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If the gold can still shine , even after forged and burnt,
why can't I?
If the sun can still shine, even under immense pressure,
why can't I?
If the star can still shine, even after untold centuries,
why can't I?
If you can still shine , even after leaving me broken,
why can't I?
Let them hurt you little more, let them leave you broken inside, let them avoid you without even knowing the real you..
You'll still shine until and unless you gave upon you.
Believe in yourself.
JL Dec 2020
If I could,
I would is an excuse.
If I want,
I can.
And if I want it enough,
I will get it done.
That's an attitude
You gotta develop.
Krizel Grace Nov 2020
From the bottom you'll rise
Colorful glittery wings,
Let them spread and spark
Illuminate the sky so dark
And shine like fireworks does.

Don't mind the onlookers; all they could do is watch.
Ruheen May 2019
You can't judge what you don't know.

You can't know what you've never felt.

You can't feel what you've never had.

You can't have what you can't want.

You can't want what you don't need.
Sometimes you can. But those times you're just lucky.
دema flutter May 2019
when your words don’t mean much to them,
stop talking, stop arguing
when your actions can’t be seen by them,
stop trying, stop wasting your energy
when your emotions start to groan,
don’t let them build,
you know they’ll eat you up alive,
when you can’t get to a target,
even though you try over and over,
start looking for meaning in the path instead,
when you can’t get over someone,
start reminding yourself that you can,
because you know you can.
Angela Kujur Mar 2019
I see myself falling and feeling the ground
Driving my emotions back and round
I hope I could rewind and play not to you but to me
There’s a chance to get up even tho you find yourself in darkest  flight but
Darkness is not outside its within
Find yourself a light not in  outside but inside
You  might feel there’s no light but
if you don’t find one then make one
One light which yours and yours only and couldn’t be stolen by none
Own this fight makes things right
if things go wrong but doesn’t mean you can’t be strong
Be proud to say I failed
you are just broken but tell them to speed  up  because there’s you coming stronger  and faster
ready to slay
Madeleine Jan 2019
what is impossible?
Learning to walk after an injury
passing a test in a class you're struggling in
Or learning to love yourself when others do not
achieving your goal when even you think you can't
or raise your children alone because they left you or passed away too soon
Score a goal or hit a home run you try so hard but cut yourself short
is all that and more impossible?
How do I know?
Because you are stopping yourself and making it impossible
you are the one who needs to take those steps
to move forward
To Push yourself and tell yourself that you can do it
no one else can do it for you
they may help you get started
but that's it
after that you need to drink the water
you need to believe

if it is truly impossible
then ask the one who laughs at the Impossible
because to Him nothing is impossible and everything is possible with Him
and with faith
For He heals the sick
The broken hearted
The diseases that to us are incurable
The broken bones
The moving of mountains
The calming of the storms
The addictions we ourselves can't overcome

So I ask you again
what is impossible?
or should I say why are you limiting yourself
and saying you can't
when really you can
whether it is by yourself
or with God's help
Still a work in progress but thought to share what i have so far
Angel Sep 2018
I'm confident, trust me I am,
just when in a new place nothing goes to plan.
I try to approach but still it evokes, a feeling of fear as if I'm going to fall away and never return the same again.

It's hard to trust when I know that I must- I hate being forced into inexplicable sorts- and as sociable as I am, I don't want to make the same mistakes I used to.

I don't want to trust those who'll make me hurt too.

Social anxiety builds when in a situation that you feel you won't make a friend or even an end to the day- a play, the audience sways and you know they want to laugh anyways but God knows you don't want to stay.

Please tell me they won't leave me to lay in my self-dug grave.

Despite my own shock, and mental block, I managed to overcome this ****-stock and socialised- well in my eyes- and am doing just sublime; a lime light I can't fight.

It's as if I've just taken flight for the first time.

But then I think of those who don't have the confifence I have that only grows- I hope they can sore too; within the blue Skys of tranquility.

Knowing that being would others is sometching they can be.

Just be free.
I havent updated in ages and am currently tipsy so I thought I'd let some more feelings spill in writing.
abby Jan 2018
Life is like the weather
It is unpredictable
We always fail to predict it
So instead we must prepare for anything
For rain
For snow
For cold
For warmth
For love
For hate
For death
For life
And even with all these preparations
Life still catches us off guard
Life is like the weather
Always changing
One day im happy
The next im crying
Another in love
Still more i hate
Sometimes i have everything
Sometimes i have nothing
But one thing always remains the same
Life is like the weather
You cannot control it
AtMidCode Nov 2017
Hold yourself
Like it's fragile and sensitive
Hold yourself
Like it's monumental and worthy

Hold yourself
Like the way you wanted to carry
your favorite books
and soft pillows and precious gifts
Hold yourself
Like how you wanted to claim your dreams and wishes and longings
Hold yourself
Like how you wanted to hang on to an amazing person with a spacious heart
Open only for those brave enough to enter

Hold yourself
Like a human who's easily touched
by sweet good mornings and late night chats and heart-warming greetings
Hold yourself
Like a person who easily gets hurt and cries unabashedly

Hold yourself
Like how you hold a worn photograph and see in it the light and wonder of being alive and wanted
Hold yourself with a strong grip and powerful arms
Caress it with gentle hands and blow it thousands of kisses it deserve
You are much more than a short embrace or even a goodbye peck
You're mystery and beauty  
Brilliance and depth, personified
Hold all of yourself
Every piece, nook and corner
Every section and fragment
Hold yourself, my dearest
Simply because you can.

— The End —