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 Nov 2014 janie
you painted a beautiful sunset,
full of color and life,
and said it represented me.

you said i was art.

three months later,
you poured black over the canvas

Dear Hello Poetry Poet,

Is what you say
It's what you do
Everything I hear
In every "I. Love. You."


You want her, You love her.
I want you, I love you.
You don't want me, You don't love me.
She only needs you, She doesn't love you.

You feel about her, The way I feel about you.
I feel your pain, I feel what you do.

The point of all this?

I show you sympathy and mercy.
Unlike you do for me.

So much hypocrisy
But it doesn't matter to me.

Cause as much as you say you love her, I love you that much more.
And as much as you say you'd do for her,  I'd do for you that much more.

Tonight as you lay by my side, thinking about her while you're holding me tight and you find this letter here on Hello Poetry, I hope this may help you to understand,  that although I think you're an amazing man, you're hurting me like she's hurting you.

There's nothing left to say or do...
This hypocrisy is killing me and it's certainly not helping you...  

Just never forget about The Girl Who Loved You. ❤
The man I love is a poet on here,  his identity I shall keep hidden.  
Please don't hate him for what he's doing to me,  for just like you and me, he can't help who he loves.
You see...  
This is a big world and I'd like to say that I've found my "ONE"
But there's too many others out there to say that my search is done.
So for this "ONE", eventually and soon I'll have to give up the dream.
As to what else is out there? That remains to be seen...
 Nov 2014 janie
pluie d'été
There was once a girl
Who loved the rain
And a boy
Who loved the sun

They met one day
In the drunken moonlight
Fireflies fell from the trees
Burning out before dawn

His hands were warm
And her's were cold

They breathed in unison
Their eyes flickering
Against the sinking sky

"You make my heart race."
He said.
"You make my heart slow."
She whispered.

The sunlight stabbed the night
And the moon fell
Out of sight
Pulling down
A thousand clouds

"Kiss me,"
He demanded.
And she did.
"I love you"
" A constant commitment 
       an instant obligation?"
 Nov 2014 janie
I saw the letters

that you tried to hide from me

infact... We all did.
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