot with the least ashes, and walks towards the bank, NCNB.
Its walls were scattered among the cement, the teller’s desks have vanished.

She eyes the security guard sitting (in uniform) in a grey folding chair near the entrance. “How may I help you, ma’am?” the words exit his lips as if it’s a normal

day at the bank. She tells him her business, and starts towards the back, but triggers the guard... “Enter the front door, ma’am!” Her feet guess where that used to be, start over,

She gathers her savings, leaves out “the door.” A sharp smile crosses the guard’s face.
How long will the it last?
Matt Berkes Sep 2016
Silence ebbs
Down the street
By my side.

By my pride.

Shattered not
By the patter on
My umbrella,

Down Avenue Isabella.

And silence flows.

The crooked sidewalk
Grabs at my feet
And my pride snickers.

Silence breaks not
For your ambient

A door of wickers'
On Avenue Isabella
Swings to regression

And silence flickers.

For whom
The bell tolls
My pride reprimands.

The dead need no
Gentle hands.

And on
Avenue Isabella
Porous souls are steeped
So deeply in
Their own pretension
To fill the lonely holes
That the bell tolls
To a harmonious roar
Of crowded silence.


Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
It's a sad thing to see a mind wicker out.Have you ever had the distinct timing to sit and watch one lose their minds. Really weigh anchor and drift.? I have. On two occasions.
My, as an observer of the human condition,it is moth to flame-like.

Have you ever seen a helium balloon gently sailing to points unknown ?.
Hither and tither The word discombobulated seems worthy.Every gentle gust is it's master.
Or one party ornament broke loose from the park-party to snare and jitter as the string bickers with the  needy high tension wire.

A MOTHER AND CHILD DISUNION.  As she sits staring at the small gleaming casket well placed for all to see. Below the alter. I sit five rows back and I watch her falter.
God is watching they say and no sparrow shall fall they say.

But sure as night follows day I can hear her scream. A psychic ricochet soundless. WHY ?.

And later at the green acres.
manicured to perfection.
a six by hole dug with practiced precision. It waits. for the
slow procession.

the last flower tossed in. The thump of the first shovel of dirt.
And ashes  to ashes. She walks away.
seems to saunter under ease of libation. Oh no.
A minds liberation.Ship leaving port.
Slowly navigates to deep and vast.

Gentle insanity at last. Maybe tearing later.
One piece missing from the puzzle forever.
Not an edge piece so as not to be noted easily.

Gone nonetheless.
Flip the switch to babies room. close the door.
Lights out.
Sorry for the darkness. It knocks unannounced. I open the door.
Jakob Doran Jun 2013
Cast iron clouds call their brushed allegiance to the age-clad masonry.
Whilst the mangled percussion of the infants' school bickers
with the soft tones of the older boys' band.
Still their sound is drowned by the whistling wind,
carrying parents' pleas that it's time to leave,
as the small groups crawl through the churchyard.
In a mossy corner, the window-man clatters,
with his brushes and buckets at the side of the oak shaded vicarage.
A scarf slides from an old man's neck
whilst he motionlessly salutes the monument;
his medals are dull in the lacklustre light.
But for all that's here, there's one thing not,
where I sit by this silent 'here lies' spot.
Advent Feb 2019
You–I, we saw the world. The allegiance of mankind to rising of the sun. The treachery of actions to life. We shared spectacles of the remote lands atop mountains and boulders. Butterfly kisses made us weak, hushed promises and dreams made us vulnerable, and nape grabs always led your lips on mine.

You–I, we were one of a kind, self-aware, and spirited. You learned to thirst for open air and I also buried myself in your cosmos of black and white–of objectivity, ambitions, and pursuit of balance. We embraced one another’s quirks and differences.

You–I, were each other’s halves. Our souls met halfway as there were no words, definitely no words, left unsaid even through the darkest or littlest bickers we’ve had. Everything was real and translucent. We saw through each other, effortlessly. And everything wasn’t so bad.

We were us, together. With our dreams and aspirations. And as a team, we almost perfected compromise. Trying closely to weigh the good and bad banking on our values, beliefs, and priorities.

Until finally, we surrendered to our fragmented relationship and irreconcilable differences which made us grew better together and apart.

And maybe, that’s why we broke up.

Francis Sep 2016
A primary source of pain is the truth,
though the truth shall set you free.
An addiction beyond recognition,
there is something dark deep inside me.

Inanimate white evil,
has stolen he who is I.
My soul needs cleansing,
Am I close to where I die?

With knowledge comes wisdom,
and wisdom is beneficial.
But knowledge of this darkness,
The last thing I am is superficial.

Reality is no longer near,
As my sinuses fail to clear.
The darkness was formed by choice,
And to die is what I fear.

As the lights rapidly flicker,
While my mind starts to shut down.
Like a married couple who bickers,
There is no peace,
In my own blood I will drown.

The light calmly dims,
The rhythm of the monitor straightens,
And a continuous beeping noise trims,
The sound of silence in the room.

In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost,
Whoever snorted the fastest got the most.
But was it an escape from reality?
Or reality escaping from me,
I am now forever gone,
But the darkness will linger over my family.
Not my favorite but...
Elizabeth Mar 2014
In the house of her noble
She sat on her thrown and cried,
Smashed the crown that bares her name,
Because she then realized how little she had to live for,
And how little she wanted to live for her name.

The death of people seems empty as an urn.
No pride can come of destruction, no honor is bestowed after pillage and fear.

There came that day for this lady,
When she squandered her family name.
For she now understood the terror that comes with her royal syllables.

The mother denies the daughter,
"Someday you will be a lady, and a lady naught cry."
The father spits and swears,
"**** the daughter that ****** on the line of ancients."
They giggle and smirk, the sisters,
"Father loves us best. Fathers hates the child who dares disrespect his title."
The maid bickers still,
"If I were to disrespect, I'd be out on the street."

But they'll never understand,
The **** ignorants,
How a "meaningless" **** means more than imaginable.
And each helpless child left to rot on the street begs for forgiveness of the crime never in existence.
They can't comprehend how this tears a heart in two.

They must not have one to begin with.
Nur Anis Athirah Sep 2020
I believe
she will do well
so far away

I will miss
her whines and smiles
bickers and snickers

I told her
morning and night
she can call me, anytime

I cried
for my baby sister
but not too long

so far away
she goes so far
I love her, nevertheless
for my sister
Wordforged Fool Apr 2016
I may as well not exist
I am no longer capable to resist
I am just a dog, being scolded by all
And while everyone bickers, I take the fall
I am now trapped, I am so sorrowful to admit
But I've tried. I'm still thinking, **** it!
But don't get your hopes up, don't wait for me
Because if I can't come up with anything then again you'll be crying
It's my fault. It always is.
This is the new chapter, and the nightmare now begins
I love how much I can write because of how trapped I feel.
kj Oct 2014
He comes into the kitchen cold as night
and we fight because love bickers
The news on the tv flickers red
and we hate because we think we have to
She falls in the direction of the rose
and she breaks because lust is an ending
The clock sticks to the ticking of a hand
and I wait because nothing is lovely
Advent Sep 2020
Long after a few years, and a little more encounters,
A little more fun, and random whereabouts 
A little more bickers, and random conversations
That I found this path to someone like you

After a long while,
I wouldn’t have known how insanity
Would bring me to a different dimension
Of our little, peculiar situation

And how I’d find myself
Being succumbed to happiness
That I never thought I’d ever
Bring myself into

I am happy with you,
And though I’m still unfamiliar
With happiness in somebody new
I thought I’d try to let my inhibitions go

So I hope you won’t leave, just yet
I want to be with you,
And let myself see how things could turn out to be
If I tell you now, that I love you
killjoy Sep 2017
a signed contract with a stroke of my signature
and a *** of money gone from my bank account

gave me a cheap rent in a city for a year
city full of people whom choose to stare at their phone

where i arrived in a house full of lonely people
each in their individual room with boring fumbles

so different and similar in every aspect of human being
made me wonder if i would like them at all

it's hard to concentrate on which voices to listen to
when they all talk loud as Punch and Judy

they continue to talk and talk, taking my ears
soon i may need some hearing aid i swear

they; complain, tell stories, share experience,
make some rude jokes and bickers here and there

fights and dramas are everyday nonchalant drinks
served either with hot or cold dishes

but in the end i would like to think
we are all a individual puzzle pieces

where we puzzle and wonder over how we can fit in
and somehow manage to get accepted anyhow

making a complete picture of
a house full of not-so-lonely people
Kimeisha Paisley Sep 2017
Running to and fro making squeaking sounds,
every time I hear you my heart just pounds...
I don’t know what you are, a bat, a lizard or a mouse,
but you’re acting as if you own this house...

You stay here rent free, and you come and go as you please,
But from your late night bickers I could do with an ease...
You scamper across the roof all night long,
As if you’re dancing to the freedom song.

I hurry to see what you are, but you are never seen,
You become very quiet once I get on the scene...
Show yourself you annoying little freak!
I have no time to play hide and go seek...

Your identity you have not revealed to me,
So I don’t know how to set you free...
This is my house and I am not going anywhere,
So you better find a different tactic, if it’s me you want to scare...

I thought the two of us could maybe exist,
But from your scampering you could not desist...
You probably tried, but I have my doubts
So pack your things and get the hell out.
ishaan khandpur Aug 2020
Babbling brook bickers,
The silent lake is asleep,
Judge depth not by voice.
Haiku Attempt 2
Kelsey Banerjee Jul 2020
at every err
the rim of his voice ignites
a flame bickers at the edge of reason.

you see,
he casts blame
like the sun casts shadow,
each complaint
as complaint as a mother tongue.

could have, should have, would have
I toss the words away
into the tones of the sea,
and hope to pluck
from that same shore.
Erenn Jan 29
Fringed with desire that exudes impudence
Darkness rained bickers of tweets-
Reigning as it sleeps
It's whispers carved shadows in reticence

Fingers of dusk stretched long and deep
Stealing the glow from a restless sky
Truth lies tangled where secrets keep
A labyrinth woven with every sigh

A storm hums softly at the rim
Caging dreams that ache to rise
Veiled in echoes, the midnight sways
Wreathed in the hush of unshed cries

Flames of yearning flicker and dim
Yet their embers refused to yield
A storm hums softly at the rim
Guarding dreams that never healed

It was never a dream
Satsih Verma Sep 2018
Head hunting
in ghost time. You
had tried to influence
the stars.

A whitefly bickers, that
there was no more a
prey, revealing the faults.

You were very near
and very far.

Untouched, a wandering soul
cries for the rebirth.

Receive me
as a thought,
as a blood,
as a seed.
Hunter Sep 2019
I'm her brandy alexander,
Always getting her into trouble,
But that's another matter.

We are far from home,
But we're so happy,
All alone but so happy.

Everything starts at your skin,
Your love always finds me out,
Why try to hide it?

I know we have our talks,
Our bickers,
But you can always find me where the skies are blue baby.
TheWitheredSoul May 2020
Its sad
Its mad

It loves
It hates

It floats and gloats.

It snuggles and shears.

It lies and yet cries.

If i think of a way to give it away it bickers and brawls to put me away.

My big broken bickery heart needs a savage sick mystery ***.
i wanted to write that To keep it from bickering lubs and dubs unfortunately it seems like i cant.
Infamous one Nov 2021
When family bickers and complains
Don't want to bump heads deal with egos
Always the guy but never in the position to be that guy
Thankful to be working
Only when they need something the go to guy
Most of the time he gets ignored feeling like an outcast
Not the flashy guy but the guy who worked for it

— The End —