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"Let’s sit and revisit your childhood days,"
the young doctor said, her glasses a tinted red.
I keep seeing daddy without a face.

Mommy tucks me in and touches my face
The day has been long, she’s dying to go to bed
“Let’s sit and revisit your childhood days.”

Daddy sends postcards to get through long days
He misses his old life; where is he being led?
I keep seeing daddy without a face.

The maid reads me bible stories, short tales
Moses laid down his staff and the Red Sea parted
“Let’s sit and revisit your childhood days.”

Kevin borrows our soccer ball, he plays
The day turns yellow, the sun sets in ‘round the bend
I keep seeing daddy without a face.

I close my eyes and dream about the end
Where mommy’s happy and daddy’s my friend
“Let’s sit and revisit your childhood days,”
I keep seeing daddy without a face.
Sylvie Barton Nov 2014
now the light bulbs don't turn on
and the silence overpowers even our dog
i am so, so small

you shrieked when the light bit your thumb
and begged me to kiss it like you knew i would
now the light bulbs don't turn on

i haven't left any bruises with my feet
because there is nothing left for me to kick in my sleep
i am so, so small

the city scrapes my skin like a plastic knife
and it winks at me while i pack your clothes away
now the light bulbs don't turn on

ambitions are a rather lofty thing, besides
i'm going to take a break for a while
i am so, so small

the sky and the ground once merged into one
our picnic blanket became the world
now the light bulbs don't turn on
i am so, so small
Moon Humor Nov 2014
First glance, I’m a good Christian girl. But dark purple flecks decorate my neck.
In leather and lace I forget to pray and let you do what you want with me
because pain is complex and melded with pleasure.

Do you know what they say about girls that enjoy ***?
They never dare to say it to my face but I can feel them staring from the pew
at the dark purple flecks that decorate my neck.

Your hands, more powerful than God, make the earth of my body quake
while I draw fault lines down your back with my nails under the broken
crucifix above your bed. The pain is complex and melded with pleasure.

Deep, growling voice shakes the dusty rosary on your nightstand when we ****.
Your handprints are left on my flesh and the hand around my throat
leaves the dark purple flecks decorating my neck.

Coffee in the narthex and I’m labeled a harlot. Sinner. Sacrilegious. Branded as freaks…
Brush it off. I know what you like and how you like me. God will have mercy.
Sensations blend because pain is complex and melded with pleasure

and I can’t have one without the other. To reach our peak
you leave me red, marked and breathless, gasping, “Oh my God.”
Questioning my beliefs with dark purple flecks to decorate my neck,
I know pain will always be complex and melded with pleasure.
A relaxed villanelle
Maggie Emmett Nov 2014
Fear makes our rational minds corrode
Empty, paralysed and in shock
Our sense of hope starts to erode

Plane-bombed towers stretch and implode
Bone dust smothers a city block
Fear makes our rational minds corrode

Suicide bombs start to explode
None live to stand in courtroom dock
Our sense of hope starts to erode

Buses are blown up in the road
Red heart of a city they mock
Fear makes our rational minds corrode

Another gruesome episode
We’re held in a violent deadlock
Our sense of hope starts to erode

Where is the truth that we are owed?
Death’s time is set on Terror’s clock
Fear makes our rational minds corrode
Our sense of hope starts to erode
Villanelle form. Written first 24th October 2005 & edited several times since.
Pete Youell Nov 2014
When he was still an atheist - he prayed.
He did not settle down on bended knee.
Forgiveness Love and peace are his today.

He might have lost and never found his way,
Hidden within Source helped this blind man see.
When he was still an atheist - he prayed.

Though many sacred blessings came his way,
He never saw the incongruity.
Forgiveness Love and peace are his today.

At times he questioned choices he had made,
He thought his life unlocked by good luck' s key.
When he was still an atheist - he prayed.

Although in war, angels came to his aid,
He never saw past physicality.
Forgiveness Love and peace are his today.

When he could see his whole perspective changed,
He found he lived in Love's eternity.
When he was still an atheist - he prayed.
Forgiveness Love and peace are his today.
A little villanelle, I'm told I belong in the 19th century poetically.
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2014
Where have all the days gone by?
What once was new, now is made;
Night is falling, close my eyes,

Now, the moments softly cry,
The light has clouds racing away,
Where have all the days gone by?

Fresh and verdant the gentle tighs,                                        
Summers sweetness up in blaze,
Night is falling, close my eyes.

What once was truth now is lie,
After rains shear loss of May,
Where have all the days gone by?

I hear the hush, leaves that die,
I fear what the swan has to say,
Night is falling, close my eyes.

Awakened to such sad surprise,
Spring was such a fleeting haze,
Where have all the days gone by;
Night is calling, close my eyes.
WanderLust Oct 2014
Do you remember when we were young
We didn't have a care or worry
When our days could be ruined by no one

When skipping over cracked pavement was fun
And we thought our source of survival was a Mcflurry
Do you remember when we were young

The hours we spent running under the sun
Back then we were in no hurry
When our days could be ruined by no one

Fantasy had our minds over run
Our thoughts were so pure, unmurky
Do you remember when we were young

When snow, as innocent as us, rested on our tongue
And despite the blizzard our view was not blurry
When our days could be ruined by no one

Back then anything could be over come
What changed to make our heads hung so lowly
Do you remember when we were young
When our days could be ruined by no one
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I see your soul wandering in the night
My soul in response reaches out to you
I long to fill your life with light

Too many times you've felt the bite
Depression and rage forming a bitter brew
I see your soul wandering in the night

I was once like you, joy clouded from sight
A spectator in everything I would do
I long to fill your life with light

The yawning abyss with teeth gleaming bright
The shadowed recesses of deep purple hue
I see your soul wandering in the night

I'll rise against the monsters and fight
Against your demons I'll stand true
I long to fill your life with light

Every wrong I wish to make right
So that your love for me will accrue
I see your soul wandering in the night
I long to fill your life with light
Inspired by someone that called me their light
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