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mja Feb 2015
my mother told me
that I should take
great precaution
because some people die
of a broken heart

what she doesn't know
is I would choose
to die
in the most brutal
and grotesque ways possible
over and over again
just to have my heart
broken by

Don't tell her I said that.

He used to quote John Green

Like the cancer kid he was "on a roller coaster that only went up”

He never told me he was afraid of heights
ema m Jan 2015
reality is like the bitter cold morning air
reality is like a brutal slap
reality is something i wish to avoid
because why live in reality
when you can live in blissful oblivion
i want to forever avoid reality
Micah Dec 2014
I fall in love the way I fall asleep:
Slowly and then not at all!
Jillian Elcie Dec 2014
The fault of our reality is not written in our stars
And it will not dance across unfavorable constellations,
Or dissolve into inconsolable fragments.

The fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

But how fortunate would it be?
To cast the providence of our unlucky affairs
Into the gloomy twilight,
Where the sky is so unilluminated
That we could close our restful eyes
And fathom a world where it does not exist?

But the fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

We are heavily folded sheets of stationary:
A collection of utterances
Bound into melancholy novels
By our mangled hearts,
And though spoken words
Still fall onto my turning pages
As tears do fall from my reddened cheeks,
I have yet to forget
The chapter you have left unwritten,
Because an unwritten chapter is one to be adorned:
It cannot end
For it does not exist.
And so we fumble through an amorous affliction,
Fabricated into a bittersweet infinity.

And at midnight,
When my restless fingers
***** the empty air for you,
And the reality of our desolate fault
Seeps into my hands,
I wish you were here.

But the fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

Inspired by John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars".
Margar Nov 2014
I love you Augustus,
With my heart entire,
It is you,
I admire,
With all my heart.

It may not seem okay,
That you left me to stay,
With my heart broken,
But as you always say,
"Maybe 'okay' will be our always,"
So will be it.

This is our token,
For the "third" space I felt,
And hopefully I'll feel.

Tell me, Augustus Waters,
What can I do when all I can feel is loneliness?
This is as if Hazel were saying it.
raingirlpoet Sep 2014
She was a hurricane
a tempest so true
so strong and indestructible
blowing through existence
and soaking everyone
in her way
day by day
more fell wounded
from her rage
but ignorant
to the truth
too big for the small town box she’s locked inside
she wants to matter
she dreamed of gettin’ out
for herself
yet she worries
she was fighting a war within herself
endless heart wrenching vindictive battles
she lost
she’s drowning
she doesn’t care
she’s had enough
of the paper towns
the paper people
the paper lies
sooner or later
the paper will
inspired by the female leads in Mr. John Green's novels
Raphael Cheong Sep 2014
Your love is one that does not age
Like the lilac wine that blossoms Into a beauty over time

Time and timelessness will bind
The vines of this enchantment

A dichotomy so intertwined
Like the asphalt in the ocean
As we float above the waters
In ceaseless beating motion

Our dispositions secure
We live in spates of wake
In homes built with our hearts
We bend but do not break
In a distant possibility
Perhaps an ending looms
Though ours is no exception
We love what we can take
Of smiles and half-creased wrinkles
Of tears and jumping lakes
These ribs protect intrusion
But lungs are built to fail
Yet though the heart is naked
Fragilities prevail

I love you with the ticking
Of clocks that won't rewind
For the first time you left me
Our cross became a line
Posting this really late but I wrote this after watching the tfios movie! :-)
raingirlpoet Sep 2014
Dear Wish Granting Factory
I know you said you are not the world
But for a minute,
Can you be?

Dear Wish Granting Factory
You asked me what I would wish for
If you existed
Right now, in this moment, I believe
You exist

What do I wish for?
Oh, Wish Granting Factory
I wish to know the sensation of feet slapping against pavement and lungs burning so bad that you feel you are going to faint
I wish to know that the muscles in my fingers will not fail me when I spread them and cross my arms over to make the Nerdfighter gang sign
I wish to know what it is like to look at myself in the mirror and think
I like the way I look

Dear Wish Granting Factory
I wish to see myself clearly through the eyes of someone
That Someone Who will one day look at me like I am the most beautiful thing in existence
I wish to know that that love exists and it is not just a figment of my imagination
Dear Wish Granting Factory
Do William Darcys really exist?
If so, please point me in that direction so I can find him

Dear Wish Granting Factory
I wish to make a difference in this society in which I am the minority
That my voice may be heard loudly and clearly even though it trembles
That my story be told truthfully and I, a person, a human being with feelings and emotions and thoughts that are not invalid because I have a disability and are therefore “inept” am represented as I see myself
A strong, confident, young girl who is living her life the way she wants to see it and nothing will hold me back.
Disabilities do not define me now, nor will they ever

Dear Wish Granting Factory
I wish to live to see the day when I meet my birth mother and face her
As a stranger, though her daughter
And tell her these words
I love you
I forgive you
I missed knowing you

Dear Wish Granting Factory
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