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 Jan 2015 janie
 Jan 2015 janie
I curse every time I hear you sobbing
I shouldn't have to comfort you every night and every morning
This is not my job
And it's tearing me apart
One minute you're my superhero
The next you're breaking my heart
My inspiration is dust
It was ***** out of me
By an unknown force
 Dec 2014 janie
Dear Jinxx
 Dec 2014 janie
They tell me it isn't love.
That it's not right
that I fall for someone I've never seen before.
Well I have.
And you just can't
"un-fall" in love with someone.

I guess it's the way you smile
And shine, cause baby,
You are like a star
In a New York City sky,
The only one up there,
All by your lonesome,
Standing strong,
Shining bright
In the dark midnight.

Or maybe it's the sparkle in your eyes,
That shimmer like the sun
On miami waves.

Or maybe even the way you tell me those stories of yours,
Leaving me wanting to know more,
But of course I'm too shy to ask.

I'm not sure what exactly it is,
But I'm attracted
(The way north pole of a magnet is attracted to a south pole of magnet haha oops science puns)
To everything about you.

You tell me you want to be a rockstar.
Well you already are to me.
You tell me all your "flaws"
I tell you that's what makes you
perfect to me.

So I just wanted to tell you,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear,

-pulls over some mistletoe-
Oh! Look! Seems like we are "coincidently" under some mistletoe!
-grabs you and kisses you-

I love you more ;)

With lots of love,
Your bizarre, clingy, and random creep,
Li ;)
An early christmas gift to a very special guy out there, jinxx. I love him so much ^^ he's so strong and resilient, yet so ****** flirtatious xD anyways I'm so happy I've met him and he's been able to deal with my crazy *** and still stick with me <3 I really am grateful for him, and I hope with the new year more exciting and new things will happen ^^
 Dec 2014 janie
Muggle Ginger
She said, "I can't swim"
With a voice so confident
The ocean believes
They're still best friends.
 Dec 2014 janie
Alex Sheets
 Dec 2014 janie
Alex Sheets
Walking through the halls in my mind
Lost and almost out of time
I'm own my own
I walk these halls alone
I hear the screams echo off the walls
I hate these ******* halls
Walking through the broken glass
Made from a shattered past
Lost and on my own
I walk these halls alone
Theres writing on these walls
I can hear their calls
Words I cant comprehend
Oh why wont this end
Searching for a way to escape my cell
Why cant I leave this hell
A hundred people live in these halls
Yet im alone despite them all
There trying to take control
I wont let them steal my soul
Lost and on my own
I wander these halls alone
Bound in chain
Locked away inside my own brain
I cant save myself
But I have no one else
My blood begins to freeze
I wish someone would cure my disease
Its getting hard to talk
I'm losing my ability to walk
Lost and on my own
I wish I didn't walk these halls alone
Yeah first thing ive wrote in a while so it kinda ***** but **** it need something on here
Your lips on mine
Your hands on me
No secrets here
Just you and me
You're all I want
You're all I need
And everything inbetween
My heart in yours
Your heart in mine
We'll never have anything to hide
All the beauty of the world doesn't compare
It doesn't come close to what we bare
This is a beauty all its own
Of its own creation
Nothing compares to the love we share
It's something special
Of its own kind
A kind of love that you would give up your life
Just to save it; keep it safe
This love is a wonderful thing
Watch the world
Pay close attention
And when you feel small
You will always have me to come to
Because on my eyes
It is all for you
The stars that shine
Light up the night
They shine for you
Even the sun
In all it's glory
Sets and rises for you
The very earth rotated for you
I breathe for you
My heart, which is in your hands
Beats for you
You are not small
You are everything
So watch the earth
Watch it closely
Admire its work
And remember
When I watch it too
All I see is you
 Dec 2014 janie
 Dec 2014 janie
And i look up and see fog in the sky and god isnt it beautiful
And I finally feel like i understand
And the fog blocks my sight just like these things that keep me up at night and i understand what it is im supposed to let go of
I understand how to move on
And i stare back into the endless fog
But ****
Its not fog
  It never was fog
Its ash
Spreading as far as it can reach
Swallowing everything in its path
Until you cant see two feet in any direction
The burning of everything i needed
Its all gone
Being destroyed and the ash surrounds me
Infiltrating my mind
Filling every inch until all i can breath is wasted life
And im drowning above water in the remnants of what iv done
And theres no point in trying to breath or swim or cry out for help
And the only thing bringing any sight is the light but the darkness is caving in god its coming from every corner
Its everywhere
I cant escape and im drowning faster and the ash surrounds me and takes my last breath and im gone
No one can see me
Im lost
 Dec 2014 janie
Melanie Melon
 Dec 2014 janie
Melanie Melon
I don't usually wear my seatbelt
because if I die driving,
I want to go enthusiastically, smiling.

I only want to die
if in a gore-ific scene of carelessness,
I want to exit with a bang, part of a mess.

And I don’t find this morbid
Because if I die cruising down 33,
I will die my mind at peace with the rest of me.
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