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4d · 88
She lies back and pictures
his hands on hers.

Beneath her skirt he moves.

His breath hot in her ear,
though he isn't really here,
She moves in a way
she knows would please him.

She sees him, she breathes him,
in her mind she can feel him.

On top of her, inside of her.
She gasps!

******* waves of emotion
rush forth, like the ocean
moving fast towards the shore.

Crashing in ecstasy, she prays,
come home to me.

allowing herself
to ride the waves of memory,
Until he returns to her.

He always returns to her.
I was a little nervous about posting this,
worried it might be to explicit for H.P.
let me know in the comments is this over the line
or just on it?
4d · 52
Same Sweet Girl
When I saw your face I knew
I'd love you till the end.

Even though we parted
We came back around again.

Half a lifetime has passed us by
still nothing has changed.

You're still that same sweet girl,
Who has lingered in my brain.

Smiles filled with sunshine,
wind wild in your hair,
eyes of blue still beacon me come here!

Many lovers have passed,
still my feelings have never waned.

You're still the same sweet girl
I fell in love with.

The one that I will love until the end.
Forty Years has only made me love here more.
5d · 149
Get Back
Four young men on a rooftop in 1969,
Putting on a show for the very last time.

Not the last for any,
but this was the fab fours end.

Four old men under thirty,
about to start again.

People pointing fingers,
people laying blame.

Surely it can't be over
they'll Get Back again.

They'll travel back down that
Long and Winding Road.

Back to Penny Lane,
where it started so long ago.

Imagine the world without the Beatles,
I wonder if you can.

I remember four young men on a rooftop,
being great again.

Wanting to prove it to the world,
Before they let it end.

Before they let it go,
Before they Let it Be.

And that's the memory of
the Beatles,
I'll always choose to see.
I watched all 9 hours of Peter Jacksons
(Get Back) for the third time. And what always strikes
me is that The Beatles were just Kids not even 30 yet,
trying to find themselves, trying to live up to the expectations
of the world.
It's a hell of a documentary and a must see if you're a Beatles fan.

here's a link to the video on you tube check it out.

Kiss me in the darkness.
Touch me how you want to!

Let the feeling take you,
to places you've never been to.

There is truth in the darkness,
for our souls will find the light,
the light in each other
which brings such delight.

So Kiss me in the darkness,
Let our souls fly to the sun.

Stay with me past the morning,
For our love has just begun.
When a night of passion turns into something
unexpected, into something so much more!
7d · 203
Living on Love
I used to be a fool,
thinking I could live on love.

But it seems you need some Dinero, 
If you wanna rise above. 

Silk suits and Bentleys 
don't grow on trees. 

And the ladies always prefer
The guys with the money.

Now I ain't sayin she's a Golddigger,
But Kayne said it best, 
She ain't messin with no broke N---a's.

He said it not me, 
So cut me some slack,
let's finish the story.

I used to believe
I could live on love.

I used to believe, 
Love is all you need.

Lennon said, That Baby!

I used to believe I could live on love.

But then I met you!

I used to believe, 
I could live on love.

But now!

Now I know!

"Baby it's True!!!"
(Just a fool Living on Love)
Thanks for the title Anais.
Mar 20 · 83
Wolf's Serenade
I am the lone wolf
crying in the night,
I fear nothing except losing my sight.

I fear not foe, nor hunger, nor cold,
I don't even fear death
or growing old.

I only fear not having you my love,
not having you in my eyes to behold.

I scramble the high rocks
trying to reach you
in vain.

Forever removed from
my touch you remain.

So I sit bathing in your light
and I cry.

Until I howl my last,
until I join you in sky.
There's something sad and romantic
about a wolf howling at the moon.
Wolves have always fascinated me.
Check out my reading of this poem on you tube

Mar 20 · 111
Proving My Love
I knew I loved you the day I saw you
although I never said it.

Through all the years that passed my dear
I never did forget it.

So quick I was when again we met
that you couldn't quite believe it.

Your broken jaded heart,
wasn't able to conceive it.

Too many use words
to get what they desire,
To many use words
just to fan the fire.

Make him walk a mile
or maybe two or three,
will he cross the desert for your love?

Will he cross the sea?

When you've answered yes
and you know his love is true,
give him back all your love
like only a woman can do.

Love him hard and love him long
for his is a love that's true.
So this poem probably needs a little context
there was a girl that I was crazy about when I was 17.
I never told her because she was dating a friend of mine.
35 years later we finally hooked up.
8 years later we are still together.
Video reading on You Tube check it out.
Mar 16 · 191
Old Man Thoughts
I sit and watch the world spin round 
glad I'm no longer in the fray.

Time has quietly passed me by 
as day bleeds into day.
The night it moves much slower.
My mind always fast awake, 
sleep is often hard to find
before the day's break.

Vampiric nights and exhausted days
swirl and turn inside a yellow haze.

This is my life now!

I sit and watch the world spin round
wishing I was still in the fray.

Longing to feel the sun on my face
and frolic away my days.

This is my life now.

Is this my life now!?

It's been a long winter,
It's always worse in the winter.
Getting older brings about a lot of changes
We never thought about when we were younger.
Maybe we just didn't have the time.
Mar 11 · 103
Looking for Love
Don't look for love
it's the worst thing you can do.

It stresses you out, 
and makes you feel blue.

Makes you question everything
you thought you knew.

Question your looks, your attitude,
charm, compassion, intelligence.

You'll always be searching for answers,
Forever on the defense.

Looking for love,
is just too hard to do.

So just stop looking,
forget about love!

And when you do,
when you discover you're comfortable
just being you.

That's the time that love
will take your breath away.

It will come and hit you,
right out of the blue.

So stop looking for love!

When you're ready, 
When the time is right.

Love will suddenly,
and undeniably find you.
So yes this is So Super Cheesy!!!
But it's also So True!!!
Mar 10 · 428
This Romeo is bleeding
Lying here fast awake.

Juliets long gone,
Your suicide didn't take.

Now youth has passed
You by.

No longer a young
Girl's dream.

Not a tragic love story.

Just a tragedy in life,
it now seems.
So obviously this was inspired by the Bonjovi song Always.
It seems I'm inspired by music quite often, that opening line has been in the back of my mind since I first heard it in 1994. LOL
So if music is poetry, which I believe it is, then is a poem inspired by a song
an act of plagiarism? Or is it just a variation of inspiration on a theme???
A bottle of melancholy
And a memory of you

Jukebox playing songs
We used to dance to

Filled up with quarters
Melodies, masking tears

Another round to wash
Those memories down

Another round to
While away the years

Another dollar in the
Jukebox, play it till the
**** thing breaks

Another bottle of Melancholy
to drown away this heartache.

Li  La  Li--   Li  La  Li  Li  Li  La Li--
Baby Li Li Li....
Ok so I take almost no credit for this one.
The phrase (Bottle of Melancholy) was given to me by a
Phenomenal young poet named
(Abbot J Hardison) right here on H.P. Thank you Sir!
and the rhythm at the end is from
(Whiskey Lullaby) by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss.
What little bit of poem there is was assembled by me at 4am this morning.
Mar 6 · 142
Love Like You
You know that I love you,
but I wish I could live you.

Experience the world like you do.

To touch it, with your delicate fingers.
To see it through your eyes so blue.

How different would our love feel
if I could live that love as you.

To feel our passionate kisses 
through your soft and tender lips.
Or the feel of what it feels like.
when you do that thing-
You know.
the one that makes me flip!

Yes Baby I wish that I could live you,
if only for a moment or two.

So I could feel your love for me,
the way I feel my love for you.
So I text my baby "I Love You" earlier and her response came back
"I live You too." an obvious typo but it inspired this poem.
I hope you like it.
checkout the video
Mar 6 · 114
Writing Poetry
On a cold and lonely day
I sit, with pen in hand.

Blank pages lie before me,
begging for truths,
or even lies
A prize of ink,
to satiate the soul.

I fumble with a line in my mind.

Not yet have I put my pen to task.
I fumble and I start,
then recoil.

The ink still abstains from the page.

For when the ink begins to flow
it will spout truths
I didn't even know.

And in a rage, it will ravage the page.
Ravage my mind, ravage my soul.

Depleting me completely,
A calm falls upon me
like snow.
So I thought I had posted a long time ago.
Only to realize when I was making the you tube video that I
So I'm posting now the video is already up please give it a look
if you have time.
Mar 5 · 79
Write the Future
Poetry is pain
With a hope of tomorrow.

Underlying regrets,
Grief and sorrow.

We revise life, through words,
Of what could have been.

But hindsight is 20/20
We can't go back again.

And would we even want to?
Could we even change a thing?

Without the knowledge of regret
Now etched upon our brain.

Better to let it go,
To say we lived and learned.

And write dreams for the future,
of passions that still burn.
I was reading some poems by a poet named Eniyans on this site and the first two lines of this poem popped into my mind.
So I thank them for the inspiration.
Mar 5 · 130
Rainbow of Love
Infrared to ultraviolet
and every color in between
every hue that is you,
is longing to be seen.

You're like a rainbow of love,
In all its prismatic splendor.

Those ruby red lips,
so soft and tender.

In your emerald green eyes
my heart begs surrender.

Your golden hair flows,
down over sweet cinnamon skin.

Towards rose colored treasures
hidden deep within.

You're a rainbow of colors,
vibrant and bold,
Pastels of passion,
for my eyes to behold.

A Rainbow of love
even more precious than gold.

(HELL! To Be Honest)

You're like Skittles Baby!
And I wanna taste the Rainbow!
To be honest this poem was giving me fits.
I couldn't figure out how to end it, so I just decided
to have a little fun with the last lines.
checkout the you tube video
Mar 5 · 225
Dance With Me
She walked up and asked,
Will you dance with me?

I looked all around just to see
Who it was.
There's no way,
it couldn't possibly be.

Could it? could it really be me?

And just like that,
We were dancing.

So close, surely we were floating, 
Because I couldn't feel my feet.

I couldn't hear the music, only the beat.

The pound, pound, pounding of my heart!

Her and me dancing,
Surely we were floating.

I looked down to see,
Instead I saw her,
looking up at me.

We were dancing! 

Yes, we were.

We were dancing.
Junior High School Dance,
Ladies choice, and she chose me!
First time I ever danced, I can feel it like it was yesterday.
Funny how memories work sometimes.
Mar 3 · 171
Living the Poetry
I went for a walk today
in search of poetry.

A little inspiration
in something I might see.

It wasn't a particularly beautiful day, 
Cloudy and a bit cold.

But from time to time 
the clouds would part, 
and wash the world in gold.

It wasn't quite mesmerizing 
still no poetry came to me.

So I decided to take a load off,
and parked myself beneath a tree.

I just sat there for a while, 
to see what I could see.

And what struck me most 
was that there was no one,
not a soul around but me.

Well, that's not exactly true.

There were a couple birds up in this tree,
but they were busy doing bird things,
not at all concerned with me.

And a squirrel up on a power line, 
also without a care,
as far as I could see.

And in that very moment 
a poem came to me.

But I did not write it down,
I just enjoyed my time under that tree.

I'll save the poem for later,
because I'm living the poetry.
The world is a big beautiful place if we take a moment to unplug,
unwind, and just allow our minds to take a break for a little while.
checkout the video for this on my you tube channel
Feb 24 · 96
Four Kisses
Four kisses, 
One for yesterday, 
One for today,
One for tomorrow, 
And one for forever.

Yesterday's kiss is long and sweet, 
covering all the times we miss.

Today's kiss is full of fire, 
searing with passion, 
it has no time to reminisce.

Tomorrow's kiss is a promise 
of all the Kisses yet to come.

And finally forever's kiss 
is the softest and gentlest kiss.

It is the kiss that makes us whole.

Given beyond the physical, 
beyond worlds, 
given from the depths of our soul.

All my kisses are for you,
as I pray yours in return.

for they are the first,
and only kisses, 
I ever hope to earn.
Wrote this a good while ago it had some issues so I shelved it.
went back through it today and re-wrote it.
I think it's close, and close is as close as a poem ever gets.
I hope you like it.
Available on you tube
direct link
Feb 20 · 62
Sometimes she goes slumming,
and turns up here.

But I'll take her downtown,
have no fear.

After all,
it's what she came here for.

We can do it right here,
down on the floor,
or up against the wall.

Anywhere but the bed,
that wouldn't do it all.

Her hunger must be fed
down on all fours
dress getting *****
begging for more.

Subjugating herself,
denying her wealth,
letting primal urges drive her.

So I'll supply her fantasy,
but in reality I fear.

If she knew the truth
she'd not dare turn up here.

For the truth is
That I love her!
Feb 20 · 88
Don't Kiss Me
If you kiss me once before I die
I will not die a happy man.

I'll die wishing I had more time
to kiss you once again.

To kiss you a thousand times
Like I've done so in my mind.

Pressed against your flesh in
loves passionate embrace.

A lifetime has passed
to find us in this place.

So do not kiss me before I die.

Eternity is far too long
to ruminate on why.

Was this a kiss of love, 
or merely of goodbye?

Please, please don't kiss me!

My dying soul can not bear it.
So the last line I originally wrote bare it.
Spellcheck said that was wrong so I changed it.
Looking at it now I'm not sure.
A little insight from someone with more grammatical knowledge
than myself would be appreciated.

Check out the reading of this poem at

or my whole you tube channel
Feb 20 · 84
Off The Cuff
timer set and go.
lets do this off the cuff,
on the fly, enoughs a nuff.
5 minutes to get r done, oh **** 2 minutes gone.
how much poetry can we write off
the cuff.
Sunrises, sunsets, ladies eyes i'll never forget.
picking and choosing as time flys by
1 minute left I sigh.
this poem comes to a close with one last
I love you before I go
So I set the stopwatch for 5 minutes and started writing
with no pre thought other than the title this is the end result of this experiment.
Not asking for likes this is pure crap just suggesting you give it a try.
Feb 18 · 100
Whisky and Poetry
Whisky and Poetry
The look in your eyes,
smoldering ******,
begging good times.

A bold and beautiful Celtic Lass.

Emerald eyes and auburn hair 
make this Irish heart beat too fast.

I wish I could kiss her ruby red lips,
caress that creamy skin,
with my calloused fingertips. 

So stunning in moonlight,
My eyes drink her in.

A vision of innocence 
a portrait of sin.

Just a paperback cover
in a bookstore bin.

Polarized and filtered not reality,
A 35 mm dream girl 
I'll never truly see.

But in my mind she's mine
as long as I want her to be.

Through the magic of
Whisky, and Poetry.
Inspired by looking through photos for a suitable cover
to an adult romance novel I've been working on for a very long time.
checkout the video on my you tube channel
Write a love rhyme
off the top of your head
post it in the comments below.

Valentine's Day
Is the day to say,
****, Silly, Romantic things
To make her heart soar,
cry, or sing.
And I'll stop right there.

Happy Valentine's
to the greatest group of poets and people
I've drank myself blind 
trying to have a good time.

I've crashed my motorcycle in the rain.

I've jumped out of planes,
hopped rides on cargo trains.

Made love to women I never knew.

I've slept under a desert moon,
slept in the rain in June.

Did nearly everything in life
I wanted too.

And the only thing that
caused me real pain,
was not giving you a ring.

Because I found you way to late.
And I lost you way too soon.
Mostly true, some poetic license was taken.
Feb 10 · 199
Let it Rain
Under my umbrella
rain hitting all around
getting wet anyway 
so I take it down.

I really don't mind
it's been a hot day,
and the rain seems to
wash all my blues away.

Rain covers my face like tears,
but they are of joy
not of pains or fears.

Into every life they say
some rain must fall.
But I'll not complain,
the sun always shines
brighter after the rain.

And as I said,
it's been a very hot day.

And this cool refreshing rain
was sorely needed anyway.
So moments ago my screen saver updated to a pic of a dozen or so brightly colored umbrella opened up on a bright blue sky back drop.
And this poem popped into my mind.
I quickly jotted it down, before it could disappear from my mind and this is the finished result of 5 minutes of intense poetic thought LOL!!!
I hope you like it, I certainly enjoy it when they come like this.
Thanks for reading
checkout the video for this poem on you tube
To My Valentine

You're not just the girl for me,
You're the world to me.

My first good morning,
my last goodnight.

When You're in my arms,
everything feels right.

The sound of you sleeping soothes My soul.

The warmth of your touch makes me feel whole.

Lying here in my arms,
the kiss of your lips,
the smell of your skin,
the curve of your hips,
in those moments the world disappears.

In those moments,
all that I hear
is two hearts beating.

Saying love is here.
Write me a poem for Valentine's Day!
If your a poet,
You know that's what She'll say.
So writers block be ******,
My dues must be paid,
To that arrow slinging Cherub,
If I have any hopes to get laid!!!

Happy Valentine's Day
to my fellow poets!
Feb 8 · 74
Billionaire Saints
So the billionaires tell us
we may feel a little pain,

but they're doing it all for us,
it's not for their gain.

Such noble men
these saints must be,
twisting the fabric of democracy.

How lucky am I that they do it all for me.

I'll tighten my belt and **** it up,
for the sake of my country's prosperity.

Seriously, 36 trillion is all they need!
Can that be done by making 300
million bleed?

Now I'm no mathematician,
but those numbers don't add up.

And as much as I hate to say it.

Honestly, I think we're ******!!!
Feb 6 · 82
Eyes on the Prize
Eyes on the prize 
See the truth not the lies. 
Open your heart and let the love flow through.

Take my hand walk with me,
share a laugh and a smile.

Let it all go for just a little while!
Don't worry about the future,
forget the past.

Life is just a moment,
a precious memory,
there is no way to make it last.

Moments and memories of Lovers and friends.
That's the prize that hides behind the lies.

No treasure of gold, will satisfy your soul,
only the love you give and receive.

And in the end,
I pray that you hold me in a way,
that lets me know that I was loved. 

Kiss me softly as I leave,
and please do not grieve.

Just remember how much I loved you.
This is an older piece, I honestly didn't even remember writing it.
But it felt kinda nice
so I thought I'd finally let it have it's moment in the sun.
Thanks for reading.
So this has been added to my you tube channel and I feel like it may be my best video so far. please give it a look if you get the chance.
you tube link.
Feb 5 · 245
Love Builds a Home
My desire for you has not faded
My love continues to grow.

Someday when the time is right
Our hearts will give love a home.

Together we will walk in our garden
feeling the sunshine caressing our face.

And we will feel joy in knowing
it was our love that built this place.

A house is just a building
of wood and brick and stone.

But the love of two souls joined together
is what makes a house a home.
now available as a video on my you tube channel please check it out like and subscribe thanks.
Feb 2 · 202
Old People Love
Old People Love 
that's what we have now you see.

That kind of love where we fuss and grumble
but would never think to leave.

Where we shake our heads at each other,
and laugh and talk about the weather.
Telling the same old stories,
of all our years together.

It's hard to tell sometimes where you stop
and I begin.
I've given up on that riddle,
Really, there is no way I can win.

After 40 years, together
We're not just lovers, but best friends.

So I overlook the Lipstick on my coffee cup,
and you stealing fries from my plate.

While you pick at your spinach salad, 
and worry about your weight.

Telling me I need to hurry up,
when you always end up running late.

You tell me I'm no better 
when I forget to take out the trash.

Or you catch me hiding cookies 
in what I thought was my secret stash.

Yes, we have that old people love,
It seems we know each other too well.

And even though we joke and tease.
Seriously, It's been Hell!!!    LOL

Only kidding My Love!
I wouldn't change a thing,
I'm even happier today, 
than when I gave you that ring.

That's Old People Love.
The kind of love I hope we all have someday.
now available on my you tube channel
Jan 30 · 309
Love Everlasting
True love is everlasting,
not even death can take it away.

True love will always linger,
even if another takes its place.

For in the heart and memories,
it will always hold a space.

So do not grieve forever,
a passing true love.

They carried your love
with them until the end.

So try not to guilt yourself so deeply,
When grief's grip starts to release thee.

And feelings of love begin to
find you once again.
I've seen people consumed with grief to the point
that their continued existence destroys them
And I can't help but think this is not what their love
would have wanted for them.
And that's the message I was trying to convey here.

for the video version
Jan 28 · 239
Love Light
I need no light to know
that you are smiling.
Your hands in mine,
together in the dark.

I need no light to see
the beauty in your face,
it's locked forever in
the memory of my heart.

I need no light to guide my touch,
nor taste, nor smell,
no light to guide me within
all the treasures that are you.

I need no light.

It is merely icing on the cake,
as we make love
through the night,
into the sun break.
This has been posted to my you tube channel check it out
Jan 27 · 170
Lady Poet
She has eyes that can see through my soul,
and a smile that melts
the coldest ventricles of my heart.

My sweet poet waif, 
words of beauty flowing from her lips like a river.

A river of rhythm and rhyme, 
my heart pounding a beat in time
to the song that is her voice.

Stealing my breath, 
leaving me speechless with desire.

A fire to hear more,
for only in her words
do I know her.
Dedicated to all the beautiful lady poets
of HP who touch my heart everyday.
Keep writing ladies your words touch us all.
Jan 27 · 455
No Words Needed
In silence we embrace
cheek to cheek,
Face to face.

Two souls join as one, no words spoken.

Hearts beating together,
not in unison, but one then the other.

The push and pull of love,
not the tension of lovers.

The warmth of embrace,
cheek to cheek, face to face.

A moment shared,
a feeling, a believing.

Cheek to cheek, face to face,
Two souls join as one,
no words spoken.
No words needed.
So this has been added to my you tube channel the video turned out very well I hope you'll take the time to check it out.
Jan 25 · 394
Another Voyage
Candy colored lights 
twinkle on the horizon.

Distant traffic drones along, 
shimmering rivers in the night.

Millions of souls living lives unseen.
Now drift away inside my dreams.

The Star Voyager returns to the desert.

Solitude rejuvenates my soul.

Yet every time I near serenity,
The world pulls back at me.

The obligations of life,
telling me, it's time to go.

Back to the city, 
Back to those distant lights.

Until I'm just another,
unseen soul. 
Lost and drifting, 
Into the night.
This poem came to me out of nowhere
but as I was writing it, I could only describe it as a sequel
to a poem I wrote called (Desert Sky) which is also posted here on HP.
Thanks for reading.
Jan 23 · 147
Man For Sale(CHEAP)
Man for Sale

Man for sale slightly bruised and battered,
but still performs fairly well
in all the things that matter. 

He's a daily driver he never fails to start,
paints a little faded, but not falling apart.

He's never been a model that will turn a lot of heads,
his selling point has always been comfort,
and reliability instead.

So hop in turn the key,
take him for a spin.

He'll get you where you need to go
and safely back again.

The price is right,
practically free,
I'll even throw in a money back guarantee.

He's a certified pre-owned classic,
they no longer make them like this.

But this is not a handshake deal,
it must be sealed with a kiss.
Another one from the vaults thought it held up fairly well.

just posted to my you tube channel check it out.
Jan 23 · 117
Touch Her Butt
Touch her ****. 
Not a ***** or a squeeze.
Just a gentle caress, or pat if you please.

Hold her in your arms,
kiss her forehead.
Snuggle on the sofa watching TV,
before heading to bed.

Gaze into her eyes,
not like you've never seen them before.

But like looking in a mirror
and you know every pore,
every wrinkle, line, and freckle,
on her beautiful face.

This is the good stuff
there's no reason for haste.

And after you've made love,
Look at her and grin,
then touch her **** and whisper.

Let's do it again!
Just a reminder that love and relationships
don't have to be full of overpowering emotions
all the time.  Sometimes they can just be relaxed and fun.
Laugh in bed you'll never regret it.
Jan 20 · 77
He's Not for You
I am a poet, that means I believe in love.
I am an idiot, that means I believe in love.

Love is not an illusion, or a confusion of the heart.

Played like a brutal game of desperation,
perspiration, and art.

I Love the art,
But I hate the game,

A feeling shared by two,
Is not open to general consensus,
of what constitutes me and you.

I am in you, you are in me,
How much more sanctification do we need?

Who's ******* approval, before our love can be true?

**** their opinions!

I choose you!

So just let it be, can't you see,
I was made for you.
And you were made for me.

And that's all the approval we will ever need!
So this is an old poem I forgot even existed written in a semi-drunken rage
when some people offered some unwanted and unasked for opinions
about my girlfriend dating me that caused a strain on our relationship
for a long time.

It's not very good but I thought it should finally see the light of day
after all these years, and the fact that we won out in the end.
Jan 18 · 319
Jenny's Birthday Poem
My darling Jenny
this poem's for you,
A birthday promise, you can hold me to.

No amount of years will change
my love for you.

I miss your smile,
when you're not near,
and your voice is the one I always long
to hear.

I see your blue eyes
every night in my mind,
I feel your kiss, and I hear your sighs.

I long for you each and every day.

And when you are in my arms,
I always want you to stay.

So don't dread getting older,
or fret grey hairs and lines.

You'll remain young forever,
here in my mind.

Happy Birthday Baby!

I'll always Love You!
So me and my girl are in a long distance relationship
it's not as bad as it sounds she's only 200 miles away.  And I visit her often.

We've been together for 8 years now
But we've know each other since we were 17.
Anyway I tried to order flowers for her birthday
and they didn't arrive as planned.
She said just write me a poem Babe.
To which I replied that's so easy Honey,
every love poem I write is for you.
So this is the end result. I made a video too
but that's something I can only share with her.
Jan 17 · 224
The Journey
The sun burns hot and bright
heat waves distort the light,
where asphalt meets the horizon.

The Santa Ana winds dry the sweat
from my skin before I even have
a chance to perspire.

I head north along the coast, leaving behind
my blustering host.

As rocky cliffs, and pacific breezes sooth my soul.

And tonight as I sleep beneath the stars,
to the sound of the distant cars.

I let my thoughts wander,
Somewhere beyond Jupiter and Mars.

And wonder just when that journey,
might begin.

I'm in no hurry though, for there are miles left
to go.

And that journey will have to wait,
Until this journey ends.

I started adding poems to my face book page as well as my you tube channel
to make it even easier to follow me.
Jan 16 · 178
Bikers Shower
Summer rain storm
Soaks me to the bone.

Lying on concrete all alone,
under the overpass,
Cars blowing by,
I know they laugh.

I understand why.

But what they don't realize,
is that I'm laughing too.

I wouldn't trade this life,
because, I know.

I may be wet,
but I'm freer than you.

Give me a highway, a lonesome stretch of gray.

(Thanks for the line Bob)

And I'll be alright,
I'll find my way.

And if it rains, let it pour,
Let it wash my cares away,

I won't complain,
I love the rain.

I probably needed a bath anyway.
In the bracket I'm referring to Bob Seger and a line from his song Even Now
from his album The Distance. Which has inspired several of my poems.
If your not familiar with his music I highly recommend giving him a listen.
His lyrics are excellent poetry.

now available on my you tube channel
Jan 15 · 312
Spiritual Love
They ask me why I love you, 
They ask me why I care.

And though the answer eludes me,
the feeling is still there.

Like a moth to a flame,
the danger never sensed.

I'm drawn to thee eternally
in spite of circumstance.

My heart was told to love you,
I don't know by whom or why.

And even though it hurts me so,
I cannot deny.

My heart was told to love you
and I will heed thy will.

For my love for you
is the closest thing to
Heaven I'll ever feel.
Sometimes we fall in love with someone
who has been hurt or broken. And
even though you know they love you back, Its difficult
for them to trust you and open up to you.
Sometimes it feels like the easiest thing to do would be to
run the other way.
This poem is about deciding to stay and defying logic and reason
and finding the greatest love of your life.

Now available on my you tube channel
Jan 15 · 214
Rodin's Lovers
Pure as alabaster,  
no servant, no master,
only love abides.

Lost in a kiss,
divination of  bliss.

Together, they've stood, against time.

Their creator long gone,
still they live on,
to remind us that true love lasts forever.
Inspired by the sculpture By Auguste Rodin in 1882
Entitled (The Kiss) but often refereed to as Rodin's Lovers
or The Lovers
Jan 15 · 616
Naughty Granny
I need a naughty granny
with a cougar in her *******.

A cougar in her ******* and
cookies in her pocket
to feed my old man belly
and please my old man rocket.

I need a naughty granny
who knows how to shake that thing,

Who's just as **** in her autumn
as she was back in her spring.

I need a naughty granny
to make my old *** feel alive.

Who will still want to do me, when I'm 95.
Not my usual thing but just having a bit of fun
Jan 13 · 218
Words Remembered
I want to write something
that lives beyond me.

Something that brings joy
to someone I'll never see.

Something that has wings
to traverse time and space.

Words of rhyme that kindle love
in a formerly loveless place.

Just a line, or phrase
where someone will say-

to a dear friend,
I read this today.

A poem by some old poet,
I don't recall his name.

But I found it to be beautiful,
and it touched me,
All the same.
What I write now, I hope my son will read when I'm 30 years gone
and remember me. Or maybe even a grandchild
even though I don't have any yet.
Jan 13 · 186
A sentimental shaft of light
touched my face through
a cracked window pane.

A reflection of remembered
warmth, a memory of the
fire in your eyes.

My gaze turns towards
the window, searching
dancing motes of dust,
for a ghost of you.

For just an outline,
a shimmering silhouette,
to cling too.

But even as I search
I know, you're no mere ghost.

The light that touched
my face was you.

Now available on you tube at the above link
Jan 13 · 257
Neko (Story Sample)
This is the first couple paragraphs of a story I've been working on
interested in honest critique.

Neko awoke to the smell of blood. He sniffed the cool night breeze, and his ears swiveled, listening intently.
A wolfs ears were sharp and keen, but it was the nose that knew everything. The nose that had woke him from his dreams of warm summer play.
"A rabbit," Neko thought, injured and bleeding, maybe three hundred yards away upwind in the tall plains grass. Neko's stomach growled.
A wolf always knew an easy meal when he smelled one. Neko rose from his slumber stretching his powerful limbs and began to move slowly and methodically through the grass. He was careful to remain upwind. His steps fell like whispers on the soft ground.
The moon, which Neko so loved was full and bright tonight and threatened to betray him as it cast its silvery glow across the grassy landscape.
Neko's nearly white coat stood out against the yellow grass, his saving grace was the smattering of silver that ran down the center of his back and rimmed the tops of his ears.
Neko crouched deeper into the grass, and farther down into the shadows, his movement slowed to a crawl. He could hear his prey now. It was weakened but not so much that it wouldn't recover given time, or run should he miss his mark.
The rabbit had been lucky at some point earlier this evening in an encounter with a lesser predator than himself, a coyote or a fox perhaps.
However Neko had no intention of allowing his prey any reprieve from fate.
All animals great or small ended as a meal for someone, even wolves bones were picked clean in the end. Neko knew this on some primitive level but he gave it no thought, he crept closer.
The smell of the animal's blood was intoxicating. He could hear it's labored breathing.
His muscles were coiled and tense, he inched as close as he dare then suddenly,
Neko sprang swiftly and with no remorse. His jaws closed around the rabbits throat with a sharp snap, one shrill, short, squeal, and it was over.
Possible short book I'm working on about The leader of a wolf pack named Neko.   General setting is North Western U.S. Montana Wyoming area.
I wish that we had met as children.
And played all the games that children play.

I wish that we had run together
through the fields,
and laughed and joked those days away.

I wish I had been there to see you,
Blossom into the woman
you came to be.

And I wish in that hour
of self awakening,
I was the only boy your eyes could see.

Your first smile, first kiss,
first love, first promise,
and every other first along the way.

Now I look into your eyes
and see memories
of an alternate reality,
and all I can really do is smile.

Because no matter the past
you are here with me at last.

And a last love
beats a first love
by a mile.
This poem has been posted to my you tube channel please check it out.
Jan 10 · 348
Love Songs Poem 1980
Why don't we steal away

And let me love you tonight

Because you and I've been in love to long

And I'd really love to see you tonight.

So why don't we steal away

(So you can)

Do that to me one more time

(You know )

I'm all out of love

And I can never get enough of a girl like you.

Cause Honey you are my shining star

(In fact you are)

You are The biggest part of me.

And that's how much I feel, feel for you Baby

But most of all I do love you

line 1 Robbie Dupree
line 2 Pure Prairie League
line 3 Ambrosia
line 4 England Dan and John ford Coley
line 5 Robbie Dupree
line 6 Captain and Tennille
line 7 Air Supply
line 8 Captain and Tennille
line 9 The Manhattans
line 10-11 Ambrosia
line 12 The Commodores
Ok so this is far from being a good poem but it was just a little experiment I did with a new you tube video.
every line was from a song on the Billboard hot 100 for the year 1980
Checkout the video on my channel
Jan 8 · 436
Re-Found Love
Years have passed and maybe you're afraid
that time has caused a change,
Afraid that we won't rock each other's world like before.

And perhaps, physically we're not the same,
and yes our love has changed,
It's gotten so much stronger at its core.

Just take my hand,
My Love,
you already have my heart,
Just let go,
and watch love flow,
First steps are always the hardest part.

Let me carry you away,
on this re-found wave of love.

Maybe no longer crashing,
perhaps just gently lapping at the shore.

But there's still motion in the ocean,
and with all our love and devotion,
We'll Rock Each Other's Worlds Even More!!!
It took a teen romance followed by 30 years apart to write this one.
you tube link for this video or go to
to view all my videos.
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