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Nov 2018 · 254
jayant om Nov 2018
Behold for a while, 
O moments, just for a while !
Let me count again,all those
moments of togetherness
with LIFE.
Before I fade.
I know, moment by moment 
you slipping from my bare hands.
you are not here to collect 
the broken pieces, my broken pieces 
which, was  smashed, razed to the grounds 
by you once, every time.  
yet, I tried to mend my self 
collect them but,
I know, it’s too late.
As you are here to claim me.
I won’t disappoint you
here I am
I am all yours, Sweetie.
Aug 2018 · 344
Resentful Muse
jayant om Aug 2018
Happenstance, my resentful muse appeared in front of me,
in a bleak and bitter night
to mourn over the death of my feelings.
and, I standing over the edge of a cliff
a snowy cliff
I was not alone,
my feelings were by my side.
my feelings which are
half parched, half shriveled
and I began to strip those feelings furthermore
so they can be heaped
and I can exhume them for good in the fire within.
the sullen muse smiled apathetically; Ironically my lips curved too
as we both knew each other.
And, the night was astonished to see us smiling.
and I took my confidant, it read.
The coldness within is far colder than
the snows; you might meet soon your beloved at the dawn
but that dawn never ever came to knock the closed doors
of my heart.
my heart like a cloak
has encompassed my being
and it knows
what they call LOVE
as relationships are always
a gamble, merely a prediction
which by the times turns into
a dessert.
and the dust of time
makes is barren
more barren by each passing moment.
Night, by then was about to bid adieu
and it stopped just for a while
to say
your disclaimed existence is not a song
it is a lullaby of your soul
which is in a deep slumber
and I along with dawn shall make you love again.
it is a promise to you.
And, that promise is even today remains a promise
unfulfilled promise.

© Jayant Kumar Sheen
Mar 2018 · 372
jayant om Mar 2018
Dear Men,
I am a woman,
Whom you never saw As a fellow human being.
But as a body of blood, Holding those assets,
To satiate your cannibalistic desires.
You never searched the “me” within ‘me’
I also have the feelings which you never try to understand.
I am that conscious soul,
whom you call unfathomable.
I am a woman
I gave birth to you
I keep you in my womb for nine months
but, I see you staring at me stalking me
like a hungry beast
I am not a just a pound of flesh;
I am that conscious soul,
to whom you deny the rights.
When you strip off my shame,
from my parched skin,
You degrade your birth too.
You label me with names ****, *****…..
but you never think it’s you,
who come on the knees to get me at ‘BROTHELS’.
to prove you are the MAN
there, you don’t just play with my body only then,
you not only **** me but **** your souls too
Yes, I am that woman.
You pretend to worship me in temples
you fancy me in your dreams.
But, never adore me in reality.
When you sell me
in the market like an object then,
you sell your souls too.
Whenever you ****** me
Try to bully me
beat me in black and blue
For your pride
You step down As a man.
I am a woman
Yes, I ******* for five days
each month from puberty to menopause
to get prepared for becoming a mother
but, you treat me as untouchable on those days?!
I am a woman and am proud of who I am.
I am that being who is the alpha of all.
I am not just my body
I am a conscious soul.
(C) Jayant OM
Mar 2018 · 436
jayant om Mar 2018
Half Smoked Cigarette

She is my last half-smoked cigarette
that taste is still on my lips.

With each puff
she took few moments of my life.

Smoke of her memory
still covers my body and soul
like mist.

My existence is scattered
like the ash
dazed and doomed
It will never be the same again.
as it was once.
Feb 2018 · 1.2k
jayant om Feb 2018
You were that devastating thunderstorm
which, was the most beautiful tragedy happened to me
we are not together now, as it was never on the cards.
nothing is fine and I am worst without you
I don't want you anymore (I say)
I need you, in every step (I know)
You were that endless joy
which is now endless pain
I tried to forget all the moments spent with you
and, ended up in, remembering you all the times
those also were tears which never came out from my eyes
the pain was also that which I never told.

I remember all those dreams
which, we wove together
they were lovely.

I remember the soft touch of your lips, that naïve shamelessness  
I remember everything
I remember all that happened
I remember all the things

I remember that rain in which,
we got drenched together
there was a flame inside us
while we were soaked (In the droplets of rain)
what was that carelessness,
In those moments spend together which passed, yet not passed

I remember such evenings (we spent together)  
when you slept by my side
I kept looking at you,
I remember everything
I remember all that happened
I remember all the things
I am that broken glass which never binds
Feb 2018 · 572
jayant om Feb 2018

My heart is callous.....
parched like waterless desert with no shades
only because you left me.
Feb 2018 · 626
jayant om Feb 2018
She and I were strangers before.
We had the same pains of deception from the close ones.
we artifice the close ones too,  
one day, we met at crossroads,
don't know how and when
we become friends
one night, during our late night chats
our tormented hearts oozed out the grieves stored
tears rolled out like the rains.
we cried a lot
wept for hours in silence
now we are more CLOSER than the said lovebirds
we share the pain
not love.
Feb 2018 · 214
jayant om Feb 2018
Seasons Come and Go,

The life goes on,

What is here today,

Will Not be there tomorrow,

Why  repent, what you have not,

You’ll Not be the same ever,

Sorrows will fade away,

those who are with you today will be not there for always,

Why worry about them who walked away from you,

The moment you are living is the truth,

Enjoy the moment to its fullest,

You have not come into this world with all that you have today,

Why worry, for which is not with you

in quietude, hear the voice of silence

what does it say to you,

It says happiness is at this very moment

live it, to love all, laugh at what u have and have not

give the happiness what you have to all

spread the fragrance of love to all
Feb 2018 · 297
Bleed & Bleed
jayant om Feb 2018
In the eerie silence of this dark night,
my pen is bleeding again,
the agony of my soul
is now unbearable.
The past is now haunting me,
Death is now the only option for me.
But, this ain't going to happen for sure,
my callous heart is now numb and cold.
I will not die for You anymore,
instead, you have to pay the price.
Love was when you loved me,
my loved died when you turned your back.
For the scars, you gifted.
I will pay you back with the interest
I'll make you BLEED,
rest assure I will not **** you at once
I'll slay you each moment,
Wait for me, baby!
Feb 2018 · 432
Unrequited Love
jayant om Feb 2018
Today the cinders caught fire again,
Down the memory lane.
I was back in the days when
Your tinkling anklets,
Caught my attention
Your lowered gaze,
And hint of pink on the cheeks,
Your unfurled hairs,
Held me captive.
Once and all my heart said
Is it the same girl you dreamt of?
I nodded.
Thus the story began with a formal smile
as all the love stories beings.
A few glances, a few smiles,
Strolling on the streets.
You and your spell,
Never allowed me
To get out of it.

How could I think then, you were the wind which never stays, at one point too long.
Like the blowing wind,
You went away, never to come back.
As if you never been in my life.
My love, my feelings all remained unsaid.
O my unrequited love, see
How much special still you are
Just your thoughts are enough to kindle the fire within
The fire has not subdued yet
Never it will be
As it is all about you
Feb 2018 · 464
jayant om Feb 2018
That night,
you were in my dream. O beautiful!
We were in a secluded place,
your wavy hairs were unfurling with the breeze.
and you were trying to manage them,
and then, our eyes met.
there was a mock invitation in them.
Come! take me in your arms
make me yours forever.
I inched towards you.

I held you in my arms, cupped your face in my palms
I stroked your hairs
pushed them behind your ears,
I pulled you towards my chest, gripped you by curves.
your quivering lips closed eyes and pacing breath
all I remember.
you pushed me down and kissed me
your kisses were soft and passionate.
you left your marks all over my cheeks and chest
your  lips softly trailed down my neck
all these were arousing me
the passion of the moments how could I forget
I’ll cherish the memories
I’ll cherish that love forever

— The End —