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Lyla Sep 2024
Don’t cast your pearls to swine, my love
Your gifts are far too rare
They will not spoil in time my love
If you treat them with care

Don’t give yourself away, my dear
Hold tight your precious heart
Please never let us see the day
You lose a single part

Don’t cast your pearls to swine, sweetheart
For they will never know
The beautiful divinity
Contained within your soul

Don’t share the secrets of your mind
With those who cannot see
The depth and breadth behind your eyes
Instead, share them with me

I’ll hold your pearls dear to my heart,
Appreciate them all
My darling I am drawn to you
See how I heed your call?

You’ve cast your pearls so many times
And this time I was there
With heart and soul and arms outstretched
To catch them from midair

Don’t cast your pearls to swine, angel
The precious gift of you
For you deserve the greatest fate
A life with love that’s true
Inspired by Matthew 7:6-7
Man Jun 2024
Ignorance quashed the feline,
Rashness foiled the canine,
Cowardice cost the equine,
Greed consumes each swine,
Slothfulness traps the bovine,
But me? I'm doin' just fine!
Traveler Jun 2020
Frequencies of low vibrations
Restrict my even flow
The sinking heaviness
Of the poverty stricken
Weighs a tons upon the whole

See, my soul is not an institution
My love is not a level field
I cast my pearls and join the swine
With whom I share my festive meals

I retreat upon my lonely hill
And close my weary blinds
Where I saved one of their pills
To settle my restless mind

I think I'll stay home next time!
Traveler Tim
Destiny C Dec 2018
I feel trapped inside my head,
speaking a language nobody can understand.
As I pour my heart out,
casting my pearls upon the people around me,
they turn away.
My words don't matter to them.
They never did.
As I muster the courage to try to speak up again,
I realize I'm alone.
Just one last pearl left for company.
Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
Winking, Stinking and Clod,
Each with a gross ugly ***.
Each a miserable  thief
With greed past belief
And all were hatched out of a pod.

Two hundred silly baboons,
So like unfunny cartoons,
Overpaid and mindless,
They call them a congress.
We won’t be forgetting them soon.

Floppy, Tipsy and Cottonhead
Three bunnies talented in bed.
They rake in the gold
Doing what they’re told
Repeating to no one what’s said.

Hakey fakey Doctor Duck,
Gives glowing reports for a buck.
Not much they’ve done
Was anything like fun
But his hush money fills a truck.

Liar, liar, pants on fire
How does your bank account grow?
We hastily must warn
The banks are foreign
So Americans have no way to know.
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
As the cries of the captives
are left unanswered
So will the prayers
of the pious
be forever met
with silence

As the pleadings
of the warrior
abandoned forlorn
are met with indifference
So will the oblations
of pretensions
be met only with scorn

As the words of the prophet
that the famine soon
would be lifted
were met with
callous unbelief
So will those gatekeepers
be trampled
in the stampede
of the multitudes
who seek God's relief

For those who have ears
So let them care
For those who have none
Let their eyes in death
coldly and everlasting stare

For the words
of God's wisdom
are life to the dieing
They are surely for
the self-righteous
precious pearls
before swine


Àŧùl Aug 2017
You were beautiful,
At a time when you were mine.

You were beautiful,
When you drank love wine.

You were beautiful,
Till you became swine.
My HP Poem #1647
©Atul Kaushal
Brent Kincaid Dec 2016
Soowee, soowee. Top of our lungs
That’s how we used to call the hogs
And every time they would come,
Running just like well trained dogs,
Because they knew it meant food
Even though that food was just slop,
Those pigs have nothing like taste.
But nothing could make them stop.

Lately I have noticed human beings
Who seem to behave the same way.
They gobble the media slop they hear
Every day after mind-numbing day.
They too seem to have no taste
And smell something they really dig;
Nothing any sensible creature eats
But it seems to be ambrosia to a pig.

Squee, squee, squee they snort
And salivate, squeal and chow down
On the unpalatable pap served up
By the greedy media super-clowns.
It’s almost like they would pass up
A meal of honest, unvarnished truth
To gorge themselves to a stupor
On the crap they loved as a youth.

I’m always surprised that these folks,
This metaphoric, too human swine
Don’t go out in public in pajamas
Like worn by young neighbors of mine
With cartoon mice and supermen
Instead of the clothes of an adult.
They go vote like uninformed fools.
And current Congress is the result.
Pedro munoz Mar 2016
I've had an unsettling
Feeling since 2 am
A bit frustrating
Your love is dissipating

I woke up with a thought
And a wretched feeling
Through my gut
I think I'm ******

You're in my arms
I have you close
And it might cause me harm
But for now I enjoy your charm

I hope it's not fake
Your words and actions
But I know you lie
That makes me quake

Don't waste my time
Because my heart
It's on the line
And I'm just in line

To try and call you mine
I wish I was first
But that's just fine
Just don't make me out to be a swine.
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