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K Balachandran May 2018
a pair of red gloves,
fury in brown boxer shorts;
blood splattered on floor!

I saw a woman walking with earbuds in--one earbud was in--while conversing over the phone with someone. Beauty overwhelmed her mortal body. A piece of her hair had loosely fallen from the right side of her scalp, and her blonde, beach waves blew in the wind.

Behind her was a man in a coral v-neck. He had blonde hair and the body build of a high school ****. Handsome. As the woman ahead of him leisurely strolled the streets of Minneapolis in her athletic shorts, which were outlined by gray stripes and dipped up in the middle of the side of her thighs, the wind seemingly spun the ****'s face 180 degrees. His eyes were awestruck and full of alive hope, wonder, and desire. Lust. What a picture.
Maria Etre Dec 2016
Your kisses
are snowflakes
that fall on my skin
like delicate lace
and slowly melt
as my passion
Alan S Bailey Sep 2016
Can't they see
That the only reason Trump has suddenly fallen in "love" with Mexico
And Christian rights is because it is getting closer to voting day?
Well you know that people are *SO dumb
that they
Would go gay the "TRUMPY" way, believe anything the desperate
****** would have to say...
I just felt like holding a REASONABLE Trump Roast...GET IT? **** Roast...? much much roast pork
Nilay Apr 2016
some words i have
some words you have
wish you were mine
wish we could rhyme

some steps you could never take
some promises i could never make
they wish you were mine
they wish we could rhyme

Bryan Amerila Apr 2016
Hide us in that box,
That rectangle of a box,
Our little box of threads and needles.
Stitch us on the seams, our dreams.
Sink us under your sole, our voices.
Hide us in that barrels, our troubles.
Distill our spirits, wash us pure.
Age us,
Open our souls after the war.
Bryan Amerila Apr 2016
War is not a game
to chessmen
pawned to death
but to the hands
that move them.
Wacsleftyy Jan 2016
She thought awhile,
of his warm, warm smile
and recalled she loved him with
a passion so bright,
that it burned through the night
but all he left her was grief
jeremejazz Dec 2015
Don't ever let love
Blind you from the true colors.
Open up your eyes
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