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Harry Roberts Aug 2017
The Trees.
The roots,
They penetrate.

The Leaves
The branches,
To the Sky they reach.

Rooted in Gaia,
Interconnected throughout
The universe.

The Sun
The Rain
& Howling Winds.

I stand sturdy,
Seemingly ageless in
A human minds range.
A little poem
Alex Fontaine Jul 2017
I am the son of Thor.
The blood of Odysseus runs in my veins.
I breathe thunder.
My heart is the ocean.

Do you think I am the son of Cain
To trade my inheritance for your bowl of soup,
For your shiny things that vibrate and spin,
For your **** and violence,
For your ***** pills and swimsuit models?
I will close my eyes to your neon lights.
I will hold my breath against your sweet poison.
I will close my ears to your siren call.

I will dive below the cluttered surface of my consciousness.
I will seek in the darkness and find the spark of the sacred feminine
where she slumbers in the cold stone stillness,
Lightning will surge through my nerves
and I will explode into flame.

Your filth will rise from me like smoke,
Your carnal lies will fall away like ash,
I will smash your idols like twisted mirrors,
And you will remember god.
At what point does it become your job as a man to question the stereotypes that our actions support? Where do they come from? Who are they really serving?
Harry Roberts Jul 2017
I'm feeling the night,
The stars are shielded,
Behind blind like clouds.

Foxes covered in cloud like shrouds,
Barks muffled in mist
And lost to the wind.

The night and I, our tryst,
Our plight, without fear or fright.
We sing songs to the moon and rejoice in the light.

Sing songs of love - present and lost,
Bare the truth and shoulder the cost,
Live and let live (.) Live and let love (.) Live and let loss.

I am the night,
Stars shielded,
Behind blind like clouds.

I am the night,
Comfort of mystery
And threshold illusion.
Just a little poem I wrote :)
(.) micro pause
I am the eclectic witch
There are no gods to tell me how to live
But the wind howls my fate
Where the rain falls I will dance
Because I prefer sandalwood to perfume
I am the eclectic witch I have no coven
Only the flora and fauna
And the tip of a blade
Where grass grows I will prance
Because I prefer metaphysics to religion
Sara Jones Mar 2016
Never have I known three humans
That believe as deeply as I
Until one day I stepped inside
And found a world anew.

These three women are strong within their faith
And can push me along the lines
Between life, death, and treading upon
the other world and beyond
Sara Jones Dec 2015
Just hold on baby girl
Your time will come soon
When you will enter Summerland
With those who truly love you
You'll frolic amongst the flowers and dance with in the rain
And that is when you'll see
You'll be whole again
David Crum Oct 2015
Hello old friend
it's time again for flannel shirts
and dead leaves
bitter coffee and cold breezes
jack o' lanterns are our totem
and 4am that knows all our secrets.
its autumn again and the veil is thin
I hope the witching hours Find you well
kenye Sep 2015
Miss Maiden,
might I compare you
to that of the guillotine?

Your swooping grace
like the edge of a
silvery blade
that curves and cuts
across the sky
so seductively
slitting the throat
of the horizon

From the threshold of dreams
to bring a new day
Where we feed our blood
back into the monotonous machine
then drop to our knees
and pray for divine intervention

My femme fatale,
Could you take me out of this?
to break cycle
before you wax away

You know you were always
my favorite deity,

Artemis, Artemis
You’re the art I miss
from a life unfulfilled
From the music

The untold story
agonizing inside
writhing for a release

So I’m drawing you down
to this plane
to hunt me as a willing sacrifice.

Won’t you drop from the sky
and come blow my mind?

Just leave my head in the basket.
eli Mar 2015
We cast protective spells like a sweet song,
keep a bag of stones and herbs above our beds;
I bathe opal in moonlight all night long,
to keep myself at peace and rest my head.
On the Sabbats, we call to Mother Earth,
guardians of the North, South, East, and West;
give the ash and water back to the earth,
these rituals, from mother I learned best.
Burn sage incense to keep evil at bay,
and it helps my anxiety lessen;
We call on the Triple Goddess to pray,
from Book of Shadows I learn my lesson:
       *No matter how your tattered heart may ache,
        Never throw your love spells into the lake.
written for my poetry class, we had to write either a sestina, a sonnet, or a villanelle.
Erika Soerensen Feb 2015
I know you're
I feel you.
But, not in the way
Feel you.
But in the way
Like myself,
Feel you.

I feel you
In the
In that golden hue
Engulfing me like a
Summer day.

I feel you
In my smiles to
(A surge of AHA! hits and all is well)

I feel you
In the moonlight -
Especially YOU,
Surrounding me with
Your opal
And reminding me
What's really

Which is
Which is
Witch is
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