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Spicy Digits May 2019
I look back on them at times
And grimace at almost all of the rhymes
How dark and sinister, how lonely
Depression makes them feel boney
Jutting out like broken ribs
Each one their own screaming little kid
More funny poems please.

I need ones that say "I'm alive!"
I thrive, I survived and now baby I jive!
Moustache ready, bowler hat steady
Dancing in the fire with only my oven mitt
Baby I'm here and I'm ready to do it.
Climb that wall with all your jiggly bits.

Put away all that dark matter mystique,
Replace with crowd flashers and photocopied cheeks.

I just want my brain to bleed comical
***** historical anecdotal gold
Wax lyrical till my eyeballs bulge.
Just more funny poems please.
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Get it, pull it, pull!
Till your arms are but sweat
Rip it from my ears, sir
Tear it from my skin
Better yet
**** like the ill-advised man
Saving kin from snake
Then lay me in a bath of it
And watch my body shake
Attach yourself, hurl son
Use all you can reach
To yank sinew from bone
And until all disarticulates
Make it happen
Do me that dreaded favour
Equip yourself with courage
And hard and fast throw pavers
Get it, pull it, pull!
Exorcise my non-weirdness
Punch and kick it out my friend
Squeeze the boredom from me
Fire up
Fire up
Fire up
Watch this witch awake
Isaac Spencer Feb 2020
Drink? Drunk,
Think, thunk,
Smoke skunk,
Beds; bunk,

Time? Now,
Rhyme, how?
Crime, wow,
I'm down,

**** = ******,
Pills / Everybody,
Still + Study,
Chill - Buddy.
Sylph Feb 2020
I decided to draw today
to let her out
my demons been getting restless
The words I long to say
they just
Wont come out
So now
Im turning to a visual
Spill of words

That puts everything aside
Disconnecting everything in my brain
Letting my hands take control
The pencil
To freely dance across the page
To let out whatever needs to be free
That I cant see

Letting the thoughts
The pictures
The words
That I have never seen heard or felt
to come out
Be free
Lexi Snow Jan 2020
So when I say I have a weird feeling
It doesn’t mean that I want to do said thing
It means let’s do the opposite of said thing
I have been feeling like this since the first night back
I acted casual about it
Didn’t want to make a scene
I felt more uncomfortable there
Then I did when seeing my ex ask me to be their tour guide
It made me question
If you were listening to me at all
Clearly not
Because here we are
About to do said thing
That gave me this weird feeling
And you’re okay with that
Instead going with my idea…
You chose to change it for some odd reason
Now, let’s get something straight
I never question your changes
But in this moment…
I do
Like are we going out for us...or for someone else
If that is the case
Then I am going home
And I will cry because that weird feeling will return
Stronger than anything
Because not only are you okay with letting me have this feeling
You’re okay with me crying home alone
Which makes me question
Are we even friends?
Has anyone else felt this way before?
Riya Jan 2020
Let me
How to
Be with
I need you
And you
To need
Let me
Be by
Your side
And help
Let me
I care, okAaay.
Erian Rose Jan 2020
Our love is different
Random and weird
But every moment spent
Makes me love you more

I'll spend forever with you
To be in your arms
While you kiss me
In the future we make
MisfitOfSociety Dec 2019
Out of the womb into the microwave.
Brain cells pop,
Electric shock.
We all worship,
In the house of metal.
Devil in the computer,
Screams like a kettle.

She sings through the holes in my head,
She likes me better when I’m half dead.
Fading in and out like a ghost,
Possessing me when she needs me the most.

Metal temptress.
No one sings like you.
Metal temptress.
No one can dress like you.
I hear your whispers through the radio.
I see your image on the video.

Pavements of heaven grow colder against your moonlight.
Your lies rung through my head,
I still see the truth in what you said.

No one lies like you,
No one believes you like I do.
izzy Dec 2019
Sitting alone at the top of these stairs
I ponder the reason for my existence
In a world where lies are truth and truth is rare
I'm searching for motivation to stay persistent
My thoughts drop bomb shells through my mind
I hide in trenches of sleep to undermine
The endless mine field that is my time
Thinking I should do something of my youth
While waiting for my time to tick by
My hours are spent in a fruitless search for truth
What will I do when I find it will I start being alive
Or on the contrary will I see it's time for me to die
If there's no one there to do it will I decide to suicide
What would I try there are so many different ways to die
Will I drink cyanide
Or simply close my eyes
See what happens
When I ponder my existence
I fall into a spiral of thoughts much too intense
For a young fresh brain like the one inside my head
I'm messing myself up is it too late to step away
I know right on the surface
It is too late
My body's at the top of these stairs
Fourth story
And my mind is some place else
I can't fix the lens I see the world through
Is it broken is it warped or is it perfectly true
Do I see the world as it really is
Is everyone else blind
Are you the one who's crazy
Are you leaving me behind
I twist in my seat
And tap my restless feat
I need to get up and run
Jump into the sun
Leave this room with these putrid aliens
Why will try to control and contain
Why are you forcing me into this box
I won't fit too many loose ends STOP

Just let me spill onto the carpet
And when the sun comes out I'll evaporate
That sounds like a horrible way to go
It would be so painful
I'm sorry for the puddles
That turn into clouds
Then when they're too much of that
They drip back onto the ground
It's an endless cycle of agony
That goes round and round
I feel like a puddle
Turning into a cloud
The best of me floating away
Leaving a boring stain
And ugly mark the only thing left
To remind us of the pain
Wish I could share this with you, Lu
Cc Dec 2019
i screamed when he hit me
he laughed picked up a new object
hit me again
i cried
he laughed
pushed me  on the ground
kicked me
i stopped crying
he continued hitting
got bored
stopped hitting
whats funny is he only uses one hand
its amaazing what the damage of one hand can do
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