I got my heart on another heist,
I thought she was the one
Never thought that I'd be twiced,
Our hearts caught in all the wants,
Now my cigarettes are my only vice,
Light up another one,
Each puff I'm dragging thrice,
Feelings dissipate all at once,
But my emotions are on a rollercoaster ride,
My depression cocked like a loaded gun,
My finger pressing on the trigger tight
You had me on a run,
Trying to turn my wrongs right,
First mistake strike one,
Strike two then came the warning light,
Strike three, that was the last one,
Out the door you went, disappearing into the light
Since then, I've been heavy on the ***,
The bottle starting to feel a little light,
My nights spent waiting for the sun,
But the sun never seem to rise,
Here I am, back in square one.