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 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
Megan H
Is a poet still a poet
If they do not write?

A journal gathering dust,
But a yearning to write.
Am I still a poet
Without my inner light?
I'm sorry I haven't written a while! Love you all
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
your lips


of honey

and so our kiss

is just as sweet
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
i feel like i can’t move
i have no motivation to
so i don’t
but laying in my bed
i also feel so powerful
and like i can change the world
but i can’t
because i’m laying in my bed
lost in my own head
i’m stuck
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
My train of thought fell off the tracks.
I burned that bridge before I even got to it.
How the **** is it only Tuesday?
Ravishing beauty with fluttering hair.
Benevolent nature with gracious fair.
Enchanted eyes with a cosy blink.
Amiable spirit with a heart throbbing wink.
Elegant looks endowed with grace.
Noble intelligence with a pretty face.
Loving heart with pious emotions.
Astonishing mind with superior notions.
Pls let me knw my flaws below in the comments section,  so I can improve. ..☺
Check out my poem on depression...and do leave a feedback
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
Better float than fall,
cold feet than cold hearts.
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
They say
parents are there for you
where were they
when I needed them
I was hurting
I was screaming for help
They didn't hear
I have become numb
To the pain
I have given up
They say that love is
and Wide
But for me love is
and Painful
And when my tear stained face finds a gentle hand to wipe away my sorrows
I fall in love
Or perhaps I fall in line
I’m not sure there’s a difference anymore
 Dec 2018 Austin Ryskamp
Tonight i cannot sleep
I could always blame the caffeine

I could blame it on the promises
I want to try and keep

My life has changed for the better
Quite sudden and abruptly
being a senior *****. i don't know what i'm doing or where i'm going. but things are also getting pretty okay. i told my parents about a person i really love and care about and they're meeting this person on different days, but it's all good. things are good.
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