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Susan Shull Apr 2017
Oh sweet astroid giver of relief.
I wish an astroid would hit the earth, everyone goes home together, no one left behind to mourn, to suffer anymore.
Enoughs, enough!
Oh sweet Astroid, I can't leave them behind to deal alone with the terrors of life, please take us all.
DblNickel May 2017
16 Psyche
Astroid king
Gravid with iron
Nimble in flight
The stars
They revere you so
Your steely frown
Rigid and dense
Oh, Astroid King
Your story retold
Is a tragedy
Unknown and alone
Nebulas, they glow
For you
Satellites, they shine
For you
But I, I cry for you
Astroid King
16 Psyche is an asteroid that scientists have identified in our solar system, which has enough iron to fuel planetary consumption for millions of years.  The Earth may have as little as a century of mineable iron left, in contrast.

This poem was inspired by someone in particular.
Marlo Cabrera Jun 2015
Here you are again,
sitting on your bed,
but it seems this time I see the sea running down your face coming from the holes where the universe lies, and the galaxies sit.
Words fly across the room,
self destructing.
Explosions like super novas,
caused by accumulated energy and increasing gravitational pressure.
You collapse. With nothing but a light that outshines any star in your wake. 

Take a deep breath. Breathe in all the stardust that surround you.

Don't even think that you're lesser than these galaxies, for you create them by merely smiling. 

Crank up that hyperdrive,
and blast off to another solar system,
learn new things,
teach yourself to once again fall in love,
like learning to ride a bike,
but always remember the constellations that are burned into your eye lids.
Reminding you not to pass through astroid fields.

Remember this,
when you feel like your oxygen is running low don't hesitate in plugging your tubes into my lungs,
and I will breathe into you all the reasons why I love you.

Know this,
that your mistakes are like the stars that glimmer at night,
they may seem like they're just floating there constantly ,
but know this,
that just like these star, they are nothing but phantom lights, 
They no longer exist.

But don't compare me to any of them,
for I am like the moon.
You may see me clearly at night But I am not a phantom light,
I am always here,
like the moon in early hours of the morning. 

As much as I like you learning and experiencing new things
Don't forget that I am back here on earth, 
I wanna let you know that, 
I miss you.

I miss your long black hair,
and how it stretches like the vastness of space.
Your face that shines like the morning sun.

I will be here,
stirring your favorite cup of hot cosmos,
with a few pieces of comets because I know you don't like it too hot. 

Waiting to hear your stories of adventure, and wanting to go back to them.

It may take lightyears for you to come back, but I will be patient.

I will be here, 

Waiting for your arrival.

This is a goodbye letter to a friend, a lover, or someone that you never had the chance to be friends with and stared at them from a distance.
BarelyABard Jan 2013
I have some bad news baby.
Writing in pencil wears thin
And a pen will just smear the words away.
You're angry and hurt.
Voices linger in their echos and your screams can't find a way to drown them out,
But shouting at an astroid won't make it turn tail and flee, so put on your gloves and grab something sharp.
The throats you may have to slit are only there to reload another round of insults.

Keep it up baby, get in my room and slide your dress off. Lets put that anger to some good use.
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Earth, my dear, you're rather ill.
Those pesky bugs,
you have them still?
Come on Girl, get a grip.

Your infection has been spreading,
Poor Moon is looking gray!
I even think they've got to me,
Though not as bad, I'd say.

Jupiter's been talking,
These rumors aren't kind!
I swear I didn't tell him,
He heard through the astroid vine.

Sister dear, I love you,
I swear you used to be hot!
Even the Sun took intrest!
Though now, he'd rather not.

Get rid of those pesky buggarts,
You're powerful, you know.
Just **** 'em off and heal yourself.
Just let those vermin go!
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
They said there would be a day,
When rivers become oceans,
Boats become airplanes,
And mountains become islands.

Well that day has come,
Got to climb to a higher ground now or drown.
The rain is drumming down,
Covering over every ground.

They said there would be a day,
When God would toss a stone.
Hurtling It across space,
To crush every bone.

Well that day has come,
No where to hide and no where to run.
The end is here and it is coming for everyone.

The sewers are overturning drowning the vermin in their own ****!
It’s the end of the mother ******* world, and I’m welcoming it!

They said this day would never come,
That the world would always be the same.
Well the day has come.
The world needed a change,
So God tossed a stone at it!

It came like a thief in the night.
People looked from the ground and looked to the sky,
And saw rain, hail and asteroids coming down!
It took all of that for them to raise an eye.

This is the end,
And also the beginning.
Welcome the change,
Or be washed away!

Woe to the *** offenders;
Woe to the paedophiles;
Woe to the *****;
Woe to the ******;
Woe to the politicians;
Woe to the cultists;
Woe to the tyrants;
Woe to the killers;
And woe to all those who call evil good.
Mother earth has had enough of your ****.
She is putting and end to all of it.

They said there would be a day,
When all of this evil was washed away.
And now that it is here,
I have never been so happy to say:
I’m watching the ground give way into a chasm,
I’m watching the vermin being swallowed by the ocean.
I’m watching bus sized hail leveling the cities.
I’m watching an astroid hitting earth off it’s axis.
I’m warching earth being hurtled across space.
I’m witnessing the change.
I’m welcoming it with open arms.

Don’t just call me an anarchist,
Look into what I am saying.
You really can’t accept change,
Well, it doesn’t accept you either.
cxbra Dec 2014
I think she had forgotten what she meant to me.
somewhere along the way
I found myself in the middle of the busiest city 
on the eastern side of the Mississippi River 
I could no longer find the star 
that lead me to her eyes
somehow, we’ve become distracted by the lights 
that are artificially made just to tear souls apart 
the first night I was awed by her beauty 
there was a lunar eclipse in the sky 
and everything felt so dark
but she was 
the closet thing to a sun 
she shined brighter than any star I’ve ever seen 
I told her 
You are the sun, and i am each and every 
planet revolving around you
the first four planets are my 
mind, soul, body, and heart
and the astroid belt acts as a rib
still dangerous, the fragments leave craters behind 
this is why every part of me is so damaged 
still, magnificent star, I revolve around you 
I needed to return to a rural countryside 
where I could finally see each moon that she made shine 
because these moons are all of my insecurities
oh, how she made them all seem so admired
Traveler Jan 2021
The blue sky is my canvas
Until the canopy of the night
Then my brushstroke
Become comet tails
An astroid field of flight

No language in my dream
No limits of the tongue
My flights of mindfulness
Has only just begun
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Cjf Dec 2016
you told me of stars shooting across the skies in bright burst

but you never told me about the kind of stars that plummet into the earths atmosphere

you never described the gravitational pull towards something that goes beyond description

maybe it isn't that simple maybe a catastrophe is meant to happen in order for something beautiful to exist

but ******* you're a ******* asteroid in my sky of shooting stars

you lit up this colorful earth with technicolors of your own making

I always knew coloring in the lines wasn't for you

maybe this is a poem about how you snuck your way into my body or better yet drilled a hole into my heart where you plummeted into at full speed and force

maybe it isn't a poem about love
maybe its a poem about how much I hate the person in my skin

and I never told you out of place I felt in my own skin and the words you say make me wanna tear myself out of mine and into yours

and you make me wanna commit sins and write them across the hell written skies

you make me wanna forget my name and only scream yours into the night

you're an astroid that got pulled into my sirens call of angst and desperation

you answered my call and idk what to do when I'm done with you

but **** if it doesn't hurt not talking to you
it doesn't hurt like a ***** knowing that I see the best of you and still take it for granted
it doesn't **** me inside and twist everything in horrifying ways knowing I want more from you
I want to lie you the **** down
I want to kiss you and never come up for air
I want to make sure you never forget my mark stained indigo and red on your neck
I want to scratch my name into your back with passion in the lines of every letter

*I want you

and that's the difference between us babe
I don't need you to breathe
to feel
I only want you
but ****
**** if this is more than I aimed for
**** if breaking your heart doesn't tear mine out with yours

I need you too.
SVN May 2018
im trapped, my mind stumbles.
my soul lost in the deep abyss my feelings crumble.

four corners w no door, start overthinking.
i seek acception but hey that **** taught me a lesson.

im at bay, everyone i trust they separate
I learned it at a young age but what is there to say.

so fill my void
i've been pretty patient but still annoyed.
thoughts hit me hard at night like an astroid.

cant lose my sanity, for all thats going on throughout humanity, dont play w me
cause underneath this skin is pure  insanity.

used to be courageous
w the sickness going on i got contagious,
generation still acting wild but yet i see no changes

relationships, couples going downhill like a soulless boulder, but dont forget girl your beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
if you're hurt dont forget that you could cry up on my shoulder.
i mean i dont see how i could get much colder.
and then that ***** sold her.
ya **** right i'd love to say i told her but shes broken never woken and now i have to hold her.
Kathy Nov 2019
How did I get so lucky? To have you by my side,
You came crashing like an astroid, right into my life,
I tried to find you, but all I found was bones,
Searching for an escape from a broken home,
Where you sent from heaven? I guess God is real,
I started believing again when you showed me how to feel,
You opened my heart, poking away at a bruise,
It hurt at first, but I had nothing to lose,
So here I am, my flaws and all,
Here I am, scared to fall,
I hope that you catch me whenever I do,
Because I’m so deeply in love with you,
Fate is undeniable when it presents itself,
Like a ghost during the day,
Leaving subtle hints in front of my eyes,
Impossible to look away.
CloudedVision Apr 2018
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in space
Sometimes  feel I'm not running the race

There once was a time when I was flying on by
But I feel i've fallen by with a sigh

So here I am lost in space
clinging to an astroid
Floating in place

I'm stuck here all by myself
Because those I thought were close
Have gone somewhere else
Ive lost those around me
I'm stuck with no glee

But as I sit here floating aimlessly
I cling to the only friend I can see
And that is this astoid that I'm holding onto, cold and small

My feelings are lost I'm stuck in sorrow
Stuck with anger and pain
Then I sense in my mind the depression start to rain

I have no comfort no one to help
No one is hear to wipe away my tears

There is nothing I can do but hold on tight
My brain is in for a really big fight
A fight I will lose because I'm all alone
No one seems to care
Often times people gaze upon me as I float on by
Only to think theres a poor fellow and then skip me from their mind

The sun doesn't shine only darkness I see
The world has left, it left with out me

Now what can I do, I can sit here alone
Sit until I'm ****** up into a black whole
And its in the black whole ill truly see
Just how pointless life truly is to me
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
No sight is to much to reach the heavens
to watch a dove flying over head
to see the sunset with colors of beauty
to see the first star appear in the heavens.

No sight shall be forgotten just a memory
leading into more memories of a new day
that dies and another born day.

No world of wonder shall last forever
another or greater power must take hold
leading into another generation of mortals
of greater strength and technology.

No beauty of life could ever be so beautiful
as it is today with a different feeling
from yesterday more underestanding
of true freedom with a world free
from dictatorship yet.

What is to come we do not know
it will come like a flash of an eye
soon while life unwinds before us
with fear of terrorists will to give
there lives to do us harm.

No sight of life could ever compare
to a world damaged by radiation
harm all man kind of the air we must
breath to live.

No sight in this world of beauty
given to us to enjoyed could call
the end to freedom the begining
of the anti-christ and the famous
letters know to man 666.

No astroid shall turn the poles
causing destruction and death
to one third of the people, when
the moon shall turn to blood red
and a third of the waters shall
turn to blood.

No sight is at hand only the third
secret of fatima has not yet been
revealed and should have in 1960
only to be delayed of the terrible
destruction that has been told
to the three little children if man
were not to say there prayers.

No sight is at hand just the open
hearts of man to come to peace
and come back to God and save
the planet earth.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Her likes? Who gives a ****? She was an income-tax-preparer-in-training, and thus: had the morals of a deer tick. Big Bud Astroid was 22-years-old too. He enjoyed walks in the desert, talking to himself & eating paint-chips. He had the personality of a jar-lid. Neither of these ciphers were worth a desiccated slice from a loaf of ****** Walmart's Great Value white bread. Granetta was one mean, repulsive *****-witch and oh boy was she stupid, as well as fat, smelly and fugly. Big Bud was bald, stupid & pathetic. He couldn't even dress himself—the *******. One day, just after the garbage men gave up and settled for $32-per-hour, Big Bud & Granetta shared intimacies. Thank Jehovah God that no one was there to see it! Nine months later Granetta was mercifully killed in an avalanche and Big Bud didn't give a ****. A week after that he was eaten by baboons.
Lexie Mar 2020
Letting go is growth
My faith is not in the rising of the sun
But in those who love its light
Today's peace
An honest estament
To the heart's ability to heal
Existing here, sentient
While other minds
Hold space for my spirit
I am there also
I am with you
I am in the earth
The stars are in me
As is all chaos and peace
The world has ever known
My chest holds astroid craters
Transcendent seeds of the tree of life
Existing in many times at once
As myself, as a child
A satisfaction that will not be satiated
Wean me not of knowledge's cravings
All things flow through me
As I also am in all things
Is not your structure
Made of the iron in my bones
Your heart beating the same drum
To a different tune
Here we are calling up the sun
With the trumpet of unabashed power
Ageing with this day
In the morning I am new
Fresh as dew on grass
Knowing, this too shall pass

— The End —