The darkest place in the world is not a cave,
not a room with no windows,
nor even a real place.
The darkest place is my mind.
The darkest place sounds like a place with nothing,
no people,
no sound,
But there is always something going on.
Someone, something, a beast, a villain.
Talking to me.
Most don’t believe me that they’re real.
The ones that do believe don’t hear them.
Constantly in pain from the thoughts and never ending sounds.
The voices started off with just one,
then another one came, then more, and more.
Now everyday more come, more leave.
The ones that leave never come back.
The ones that come never stay.
They always leave.
Except the first one.
They say, not to name something you don’t want to get attached to but,
that’s what I did.
he’s loud, mean, annoying, but somehow I have come to like him.
Funny, helpful, reason and logic.
No one hears our conversations, only me and him.
The arguing and fighting with him brings me happiness.
The darkest place is not a real place, but our own minds.