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The snow has come and the crazy is just begining,
My head races for fresh air as the shelters of our cold and lonesome homes lock us away,

Was there ever a point when the cold did not bring such lost wanderers?

Sorrow grows without the frequent smile or hello of the sun,
Our faces hidden in grimace behind the fabrics and fogged glasses,

When did we become so distant?

Fires should be lit on every corner,
A revel of strangers joined in peace calling for company of those passing by,

Why do we avoid the connection that we yearn for so much?

We are all okay until we say we are not, but what we say does not always come out how we want.
Hey everyone just wanted to remind you that even without knowing you or seeing you, I love you and even the worst of our thoughts don't out weigh those around you.
MisfitOfSociety Dec 2019
I smell a queen bee drenched in alcohol!
Dried up and soaked into a cotton ball!

Baked inside her two thousand golden wombs.
Emerging drunk on her chemical love.
One whiff and suddenly she’s my queen bee,
Now I dedicate my life to a spoonful of honey!

I hunt with the honeybees from the catacombs
Entranced by her chemical love song.
Seduced by the crown of the flower,
Sipping hung ovaries filled with nectar!

“I rose,
You rose with me.
Once a ******,
Now your queen bee!
I’m the mated queen,
You chose me!

With a body so fat and wings so small,
You should not be able to fly at all!
You can’t defy me!
I am your queen bee!”

Strong enough to hold down the seas,
Yet too weak to hold down the bees!
We don’t give a **** about what you say,
We will just levitate away!

We the bees don’t do what you say.
We the bees go our own way!
Bees don't like being told what to do.
Anya Dec 2019
Thud-thud-thud thud thud-thud
Me and my silver owl glasses
And the silver car with the broken hood from when I ram ram
Ramed into the light grey garage and the pale
Blue fire hydrant
And now it goes thud-thud-thud
Thud thud-thud
And me and my owl glasses
Squint up at the sky while the car goes thud-thud
Thud thud-thud
And my skin basking in the sun’s glow,
Rudolph’s luck it was only his nose!
And with a little jingle,
Time to take the baked potato out
Bright red and ready to peel,
Leaving behind an ugly little thing,
In her silver owl glasses and thud-thud silver
With the dented hood
This came from a really weird mood.
axstrohostonaut Nov 2019
The lush of life, the lush of green,
Oh, if the beauty had been seen,
Full of luminescent green flowers,
Full of great mighty oaks covered in moss and vines,
When the breeze blows the green leaves fall, thus creating emerald showers,
The forest is filled with true beauty, and deep unexplored ravines…

I somehow appeared in this mystic unknown place,
I know I wasn't dreaming, it was true to my face,
The place smelled of sweet mint leaves,
There a bird sings it's song, there a hue-ish green spider it's emerald web weaves,
The forest fills with noises of the woods,
Ravens soaring above the mossy oaks, looking for goods,
The rabbits, their fur covered in moss, munching on the bright emerald grass,
I strode through the fog, which more looked like the green thick and healthy gas…

The oaks' bark aged with years that passed and swept away,
The sky is a dim greenish hue, looks like it's day,
There is no sun, the green fog covers the sky,
I see strange twinkling blue stars, in the sky up so high,
I feel how I kicked something while I was walking,  as the thing rolled away,
I looked, and it was an emerald acorn, all shining like a gem, say,
It looked so beautiful, all shining and sparkling like a star,
Then something caught my keen eye in the far…

It was a wolf, the fur covered in moss, the fangs all green,  glassy shards of an emerald gem,
It looked mighty and strong, like in this emerald forest an emblem,
But it looked passive too, and I had the urge to stroke it's fur,
Hear something from it like a purr,
But I decided not to, this emerald forest looked strange enough,
The life of green, the lush of the woods, green being the stuff…

I continued walking ahead,
Having thoughts in my head,
How I came to be upon this place,
Such a place, unknown by any race,
Somewhere in the lost in the deep,
Maybe I'm still in my sleep?
I ignored my thoughts and got drowned by the fog,
Barely could see an oak here and there a fallen mossy log,
I passed through the lush of green and the woods, filled with life and green,
I searched around for any signs of people with my eye being keen,
But I found none,
Maybe here I'm the only one,
Ignoring my thoughts again I strolled  in deeper into the vast unknown forest,
Maybe I'm asleep, or maybe on me this is some kind of test…

-Mishka Wayz
Sorry if there are any typos. And it kinda doesn't makes sense. I'm bored right now, so I created this weird poem Lol. Anyway, enjoy it if you can, or hate it if you want to Lol
Angela Rose Nov 2019
Maybe he’s just nice

Maybe he talks to everyone in that way
Maybe he always shares eye contact for far too long with everyone he speaks to
Maybe he discusses these little details with anyone who will listen

Or maybe it’s just me

Maybe I have made myself too approachable and too friendly
Maybe I have been creating these scenarios in my head all along
Maybe I talk far too much and he is staring at me telling me to shut the **** up

Or maybe he’s just nice
or maybe not ?
Ray Dunn Nov 2019
ever so agonizingly,
i whisper to the void
to ****** a single wish—
that is, to submit to being full...
Robby Nov 2019
Soy un cabrón siempre
Lo siento mi familia
Lo siento mis amores
Soy un hombre roto… soy nada
Solamente raro
Solamente roto
Solamente solo
Por que es mi vida dificil?
Porque yo.... solamente yo y amor (los dos)
Radhika Krishna Nov 2019
If you dig six feet deep into the ground
You'll find a little, devil's child
When you pick it up, out of the hole
Even the soil around it will heave a sigh

The infant's deadly silence
Will start to unnerve you
So will its rugged skin
That's midnight black and blue
You will wonder how it came to be
And you will look at all the sand surrounding

Wait, sand? Wasn't it soil on the ground?
No you're in a desert with no one around
What about that thing in your hands?
You look down and there's sludge
Dripping down your fingertips

Now you've lost all your hands and legs
Now you've just faded into a ghost
Now you never existed in the first place
What is happening, where did I go, you ask?
Well you are a figment of my mind, you see

I will mold you, crush you, shape you to my heart's content
In my mind there is no reality or gravity
It's twisted, gnarled and not right
YOU: you are purely a thought of mine
And that child: part of my imagination
And now that you have read this here

It is part of yours too, I fear
This one is a little strange.
Sylph Nov 2019
A blanket of light
warms me
As i glide through the waters
with my selkie friends at my side
darting through the water
and teasing me for letting my thoughts get the best of me
I remember

He saw me
His eyes the color of the forest
His hair the color of fire
We fell for each other
And the string on our finger pulled us like magnets into each others arms

We spent so long together
And i loved him
More than life
I loved our daughter
More than my sea

But the pull
It tugged at my heart
At my mind
my skin
My soul
I couldnt resist its call
i tried
and tried for years

but i couldnt fight a match that had
never been possible for me to win in the first place
I couldnt fight my home
My very being
The beholder of my soul

I know they will forgive me one day
Our tight knot can not undone

Not even when
                                  Fate cuts my string
This is based off some selkie myths and legends
Dark Smile Nov 2019
i pull my eyeball out of my socket
or perhaps,
i remove my socket from my eyeball
the moon is howling
the wind is shining
i grin a grin of blood and ... joy?
eyeball in hand,
or was it the socket?
maybe it's the hand in my eyeball
either way
i take a step towards the water
i feel it lapping at my ankles
i lie down face first
the water breathes me in and
we float
in that uterine comfort we once knew
when I open my eye/socket/hand
i see that i am in a tank
the light refracts across the water
i worm my way to the base of the tank and i
my body is too heavy
i reach between my legs
pull out my guts
they slither away into the dark abyss
i close my eye/socket/hand
i sleep
i've been dissociating a lot lately and this is my attempt at explaining what it feels like.
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