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Olivia Frederick Oct 2014
We call her name like she's the queen.
Lips quiver with understated pleas.
So this is what "your highness" means.

The analog clock wails 4:18.
Our voices muffled in this cool sea.
We call her name like she's the queen.

You, my own porcelain figurine,
Each tiny chip of you impales me.
So this is what "your highness" means.

No room for time here in between,
All else I've known has been set free.
We call her name like she's the queen.

Quake my pulse like a tambourine,
Let me teach your mouth to see.
So this is what "your highness" means.

Powerless when she intervenes;
Royalty lives between the knees.
We call her name like she's the queen.
So this is what "your highness" means.
rook Oct 2014
I've digressed to a point where I can't appreciate
making every decision with logic, without fail;
That's something I could never imagine I'd hate.

There was a time when my anger had a point to illustrate;
Now I curse and condemn and convey to no avail.
I've digressed to a point where I can't appreciate.

There was a time when my anger would not abate;
Now my cool and calm demeanor has learned to prevail.
That's something I could never imagine I'd hate.

There was a time when his endless curiosity, I'd sate;
Now his tirade of questions is aimed at another male.
I've digressed to a point where I can't appreciate.

There was a time when his mere image would aggravate;
Now my spirit holds not the anger his proximity should entail.
That's something I could never imagine I'd hate.

There was a time when I could be near and not disintegrate;
Now at the very sight of these two men, needs must I quail.
I've digressed to a point where I can't appreciate,
And that's something I could never imagine I would hate.
this is about really gay nerdy things by the way.
ryann Aug 2014
my lady’s rockin; her eyes open wide.
she walks towards me, pulsing her body
my lady smiles like she’s got something to hide.

we kiss so long I forget which tongue is mine…
teasin me, she backs up and takes a swig.
drops the last word, smile cocked to the side.

she fronts tough, much too slow to confide.
she plays aloof, yet all her actions scream, LOVE
my lady smiles like she’s got something to hide.

pouring *** and juice, here comes the Jekyll and Hyde…
once her double Caribou Lou’s kicked in
she’ll drop that last word, **** her fist to the side.

starts ragin jealous, that’s how we came untied.

“baby, love is the opposite of control,” I say.
so then my lady smiles like she’s got something to hide
she drops the last word, ego cocked to the side
Amy Y Aug 2014
She threw up blood and cried out lava.
He poured some salt into her mouth
to heal and seal the open wound.
I sat and watched from far away.

He spilled salt into her mouth,
She crunched and choked but lived
I sat and watched from far away,
not sure if this was love or hate.

She sputtered, gasped and choked but lived,
a puzzled look engulfed his face.
Unsure if this was love or hate,
I bit my lip and sat in silence.

The puzzled look had left his face,
replaced by rising, burning rage.
I bit my lip and sat in silence.
I was the only one who could save her.

Blind with burning rage for him,
I couldn’t heal or seal the wound.
With no one left to save her life,
She threw up blood and cried out lava.
BianchiBlue Aug 2014
Whenever you emerge
catching a breath of air -

I will submerge,

to the twist of an urge
fulfilled with a flare,
whenever you emerge
at the summit of a verge -

without a care
I will submerge,

ready for your surge
with a gasp of air
whenever you emerge
your strength is purged -

with a tug of your hair
I will submerge,

until our breath has merged
our souls aware,

whenever you emerge -

I will submerge
Jacob Sanders Aug 2014
It turns out the show's only just started when the fat lady's sang -
'Tho mum had told me it'd be over when Mrs Jones came on -
So imagine my surprise when she burst into Kool & the Gang.

It was at this talent show; I'd come to see this smoking Orang-utan.
I'd seen the mediocre 'Mystico', the lacklustre 'Lassie' and a small man named Ron;
It turns out the show's only just started when the fat lady's sang.

The final act was to be signalled with a gong and a bang,
Then out came Mrs Jones, the size of the entire Yukon.
So imagine my surprise when she burst into Kool & the Gang.

I guess it was a perfect example of yin and yang,
And since it happened Mrs Jones is quite the local icon.
It turns out the show's only just started when the fat lady's sang.

It'd seemed like she'd be better suited at a competition eating pie, or meringue,
At her local diner with her 20% off coupon.
So imagine my surprise when she burst into Kool & the Gang.

The bass kicked in, she belted it out and the whole audience sprang
Into frenzy and boogied, like night had been and gone.
It turns out the show's only just started when the fat lady's sang
So imagine my surprise when she burst into Kool & the Gang.
A light-hearted alternative take on the colloquialism 'the show's not over 'till the fat lady's sang'.
Joseph Hart Jul 2014

It’s rare somebody could love you,
you who no longer see,
I wear you now as a tree.

The bark splits to two,
trunks break in three,
It’s rare one could have loved you,

The sky is a midnight blue,
the loam is a sandy sea,
your garments shed from a tree.

The rain began and beat in-slew
your roots clench the loosening loam.
It’s rare some one could have found you,

The summer grows autumn and the dew
teardrops on your leaves.
Your garments shed from a tree.

Winter I miss you, so few
leaves to wish, so much to grieve.
It’s rare how I loved you,
I wear you as a tree.
Tim Eichhorn Jun 2014
Near, near are my lucid dreams.
Sultry sleep, augmenting realty
Today, nothing will be as it seems.

Flashes of translucent, magnified beams,
Lighting lingers in treacherous tonality
Near, near are my lucid dreams.

The water flows in upside-down streams,
Rivers rage in confused commonalities
Today, nothing will be as it seems.

The mechanic roar of howling screams,
Shrapnel shrieking in utter infinities.
Near, near are my lucid dreams.

Pulleys construct convoluted schemes
While pollution parades in notorious normality
Today, nothing will be as it seems.

Awake. I go forth, my mind again seamed.
Awake. I go back, into a world of formality.
Near, near are my lucid dreams
Today, nothing will be as it seems.
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