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Traveler Sep 2020
Shadows are the part of us
that refuse to grow.
We need to integrate them back
neatly in stow.
Traveler Tim

Ken Wilber
Amanda Hawk Sep 2020
In the evening
Turn off the lights
Slip on my headphones
And I disappear
Into thunderous beats
My feet learn to fly
As I dance around
In the living room

I only dance in the dark
Even on a full dance floor
I find a corner
Tucking myself in shadows
Allowing the beats to spin
Around, around my waist

So at night
I dance
Stomping out my emotions
Tears and rage
Cascading out with each step
Leave my bones aching

And I fall forward
Allowing my tears to escape
In beads of sweat
I only dance in the dark
Letting my emotions ache in bones
And upon bruised palms
Avis Green Sep 2020
Have you seen the downcast faces
fraternized with the loathed ******?

Look behind you,
You owned the shadow of facade
That moves between the surface of falsity
with the light of profound verity.

Can you see the similarities
Of the downcast and *****?
Or can you recognize yourself,
Together with those words?
Nylee Sep 2020
Things are happening in the shadows
I am aware, but unaware
What takes place in those dark places
Then I think, should I care
Should I not,
Is it okay, if it is not.

Time is of essence, I am losing it
What's to come, it is happening
I am affected, should I be affected
It is out of my hands
Should I try to grasp it
Maybe there is more to come.

It is dark, the day hasn't began
No truths have come to light
It is all well hidden
The plotting and plans unfold
The sequence it uncoded
I should have been prepared, no?

But no, there comes a fall,
A dive, trust shattered
Heart battered,
It is all too fast
Yes, I would move on
Leave behind the baggage I don't want.
Sally A Bayan Sep 2020

*   🌑

Late afternoon sky is a burning
orange...quickly changing
into a dark evening,
a new moon starts peeping...

they have laboured hard, as any day,
work ends not, while there's light,
every sunset, the night drapes them
with cold, comforting shadows,
they claim the night, for themselves,
no masters to order them around,
just them and the fleeing night,
for days seem prolonged, and
nights have become shorter

they beg the sky, and persist,
"please, let the dark stay longer,
why not let the dawn be deferred?
give us space, from each cruel day,
in the dark of night,
let us live our dreams..."

tell them, moon,
whisper to their ears, gentle wind,
whence do they moor their weary souls?
lighten the burdens of their aching lives
give rest to their fatigued brain,
heal their pained arms and feet,

o gentle wind, whisper to their ears,
in your silent ways, lead them, moon,
to a place where freedom reigns
and offers restful slumber....for,

only in the dark of night,
can they live their dreams...


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 20, 2020
(inspired by Claude Mckay's "The Tired Worker"
Mitch Prax Sep 2020
We eat our shadows
so that nothing else can hurt
us ever again

12:17 PM
It's like sweet song playing
And we're kids with that ball .
It's like chocolates raining
When I say that photo on the wall.
Some are faded
And few are scintillating.

The sky stops hailing
When to thought of those part of my life

The time had moved on
Dragging me too far
People say it stops for none
But never say it will make us forget who we are
Take a walk in your mind
Remember things you got , meet ones you lost
And Dust off your past .
UA Slam Sep 2020
Anxiety creeps on you in the night with no warning through light
It follows you everywhere like a shadow in darkness and light
It covers you up like a devil on your shoulder every time
He sticks on you like Velcro and you don’t notice because he is light
It whispers and sometimes screams in your ear words you don’t want to hear
It drowns you, overcomes you and you just want to swim to the light
It is in these troubled times you need a friend to help you through it
Trust me it helps to have a friend by your side, let them be your light
It’s in these times, it attacks you. You want to scream for it to go
Though fight it and challenge it with all your might. Darkness vs. Light.
~ Soph Buenviaje
Z Sep 2020
Alone I walk an unpredictable trail,
Mind racing analyzing all the ways I fail.
Feeling that the surrounding reality stands still,
As if everything surrounding me attacks at their will,
Alone with nature’s vitality, separated by the emotions we feel.
Perceptions of life’s purpose is to endure the suffering,
Pain brings the opportunity of a lesson,
Student of life, searching for knowledge insatiably.
Empathy, gratitude, a positive attitude,
Clear cut path to humbling, a fractured ego,
Comfort is an illusion, primary emotions a placebo.
Obstacles on the trail... rivers, fallen trees and stones,
No one here to utter words capable of breaking bones.
Language more powerful than the Manhattan project,
Weaponized communication formulated without logic.
Living through our actions, dangerous words become silent,
Respected for our effort, Results of an ego no longer defiant.
Shrouded in chaos no absolute truth,
Awareness resides with a present mind.
Accepting of spaces magnificent design,
New moments present an opportunity to own.
Anxiety provoked mind crippled in fear,
Trust the process then your path will be clear.
Darkness sheds a light in the end,
Growth is in the shadows, humanities path to ascend.
Feedback is always appreciated.
The sun will go down .
The days will run out .
Nothing remains for ages
But till then memories and pain can't be forgotten.

We might say we're not afraid to die
But it's truth , it's very difficult to say goodbye.
The silhouette of the lost one
Is like eye infront of gun

Memories and pain are really same
It hurts you taking each other's name .
The life is getting toxicating
But I'm still living
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