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Raw and bleeding,
Weak and needing,
The arms of stronger love,
White and red,
Skin is shed,
Gnawing away again,
Transparent shards of glass,
Cut deep from other’s bursting heart,
Blood long turned brown,
Still staining the ground,
At the feet
Of One,
Towards the Source,
Runs down in pools of water,
From a holy heart,
Mixing with the gore,
Like watercolor,
Shows a different scene,
A banner in the war,
Over all the carnage,
It took to get there,
Strength in every skirmish,
Broadswords only given,
To the killer of giants,
Bearer of most pain and weight,
Likeliest to casualty,
A favorite of Glory,
Sun so bright,
Off boots and mail,
He will not fail,
But Save,
And win,
And Raise,
The banner of blood,
As much of his as other’s.
And make more,
Lovers of Light.
June 4, 2013
 Feb 2017 Mariana Nolasco
For always being there.
For caring.
For loving me; You don't even know me.

 Feb 2017 Mariana Nolasco
May ravens sing to you
May they brighten Winter's dreary walks
As fallen leaves crunch beneath your feet
And the sky grows a melancholy gray
May cheerfulness run forth to greet you
With happy, outstretched arms
May no rain or darkness sadden your day
May only beauty, wishes, and dreams
Dance inside your head
Happy Birthday, Dad!

Sorry for my long absence from HP!!
We (my parents and I) have had a LOT
Come up lately, so if I'm not always
On here reading and writing poetry, please understand!!
However today I knew I had to write something...
Today is my Dad, Timothy's birthday!!
Sorry if this doesn't sound like my usual style,
But it was quite randomly written!!!
Enjoy anyways!!!! :) <3
w e
...the paths
of life,  comes
a time when roads
t u r n   to  z i g z a g s
sometimes beaten, painful
to walk on...and the blue sky
darkens to gray...and the clouds
hide from us, and the sun sets, and
we need arrows and rays to guide  us
t h r o u g h:::::
From nowhere
.........any hour
y o u    appear
b r i g h t     as
morning  s u n
your   BEAMS
you are a light
that guides us
.....through the
[[[ D A R K ]]].

...For Timothy...

Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...found this older poem...from three years ago...written for Timothy...
...I repost...for Timothy...
my chest
is a balloon
filled with empty air
that is waiting
and waiting
to eventually burst
and i fear
the aftermath
of how much
i am feeling nothing
yet everything
all at once
Breathe me in like a vapor,
Let me embrace you in my warmth.
Carry me in your pocket for later,
I'll be there to warm you in storms.
 Feb 2017 Mariana Nolasco
Someone once told me
that butterflies only live for a year
so could you tell the ones you left in my stomach
that they've overstayed their welcome?

After you left, I catch myself running my fingers
over the things you touched the most.
I just want to feel the warmth of your fingertips.
I just want to know if the sound of my heartbeat
still sounds like windchimes to you.
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