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Emm Jan 2018
captured my whole world in a coy,
A lighthearted grin conveying no meaning
nor intentions, nor yearning,
but the purest of joy

and though that's not an offer
all I want now is to join in that little happy world,
leave mine behind,

so simple, pure, so naive...

how we exchanged nothing else but a simple banter

but if you'll let everything unfold,
with me, even if it doesn't work out, with a memory so fond,
I would be contented enough in make believe
Max Alvarez Jan 2018
This morning
In bed with you
My good arm draped over you like the blanket you like to take in the night
I watched your peachy skin begin to glow in the rising sun’s light
I adore your hair
That auburn color that greets me as I wake
I count the seconds of my life with each and every breath you take
And what beautiful breaths you take
I love when you wrap your leg around mine
And our fingers intertwine
For moments that I can only describe as forever
We become one
Until I whisper something silly in your ear
Because your laugh I love to hear
Truthfully, I just love you, my dear
ashley lingy Jan 2018
I have yet
To feel your mouth
The curve of your back
The scruff of your beard

I have yet
To see your brown eyes in the sunlight
To see each line in your face
To see your breath fog up in the cold

Soon, I will
Touch you
Taste you

My heart flutters as that day grows closer

I wonder if I will be able to stay standing
When you are finally...
In the flesh
Right in front of me.
Andreas Simic Nov 2017

If I was a kitten
Maybe I wouldn’t be so smitten
It’s as though I’ve been bitten

There is no chance
Of romance
Maybe under a different circumstance

Though it seems she was heaven sent
And I feel an urge to relent
It would likely lead me to repent

Don’t know why the attraction
Am I looking for some sort of satisfaction
Help me Lord to inaction

For I know not why there is this thing
Leading me to ponder a fling
Knowing it will only grief bring

Yet there it is this temptation
Is it there as some sort of revelation
Providing a piece of education

But alas with all my will
I bring a chill
To that part of me seeking a thrill

Andreas Simic©
Beware the Anna Conda
of Boa Vista;
So easy to coil up
in those snakes for arms,
so deadly to be bitten
by those snakes for charms.
Elliott Aug 2017
Cigarettes stain my nose with the smell
I'm not sure how to tell you I'm love with you
but the smell of gasoline makes me forget to tell you
I'm allergic to three words.
Elliott Jul 2017
******* slowly
Time close
to me,
hanging on
my side,
the side I kept
my tattoo.
                                    Buttoning quickly
                                       Tying my shoes,
                                              laced in fear
                                   A few hours
                                      away from thinking
                                         about who I love

              (My own personal bomb),

                                                                                    ...thinking of you.
Elliott Jul 2017
is afraid to fall in love,
because when you fall,
and the other just watches,
every feeling feels shattered,
  every dust of your world
   collapses at your feet,
    you swear you’re

Until  someone
reminds you, if
they ever do,
you’re alive.
Good luck
Lyn Camm Jun 2017
I'm giddy;
it's like high school. Your smile buckles my knees, and your laughter makes me weak.

I can't wait to see you.
Thoughts of you, and your silly jokes, confused face, and that hair.
You're Beautiful.

Your eyes are so full of life, and I can't get enough.
The last few days have been some of my best.
Elliott Jun 2017
Kiss me like we’re going to die tonight.

Kiss me like a meteor
will crash down on top of us
and we’ll burn͞
(like the churches want us to burn)
Under it.

Kiss me like I did
Back when I still cared what people thought
And kissed boys the way I thought
Was socially acceptable
Because being gay was wrong then.

Kiss me like we’re that stupid couple
That make out in the hallways
like they’ll never see each other again
and block our way to our classes.

Kiss me like those lesbian love songs you love so much,
let our rhythm play the beat through us,
and let it make you believe I can sing,
because this is the only time I’m in key.

Kiss me like we’re going to die tonight.
I can't sleep
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