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Rui Rosa Nov 2018
I remember my first sleep paralysis like it was yesterday
I would go to sleep and then I would fall asleep
In a matter of seconds I was floating over my bed
It was weird and scary back on the day
Since time past it kept getting worse and worse
At the point of becoming routine
I didnt nkow why I kept having those lucid dreams
So one day I decided to search on google
And i found that i had sleep paralysis
It didnt help much since I didn't nkow how to stop it
Today I still dont nkow why I have it
Is it normal? or maybe I have an evil spirit inside me
Who nkows?
Since I have the gift
Why not use it to write a good poem.
How I discovered I had sleep paralysis and how it started.
Rui Rosa Nov 2018
I lost faith, hope and sleep.
My soul has awakened my REM (RAPID EYE MOVEMENT),
Where everything becomes a lucid dream
This is where the terror begins.
Inhuman visions begin,
The shadows come close to me
Whispering my name,
I see a figure,
He tries to steal my soul,
My body unable to move,
Panic begins to set in,
Unable to breathe,
I try focusing in my getaway.
"Wake up"
I try to wriggle my toes.
In last despair,
I try to use the trump to my only salvation.
The phrase that kills all evil presences.
"Jesus blood has power"
That's when he screamed like there was no tomorrow,
A scary loud shout,
I've never heard anything like it.
It seemed like it was falling apart.
I just woke up.
Since that day I began to believe in Jesus and his power.
One of many episodes of sleep paralysis
Mae Jun 2018
My dreams are alive
I am awake

Eyelids weighted
Body limp
It falls asleep

My mind is awake

My heart sinks
My chest is tight
My breath is shallow


"Wake up"
"Wake up"
"Please wake up"

I launch my body forward
And force my eyelids open
I gasp for air

I am awake
amitriptyline Feb 2018
nights don't matter. when you're all alone. feels like you're stranded, on an island with no food. the water glistens as the waves crash. you think you hear your name but that's just the man in purple whispering.

you're stranded so he wants your soul. to eat it and drown you in a fire. you're stranded so you cry and sleep alone, and he laughs and licks your tears of blood and black.

he grabs you and rips you to shreds. but you're out in the sea and all you do is scream. you put the pillow on your face so all you see is black. no more purple is what you desire, then all you get is white.

you ask yourself "did i make it out alive?" but the answer is, no. you're dead. then you plummet. what felt like hope disintegrated into rubble... and now... the one blue that became purple, the black you yearned for that formed to white, the red that bled into your mind. it's all...
Cat Nov 2017
Staring into the darkness
I see my darkest fear
What if something were to re-appear
Right before my eyes
I lay paralyzed
Distorted from what is real
Night time
The shadows are so near
Creeping in the darkness
Faces can appear
Mental images flashing though my mind
Sending shivers up my spine.
Cné Jun 2017
Behind the gauzy veil of dreams in early morning mist
I'm held by the shadows 'neath the moon, a dark somnambulist.

I strive to awaken and arise, yet it eludes my demands.
Like faith that leaves beleaguered souls adrift in shifting sands.

What do the shadows want with me in realms of weary dreams?
My brain draws near but my body is paralyzed, it seems.

Am I a treasure of a sweet caress? Or my light like a lover's kiss?
Is loneliness their punishment or is it more than this?

I relax and try to rise. The dream will not subside.
Specters hold me down inside spreading panic in my mind.

And so I go adrift again. In faith I hold on and on.
I'll find my way back into zen with the breaking of the dawn.
Anyone ever experience sleep paralysis?
Brett Palmero May 2017
I wake up to shadows
My body unable to move
Panic begins to set in
These visions inhuman

My eyes are barely open
I can see them moving
I'm awake it seems
Yet I'm still in a dream

The shadows move closer
They shift and whisper
I wonder what they say
As I panic where I lay

Here I realize something
How good it feels to choose
What happens around me
And how I shape my reality
What it feels like to have had sleep paralysis and hallucinations. This used to happen and when it did, I was in between reality and dreams.
RyanMJenkins Feb 2017
Hordes of metaphorical oracles awaken me from sleep
Dreams of paralysis, lost inside the deep
Rabbit hole analysis meets a descent so steep
While these Prodding thoughts got me tripping over my own feet
Interpretations or revelations what does it mean?
How long can one last existing inside of this scene?
Wide eyes lids closed coincide with winter snow
shallow breath heavy toll watching bodies decompose
presence felt, identity unknown, an experience to shake the bones.
Straining to take quick control, interpretations from the occipital lobe
lying semi lucid, fear from the cold
vocalizing panicked silence binded in time with mind stuck in molds
To even have witnissed this instance means it's time to grow.
the fire's flowing im slowly blowing my CO2
What do I want, what do I need?
This mission eye must see through
Take this steady ascension into the next lesson
clearing the mirror for a perspective of truth.  
The more that is reflected, the more I see you
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