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Isaac afunadhula Dec 2022
There is a place like home
Far way from this land of mine
A place so distant yet close to my heart
It's a place of beauty where I  long  to be
With everything that's full of splender within the delights of  His existence
Yes it is place only  for those that seek after Him
Indeed there is a place like home
Far away from this land of mine were the saints live forever.
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2022
If you are
Seeking Moon
Then you are
Seeking me

Here I am
Said she

Then I....

Simply adore
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Sensory delight
Author's Note: Since ancient time
Road to the heart
Start with a talk
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
Don’t hide your words
use them and speak
Don’t bury the truth
and play hide and seek
Come out, come out
from wherever you are
Don’t hide behind lies
and be found a liar
For ready or not
the truth will come when
there’s no place to hide
and they’ve counted to ten
CrackedMoonboy May 2021
Things in life aren't the
brightness diamond imageable

                                                             Sometimes it's a smelly marker
                                                         moving from corner to corner, like
                                                                  my poem right here

My life has been full of light
and dark times were I needed
to see the light

                                                          But not everyone can help you
                                                            reignite the light with in your self

So like most I and others
would have to help ourselves
to find that lost spark

                                                          Cause not going to lie other can
                                                   help to find the one burning spark
                                                           that lives within most hearts

And it takes one moment in life
that can help you through a
dark storm

                                                       It's taking me awhile to find this out
                                                              but you should know that

Your passion can be reignite by
the hope in heart warm heart
One spark in life can change the hold board game. Or the people in your life
can change things, you need to find or look for them.
leeaaun Apr 2021
those whom you love
if their eyes seek somebody else's sweetness
then don't feel sour
because it ain't a betrayal
it's their choice
to see someone by their side
when they open eyes in the morning;
somebody whom they love
isn't you wish the same with them?
but always remember
only one of you
will get a chance to be with someone
since your love is one-sided;
they don't know about it
will you sacrifice it
to see them happy with someone else?
hard choices to make
fariha Mar 2021
in the silence,
i can hear something is shattering,
but it’s not the glass,
from the table,
nor from the kitchen,
what is it?
its turning into dust and debris,
all over the place,
but blinded by eyes,
and silence at mouths.
leeaaun Mar 2021
when you will seek peace
and you will find it in your pieces,
it's the real peace
peace is in your pieces
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