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Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Does our Hello-Poetry website
enable poets
from all around the world
to read each other’s poetry
and develop cross-cultural understanding
thereby facilitating global peace?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Sometimes I write poetry to cope:
freely expressing
my emotions and thoughts,
relieving my mind
of burning exploding emotions
and incessant thoughts
which were seeking my attention.
Once I have carefully clearly listened
to distressed emotions and impelling thoughts
they dissipate
leaving my mind in peace.

Once I have clarified
in a poem
what I am feeling and thinking,
then I philosophically reflect
on what I am feeling and thinking,
striving to discover wisdom
about the practical issues
my emotions and thoughts
have raised in my mind.
Thus, poetry is my path to wisdom
by which I achieve more joy and happiness.
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I just read the first page
of James Joyce’s ‘novel’
Finnegan’s Wake;
Joyce makes up new words
and uses so many new words
that I could not comprehend
what Joyce had written.

Should authors make effort
to use words
which their audience
can understand?
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Writing a poem
read by friends
who smile
what I wrote.
And talk to me
about my poem.
Ruhee Jul 2019
Dear lovely
Poet, Poetess,

Words & papers
That belongs to you,

Ink & pen
That's made for you,

You write what you love
We read what you write,

Your experience writes
& our love reads,

You are born a consolidator
To all broken souls here,

Miraculous is you
& Miracle are your words,

Go On with your fabulous fingertips that inks
Countless inspirational papers
Even when pen doesn't ink..

Fathima Ruhee
Princess Chisom Jun 2019
Let me breathe your breath
And see your visions
Let me feel your pain
And hear your cries  
Let me hold you by the hand, guiding you each day
Let these very eyes of yours be mine;
Let me see through them
Introduce me to your world
For I yearn to know you
Just as I know myself
Let me in
Let me understand
Sometimes, we need to open up to people, the right kind of people. We sometimes need to cry out for our voices to be heard.  And  until people open up to us, we find it hard to understand why they do the things they do. Let your breath be theirs and theirs, yours.
Jo Barber Jun 2019
How many hours
spent scribbling these poems?
How many days wasted
rereading them,
nudging and prodding
each word into its proper place
until it all flowed and sounded...

still not quite right.
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