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Jan May 2019
Knowing nothing
is better than
knowing it all.

They caught
my pain,
found a way to
make it bigger.

The blade made me run
out of blood
while it was stuck in my back
and with each, "you can trust me",
it bleeded even more.

such a common thing for people to do.
The bad thing here,
people around me
are very good at it.
Christina O May 2019
Tired bones,
and tired eyes,
I struggle to get through each hour.
Loosing my patience and sanity.
I wonder if the battle is loosing.
Then in the back of my mind pushing its’ way past the doubt and hurting,
I hear a voice softy whisper,
“Dear child,
tomorrow is coming and you do all you can.
You take on an impossible task,
and you refuse to quit.
Though the work seems giant,
remember you can’t do it all.
There is only so much the world can put on your shoulders.
And for everything else,
that is why I am here.
When everything feels like it’s crumbling,
look up and there I’ll be there.
Yes, child.
I’m always there.”
When you feel like the task is impossible and the weight you cannot bare, he is there.
imai May 2019
To call you Love
would be an understatement.

You are a brand new dictionary
brought into the world of an overly confident writer
to humble herself.
You’ve redefined all of the words
I thought I knew the meanings of.
Now— all that I’ve written and will write
cease to be enough.

You are a revolutionary interpreter,
decoding words with the slightest of your touch.
“Trust”, a foreign concept to me,
has now become tangible—
your hands are trust.
Comfort has become your arms.
Warmth, your embrace.
And beauty, supposedly subjective,
has turned apparent, obvious
in every curve and softness of your face,

To call you Love
would be an understatement.
You are more than Love—
You are as you are.
to 100 days together
Whisper Yes Aug 2019
I wonder what we will do
Without wine or TV to distract us
Let's lie on the couch you say
Something in me freaks at the simplicity
At the wide open space and presence you are offering
As I lay there in the quiet stillness something begins to happen
The deep darkness within me begins to open
It emerges into the light like a small animal
The tears start to fall
You stay right by me stroking my face
Telling me I can talk if I want to but that I don't have to
Sea's End May 2019
Mother, O mother,
You'll spit on my bones,
When I die, know I've tried, but my mind and heart froze.

You'll shout from your high horse,
and your empty shell,
That you'd **** me from heaven
If you could, to hell.
I know I haven't posted in a while. Mother's day was tough.
Gray May 2019
you know me—
the ins and outs of my soul,
the fibres of my body;
what makes me squirm,
what makes me scream;
you know anything and everything
i could ever want someone to know,
and help me know more.

you see me for me,
not some broken parts—
and for that?
i could never love you more
a little piece about trust
i'm just posting what i can as i don't know when i will be able to post once more.
i love you all
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