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Hunter Green Oct 2018
Drive away from here, there's another world,
Outside the bubble of the star killing light,
Lit instead by the milky way's night.
Skyscrapers covered in snow,
Windows covered by forests in alpine low,
Suburbs of wildflowers by dew softly pearled.
Lucius Furius Oct 2018
No garden flowers for me,
no gaudy, painted flowers
(hotel swimming pools beside the ocean).
Give me wildflowers --
ironweed and jewelweed,
chicory and Queens-Anne's-lace.
Hear Lucius/Jerry read the poem: .
nomiddlename Oct 2018
curling confetti
   litters like cleavers
      ‘neath ***-bound lungs
outgrowing his ribcage
     she shoots
                rambling t’ward
         a celandine sun
in my backyard
with alluring flowers
wild flowers, purple haze
green, with a shade of russet

Nature at it's very best,
the visual perception,
of my garden
to the mind and soul
a great aesthetic rapture!

This is my pagoda
I come here to meditate,
in the spectre
of beautiful  aura
and to be at peace with nature,

Amidst my temple
a spliff I shall spark
with a profound  purpose,
to bless my mind
and to bless my soul
with sagacity,
from the universe!
Awtumn Oct 2018
Have you ever seen a sunflower
In love with the sun?
Or watched a dandelion
Like wishes on the breeze?

Have you ever sat with the river reeds
As they sing about their ocean dream?
Or listened to the trees
When they tell the stories of their rings?

Have you ever picked wildflowers
Because they remind you of her?
Or given hope to a daisy
When a rose was chosen instead?

I used to want the romance
Like the beauty of a rose.
But I saw what love was really like
And changed my heart’s desire.

I’m not the girl for roses,
Too harsh for their soft love.
And much too bitter
For their sweet scent.

My heart is covered in ice
Too cold for delicate petals.
But daffodils have learned
How to survive the winter.
MacKenzie Warren Jun 2018
let me grow among the wildflowers
let me bust through the pavement
and grow wherever i so please
set my soul free
release me from this world
where society
                                                and tv
tell you who to be
how you should look
how you should speak
is this really the life you want to lead?
where you are a walking copy
a construction of society
being fed opinions
                                                 and fantasies
strip your face of make-up
and burn the magazine
escape the cage you live in
become the song bird you were meant to be
set yourself free
go sit among the wildflowers
and see how good different can be
Abigail Hobbs Jun 2018
Can these wildflowers' scent
lure me to a high of
when things weren't so wild
and we could predict
the oncoming spring
and what this season would bring
I guess, in a way,
the wild times have come to a close
I just have to remember
to stop
and have a word with those flowers
and ask them
when they think I'll spring
The air tells me many things
and I think my time will come
Mary-Eliz May 2018
velvet green
flecked with color

amber sunshine
violet, cream and rose
M Jan 2018
Sit, stare at wildflowers
Humans have no roots
Chaining us to
Nothing to save us
From life's trampling boots
As We sit and watch the wildflowers
rmh Jan 2018
i could get over you
climb up over my feelings for you
like stepping over an anthill
whilst humming my favorite song
i could pull you off of my thoughts
the way my ratty old sweatpants
slide down my legs at 2 a.m.
i am content with becoming a wallflower
yet again when you tire of my blue eyes
and the way the sun shines
straight through the middle of them
but i just want you to look at me
one last time the way you did when
the "october sky" end credits rolled
just one more time so i can feel the
electricity of locked eyes in a crowded room
look at me again
make me a garden of wildflowers
in the middle of june
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