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Screaming hysterically
For someone to hear
The pounding words of yearning live only in my mind
My mouth stays still
Lips locked in place
As tears drip silently down my face
Like wax sliding down a candles edge
As the flame flickers
I feel my light being blown
into nothingness
The screams in my mind grow desperate
as dark clouds vail my once excited eyes
I stare forward
No sparkle in sight
The shouting grows angrier
Thoughts roaring for release
My dreams
My hopes
Stay stuck in my throat


Feelings of rage run through me
No outlet for my worries
Round and round they go
like a carousel on steroids
I need to release
But my voice is no more
Furious thoughts stay locked in my head
Racing and shouting without a way forward
Words never spoken
Lost without a trace
My mind grows full
Pressure building
Ready to burst

I pick up the .....
And ... my life
Ink bleeds softly on thin paper,
your words, like strokes of painted light,
arrive, a week delayed, a world away.
I trace the curve of your imagined hand,
the ghost of pigment, the scent of distant rain,
a landscape formed from sentences, and sighs.
My desk, a cluttered altar, holds your art,
a still life of our unspoken dreams,
within a Garden of Whispers, softly spun.

The brush you wield, a whispered secret,
creates worlds I can only touch in thought.
Your canvas blooms with colors I have missed,
a vibrant echo of your absent smile.
Each letter, a portrait of your soul,
revealed in glimpses, shadows, and soft hues.
We build a Garden of Whispers, line by line,
a sanctuary where our spirits meet,
a place where distance cannot truly steal.

The moon, a silent witness to our words,
hangs heavy in the night, a silver coin.
I write by candlelight, the shadows dance,
a phantom audience to my devotion.
My pen, a clumsy instrument of love,
attempts to capture what your art conveys.
I yearn for touch, for shared and simple breath,
within this Garden of Whispers, we reside,
a moment where the ink and paint collide.

The year revolves, a slow and aching dance,
of paper ships that sail across the miles.
I wait for spring, for your returning hand,
to paint the landscape of a living day.
My heart, a canvas stretched and waiting still,
for your arrival, for your vibrant touch.
The letters fade, the ink begins to pale,
yet in this Garden of Whispers, love remains,
a masterpiece, etched in the soul’s long hall.
I combined this into a "****-Narrative" style, with a 9-8-9-8 structure, and striving to use no rhymes....
The subject of this was the year-long correspondence with my GF.  Reflecting on what it is I love about her.  Though written as if we were still using pen and paper, I meant to express the power of words and art to bridge the gap that distance has created. It reflects on longing, love, and the intimacy shared through correspondence and creative expression.
AB - ..Baby rejection is protection,
We were never ever the same,
Self awareness and common sense meets logic,
The human brain can only do so much,
Consciousness electrifying beyond universes,
Thoughts racing into better circumstances,
Better choices,
So be mad when its you I would erase, you are a phase,
Don't betray my trust , it could get ugly,
Make up a sob excuse for what you did, waddle like a little puppy,
This world is a joke and when it ends , it still will begin..

A.R. - They say it’s best
To expect the harm
From other human beings.
Its yours anyway
If you ignore it.
Your fate, your fault
Your flaw.

No excuse for innocence
Even if we all
Join this world
With it

**** that.

There’s an obscene
arsenal of barbs
And daggers.
Piled up on the
hardwood floor.

A Battle Royale
In waiting.
But I won’t touch
A single one.
Not even for the shadows.

Cut me down
And I’ll be shorter
But I’ll never be
Anyone but

(Full poem in link)
i go back to reading
my own words
just to remember
who i am.
I've got a real honker,
Of a vocabulary.
Many ****** words,
Hairy statements,
Merry installations.
Whacking through words,
Like it's chopping wood.

I put myself on the line like way too many times,
I've made a bed for myself,  yet still more rise and
There is no room for error,
Brain mechanics is fine,
Could take the fire and heat,
But I'm a water sign,
Family don't care that much , that shows over time,"
"Hey, what's up, kiddo?
You in the mirror?
I know life ***** sometimes. I mean, I see it in your eyes. You're struggling, battles you're facing mentally and physically.
So honestly, no one has told you, 'I'm proud of you.' No one has told you today, this week.
I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you for not giving up. You have something, like, listen to me, you have something. The strength it takes for you to keep on going proves it. Proves you have something. It proves you are a warrior.
So do me a favor, listen. Do me a favor, take a hot shower, get some water, put on your favorite clothes, make the room dark, put on your favorite show, and try to relax, kiddo. It's gonna work out. I'm proud of you, and I love you."
We built
a tower
with hands
that did not know
how to touch.

It rose,
stone by stone.
Each word, a brick.
Each silence,
the mortar.
vanishing into air.

We stood
at the bottom,
blaming the height
for our aches—
but the tower
was never
what broke us.
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