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MetaVerse Mar 11
There once was from Lima a llama
Created by Pachayomama:
     He munched on some greenery,
     Ascended the scenery,
And surveyed the whole planorama.
Laokos Feb 27
I’m not good enough to write
this poem. these ******* words
won’t come. here I am, feeling
like a dried **** on the grass—
all hard, white and shriveled
obstinately sitting there, surrounded
by all that lush green.
this resistance is a real *******,
sitting on me like a sumo wrestler,
smiling in its power over me.
looking down on me
and controlling me effortlessly.

“you can’t write poetry,
you’re a nobody.
a real lukewarm leftover special.
no one will ever love you.
no one will ever like you.
no one will ever see you.
no one wants you to succeed.
no one wants to read your poetry.
don’t waste your time doing
something you’ll never be good at.
you’re not good enough.
you’re not strong enough.
someone like you could never
be someone like that.
someone like you could never
do something like that.
someone like her would never
love someone like you.
you’re gross,
nobody wants to look at you.
stay home.
don’t do anything.
don’t even try.
give up.”

I mean, this guy’s got a million
of these bumper stickers
and he slaps them all over
the inside of my car
all day, every day—
that is, when he’s not using
my chest as a seat cushion.
it’s gotten to the point where
I now can’t see out of my windshield.
I just wanna go somewhere
but he won’t let me see
where I’m going.
he won’t stop talking.
I can’t hear the music anymore.
I don’t know where I am.
I can’t breathe.
I just know that this car feels
more like solitary confinement
than freedom and the a/c
stopped working a long time ago.

I think I need to stop the car.
I need to open the door
and step out into the light.
I don’t even need to take
off the bumper stickers,
I think I just need to walk
for a while—
move at my natural rhythm again.
like children do before
we start in on them.
before we start building their car
around them and teaching them
to believe in it.

this is you.
you are this car.
except when you’re alone,
then maybe you can leave
the car but never in public,
never in front of other people.
this car will protect you from
them, from the world—
from yourself.
hide in it.

well, I left my car
on the side of the road
some ways back
with the keys in it
and a full tank of gas.
the door’s open,
take it if you need it.
hell, take it if you want it,
I don’t give a ****—
just don’t try
to pick me up in it
if you ever catch up.


P.S. watch out for the fat guy in the diaper.
nicole Feb 6
11-13-24   9:24pm

a calmness most certain
the wind blankets me with a hug
birds greeting
quiet awakening

1071 Sunny Hill sits patiently
with dwellers
cycling in and out
each life
most meaningful than the last

a peace that fills the air
a warmth to fill your body
a soul that finds its purpose


it lives here
neth jones Nov 2024
you drive my car    and i am a serious man
a passenger   thru dumbland                  
leadened head laid back                
i've been allotted time   in that liquid sky
totally fxxxed up   but it's bin a day  hasn't it?

don't breathe                              
           we are gone
beyond     we are eyes without a face
our inter-beings   all blood tea and red string
in the wrong hands   we are a ****** party
hand in hand you are my spider baby        
                    and i  am all ‘mom and dad’ at play
i dread you should say 'i don't know what you mean ?'
...but it doesn't come to that
you allow me          
           and we are smiles unravelling space and texture
miles of scope and no arrest for the wicked
no rest for the foreign
no reign for the horses   no horse for a kingdom
we are kings of this country                        
    yet we belong to this landscape
and its negative edible

riding with you (roof down  converted)            
we joined the new world                                    
we took a journey   to the beginning of time      
    it feels like we're fleeing   an extravagant shared criminal act
i look across at you  and the brood of thoughts    
are so sedate and fantasy ***** and socially writ
that i broker the realities we’ve borrowed                 (the flux gourmet splatter of dimensions)
and return us to the pair of cannibals in love that we are
                                          firing out across trip america
           an invention for destruction
invited back by life's appetite

                                             [signed] ­- a love exposure

the d.v.d. titles -
drive my car / a serious man / dumbland / liquid sky / totally f***ed up / don't breathe / eyes without a face / blood tea and red string / ****** party / spider baby / mom and dad / the new world / a journey to the beginning of time / the brood / broker / flux gourmet / invention for destruction / love exposure
Millions are flowing to Bitcoin
And joining this stable ship
But almost none are flowing out
As Bitcoin is a one way trip

Many are coming for safety
From debasement’s steady drip
They stay as their value grows
Thus Bitcoin is a one way trip

Some flow to bitcoin for freedom
From the tyrant’s desperate grip
And then grow more committed
As Bitcoin is a one way trip

Sometimes the price will bore you
And sometimes the price will rip
But over years, the value soars
For Bitcoin is a one way trip

It’s a one way trip for people
So far, a one way trip for price
Make the trip over to bitcoin
You won’t need to make it twice
You can see this poem on a background here - Fiat will go down in value over the coming years.  Bitcoin will go up in value over the coming years.  It's not chance - it's the way each one is issued.
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
The curse of the night
Is the blure in my life
The Things I took, weren't nice
They Show me a spooky sight

Scars like tattoos on my skin
Telling the stories I went in
The game I played, I will not win
It made me live in the city of sin

But this city is tearing me down
This city, full of strange clowns
And the odd beast is wearing the crown
And I'm wearing the queens gown

I tried to find a way
So I can leave the city today
But all the ways lead to stay
Trapped in the city, no way away

I hear a haunted voice
It was to much but not your choice
Now I have to pay the invoice
I hear the creepy drum beat noise

It's the army of death
I have no breath
They're comming, to bring me to the depth
To chamber of the undead

A ringing voice, hey sis come back
I looked at the door, I hear it crack
And then around me, only black
The earth was quaking and I felt a whack

My mind flew through space
I came back to my place
I saw my brothers face
The paramedic said "We have to go, no time to waste"
Malia May 2024
It’s like I’m walking
Home from school,
Counting the houses
That look the same.

It’s like I’m skipping
The cracks again,
Humming the tune
Inside of my head.

It’s like my shoe laces
Keep coming undone
No matter how much
I tie them up.

I pick at the thread
Hanging off of my sweater,
Not bothering to bend down
And double-knot.

And then when I trip,
I sit
And wonder
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2024
outskirts of
in darkness
the road
is moving
at the perfect

like peaceful
blend into
the fog
of circling

an overnight
staring out
the window

entirely out
of the interstitial
that make
for a sort of
Edoardo Alaimo Feb 2024
You could go on adventures together,
Enjoying a hot cup of mulled wine,
Or just share stories sitting on a couch,

Having an infinite amount of joy
Spreading bullsh1t 10000 km away,
Finding secret codes, creating phrases.

Some threads work in close range,
Or they stretch out a far distance,
Tying with friends, new or old alike,

They melt the rock ice beneath,
Within the reach of your finite souls,
Exploring the walls of a finite home.

They bring fire in your heart,
Making it want more and more
Thirsty of the whole endless world.
Thoughts after a 22hours trip back home,
And after 3 months in California,
Harvesting opportunities and meeting wonderful people

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