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Nathan MacKrith Feb 2019
Love is a disease
it starts with a carrier
unaffected by the pathogen
it knowingly spreads

Love is extremely contagious
so much as a single look
is often enough to infect

The carrier finds a victim
unaware of the danger
as eyes meet, hearts palpitate
spreading the venom quicker

Pheremones flood logic centers
neurotoxins inducing insanity
the jade wasp walks its prey
towards the regrettably chill flicks of net

That compel roaches to walk off cliffs
carrying flowers and chocolates
seeking a rainbow bridge of hope
finding no more than pretty-colored moisture

Nurturing parasitic demon babies that burst out of a scooped clean chest
a dine and dash leaving their guest
to pay the unsettled romance cheque
and the hotel room? left a wreck

Befouled by graffiti on room walls written
in what smells like Odin's *****

Roses come in more hues than red
Violets are violet not blue
There's more to romance than what's said
On some card conveying love to you
A poem written in a style influenced by the antipoetry movemement:

presented as part of a Dawkins’-meme based poetrycollection at the “Trash Talkin’” literary Conference at the University of Regina, in Regina, SK, Canada
CJ Sutherland Feb 2019
I do not Like
Valentine’s Day
It would Please
Just go AWAY

If you are
Married or in Love
Valentine’s Day
Comes from Cupid
Angels up Above

Deliveries to Work
The Gifts
Of Candy and Flowers
Evening Plans
Romantic Candlelight Dinner
Lasting for Hours
Followed by
Hugs and Kisses
And many
Sweet untold Wishes

However if you Are
Alone or Single
This Day is
An empty Heart
That sadly Tingles

One by One each Co-worker
Receives their Deliveries  
Their glances of Pity
Adds to my Miseries
Their words of Sympathy
Only deepen my Pain
Hoping for
This day to END
Before I go INSANE

A Day
Now Bitter Lonely Sadness
Are my
Only Grace

Hurtful memories of
Old verse New
Dinner for ONE
Instead of for TWO

I do not Like
Valentine’s Day
It would Please
Just Go AWAY

There was a Time
When I too Received
Many Deliveries
Before the days of Now
And my Miseries  

My Heart my Love
Did no come Home
Nor did HE
Call on the Telephone
No Hash Words
No Fight

I spent Valentine’s Night
Staring out the window
His behavior
I don’t

I Cried
Myself to Sleep
I Thought
Couldn’t be
More Bleak
Wondering is 
That of
A New young Wife!

He came Home
After a Night
At the BAR
He bought me Flowers
Left them in the Car

The next Day
Not a Word
between  Us

Retrieved From
When he Strolled
Through the Door

He brought IN
The Flowers
Putting them
In a Vase
You should Have
The look on My

Two Dozen Beautiful
Long stemmed ROSES
Like OUR Love
Empty and  Jilted

I  Took
A pair of Scissors
From the Drawer  
By the Bed
Cutting the Roses
At the Base
of the Bulb

I set Down
The Scissors
Placing Blame
My husband
Said Nothing
Only Hung
His Head

I made it Clear
I never want ROSES
On Valentine’s Day
Spoke of IT
What is the

I don't Like
Valentine’s Day
It would Please
Just go AWAY
Disputes all this
we have been married since 1985
(2019)  34 years married 36 years together
Carla Feb 2019
Happy Valenitne's day,
Hope you have a good one,
Because I'm here to say,
Don't got a date? Just run.

Sit on the couch,
Binge some Netflix,
Get the food in the pouch,
It's a simple fix.

That's what I'm gonna do,
As the guy I like, doesn't back,
But, good luck to you,
With your lovely Valentine's hack.
I wrote this in the middle of class in 5 minutes, so it is somewhat rushed, but I might write another one on the same topic.
Kale Feb 2019
Love is so wonderful
And I hate it
It starts as a feeling
That oh so ever tiny
That *** rushes you
Like a six foot five
Then you become
Then the person
reveals he or she does
not care for you
Then you drink
or smoke
to remove the longing
that needless to say
is the worse thing
about love
and I hate it
PSA I do not endorse drinking or smoking cigarettes and only mary Jane if you are 18 and over but still do not do drugs kids. As a science student I can say everything has a consequence
mae Feb 2019
the blood drips thick red,
from my freshly done finger nails.
red like the lives wasted,
hearts broken days after this horrid holiday.

we celebrate the imprisonment of hearts,
and praise the ******.
shooting arrows into those unwilling,
killing the innocent,
by causing invigorating pain
disguised by hallucinogens.
making us believe that this was meant to be
dosage so high, the butterflies in our stomach making it seem as if we can fly,
is our organs crying for help.

we are dying and don't even know it.
for a holiday that will fade.
bright red for our favorite Valentine's Day.
LadyM Feb 2019
Valentine's is red,
like a rose bouquet -
the colour of romance
and love affairs

Red is for passion,
like an open flame -
the colour we search for
throughout the years

But red is not
the colour I see
and maybe you'll say
my vision is wrong

For red is not
the colour I feel,
I radite only
with yellow love.

Summer is yellow,
like a sunflower field -
the colour of sunshine
all day long

Yellow is for joy,
like warm sand -
the colour I feel
in a morning birdsong.


Yellow is my love,
so Valentine's is too-
the colour of joy

I love you in yellow.
Colours play a huge part in my emotions and feelings, memories and associations. Yellow is such a beautiful colour, it's so bright and special. I've realised that yellow can also represent love - it's bright, happy, exciting, peaceful and true.
Rose Cliff Feb 2019
At night my mind wanders
I think about the bareness of my legs
The soft rubing of the sheets against them
I think about my underwear the way it feels to wear it
I think about the way it feels to take it off
Then I think about you
Laying here in my empty bed
My empty pillow adorned with your head
Your breath dancing onmy neck
I think about the bareness of my legs
the way they feel against yours
They way your smell encases me
How your eyes melt into an million memories
And a million more emotions
How the thought of you causes such a commotion

Yet I’ve never told you I love you
Annika J Jan 2019
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Marshmallow factories
Are covered in goo

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Not all of these
Are going to rhyme

Roses are red
Violets are purple
Whoever wrote that
Was an idiot

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My favorite is Discord
Who used to be Q

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you count in binary
You'll never have 2

Roses are red
Violets are blue

Roses are red
Violets are blue, da ba dee da ba daa...

Roses are black
Violets are black
Everything is black
I'm Batman

Roses are blue
Violets are red
Something is wrong
With my head

The Math section is red
Social Studies is blue
I have too much homework
I want to cry

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Please don't get stuck
In the spilled glue

Roses are purple
Violets are green
I'm just here revving
My limousine

Roses are red
They have thorns
Don't touch them

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I want to turn this
Into a haiku

Roses are crimson
Violets are the fairest blue
And so fair are you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
That was pretty good
For being written on the fly

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Ridiculous Inflatable
Swan Thing

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I need to sleep

you are so And
sweet is Sugar
blue are Violets
red are Roses

Roses are red
Violets are blue
There is no try
Do not or do

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Dab on those haters

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Think I'll paint them
On my shoe

Roses are red, dilly dilly
Violets are blue
Is this copyrighted, dilly dilly
I have no clue

Lavender's blue
Lavender's green
I store my sanity
In a canteen

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm too cynical
And yet too cheesy

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Spellcheck doesn't know meep?!?

Roses are rosy
Violets are violet
I want to be
A submarine pilot

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Something something

Roses are red
Violets are blue
They're watching you

Gryffindor's red
Ravenclaw's blue

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Be mine
I'm desperate

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't want romance
Stop asking

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm running low on ideas
We're almost through

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
Don't eat too much

Roses are red
Never mind
Life's too short
Eat all the sugar you can find

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're still here?
Good job you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Happy Valentines Day
Co-written by some of my family members.
AP Hastens Jan 2019
Two hundred and five people
Two hundred and five chances
those glances i got from them vast like forest
But those pristine eyes caught me by surprise

Seven-hundred and thirty days
Of  talking to you and yearning with myself
In the times of early May or July
I was just with you in a room of our friends
Yeah the time of the clean slates sure does fly

Twenty nine classmates I knew by heart
Twenty nine new moments of fun
But when this all ends only one stays in this field of grass
The girl whom is the pedestal of the statue of us
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