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axr Sep 2014
Oh John Green!
Why must you see me this way?
You make me weep
and wish they would live another day.
You are so witty
but you do lack certain skills
Killing the main character is so unfriendly
But chocolate will solve the problem anyway
You make me think a lot of things
but they don't have a lasting effect
I know you throw a lot of paper in the bin
But in all due honesty
I feel like setting you ablaze.
Much love,
Ashton Nance Jun 2014
The fault in our stars is inevitable.
We all know that stars explode but what we see is a beautiful blast of light.
That's how my love is for you.
I'm shouting into the void and risking oblivion but the strength and depth of my love is infinite.
When you're gone, I'll experience a pain that's 10/10
But in the end I know that I'll be
I just watched tfios yesterday so I thought it'd be fitting to write a poem about it. This is dumb, lol.
Ashlei Cottom Jun 2014
You told me I was beautiful,
A cigarette between your teeth.
I raged at the careless gesture,
You laughed and smiled.
The first meeting,
A beautiful metaphor.

A first kiss,
A shared wish,
And the silent love.
A beautiful metaphor.

Happily Ever After came crashing down,
Our demise up in lights,
You held on 'til the bitter end,
A flickering candle in the dead of night.
A beautiful metaphor.

You'll live forever in me.
Augustus and Hazel,
Okay? Okay.
A beautiful metaphor.
A poem about "The Fault In Our Stars"

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Unrequited Love Jun 2014
John Green made me sad in the best possible way...

So thanks

Augustus,who taught me to love people no matter what.

Hazel,for showing me we are all beautiful.

Alaska,for saying its okay to be a bit mischievous.

Pudge,for proving that you don't have to have millions of friends to feel loved.

The Coronel, for teaching me to believe in myself,no matter where I had come from.

Colin,for my eureka moment.

Both Will Graysons,for showing me is okay to not know exactly who you are.

And every character in Paper Towns,who just made me really happy.

But lastly and most importantly I'd like to thank John Green,because you made my life a better place with your books, and for that I'm forever greatful
I'm so happy I found those books
Maria E Jun 2014
The voice I posses is no greater than the rest
My mind's no better I can't take just any test
I cry with little things, laugh with the same
Surely to no one, greater I came

But to be adored by many is not what I intend
Just to be loved deeply by someone I depend
With his whole heart, his being, his soul
One who I could also love without control

We might not be as infinite as one until three
But our own infinity is enough, just enough for me
That love you gave, you gave it true
There's nothing more I could ask, just another chance to be with you
In light of another inspiration -- The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel and Gus

(Sorry if I didn't give enough justice. I just really wanted to create a poem for the wonderful work Mr. John Green made. The book's awesome and so is the movie. So yeah, TFTBA people! :) )
Cathyy Jun 2014
I've got a hot date in Heaven..
Don't keep me up 'cause he'll be waiting,
He was my first love,
And maybe my last love,
.. Sometimes my worst love,
But we won't talk about that ;)

And i'm lying here while he sets us a table,
I've been to Amsterdam but never to the city of angels
All i know is i'm in love,
With my only best friend..
And it's a holiday i'll tell them,
I'll be back more 'heaven sent'..

But til then i'll just talk to the stars..

Oh would it be okay if i chose not to move on?
'Cause i believe in holding on,
And i believe you're holding on too
&All; the stars that alligned us,
Will hopefully find us..
And again..
And againnn..

I've got a hot date in Heaven..
Don't keep me here 'cause Augustus is waiting..
He was my first love
And maybe my last love
But always my favourite love
... Yeah i'll talk about that.

Someday i'll write about that.
Heyhey it's Cathyy,
So today is the 12th of June here in the UK, the first screening of tfios is showing !! I'm missing it though haha but i'm watching it next week! I know already so many of you american fans have watched it this week! I hope you like my new song lyrics! Would love to record this properly.. Someday ;)
Zaynub Jun 2014
comfortable silences
are like a third space
found in the phone calls
of Hazel Grace
and Augustus Waters

they hold their own infinity
with the power of words
because nothing needs to be said
in a place of mutual silence
AavelinaJaden Jun 2014
I fell in love like the way you fall asleep: like getting hit by a ******* bus that knocks you out of your senses and *In that moment I swear we were infinitely in love but ******* you left me on my own. I know love and lust don't always keep the same company but I find great companionship in your eyes and I'm quite hoping you'll stick around. May the odds be ever in our favor of falling in love again in the empty house we once called mine where i'm divergent and I can only be controlled by my fears (of losing you) that send me recoiling in your arms every night; I solemnly swear that I am up to no good and I spend every second wishing you'd love me like I love you.
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