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Samuel Feb 18
Got a secret? Can you keep it?
Bury it deep in your grave.
Or I’ll knit a doll with ****** stitches,
Stern vows and broken wishes—
Bury it deep, or rot in the ditches.

Turning from my trustful gaze,
My thoughts twist through a thorny maze.
Calculating your faith,
As I sharpen my scathe.

Voices rise, a cursed din,
My ears trace every whispering sin.

Giggles fade, joy is peeled,
Just then, I know—
Your fate is sealed.

I wonder,
Why do we commit our darkest deeds, then tell?
The burn in our brains becomes a living hell.
I know you’ll tell.

Heart racing, humanity fading,
As I approach you, internally cascading.
Silent night, stone-cold face.


Burgundy flows, sins atoned for.
My shirt stained,
With the weight of what I now bore.
No regret to shred,
Only two can keep a secret when one of them is dead.
Inspired from Pretty Little Liars Theme song.
Jack Harrell Oct 2023
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything.
It’s 6:57 in the morning and I’m munching pretzels.
I don’t care about the crumbs in the bed this time.
Normally I would, but this morning I don’t bother.
I think it’s because I know that I’ll clean them out when I wash my sheets next week.

I have to be at work in a few hours.
I moved back to a familiar town because the stress of trying to exist in a new place was too much.
Normally I love a challenge, but I should have listened to my father.
He said “It doesn’t matter what you do, you’re good at whatever you try to be good at.”

And that just about sums up the last 4 years.
Not being good at anything,
Because I don’t want to be good at it.
Finding niche hobbies that capture my imagination for a little smidge of time.
But all the while my patience is gaunt in the cheeks.

So that’s why I don’t mind the crumbs in the sheets.
Forgot about this little community that I used to love. Anyway, I’ve recently been reminded of why I like poetry by a friend who shared a spoken word YouTube account with me. Small slant rhyme that only shows up every like 400 syllables yet still connects a common thought. Beautiful.
cypress Nov 2020
to come virile & unhinged

contributes wild demands for control

rather an engagement of exact equality may cultivate an intuitive culture
Harrison Leland Dec 2018
You cannot take away the storm within me as much as a sailor cannot control the waves of the sea.
I am the storm, I am me.
I want to add more to this and probably will later. For now it's short and sweet
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
Call me crazy one more time
I bet a dime you'll lose your mind
And in the dark is when I shine
Although I'm crying I am fine
I smile widely when I'm stressed
They claim they love me more than rest
Picking my brain for little peace
I just want this all to all cease
I see my shadows walk freely
They even try talking to me
My wings were clipped some time ago
I'm ground-bound on this hellish show
I've tried to remain silent here
But they will say to show no fear
So now I watch my story go
Falling down places I don't know.
Ivan Brooks Sr Aug 2018
Poetry is part of my story
So I write not for glory.
I care about it like my health,
And protect it like my wealth.

Talking about wealth ,I have none.
But if just in case I get some,
It really wouldn't matter.
For me I think peace of mind is better,

So I pen away my thoughts.
Leaving no rooms for any doubts...
My emotions,
And my inspiration.

My frustration,
And desperation.
Through it all,
I tried being stoic and rational.

Even though my pains
Even when it rains.
I write not about a special thing,
My work covers anything.

Sometimes it's about love,
Or about the issues I can't solve.
The things I take to God in prayers
The things others take to soothsayers.

© IvanBrooksPoetry
I write not for glory...
Devin Lawrence Aug 2017
I'm a record
repeating all the same lines
hoping that you'll continue to sing along.
I'm a door unhinged
waiting for you to walk my way again.

You're a Gothic masterpiece;
a renaissance of imperfection
spilling over a lifeless canvass.
I sit with a pen
still in my hand.

I can't expect you to hear my every call,
I can't expect that you'll fix the threads that come undone.

If these words are my voice,
then this page is God's ear.
A prayer for what is broken
to be mended once more.
Brandy Nicole Jun 2015
Writing words
here and there
all with no care
Writing words
with no rest
till I truly
became unhinged

— The End —