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f Feb 2018
It was about a year ago,
where we said those words
of loneliness,
of blissfulness.

No matter whether you are
or attached,
I want you to know that you can
not feel lonely this Valentine's Day.
You can be "taken" by:
1. your other half
2. your loved ones
3. your friends
4. and of course, why not yourself ?

Make yourself feel blessed this Valentine's Day.
Surround yourself with people who you love and appreciate.
hope this can cheer up those single pringles like me :)
Keerthi Kishor Feb 2018
You see
Cards, Chocolates and Red Roses.
I see
Lies, Fake promises, and Fleeting Proposals.
"Story of my life."
Mykenzie Feb 2018
Valentines day.
It's just around the corner.
A day for lovers,
to announce to the world.
While all alone
I sit.
On my bedroom for.
Watching reruns of Supernatural,
Sherlock, and Dr. Who.
But will I be sad that nobody is there for me?
Why would I be?
Will I be upset,
that I don't get chocolate or teddy bears?
Why would I be.
I dont need a guy to give me candy,
or stuffed animals.
Its all fake anyway.
So, no.
I wont be upset,
I'll be as happy as ever, if not happier.
Because I can have guys as friends,
without feeling guily,
I can eat what I want, when I want,
and not feel like I'm disappointing anyone
Once this happened,
you said you love me,
under the blue sky.
This is happening again,
that the sky is taking your side.
This will happen again,
that I will ask you
to say it again.
The moments with love are eternal.. Love is such a feeling which us with eternal joy..
Sleepz Feb 2018
There was once two,
that cared about each other.
They were happily together so long,
it was unimagined that anything could go wrong.

When he saw her,
with her beautiful blond hair,
that coiled around his fingers anytime he felt it.
Her sweet chocolate eyes that stared
and pierced through what pumped his blood
to keep him there.

Her sweet voice attracted him like a honey bee to a flower,
soft, like the ocean waves.
A sound you could fall asleep to,
but wouldn't because you'd never get bored.

The taste of her lips unique,
He loved to kiss her cheek.
When they hugged and he bowed his head over her shoulder,
he felt his cheek pressed against her clavicle,
wondering if she felt the discomfort of bone against bone.

He could smell her perfume, especially on dates.
But nothing could smell better to him than her natural scent;
Freshly showered every morning,
coffee on the table waiting,
setting the expectation that today will be a great day.

He leaves to work,
believing when he returns she'd be there.
At the same time,
nothing makes him more sad,
than knowing she is allowed to leave forever.
yet, more beautiful than a dove in a cage,
is the one that is always free.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2018
Guess I should add, I find 80's fashion abominable.  O, I do.


So I cut stars of canteloupe to thence
Hang silver ones on string to dance in pale
Hours for the baby showr last week, the tale
Of things I meant to do put off fr'intents,
And now I've chance to breathe, look hence
Upon this buried wasteland's white detail
Which I had noted then was naked, frail
In Death's hands, wishing for what? in suspense.
I spose I wanted to keep all as twere
Unclothed in barren lack, since snow anew
Puts aught in black and white, whereat I tour
What New York's Fashion Week had:  ruffles, to
Thet swishing 'round your ankles stylish fer
Is't eighties' taste again?!  O, what is new?

Never had a Valentine all these years--...but I've been dressing for the lover's holiday all this long time, and, finally attending poetry class thus attired, enjoyed a compliment (or two?).
Jenny Gordon Feb 2018
Yes, if any enquire, there's blood upon the page--


So what the fevered pulse' detail
And how I'm yours in just a wink, to fence
Is't twinkling hours with you in every sense
Upon my tongue, and throbbing in betrayl
Through all my veins:  I have forgotten, pale
As aught excuse, what it meant to be thence
All yours, because to be is dead from hence
Cuz you are not, a memry without bail.
Yet Valentines is coming round in tour,
Though I've ne'er had a man tae sweetly woo
Or say "Be MINE" 'til after all in poor
Excuse was oer.  I'd suitors months 'go who
Pledged love and called me theirs.  But now?  Lo, we're
Fresh out of that, my dear.  Ah, what is new?

05Feb18c was fresh when I inked this sonnet for the class prompt for February, very reluctantly, I must add, seeing I hate to dredge up fevered senses when I've nothing for it all now.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2018
Alas, is there truly no excuse for me?


Take icy cloth's embroidered linen's sense
Of April's warmth to task for darts, as hale
Pink butterflies weave paths to yonder's bail,
And what is stylish now is red, deep hence
With snappy blue in patterns I've tossed thence
Aside as "not my taste," and oh! t'avail
How Valentines' tricks out most ads' detail
With hearts in tow, where I've none in defense.
Remember how our heavy kissing's tour
Of things I'd never tasted, left me too
Far Dis-illusioned in betrayl, as poor
As all that, and I miss the violets dew
In silver droplets used to kiss as twere.
So flowrs are knit on linen while none woo.

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