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Abigail Night Apr 2015
I first saw her when I was a young kid
she didn't see me because I hid
She was very pretty
but looked at everyone with pity
she was so small
yet she was so tall
she didn't know me
but she could
and she would

we were now teens
where i could be seen
i wanted help
i hated myself
but she was there
she told me what to wear
she said we were friends
till the end

she saw how i thought i was fat
said she would help me get flat
it will be a big fray
but do as i say

she told me

eat less she said
you wont have dread.
lose more weight
you already ate
your so close
pretty like a rose.

just like a rose in a flash of red
i was dead
i was so light
not daring to take a single bite
i was gone
just before dawn.
the self hate was still there
Ana didn't seem to care.

she stood next to the grave
there the last gift she gave
a wicked smile
and took another name from the file.

this was her plan all along
a long twisted song
it was so wrong
now i'm gone
because of that self made demon spawn.
Ana Anorexia has killed me.
You're not alone...
Rusty Apr 2015
Going through so much ****** up **** and having it all dealing with important ( **** that matters so deeply to you ) things In your life just ***** a person up. And with a negative soul taking over every thought of happy ones, is just all bad for a person. Especially for a person like me. Demons are real, very real. They torture you in ways that's so dark, scary and ******* weird, they have nothing but deadly motives. All that scary **** is real, but so is happy, and loving things, the "dark" world in a persons mind are very interesting and so curious to knows about. But the happy, live, positve world is the world for me. You feel so alive, you feel yourself, you feel like just changing the world, learning new things, you feel like a walking soul in s human beautfil body. Love yourself and don't get to curious with the curious dark side of yourself. Cause its not a place for anyone
josin137 Mar 2015
I have a message,
To all those out there
Who have been hurt, betrayed, and lied to
I say this once,
I’ll say it again
Stay strong,
Wait for tomorrow
A brighter day
A day that will arrive no matter what
But will you be there?
Yes, you will
Tomorrow will be the day
You smile, with all your heart
And laugh, with all your might
Be there, be happy
Show them,
Who you truly are
The strong, powerful and bright
The person they’ll regret
Throwing away
Like useless trash
Make them think
Make them want you back
And tell them,
This is a message,
Stay Strong.
Stay Strong, Love Again
Death-throws Mar 2015
I lack inspiration, when sound does not riddle the causeways of my mind
when echos bounce less around my cranium and more from my lips i find..
solace in the fact that no longer am i directed from indirect communications but more from the sound i make,
i learnt to grasp the steering wheel in both hands and turn sharp in the corners,
i learnt that without sound echoing through my ears my eyes work with pinpoint accuracy..
i never noticed the way the grass grows over old cobbles..
i never noticed the way my heart beats
the way it skips, and bleats,
i learnt not to be a sheep, but a profit,
a guider to the blind,
don't tell them I'm blind as-well
because it doesn't matter if i can see or i cant
it does not matter if what i say is truth or lies
but if the fiction of my antiquity compels you to lift your heart up
brings joy from the desolation of your mind but to the fore front of the battle field that is your life i have achieved something incredible, I've achieved peace
peace through happiness, joy through inspiration so read on!
read on young soldier,
your broken mind and battle ready battle wounds are bound too tightly by your compassion to conform
take of your bandages and read on! read forwards and on wards and strive to learn, why
why young soldier i know you've never been trained
and i know your mind is ill with discontent and i know your shoes are whittled to your socks and i know
i know how hard it is to stand with two broken legs and only the solace of that barren bare cranium to lean on
but in my antiquity young soldier
i have learnt that we are all warriors
fighters along a broken line standing our ground against greater odds then you could ever conceive of battling...
i know young solider that many will fall and die
and many will perish to broken minds and hearts and souls,
but the ones who make it through this perishable existence, the ones who fight beyond any compassion  beyond any reason,
god I've met boys who will tear out each others throats with their teeth I've learnt that men are shells of creatures that have never been fully understood,
my existence has been about 
nothing but fighting
and now i have reached an age where i can lay down the rifle of my words, i can leave my blunted knives to rust in a back closet i realized young soldier
the agony of your existence may seem like the end, but its just the start.
and when your reach a  point in your life where you can rest,
savor it,
do not let someone tell you how to exist without your consent , do not fight a battle you do not want to fight,
stand your ground young soldier
re-reinforcements are on the way
for a friend whose struggling... chin up bub x
Camila Jan 2015
In my mind you will always be safe ground,
and while I´m away working the night shift,
wishing to quit and run back home,
I´ll remember how you kissed me
and I wont be alone.
Rhianna Thorn Jan 2015
there's something about her
you just cant figure out

she runs with her legs
slightly wobbling
she comes last in her whole year
yet she smiles like shes
won the olympics

she falls over
she runs into trees
and falls over while
scraping her knees
and despite the sting
she grins

she gets back her
maths test and came
last in the year
yet she is laughing
with stitches in her sides

her mother just
yelled at her for something
that happened at school
with some girls kicking her
when she hit back she was
the one who got detention
yet she sits in her room
giggling about a boy in her year
with her best friend on the phone

she laughs
she smirks
she grins
and chuckles
at life around her

did anyone notice
the red stains on her sleeves?
hope you guys are all good at home and school be happy and safe okay? :)
Noomz Dec 2014
I want to write

about this boy who survived the fight

about this girl who did whats right

about two lovers who hold on tight

and fight their demons every night

about someone trying to reach the light

about a child who suppressed his fright

about survivors, warriors who had reached the highest height!
Creep Dec 2014

I don't care if you hate yourself
And hate everything around you.
Im going to be a selfish blunt ***** and tell you that I need you. We need you.

If you leave me,
Who will remind me to punish the holy and free the sinned
All while being awesome?
You will just leave me with heartache
And too many tears...
The grief will drown me,
And I will struggle for a breath that isn't there.
I might even join you.

There's still so much left for you to experience,
Like the way the sun might dance across your skin as you lay lackadaisically on the beach,
Or how you might smile and maybe shy away as I go paparazzi mode on you,
And the way the skyscrapers will tower over you, blocking the sun,
A vampire's natural habitat.
I need you to try
Theres so much left you need to do...
Like meet at starbucks somewhere in manhattan and write poetry together ;)

I want to be your tour guide.  
I need you,
If you leave, I'll never forgive you or myself.
I won't be able to go on,
And there would be no point for me to stay.
Stay strong, im always here... Youll get through it... Ill bully/blackmail  the person in charge to make sure you do cx ^^
Youve been so strong for all of us, always thinking about others and caring... Now its our turn to show you how much you really mean to us! U always talk about others, think about others and care. And thats amazing in itself... Stay and we will show you how much u mean to us and our immense gratitude for your kindred spirit.


Snap out of it
By arctic monkeys
xJaden Tx Dec 2014
I cried in despair,
Begging to be spared
"Please stop hitting me" I plead
It was too late. I could no longer flea...
He did this for so many years,
Until I stood up and wiped away my tears.
I'm now safe and sound,
But these ugly scars still remain.
His constant insults drove me insane.
His brutal beatings left me in pain.
So you may say,
"How are you still okay?"
The truth is I am scared no longer,
For all that pain only made me stronger.
I didn't lose,
Because time heals all wounds.
What do ya think? Just gave it a shot and started writing. It's my first poem so I don't know if it's really that great. I hope it's good.
Kylia Nov 2014
beginning there were
Stars, millions of
Fiery orbs clearly visible in
theVoid of

But do you see stars now?

The world has become our pollution,
Our demise. Making planets our to be stars
But if we want to--and we will, we can
Shine, shine bright, brighter than we've
Ever been before.

*And we will be noticed
This society is created to discourage us, to tell us that we're forever not good enough, and to blind us to the great things that we could have done--and can do, if we choose to. Don't let the negative opinions of others affect you, supernova.
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